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Search results for Movies
Showing results 6051 - 6075 of 6554 matches September 28, 2005 Link to this post Ode to the Zed Word TychoVII sent word of a video he and some friends finished up over the summer. In his words, it's "a blend of the infamous Halo 2 gametype 'Zombies' and the movie 'Shaun of the Dead' using songs from the SOTD soundtrack." It's funny, well-filmed, and showed me a number of cool jumping tricks to use in my next game of Zombies. Quality is quite good. It's available from their server (QuickTime format, 63.7 mb, over 10 minutes long), though I'd host it in a heartbeat - it's definitely worth watching. Grab a copy, and enjoy! (Louis Wu 15:35:04 UTC)
September 28, 2005 Link to this post More montages at H2F Z sends word of another pair of montages at Halo2Forum.com - one is a trailer - Crypty teases for his upcoming montage vid with very nice editing reminiscent of Dan Chosich's Framework vid from a couple of years ago (15.8 mb), and OscarMayerNinja's Montage 4 is five minutes of effect-laden sticks and snipes (63.3 mb). Both are WMP9 format. Go watch. (Louis Wu 10:49:01 UTC)
September 27, 2005 Link to this post Halo Theme - Live, on Video Wow, very cool. This is the first clip I've seen of the Video Games Live production of the Halo music - visit this page, as of right now it's the first 'Live Performance' (a few down from the top). Short film, but makes me want to see that show! Thanks to Schedonnardus for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 21:01:07 UTC)
September 27, 2005 Link to this post Sponsors vs Freeloaders Ep 8 Teaser Sponsors vs Freeloaders Episode 8 will be coming out a bit over a week - but they've posted a teaser to whet your appetite. (If you haven't seen this series, you really should watch the later episodes - the actual storyline kicks off around episode 5, and since then they've been getting better and better.) The trailer is a brief 35 seconds long, and available in WMP9 format (7.2 mb) from one of their servers. If you'd rather watch it in QuickTime, I've re-encoded a copy (6.1 mb). (Louis Wu 18:15:56 UTC)
September 26, 2005 Link to this post ArcXnuS - Upcoming A group called Silhouette-Robin Productions recently came to our attention when the trailer for ArcXnuS, the "first full length halo 2 machinima trilogy" (their description), passed our Movie Peer Review Rating System. They weren't looking for hosting, just feedback - it's a short trailer, but the reviewers liked the way it told its story. Go grab a copy from their site! (Louis Wu 13:34:32 UTC)
September 26, 2005 Link to this post New vids at Halo2Forum Three new movies for download over at Halo2Forum.com - two montage trailers, one full montage. ArKiVe's Montage 2 Trailer (19.1 mb) is almost all snipes, with an occasional sticky or beatdown. Titan VIII's Montage 4 Preview (43.7 mb) is heavy on the BR action. And Fyler's First Montage (91.7 mb) is full of all sorts of stuff. All are in WMP9 format. Go watch. Thanks, Z. (Louis Wu 10:38:29 UTC)
September 26, 2005 Link to this post Pirates! Red vs Blue Episode 62, 'Lost in Triangulation', was a little late in coming this week (congratulations, Geoff!), but it's here now for sponsors, and should be up in the not-too-distant future for the masses. Almost 6 minutes of RvB goodness, this one follows the three evolving storylines of season 4 - Sarge's megalomaniacism, the Blues' interaction with Fluffy (well, I like that better than his REAL name), and Simmons' attempt to live peacefully with 66 tons of deadly steel. Go grab it! (Louis Wu 10:09:47 UTC)
September 25, 2005 Link to this post Stubbs coop gameplay - watch it now Coolness. IGN has posted a split-screen coop gameplay vid for Stubbs the Zombie; I see a rocket launcher, I see a jeep. The interface is wonderfully campy - this puppy looks to be FUN! Thanks, Rampancy.net. (Louis Wu 15:14:18 UTC)
