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Search results for Movies
Showing results 6501 - 6525 of 6554 matches October 10, 2004 Link to this post We Will... well, go watch it. There's a new video from Ms Man - a whole series of funky glitches and tricks. 12:44 long, 14 mb, WMP9 format. Some really cool stuff in there. You can find a link to it in this forum post - if bandwidth runs out, drop us a note, we'll put up a copy. (Louis Wu 17:20:27 UTC)
October 6, 2004 Link to this post Sniping Made Easy Mr Chubster submitted (a LONG time ago, it seems... sorry about that) a movie called 'Sniping Made Easy' - some really, really nice shooting. 4:36 long, 480x360. There's a QuickTime version (26.3 mb) and a WMP7 version (29.8 mb). There's a multiple killtacular at the end that I would have HATED to be on the other side of... (Louis Wu 12:14:17 UTC)
October 4, 2004 Link to this post Instability Verdafolio pointed out that Demented Puppy is hosting an older multiplay vid that Clan Alphabase made, called Instability. 11.2 mb, WMP9 format. (Registration required for download.) (Louis Wu 15:08:04 UTC)
October 4, 2004 Link to this post I wanna see him waltz. wopkins has posted a new movie showing MC doing the Can Can. It's hilarious. 1.7 mb in WMP9 format, 1.3 mb in QT format. (Louis Wu 14:09:17 UTC)
October 2, 2004 Link to this post Owning 343GS No Hables is getting in on the vidmaster action; he's posted a movie in which he runs through 343 Guilty Spark, using zero bullets... and only ONE grenade. On Legendary. Movie is 12:15 long, 31.2 mb large, in WMP9 format. It's got a couple of double-take moments. If he runs out of bandwidth, let us know - we'll see what we can do to help. Download it now! (Oh, yeah, and don't forget to read the Weekly Update; it was posted so close to HBO's end-of-day that it only stayed on the front page for a couple of hours.) (Louis Wu 01:57:24 UTC)
September 30, 2004 Link to this post Fan services, and a new movie A quick update on the free file hosting service being offered by Brian Towne... the list of sites that can use the service has grown considerably - and a check of the bandwidth usage for the box tells me that there's an added bonus that I hadn't expected. Over the years, I've gotten pretty stingy about bandwidth we offer for fan-made movies; partly this is because there are hundreds of them now, and just the maintenance bandwidth required to keep them online (and being downloaded) is noticeable... but partly because I've become somewhat jaded. And that's where Brian's service comes in. Until now, if you had a movie that you wanted the world to see, but no bandwidth to serve it with, you uploaded it to us, and we decided if it was new or different or interesting enough to warrant hosting. Now (assuming your movie is under 8 mb, which many are), you no longer have to ask; you can just upload. Yesterday, Hikaru-119 posted a movie called 'Warriors of the Prophets' - a 6.8 mb, 2:14 long WMP9 video using existing footage to show the Covenant side of the war. I watched it, and thought, 'okay, it's fine... nothing special.' When I read the comments in the forum thread this morning, though, I started to wonder if maybe I wasn't looking with a fresh-enough eye... because most people liked it quite a lot. Had Hikaru submitted it the normal way, nobody would have seen it, because it wouldn't have made it out of my 'not now' folder... but thanks to Brian, anyone can watch this. <3, Brian. Update: Dennis Powers, of UXB Internet, points out that the Halo Maps website has a pretty lenient upload policy as well, for many kinds of Halo-related files. You can read the submission guidelines to see what's allowed, and then register (or log in) to be allowed to upload your files. (Louis Wu 14:57:28 UTC)
September 29, 2004 Link to this post And Still MORE Zanzibar Footage E1337 points out a page at Xboxyde with a couple of vids on it; the first is simply a re-encode of a video we mentioned from them last week (if you didn't get it then, it might be worth grabbing now), the second is a 16 mb, 4:19 long WMP9 showing more Zanzibar gameplay from the TGS game floor. Video quality is good, audio is mostly the Japanese announcer and show sounds. For the collector who must have EVERY video... (Louis Wu 15:02:17 UTC)
September 29, 2004 Link to this post Halo Revolutions released Back in July, we mentioned a teaser for a movie called 'Halo Revolutions' - it was footage of Legend, one of the best German Halo players out there, sniping... well, everyone. The full movie has now been released; it's a 124 mb download (the .rar compression knocked 35 mb off the full size of the movie), in DivX format, and available from ocrana.com, the site of the clan Legend belongs to. It's almost 10 minutes of kills, set to heroic music. Thanks to Demden and Geiernase for pointing this out! (Louis Wu 13:47:08 UTC)
September 27, 2004 Link to this post Movie Bonanza Looks like a LOT of movies were released yesterday; I'm gonna combine 'em all in one post for efficiency's sake. - Boneho Chane and Lockpicker made a movie with action figures (not stop-action) called 'Chicken on Fire Episode 1' - 15 mb, QuickTime format.
