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September 29, 2005 Link to this post The Stalker StealthSniper22 created a 'new kind of montage' - it's called 'The Stalker', and it's composed entirely from real XBL Matchmaking Head-to-Head games. It's AMAZING how often his opponents don't notice him following them. (Or, in some cases, standing on their head...) It's hilarious. A lower-res (320x240, 22.3 mb) version can be found in this post, and a higher-res (640x480, 52 mb) version is linked in this post. Both are WMP9 format. (I'm willing to work on a QuickTime version if there's interest.) Go watch - and giggle. Update: Now available as a QuickTime, as well (480x360, 53.1 mb, smoothed a little bit). (Louis Wu 12:54:53 UTC)