September 24, 2005 Link to this post 117, Part 2 Yesterday, Fireb0rn (creator of the critically-acclaimed Halo vids 117 and Talking Smack over Xbox Live) wrote to say he had a followup to 117 (which was the story of a single Spartan facing nearly insurmountable odds) ready to go, but that it was too big for the MPRRS. I re-encoded it for him, and submitted it this morning... and 7 hours later, it passed with flying colors. (I knew it would; it's really, really well done.) The man has an eye for camera angles, and tells a mean story. This one's big; 7 minutes long, 70+ mb (depending on flavor). Grab the one that works best for you. The QuickTime version is 73.2 mb, the WMP9 version is 69.2 mb. Enjoy! Update: there've been some reports that the WMP9 version was corrupt in some way; it worked for me here, but enough people had trouble that I re-encoded it. The new version is 76.4 mb, and was added a little after 10 am EST. Hopefully, this solves the original problems! (Louis Wu 00:56:45 UTC)
September 22, 2005 Link to this post Halo 3 - from a fan Chris Bryan finished a short (12 second) hallway scene of wholly original work; the render took 37 hours to complete. ('Wholly original' means he built the Master Chief model himself; he has no tools for extracting the in-game model.) There's no sound, but the video is simply gorgeous - amazing lighting... watch it for yourself. QuickTime format (2.3 mb) | WMP9 format (2.8 mb). (Comments can go in this thread he started last night.) (Louis Wu 13:08:02 UTC)
September 22, 2005 Link to this post V.A.L.I.S. Preview ofthehi77 stopped by to point out a video preview (6.5 mb, QuickTime format) of V.A.L.I.S., an upcoming HaloCE map that he and his brother DocOctavius have been working on - looks pretty fancy! Go watch. (Louis Wu 12:49:04 UTC)
September 22, 2005 Link to this post This Spartan Life - The ILL Clan Interview The latest segment of 'This Spartan Life' has been released - Episode 2, Module 2 is now available for download in QuickTime format. (WMP9 is coming later today sometime.) It's 10 minutes long, and Damian talks to Frank Dellario and Matt Dominianni of the Ill Clan about the origins of machinima, the direction it might be headed, and the annoyance of Mr PoopyDoodoo. Thought-provoking dialogue and some great laughs. Go watch! (Louis Wu 12:15:05 UTC)
September 21, 2005 Link to this post Gameplay and Montage vids at H2F Z, over at Halo2Forum.com, pointed out a pair of threads with a total of four downloads; the first thread contains two full games captured by ExiT WouNDz member Itwasluck - Game 1 is a CTF Midship game against a variety of players, game 2 is a KOTH Beaver Creek match against some top pro players. (ExiT WouNDz won the second game by a large margin - even though they were outkilled pretty thoroughly. They kept their focus on the game's goal, though - hill time - and they won because of it.) The second thread contains a pair of montage vids - both are short, I liked the first one better (though the music nearly gave me epileptic seizures). Everything is, of course, in WMP9 format. Go grab something. (Louis Wu 15:20:37 UTC)
September 21, 2005 Link to this post HCEC - Final Episodes Dennis Powers wrote to point out that the final two episodes of season 2 of The Halo CE Chronicles have been posted to their video archive. The battle for the energy cannon wraps up in Episode 20... and the relationship between the commander and the station AI is elaborated in Episode 21. There are also some outtakes from the season in that final episode. (More detailed info can be found on the website.) As always, they're available in WMP9, QuickTime, and streaming Flash formats - go grab what works for you! (Louis Wu 14:35:53 UTC)
September 20, 2005 Link to this post Oblivion Episode 1 trigger119 wrote to point out Oblivion Episode 1, the first in a series hosted by Treeskunk Productions about a group of soldiers who need to stop the Covenant from building a doomsday weapon before Reach falls. WMP9 format, 20.4 mb. It can be downloaded from their Movies page. (Louis Wu 12:27:54 UTC)
September 19, 2005 Link to this post Project 117: Trailer Treeskunk Productions, the folks behind 'Outpost: Coagulation' and 'Lethal Tactics', have released a trailer for 'Project 117', an upcoming machinima film that follows the Spartan IIIs, a group hunted by the very people they were created to protect, as they try once again to save humanity. 22.7 mb, WMP9 format. Great camera angles. (Louis Wu 03:32:06 UTC)
September 17, 2005 Link to this post Apples Red vs Blue Episode 61, 'Fair Competition', is up for sponsors right now. (This means it'll be up for the general public sometime tomorrow night.) A new character is now fully part of the cast... and I'm thinking, cross between Scooby Doo and Strongbad. With added odors. Fun stuff! Thanks to Keyes for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:15:31 UTC)
