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Search results for Movies
Showing results 4426 - 4450 of 6554 matches December 18, 2008 Link to this post Halo Wars footage from Kiwibox
Kiwibox.com held a contest with the winner being brought to Manhattan to meet Graeme Devine and play Halo Wars - there's a film showing off some new campaign footage, along with lots of questions and answers. Thanks, 2900d4u.
(Louis Wu 15:00:09 UTC)
December 17, 2008 Link to this post A nice evening with the missus
urk brought news of a dualtage put together by a husband/wife team - he's right, the intro is excessive, but the gameplay itself is pretty fun to watch. So go watch, already! (Louis Wu 15:14:26 UTC)
December 16, 2008 Link to this post How sweet, to be an idiot It's Tuesday, so it's time for another Tied the Leader update - and this week, it's a video put together by TTL OboeCrazy, showing off what happens when you teabag a Gunslinger. Great music. Thanks, deeJ. (Louis Wu 13:23:35 UTC)
December 16, 2008 Link to this post Alcom's H2V Montage
Z sent word of Alcom's Halo 2 Vista Montage on Halo3Forum.com. Resolution rocks. It's really cool to see the Halo 2 levels again, especially so clearly. The editing... well, it's fast. The movie is just under 8 minutes long, and weighs in at a bit over 300 mb. Go watch! (Louis Wu 13:11:50 UTC)
December 16, 2008 Link to this post Smiley's Pax Adventure - Ep4: Gruntsbane!
mrsmiley let us know about an interview he did with Gruntsbane, the artist behind the Halo Babies comics, back during his PAX visit this summer. It's not really Halo-related, but Gruntsbane was a big part of the Halo community for a long time, and this interview gives you a chance to catch up on what he's been doing since he left! (Louis Wu 12:59:09 UTC)
December 16, 2008 Link to this post Jaw-droppers from the MLG community
Thanks to backflip10019 for noticing that the MLG/ESPN Top Ten #13 is live over at MLGPro.com. Some truly amazing gameplay in there... I mean, really. You should watch it. (Louis Wu 12:43:48 UTC)
December 16, 2008 Link to this post Show a lotta things, happening at once
Yesterday was Montage Monday on B.net, apparently - two they covered that I missed were SniPinAtoR's Immortal, and Bagel's Merry Christmas Montage (in HD, even - thanks, Avateur). Great gameplay!
(Louis Wu 12:43:17 UTC)
December 15, 2008 Link to this post Best of Stickies - 08
Halcylon put together a stickytage - a montage composed entirely of stickies. It's available in HD. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 18:36:56 UTC)
December 15, 2008 Link to this post Hard Justice: Episode 7
Episode 7 of DigitalPh33r's Hard Justice series was released a few days ago - thanks to urk for the heads-up. High-tech surveillance doesn't always mean high quality surveillance. (Louis Wu 18:05:38 UTC)
December 13, 2008 Link to this post Silent Cartographer SPV2 gameplay, with commentary
Wow. The team working on the campaign modifications for HaloCE has released a video showing off SPV2 Gameplay footage, specifically the beginning of the Silent Cartographer level. I must say, I'm stunned. Go watch (the commentary is great). Thanks, Botolf. (Louis Wu 22:09:26 UTC)
December 13, 2008 Link to this post Duel with the Duo
Whoa... urk is working weekends? World domination is nigh! A new entry in the Bungie Blog highlights a newish movie from The DuoGroup, called 'Duel with the Duo'. Awesome choreography, and some funny situations. Check it out! (Louis Wu 21:58:19 UTC)
December 13, 2008 Link to this post 2old2playHalo's Clan Montage
jonny12guage stopped by to point out a clan montage he put together with the help of his 2old2play buddies - quality's nothing to write home about, but gameplay's fun, and the timing on some of the clips is great. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:53:04 UTC)
December 13, 2008 Link to this post Going the Distance
Bungie's blog highlights a montage of fun driving clips - check out Silver 772's Major League Driving. (Louis Wu 17:44:43 UTC)
December 12, 2008 Link to this post FROSTBITE
Lando Griff1n, from Halo3montage.com, let us know about FROSTBITE, a new montage edited by HAZMATV2 and featuring gameplay by A Yellow Snowball. If you like your montages with tons of effects and fast cuts, you'll love this. (I found the editing a bit overdone; I had trouble following the action.) It's eight and a half minutes long, and available either streaming or as an iPod download. Check it out!
(Louis Wu 16:36:24 UTC)
December 12, 2008 Link to this post What's good for the goose...
The Bungie blog highlighted a new montage from T3h Goose King - Major Leage Goose'n is almost six minutes of cool Mongoose action. Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:29:24 UTC)
December 11, 2008 Link to this post IamDank's Drive-in Movie Montage
naveeda pointed out a montage from IAmDank - nice synching between the audio and the video! You can watch it at GameVee, or on YouTube. Seven minutes. (Louis Wu 15:04:20 UTC)
December 11, 2008 Link to this post Sup Chief? (Trailer)
Over at the Bungie blog, you can find a tidbit about a new series from the DuoGroup (we've mentioned them a few times) - 'Sup Chief?' looks at the sexier side of the Spartan. Full eps coming soon! (Louis Wu 14:43:09 UTC)
December 10, 2008 Link to this post Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 210
Pyrosmile's Master Chief Theater 3000 continues with Episode 210 - covering the Uprising and High Charity cutscenes from Halo 2. Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:18:53 UTC)
December 10, 2008 Link to this post Top 10 Halo 3 MLG Kills: Episode 17
Anoj continues his Top 10 Halo 3 series with Episode 17, 'MLG Kills' - cool bits pulled from the MLG playlist on LIVE. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 17:17:48 UTC)
December 9, 2008 Link to this post Eve Films Practice Montage
Zandax is making a name for himself - he edited a nice montage last week, and today Bungie.net's blog has a new minitage he's put together, using footage supplied by Eve Films. Just two and a half minutes, nice composition! (Louis Wu 17:48:58 UTC)
December 9, 2008 Link to this post My Halo Numa
Impervium found a fun video on YouTube - someone took the Numa Numa song (English translation, one version) and added a ton of (hand-drawn) Halo references to it. Our forum seems to be split on its value. (Louis Wu 13:54:26 UTC)
December 8, 2008 Link to this post Ride the Line, Halo-style
urk posted a video on the Bungie Blog showing off a Linerider level that beautifully illustrates the Halo timeline - great work! (Louis Wu 19:06:38 UTC)
December 7, 2008 Link to this post Breakaway: A Rock Opera Machinima
JRCB sent word of 'Breakaway: A Rock Opera Machinima', over at YouTube. It's pretty cool - these guys wrote their own rock opera... and then acted it out in Halo 3. Great music! Definitely a one-of-a-kind... Go watch it! (Louis Wu 16:05:16 UTC)
December 7, 2008 Link to this post Hard Justice: Episode 6
DigitalPh33r's Hard Justice series continues with Episode 6, out now on YouTube. Bernard gets closer to the truth - maybe to his detriment. Thanks, vlad3163. (Louis Wu 15:51:15 UTC)
December 6, 2008 Link to this post Break: Halo 3
I stumbled across a blog entry from someone named Ryan Fitzgibbon, who highlighted a short video created by Nicholas Werner called 'Break: Halo 3'. It's a short Halo machinima, no voice acting at all... but he's done a fantastic job of tying together the multiplayer maps in a way that feels right. I enjoyed the chase. (Louis Wu 13:47:05 UTC)