- toyoungtodie posted a vid called 'Halo 2 Remix' on the High Impact Halo forums; it uses stock footage, but it's nicely put together. Large version (12.2 mb) requires registration at h2hq.cc, smaller version (7 mb) is hosted by Mythica. WMP9 formats. (Thanks, Ducain)
- vshields ash points out another refinement of the hunterapult-across-the-shaft technique; this one uses only a single grenade. 2.2 mb, WMP90 format. Nice work, Wild3.
- scabbronumber1 put up a note about his clan's newest vid; 8.5 mb, WMP9 format, some really great sniper action.
- And last but CERTAINLY not least, FTC 14 has been released over at Xboxottawa.ca; public version is 39.6 mb, members-only hi-res is 165 mb. 6:03 of pulse-pounding excitement, and a heck of a cliffhanger at the end. Both are DivX-encoded AVIs - I'll get them some QT versions as soon as I can.
Wow... that's a lot of video footage! (Louis Wu 13:52:35 UTC)
September 26, 2004 Link to this post Old movie resurfaces - longer Wow. I'm not sure how... but it looks like Xboxyde has gotten hold of (a mediocre version of) the very first E3/Zanzibar vid released. This is the vid that the 20 seconds of hi-res gameplay was cut from during E3 itself. This one's only 320x240, and a bit dark and blurry... but it's 20 minutes long, and 72 mb large, in DivX-encoded AVI format. The Download page at Xboxyde has a direct link (this one's hard to get) and a BitTorrent link (a much better bet). Thanks, Carlos Castillo. (Louis Wu 11:00:14 UTC)
September 26, 2004 Link to this post You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Hehe - Devin Olsen decided to try to cross the Shaft gap... without a warthog, and with only two grenades. Oh, yeah... and a Hunter. He made it. Watch the vid and smile. (3.9 mb, WMP9 format, hosting courtesy of Brian's new Mythica Uploads server. Which, btw, rocks, and now works with b.net forums and HaloPlanet forums. Ka-bam.) Update: QuickTime added - see original forum post. (Louis Wu 00:09:52 UTC)
September 25, 2004 Link to this post New TGS footage from IGN IGN has put up 4 new vids containing shakeycam (but very high-quality shakeycam) footage of Zanzibar gameplay at the Tokyo Game Show. These show better gameplay than the rather lame Warthog driving footage they posted yesterday. In actuality, there are really only 3 new clips; those marked '3' and '4' are the same clip. (It does end, however, with an awesome energy-sword death; worth watching twice, I guess.) The heads-up for these came from HaloPlanet. (Louis Wu 22:00:00 UTC)
September 25, 2004 Link to this post The Zero Shot Revolution Continues Goatrope continues his quest to blow people away in Vidmaster style... he's completed 343 Guilty Spark, Legendary Difficulty, taking zero shots, and dying zero times. The movie is 11:44 long, in DivX-encoded AVI format, and 32.6 mb large. Nice humility, even. All I can say is... wow. (I'm really, really impressed that he didn't instinctively pull his AR's trigger a few times in the helmetcam room...) (Louis Wu 18:02:45 UTC)
September 24, 2004 Link to this post Zing, and a pinch of hoopla. Gamespot has put up 5 new movies - they're all a minute long, except for one, which is 22 seconds. They all show gameplay on Zanzibar, collected at the Tokyo Game Show today, they were all filmed with a camcorder pointed at the screen, and none of them have sound. For Gamespot complete members, they're available as zipped MPEG files (11.6 mb and 4.3 mb), for everyone else, they're streaming media. Thanks, Patrick Dalire (whose description was fun enough for me to steal as the title for this piece). Update: Adam Daniel noticed a movie at IGN, as well. Downloadable for insiders, streaming for the masses. This one's hardly worth it, though... 25 seconds of camcorder-recorded, no-sound footage of someone who has clearly never driven a warthog before going from the beach to the... well, the seawall. And then the movie ends. (Louis Wu 17:18:42 UTC)
September 23, 2004 Link to this post Don't Move Paul and KINGHALO! from halosecrets.com have put together a live-action promotional vid for Halo 2 - though I doubt it's the sort of thing that Microsoft would ever actually sanction. It IS pretty funny, though. The 360x240 DivX-encoded .mp4 is up on our server; there's a larger version on their own server, but there's no guarantee the bandwidth will hold out. The small version is 4.5 mb, the large one is 11 mb. Go watch! (Louis Wu 11:07:28 UTC)
September 23, 2004 Link to this post Tricking in the Solos A couple of trickster vids showed up on our forum last night... Madrox and Foxygrandpa posted A Tribute to Tricking Part 1 (stunts on Silent Cartographer and AotCR, mostly). And in another thread, Devin Olsen posted a bunch of stunts from 343GS. Both vids are about 18.5 mb, in WMP9 format. No QuickTimes this time around - sorry. (Louis Wu 10:38:27 UTC)