September 17, 2005 Link to this post Rockets on Prisoner - delayed, but not dead The Rockets on Prisoner Awards Ceremony has been delayed for a while now - but That Weasel dropped into our forum to point out a Preview video - nothing's been cancelled yet! Check it out. (Louis Wu 15:38:47 UTC)
September 16, 2005 Link to this post Outpost Coagulation Ep 9 After a pretty long down period, Outpost: Coagulation has another episode up for download. Episode 9, 'Two Betrayals', is a long (10:09, 83.9 mb, in WMP9 format) piece, following ostracism of the Juggernaut Elite, and his subsequent capture by the Humans. There's one more episode left in season 1, and then they'll start filming Season 2; they've got the scripts done already, they just need voice actors. (If you're interested, drop them some email.) Thanks, trigger119. (Louis Wu 13:18:13 UTC)
September 15, 2005 Link to this post Pookaki's 4th montage Another vid has cleared the MPRRS queue - this one is a montage, and was posted (in slightly larger form, filesize-wise) on our forum yesterday. The thing Pookaki focused on was no-reticle no-scopes, but there are plenty of other kinds of kills. It's available in WMP9 format (49.1 mb) or QuickTime format (50.4 mb). Enjoy! (Louis Wu 12:32:22 UTC)
September 14, 2005 Link to this post Sticky Style 2 A movie passed the MPRRS a few days ago - but because it was encoded in H.264, I thought it might be better to re-encode it into formats more universal across the hardware spectrum. This has taken a bit longer than expected - apologies to Spuzzum, the creator, and thanks for his patience! The video is called 'Sticky Style 2', and shows off some pretty amazing plasma grenade sticks in Halo 2 campaign play. (I shudder to think how long it took to set a couple of these up...) The brute tallies were especially entertaining. Watch it - and enjoy some really well-timed gameplay! You can grab a QuickTime version (37.6 mb) or a WMP9 version (40.8 mb)... then go grab your own stickydooms and see how you keep up! (Louis Wu 22:35:15 UTC)
September 13, 2005 Link to this post H2F vids Couple of vids for you over at Halo2Forum.com - the first is a montage full of sticks from Fershetta (plenty of pros in it - WMP9 format, 68.4 mb). The second is from Team Confusion, and aims to demonstrate how to throw grenades with precision on Lockout. (There were movies like this in the original game - some great ones on Hang 'em High, Damnation... but I haven't seen many in Halo 2 yet.) How to blow weapons to you, how to place grenades in critical spots from areas that are well out of the line of sight of the target. Pretty cool stuff! WMP9 format, 39 mb. (Louis Wu 10:55:45 UTC)
September 12, 2005 Link to this post Squadron Ep 4 Posted Broken Console Productions has posted Episode 4 of The Squadron - 'Your Mom's An Episode'. It was fun - go watch it. Because of bandwidth issues, they've begun accepting sponsors - toss 'em £10 and you're a sponsor for a year. (That link contains details about what you get, as well as how to go about it.) The vid is currently available in WMP9 format, but a QuickTime link should be up soon. (Louis Wu 21:21:20 UTC)
September 12, 2005 Link to this post HCEC Ep 19: Gaia The Halo CE Chronicles nears the end of season 2 - the penultimate episode, Episode 19, 'Gaia', has been posted on the Movies page. The struggle for control of the ring heats up... at the same time that the station commander comes face to face with something much bigger than himself... and teaches a friend a critical skill. Available, as always, in WMP9, QuickTime, and streaming Flash formats. (Louis Wu 19:45:36 UTC)
September 12, 2005 Link to this post Like Gladiator - but smaller Gladiator Evolved, a movie we released yesterday, seems to be a hit - we've served over 8000 copies of it in the last 24 hours or so (accounting for over half a terabyte of data). For folks afraid of the 80 mb download, GearboxGameZone has posted smaller versions (320x240, under 40 mb each for the WMP9 and QuickTime versions). (A thread on our forum seems to suggest that folks have enjoyed this film.) Thanks for the help, Dennis! Update - the original (80 mb) .mov is now being mirrored by Wraith7n - thanks! (Louis Wu 14:41:58 UTC)