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Showing results 2051 - 2075 of 6554 matches November 21, 2011 Link to this post Re-Creation
nillapuddin stopped in to mention Re-Creation, a revisiting of a bunch of Halo tricks. Nice! (Louis Wu 21:54:50 UTC)
November 21, 2011 Link to this post The Lives of the Elite
Ogan Panavo sent us a link to The Lives of the Elite, a mockumentary that follows up the recent Life of the Grunts. More than you ever wanted to know...
(Louis Wu 21:53:56 UTC)
November 21, 2011 Link to this post Breaking Quarantine Run
MASSAIKUR put together a video showing you how to slam through the Breaking Quarantine achievement in about 5 minutes (you'll need the Bandanna skull to follow along) - little bit of extra entertainment at the start, too. Check it.
(Louis Wu 21:53:12 UTC)
November 20, 2011 Link to this post TacPad 2
Yeah, so... let's hope Apple doesn't get into military provisioning any time in the next 500 years. Thanks, robofin117. (Louis Wu 19:43:26 UTC)
November 20, 2011 Link to this post Waypoint Weekend Goodies
If you haven't been to Waypoint in a couple of days, check out the newest content: there's another episode of RvB MIA, the mini-series Rooster Teeth made to celebrate Anniversary's launch... an announcement of an Official Strategy Guide for Halo Anniversary from BradyGames (with pretty pictures)... and a video from MLGPro to help you with some CTF Sanctuary tips. Go check it all out! (Louis Wu 19:17:47 UTC)
November 20, 2011 Link to this post Decline, Part 1
Prime999r stopped in to announce Decline, Part 1 - a French machinima from Fun House Studios. (There are English subtitles - but the best parts of this project are language-independent.) Fantastic cinematography, great set design - really well-done! Part 2 will be out next week.
(Louis Wu 18:59:21 UTC)
November 20, 2011 Link to this post Another Day on the Job Redux
robofin117 pointed out a remake of 'Another Day on the Job', originally submitted to the Halo Fest machinima contest. (I can't find a copy of the original to compare it to, unfortunately.) (Louis Wu 18:48:31 UTC)
November 19, 2011 Link to this post Fails of the Weak Volume 61
The latest Fails of the Weak is live - you can watch it at AchievementHunter.com or YouTube, and see people dying in silly ways. Thanks, Ibeechu. (Louis Wu 21:40:09 UTC)
November 18, 2011 Link to this post War (or War) Issue #21
Firestorm12 let us know that War (or War) is at the end - and the final piece is a video, not a comic. Go watch!
(Louis Wu 20:57:37 UTC)
November 18, 2011 Link to this post Halo Reach Tricks: Surviving Lone Wolf Chris Neir let us know that there's a new Halo Reach Tricks vid up - this one will show you how to survive indefinitely in Lone Wolf by basically escaping the level. KOBAYASHI MARU! (Louis Wu 13:01:43 UTC)
November 17, 2011 Link to this post Tyrant's LASO Challenge Walkthrough - Exodus
Tyrant has released the next installment of his LASO Challenge Walkthrough - this one will bring you safely through the level Exodus. If you think "well, I've watched his Mythic guide already, I don't need this" - think again. This contains a bunch of refinements that make this level much less painful - it's not just the same runthrough with Blind turned off. 35 minutes - worth your time!
(Louis Wu 18:13:02 UTC)
November 17, 2011 Link to this post IGN's Top 10 Reach Kills (11.16.11) ChrisTheeCrappy pointed out the latest IGN Reach Top 10 Kills - some fun ones in there! (Armor-lock-haters will love #1.) (Louis Wu 18:09:52 UTC)
November 17, 2011 Link to this post Halo Lore in a Minute
Nak3d Eli teamed up with The Lore Channel to bring you Halo Lore in a Minute. It covers prehistory up through Reach.
(Louis Wu 18:05:47 UTC)
November 16, 2011 Link to this post Halo CE: Then and Now
Stewie2552 put together a video that constantly jumps back and forth between classic and remastered modes in Halo Anniversary; if you haven't gotten a good enough look at the graphical changes, this might be for you! (Louis Wu 20:28:07 UTC)
November 16, 2011 Link to this post Halo Anniversary Map Pack Trailer/Montage
NeoGAF's Tashi had a blast playing some early custom games with the Halo Anniversary maps - nice 2-minute montage!
(Louis Wu 15:32:00 UTC)
November 16, 2011 Link to this post Halo: 10 Years of Building Communities Operation Chastity, one of the first live-action fan film projects (and still the only one with a driveable Warthog), is spotlighted in a fan documentary on Halo as a community-building force, along with the crew from Haloathon - awesome! (OC's Pete Cooper is wearing the Leviathan-designed HBO shirt we sold recently, cranking the level up to 11.) Thanks to ChrisTheeCrappy for letting us know. (Louis Wu 15:18:02 UTC)
November 15, 2011 Link to this post Hate to Say Goodbye Red vs Blue Season 9 Episode 20 aired last night, ending the season (but not the storyline). Great episode! MoltenSlowa was first. (Louis Wu 13:43:48 UTC)
November 14, 2011 Link to this post HSH: Speed Run of the Week 1
High Speed Halo is celebrating the release of Halo Anniversary with some releases of their own (on Halo Waypoint) - the first is a classic solo Legendary run by Insidi0us on Silent Cartographer in less than 4 minutes. Can you beat it (with new graphics)? Film it! (Louis Wu 22:21:15 UTC)
November 14, 2011 Link to this post BOB Video Guide Part 4: Nightfall
Lord Friendship has the next chapter of his BOB Video Guide online - Part 4 covers the level Nightfall, which has only 3 BOBs in total. This is the last one for a little bit (LF's going to take time with Halo Anniversary) - so enjoy it! (Louis Wu 19:20:38 UTC)
November 14, 2011 Link to this post Super Space Gordon and the Deadly Dimensions
Pierre Tartaix let us know about Super Space Gordon and the Deadly Dimensions - it's a continuation of the characters and universe from an older movie TGO GMBH released several months ago. Great work - go watch it! (Louis Wu 15:30:35 UTC)
November 14, 2011 Link to this post Halo Tricks IRL
Chris Neir put together a video documenting his experience at PAX this year - fun watch! (Louis Wu 14:52:01 UTC)
November 14, 2011 Link to this post Heroes Never Die
The video trailer promoting the Halo Living Monument, an interactive website supporting Halo Anniversary, is now online. Raymond Barry does a fine job of celebrating the few positives that come from war. Thanks, davidfuchs. (Louis Wu 13:55:50 UTC)
November 14, 2011 Link to this post New Vids from DaFrontlineTrooper
robofin117 let us know about two new videos from DaFrontlineTrooper - the first shows off his M6D prop, the second highlights Halo: The Fallen (a fan-driven live-action film currently in production) and reaches out for donations. Go watch! (Louis Wu 13:30:07 UTC)
November 13, 2011 Link to this post Neocartography Flythrough FireDragon04 wanted to make sure we checked out this new flythrough of all of the upcoming Anniversary maps for Halo: Reach. It's a great way to pass the slowly-ticking time till release a bit faster. Check it out! (GrimBrother One 23:03:31 UTC)
November 13, 2011 Link to this post Outpost: Isil Season 2 Opener now in the Wild shiruken from Treeskunk Productions let us know that the first episode of "Outpost: Isil" Season 2 is now available for your viewing pleasure both on their website as well as on YouTube. Definitely worth a look, go and check this series out! (GrimBrother One 23:00:29 UTC)