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September 16, 2007 Link to this post

ARG Video (almost) Wrapup
Ibeechu and DHalo have released a pair of videos in their 'Perceiving the Dimensions of IRIS' series - these two episodes were a bit delayed by real life, and they realize the ARG is over now... but if you're curious to know how it all (almost) ended up, you should go watch episode 4 (WMP9, 24.1 mb | QuickTime, 20.3 mb) and episode 5 (WMP9, 41.7 mb | QuickTime, 39.3 mb). There's one more episode coming - but don't count on it before Halo 3 is released. (Louis Wu 21:38:10 UTC)

September 16, 2007 Link to this post

Luigi as Cortana... ew.
Lots of people sent us word of this YouTube vid of someone playing the Halo theme using Mario Paint. (I guess it was Dugg.) Pretty cool! prometheus was first - thanks. (Louis Wu 12:52:31 UTC)

September 15, 2007 Link to this post

Floaty Silence 3 - Teaser 2
Hellhawk has created a second teaser for Floaty Silence 3 - you can grab copies in WMP9 format (1.5 mb) or QuickTime format (1.9 mb). (Louis Wu 15:17:36 UTC)

September 14, 2007 Link to this post

Believe Hi-Res Mirrors
trigger119 let us know that he's put up a mirror of the 720p WMP9 from Yahoo, as well as encoded (with H.264, 72 mb) a version in QuickTime. They can both be found on this page at GamingTV. For what it's worth, We've put up a 720p QuickTime, as well (62.5 mb) - this one is Sorenson 3-encoded, which should work on machines that can't handle H.264. (Louis Wu 19:57:32 UTC)

September 14, 2007 Link to this post

Master Chief Speed Painting
bs angel, aka Hawty McBloggy, let us know about a very cool Halo speedpainting at YouTube - watch the Master Chief come to life in 5 minutes! (Louis Wu 18:42:08 UTC)

September 14, 2007 Link to this post

Believe is Up
The full, hi-res version of the "Believe" ad is now online at Yahoo Games. (Thanks, The Cancers.) You can watch it online, or download a huge HD (720p, 81 mb) version from them. Good stuff! (Louis Wu 16:30:29 UTC)

September 14, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Korea Promotion Part 3 (of 6)
This went live a couple of days ago, but I'm just noticing it now: the third video in the 6-part Korean Halo 3 promotion is live. (We mentioned Part 1 and Part 2 a couple of weeks ago.) Master Chief visits a... school? This would probably be funnier if I understood Korean. (Louis Wu 12:21:53 UTC)

September 14, 2007 Link to this post

Museum... Reimagined
Consolevania redid the "Museum" vid... their version (thanks, Kotaku) might be more realistic. (Warning: language isn't safe for work.) (Louis Wu 11:00:09 UTC)

September 13, 2007 Link to this post

Believe - online a little early
If you can't wait for an official, high-res copy, Sep7imus found a YouTube version of the upcoming 'Believe' ad; it's simple and powerful. (Later today you'll be able to download not only a high-resolution version of this, but a 'behind the scenes' video showing how the diorama was created. We'll shoot you a link as soon as it's up.) For what it's worth, it seems to me that Microsoft is targeting this campaign at non-gamers. That's not to say that gamers can't (or won't) enjoy it, but I'd bet that far, FAR more people will see (and appreciate) these ads because they're NOT full of game imagery than would be the case otherwise. Update: Looks like it's been pulled down - guess we're waiting for the Yahoo version after all. Thanks, Brandon Marsh. Update 2: Looks like it's still up at GameVideos - thanks, Tex. (Louis Wu 13:06:16 UTC)

September 13, 2007 Link to this post

This Spartan Life talks to The Raiders Guys
This Spartan Life has posted Module Two of their Fifth Episode - it's an interview with the makers of 'Raiders of The Lost Ark - Adaptation', a shot-by-shot remake of the original, begun when they were 12. Go find it on the Episodes page! (Louis Wu 02:32:55 UTC)

September 13, 2007 Link to this post

Good things, and waiting...
On Monday, PraetoriaGuard released Trinity, Episode One, because they said they would. It was sort of a mess, though, and they asked me not to front-page it, because they wanted to clean it up. So I didn't. And they did. It's worth the wait - the cleaned-up version has better audio, better synching, better... stuff. This is good, because the episode itself is pretty impressive, and it would be a shame to detract from that with less-than-stellar production values. No worries there any more! While you're there, the latest episode of PRaetoriaGuardLive is available for download - it chronicles the mistakes they made with this episode - and promises that they won't happen again. (Mostly, they'll keep this promise by removing hard release dates.) Go grab Episode One (in one of five different flavors), and then PG Live Episode VI (in two flavors)... watch watch watch! (Louis Wu 01:39:40 UTC)

September 12, 2007 Link to this post

Another Top 5 List
GameTrailers has put up a new GT Countdown: 'Top Five Reasons We Can't Wait to Play Halo 3'. Our forumgoers had a few things to say about some of the wording - but I can't really argue with the list. Thanks, chewpathingy. (Louis Wu 18:53:57 UTC)

