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September 30, 2004 Link to this post

Fan services, and a new movie
A quick update on the free file hosting service being offered by Brian Towne... the list of sites that can use the service has grown considerably - and a check of the bandwidth usage for the box tells me that there's an added bonus that I hadn't expected. Over the years, I've gotten pretty stingy about bandwidth we offer for fan-made movies; partly this is because there are hundreds of them now, and just the maintenance bandwidth required to keep them online (and being downloaded) is noticeable... but partly because I've become somewhat jaded. And that's where Brian's service comes in. Until now, if you had a movie that you wanted the world to see, but no bandwidth to serve it with, you uploaded it to us, and we decided if it was new or different or interesting enough to warrant hosting. Now (assuming your movie is under 8 mb, which many are), you no longer have to ask; you can just upload. Yesterday, Hikaru-119 posted a movie called 'Warriors of the Prophets' - a 6.8 mb, 2:14 long WMP9 video using existing footage to show the Covenant side of the war. I watched it, and thought, 'okay, it's fine... nothing special.' When I read the comments in the forum thread this morning, though, I started to wonder if maybe I wasn't looking with a fresh-enough eye... because most people liked it quite a lot. Had Hikaru submitted it the normal way, nobody would have seen it, because it wouldn't have made it out of my 'not now' folder... but thanks to Brian, anyone can watch this. <3, Brian. Update: Dennis Powers, of UXB Internet, points out that the Halo Maps website has a pretty lenient upload policy as well, for many kinds of Halo-related files. You can read the submission guidelines to see what's allowed, and then register (or log in) to be allowed to upload your files. (Louis Wu 14:57:28 UTC)

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