September 22, 2004 Link to this post Now THAT'S some funky motion. Captain Spark gave the Engineer model buried in Silent Cartographer some Elite AI and a plasma rifle (using Halo PC modding tools), and made a short movie. It's hard to make a longer one, because the game tends to crash when you do this... but this one's pretty cool. The links in his forum post are nearly certainly dead now (or will be soon) - so use the links in THIS post. Movie is available in both WMP9 and QuickTime format, under a meg each case. (Louis Wu 13:30:10 UTC)
September 21, 2004 Link to this post I thought we were finished with those... We don't really do warthog jump videos any more. They've... been done. (I even just got through telling that to a couple of movie submitters in the last few days.) However, Ducain pointed out a new one that's... well, new. Not done. There's a bunch of stuff you've seen before (though I must say some of the jumps are quite good, even for repeats)... but there's a simple twist on the normal technique that opens new doors for tricksters - even at this late date. The vid is by Dom Dunc, and was originally posted on the High Impact Halo forums. Ducain posted a note on our forum, with links to the vid and the original thread. I added a QuickTime link, as well. Fan feedback seems pretty positive at this point. (Louis Wu 13:36:10 UTC)
September 21, 2004 Link to this post They look like they're riding glowing unicycles... Eep - I forgot to post this yesterday. Captain Spark made another 'revenge on Marines' movie; I'm not sure if his original link is still live, but funkmon has mirrored the small (1.4 mb) file (and upped its framerate a bit). I also made a QT version of it - same size. Those poor marines... (Louis Wu 12:46:52 UTC)
September 20, 2004 Link to this post Shaft Jumping - UP On Saturday, Ducain released a video showing how he blasted himself from the bottom of the maproom shaft in Silent Cartographer all the way back up to the platform you come in on. (The vid is WMP9, 4:11 long, 8.2 mb large.) Amazing. Before I got a chance to mention it in the news, our connection died - but I'm mentioning it now, and also pointing out a QuickTime version I managed to whip out amongst the chaos - 10.9 mb - for those who need it. (Louis Wu 15:08:00 UTC)
September 20, 2004 Link to this post Vidmastering SC Goatrope has posted a new vid - Silent Cartographer, Legendary, Single Player, 0 shots, 0 deaths. All kills are using grenades, melees, and vehicles. Video is a DivX-encoded .avi, 6:22 long, 16.1 mb large. Download links (and a codec link, if you need it) are in the forum post. This was originally posted on the High Impact Halo forum. (Louis Wu 15:03:29 UTC)
September 20, 2004 Link to this post Halo 2 Summary vid Bear with me today; I'm coming off a pretty ugly weekend, and there's quite a bit of cleanup work still ahead of me. I'll do my best to get through the rather large mail backlog over the course of the day - but I think I'm gonna spam the page with the first batch, just to give myself some breathing room. If, by tomorrow or the next day, your news hasn't been posted, THEN you can remind me about it - but please hold off on any 'where is the news I sent you?' notes for a bit. Thanks. First up: halochat released a Halo 2 Summary video; 20.6 mb, 6:01 long, WMP9 format. It covers most of the new features we know about for Halo 2, by taking clips from released vids that show those features. halochat is working on Fileplanet and GamersHell mirrors, but for now, you should use the BitTorrent link on his download page. Comments (and download links) are in this forum thread. Update: Looks like it's made it over to GamersHell at this point - thanks, Soulblighta. (Louis Wu 13:05:00 UTC)
September 17, 2004 Link to this post Live Forever A few days ago, MereCatfish posted a short (1:52, 4.9 mb, WMP9 format) teaser for an upcoming video known as 'Live Forever'; it wasn't until today that I got word that it's got sufficient bandwidth to be front-paged here. It's exactly what it sounds like - a teaser - but from the looks of things, the final product (a team-based battle in heroic style) could be fun to watch. Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:02:07 UTC)
September 17, 2004 Link to this post Revenge of the Spark A couple of days ago, Captain Spark released a video in which he finally, after years of abuse, FINALLY got some revenge on the uncooperative Marines who have made his dialogue-collecting sessions so difficult. It was funny enough that we're hosting it for him now; I'd like to apologize in advance for the odd-looking text. Some weird setting on the original video CS sent me had screwed up the aspect ratio of the film; everything was squished. I fixed this, but in doing so, made the text look a bit... odd. Blame me, not CS. The video is available in two flavors, both 480x360: there's a 4.2 mb WMP7 version, and a 4.7 mb QuickTime version. Grab the one that suits you! (Louis Wu 11:06:27 UTC)
September 15, 2004 Link to this post Talks tough, but can he back it up? wopkins, who showed off a breakdancing MC a couple of months ago, is back with a threatening grunt. Spits, too. WMP and QT formats, at this point. Nice work! (Louis Wu 21:02:30 UTC)