September 12, 2007 Link to this post

Head to Head
Okay, now that the forum is down, let's clear out the existing news there. chewpathingy noticed a new Exclusive vid at Comcast's Game Invasion - filmed during the Projekt Revolution tour, it shows some head-to-head Halo 2 action between PR guys (Linkin Park and friends) and the Warped tour. Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:51:58 UTC)

September 12, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Albania - New Webisode
Dave Bergland let us know that the next segment of the Halo 3 Albania Project is now online; you can watch it on their website, or stream it from YouTube. This one discusses how they plan to pull this off. With awesome graphics. (Louis Wu 13:58:10 UTC)

September 11, 2007 Link to this post

Zola: Trinity
Z let us know about Zola: Trinity, a new montage that's getting great reviews at Halo3Forum. 225 mb, almost 12 minutes long, WMP9 format. Go watch! (Louis Wu 09:51:05 UTC)

September 10, 2007 Link to this post

[Company] Rulez!
Zarathustra Studios and Krad Productions collaborated to create '[Company] Rulez!', a humorous look at the Game Content Usage Rules published by Microsoft last month. Before they could release it, though, Microsoft made it clear that they were planning on revising the rules, and that things weren't as gloomy as they first appeared. The movie's still pretty funny, though, and can be seen in about 600 different formats (well, maybe not QUITE that many) linked off this page. Go read - it's also got a nice collection of links to other articles about these rules. Thanks, Evan Ryan. (Louis Wu 19:30:40 UTC)

September 10, 2007 Link to this post

Thump that Tub.
Hellhawk stopped by with a teaser for his latest project... looks like fun! (Louis Wu 16:55:31 UTC)

September 9, 2007 Link to this post

To The End
Yesterday, we got word from Lucko that his clan, Mystic Studios, had finished up a new music video. Set to the song 'To The End' by My Chemical Romance', it uses some interesting video effects to tell its story. I liked it, although I didn't get the plot at all. This morning, his clanmate Fragg3d posted a link on our forum - replies suggested that my impression (great visuals, maybe not as coherent as it could be) was held by others. Worth watching, just for the visuals. Give 'em some feedback! it's available in WMP9 format from Mythica.org (check this thread at Halo Front for a link), or in WMP9 format (41.1 mb) or QuickTime format (47.5 mb) from us. (Louis Wu 19:19:00 UTC)

September 8, 2007 Link to this post

Bob Dole? Really?
Wow... this is just... wrong. Thanks (I guess) 343winks. (Louis Wu 20:47:49 UTC)

September 8, 2007 Link to this post

A good look at Halo ActionClix
XBL Radio interviewed the WizKids rep at PAX a couple of weeks ago - the video is now up. You get a good sense for how Halo ActionClix works, and can see the game in action - good stuff! Thanks, Avateur. (Louis Wu 13:06:15 UTC)

September 8, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 on Game Head
Game Head did some filming at the Massachusetts Projekt Revolution event in late August - Halo 3 was played there, and the cameras were rolling. (Footage shown by itself seems to be taken straight from the Beta - but I don't know if that's what was playing in the background.) Thanks, chewpathingy. (Louis Wu 13:02:53 UTC)

September 7, 2007 Link to this post

The Unlucky Elite
Jamie98s sent us another new movie - this one is called 'The Unlucky Elite', and it's all about a poor sucker of an Elite who does his best to kill a Spartan. Lighthearted, not too big, well-filmed - go watch! It's available in WMP9 format (35.1 mb) or QuickTime format (33.1 mb). (Louis Wu 13:06:02 UTC)

September 6, 2007 Link to this post

Trinity Trailer
The Praetoria Guard has released a trailer for Trinity, an upcoming machinima series. There is, in fact, an entire website devoted to the series. Swing by, read about it, and then download the trailer from the Downloads page - I have to say, it looks promising! (Louis Wu 16:01:58 UTC)

September 6, 2007 Link to this post

Bzerker let us know yesterday about Revenge, a new video from Treeskunk and Team Conquest. As the title might suggest, it's the story of... well, revenge. Lots of fun action. 12 minutes long, roughly 100 mb, depending on version - you can download it from GamingTV. Go watch! (There's also a ridiculously large version hosted at Treeskunk, linked in this Team Conquest thread.) Update: There are now many versions available from Treeskunk - thanks, Bzerker. (Louis Wu 11:24:29 UTC)

September 5, 2007 Link to this post

Big Bang
Awesome new video at Game Invasion - 3:41 worth of Bungie employees (Marty, man, cut your hair) discussing what THEY think Halo 3 will give you, and what you're going to be giving back. Hype? Sure. But good hype. Go watch. Thanks, GetOverIT Enor.Update: Schedonnardus points out that there are actually TWO new videos today - the second one, Better than Ever, is all about how passionate the devs are about this game. (There's also an explanation for Marty's new 'do.) Watch this one too! (Louis Wu 21:22:52 UTC)

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