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Showing results 401 - 425 of 6554 matches January 17, 2014 Link to this post Do a Barrel Roll! crazedone1988 is back, with another really entertaining video combo. What do you get when you combine Halo: Reach with Starfox? You get win, that's what.
(Louis Wu 22:26:03 UTC)
January 17, 2014 Link to this post Of Hobbits and Rings The How It Should Have Ended crew put together new scenes for the latest Hobbit movie (if you haven't seen The Desolation of Smaug yet, some of these might not make any sense) - the final clip has a great nod to the Halo series. Thanks to both SEspider, on our forum, and Kimball Morejon, via email, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:22:48 UTC)
January 16, 2014 Link to this post Twin bridges megabattle action Rockslider stopped in with a pair of videos, showing off some megabattle action under the Twin Bridges on AotCR. One is longer-ranged fighting than the other; both are fun to watch. Go explore!
(Louis Wu 23:23:22 UTC)
January 11, 2014 Link to this post Suicide Episode 8 Death McGunz let us know that Suicide Episode 8 is live - it seems like it's more a description of how to play a custom game than a machinima, but hey - it's always good to learn! (Louis Wu 23:04:07 UTC)
January 11, 2014 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 173 I said I wouldn't post more Fails of the Weak because the AchievementHunter guys had stopped even paying attention to the fails... but this week's episode has a return to actual commentary on the footage. You can watch it on AH.com or YouTube - there are some fun ones! Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 23:02:14 UTC)
January 10, 2014 Link to this post Not sure I'd get close to that... Chappified dropped a Pelican in the Delta Halo courtyard, and then used it for some jumping fun. Go see the details! (Louis Wu 22:02:03 UTC)
January 8, 2014 Link to this post First Look: Goosechecka - The Halo Mole The Halo Mole Team let us know that the next contestant has been revealed - Goosechecka holds the honored seventh slot. Check out the intro video for more info - and try and guess whether she's a real contestant... or the Mole?
(Louis Wu 21:45:17 UTC)
January 4, 2014 Link to this post Spartan Assault Level Specific Achievement Guide MixMaker117 put together a level-specific Achievement Guide for Spartan Assault - pretty helpful! Give it a look to speed up your achievement hunting. (Louis Wu 23:01:19 UTC)
January 4, 2014 Link to this post Wait... don't open that! DrummDragon filmed Master Chief's Christmas... I'm not sure his friends are really friends! Go watch. (Louis Wu 22:58:00 UTC)
January 4, 2014 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 172 - the uninteresting edition This might be our last news post about Fails of the Weak - the AH crew seems to have pretty much lost interest in actually doing them any more. (There were some fun fails this week - but you'd have trouble telling from watching the vid.) Anyway, here are the links for this week's ep - AH.com and YouTube. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 22:55:37 UTC)
December 31, 2013 Link to this post Rockslider's take on the Spirit Turret Rockslider put together a video presentation of his early experiences with the Halo 1 Spirit turret. That man has some patience! (Louis Wu 19:10:54 UTC)
December 31, 2013 Link to this post Suicide Episode 7 DeathMcGunz let us know about the start of Suicide Season 2... looks like SOMEONE needs a better grip on their high school memories. (Louis Wu 19:09:11 UTC)
December 28, 2013 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 171 Fails of the Weak 171 (AH.com | YouTube) will show you 10 new fails. Of the weak. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 22:02:19 UTC)
December 27, 2013 Link to this post Boom Sliding Ghost posted a film he calls 'Halo 1 Christmas Special/Funtage' - messing with Rocket Flood in some really entertaining ways! Go give it a watch. (Louis Wu 19:03:28 UTC)
December 26, 2013 Link to this post I Will Not Bow TheSparbiter told us about "I Will Not Bow", his latest Halo music video - Breaking Benjamin is no stranger to Halo! (Louis Wu 20:42:22 UTC)
December 26, 2013 Link to this post Succession Mator dropped off his Christmas gift to the community - a Halo CE trickin-jumping video he calls 'Succession'. Fun stuff! (Louis Wu 20:35:04 UTC)
December 23, 2013 Link to this post Top 5 Winter Wonderlands GameTrailers is celebrating winter by looking at their five favorite winter-themed game moments... and the original Halo makes their list. Go watch! (Louis Wu 15:25:47 UTC)
December 22, 2013 Link to this post Hoovaloov's Great Journey Over at Halo Waypoint, there's a fun interview with TTL Hoovaloov, a fan whose latest claim to fame is the 100% completion of all Achievements on all 8 Halo titles that HAVE Achievements. Pretty impressive! Go give it a watch. (Louis Wu 21:33:38 UTC)
December 22, 2013 Link to this post Whipping through the levels Speedruns are sexy again - goatrope just set a Halo 1 Easy world record (beating another one set by Lephoque just fourteen hours earlier)! Thanks, Hawaiian Pig. (Speaking of speedruns, Cody Miller let us know that Mr Monopoli will be running Halo 2 live at Awesome Games Done Quick in a couple of weeks, with proceeds (as usual) going to the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Mark your calendar! (Louis Wu 21:31:45 UTC)
December 22, 2013 Link to this post Halo Tutorial: removing a Spirit Turret kreativekill let us know that he'd posted a tutorial for recovering the turret from a Halo 1 dropship - it's pretty fun to watch! (That turret still shoots at you if you're visible, even though it's not attached to a dropship!) Check it out. (Louis Wu 21:25:14 UTC)
December 21, 2013 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 170 Fails of the Weak 170 is a combination of frustrating and great - there are some awesome clips in there (stuff not seen before), but the Rob Zombie discussion that sits over the top of most of it makes it hard to appreciate. Ah, well. Watch on AH.com or YouTube, your choice. Thanks, Nikko B201.
(Louis Wu 14:57:20 UTC)
December 21, 2013 Link to this post Man-Off Layne Thomas let us know about another episode of Marlin the Elite - this is episode 85! If you aren't keeping up, you've got a LOT to catch up with. (Louis Wu 14:54:31 UTC)
December 20, 2013 Link to this post Documenting the Fast Sliding Ghost has been putting together speedruns from various Halo titles - you can see his whole playlist on YouTube. Step it up! (Louis Wu 20:05:04 UTC)
December 20, 2013 Link to this post Banshee Launch Funtage kreativekill is back with a Halo 1 Banshee Launch Funtage... he's exploring what you can do with that Spirit flip he pointed out last week. Nice bouncing! (Louis Wu 20:02:05 UTC)
December 19, 2013 Link to this post Chariots of Halo ZoxinTV is back - it's been a little while, but he's back on the horse! Swing by Chariots of Halo for a short animation that is worth your time.
(Louis Wu 19:01:41 UTC)