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Showing results 5101 - 5125 of 6554 matches September 28, 2007 Link to this post Campaign Tribute to Halo 2
TM22 edited a Halo 2 tribute video - 15 minutes long, 170 mb, WMP9 format. You can grab a copy (or watch it streaming) over at Halo3Forum.com... tons of trick moves and grenade bounces - some really nice clips. Thanks, Z.
(Louis Wu 12:53:27 UTC)
September 28, 2007 Link to this post Chieftans are Hard
DigitalHer0 created a short clip using the Halo 3 Save Film feature; we're linking to it because it's one of the earliest clips released that use this feature, but I'd like to warn submitters that we'll be pretty picky in the future about front-paging clips. (You're always welcome to post them on our forum, of course.) This one shows an encounter with a Brute Chieftan, and lets you know what you'll face on Heroic. Pay careful attention to the effect of certain weapons. There are no story spoilers in this clip. (Louis Wu 09:56:04 UTC)
September 28, 2007 Link to this post Halo Sound Effects
Old Rich People have posted a Halo parody film - the footage is all from the Halo 3 Beta, for some reason. Thanks, Ashley Salas. (Louis Wu 09:50:06 UTC)
September 27, 2007 Link to this post Halo 3 Premiere in Sweden
Thanks to Joakim Ericson, who let us know about a film on YouTube that shows the Halo 3 kickoff event in Sweden. (Louis Wu 19:30:31 UTC)
September 27, 2007 Link to this post Lego Zanzibar - finished Kooberz let us know he's finished his Lego Zanzibar video - you can see it on YouTube. It's a 9 minute walktrhough, showing how closely he matched the Lego stuff to the in-game map. Even the bridge works! Insanity. It also contains tons of info about the building of the project - if you're into Lego construction, this is amazing. (Louis Wu 02:47:52 UTC)
September 24, 2007 Link to this post Last One Standing The final Neill Blomkamp short before Halo 3, Last One Standing, is now available at Discovery.com. This is the longest - and most powerful - of the bunch; a squad of ODSTs secures the drop zone for Master Chief, at horrendous cost. This one is NOT for small children, or squeamish folks; it's more graphic than previous shorts. That said, it's fantastic. Thanks, GhaleonEB. (Louis Wu 14:52:13 UTC)
September 22, 2007 Link to this post Halo: The Future of Gaming
This is the funniest Halo video I've seen in a while. (Yes, that includes Halo Nights.) Go watch it. You'll laugh. Thanks, Jim Bob.
(Louis Wu 18:44:13 UTC)
September 22, 2007 Link to this post Hunted
ManKitten sent in a link to a YouTube version of a Believe ad I haven't seen yet - it's called 'Hunted', and it looks at a soldier reliving a frightening night during the war. It might be my favorite, so far... as far as I can tell, it hasn't appeared in Hi-res anywhere yet. (Louis Wu 17:51:53 UTC)
September 22, 2007 Link to this post Threshold Part 2
Halopen has chosen this weekend to release Threshold Part 2, a new machinima. They're very excited about it - so much so that they really want me to post a description of the movie that they wrote. We don't usually do this, but I'll make an exception this time: A lone general known as Hypnos, endeavors to win the war against the humans. But there is one thing stopping him from achieving victory, himself. His dark side has gotten to know him more than he knew himself, and this has become a problem for Hypnos and his army. Can he fight through his insanity and continue to live or will he confront his demon and destroy it? Finding the video is actually non-trivial - but if you click on the picture that makes up the top news post on their website, you'll be taken to a Mythica page where you can download it. WMP9 format, 16 minutes long, 87 mb. Thanks, xbryboyremix. (Louis Wu 17:50:04 UTC)
September 22, 2007 Link to this post Halo So Far
Yahoo Games has another 'looking back' movie; this one is called 'Halo So Far', and is a retrospective of the plots of Halo and Halo 2, using the same voiceover guy that was used for the Weapons overviews. If you've forgotten stuff, go watch. (Louis Wu 11:09:12 UTC)
September 22, 2007 Link to this post Enemy Weapon Lots and lots of people noticed the new Believe trailer, titled 'Enemy Weapon', which was released last night. You can find a high-res version of it at halo.msn.com (thanks, The Cancers) - Silverlight is required. If you want to pass on Silverlight, it's also available at Yahoo Games (thanks, mhuber33) and YouTube (thanks, S043). Haven't noticed a downloadable version yet. This one has a pair of UNSC vets discussing the weapons they used - and the weapons they fought against. Great piece. Update: DHalo grabbed the HD version off the MSN site, and uploaded it to Mythica; you now have a downloadable version if you want one.
(Louis Wu 10:59:24 UTC)
September 22, 2007 Link to this post A different take on Halo Wars
And now for something quite different - YouTube user wronginc hacked up the footage from the Halo Wars trailer and put his own music to it. Hard rock - but it fits nicely. Take a look!
(Louis Wu 10:52:14 UTC)
September 22, 2007 Link to this post He didn't sound right.
P_40E found a... strange video at Kotaku. (Louis Wu 02:20:46 UTC)
September 22, 2007 Link to this post Second Take: The Games That Spawned Halo
Second Take looks back over the games that have paved the way for Halo - pretty thoughtful video. The Game Fuel comedy at the end is a bonus - and pure gold. Thanks, zugy. (Louis Wu 00:22:41 UTC)
September 21, 2007 Link to this post Cinema Paradiso - More Organized Yesterday, Bungie released Cinema Paradiso, their last VIDOC before Halo 3 hits the shelves. The HBO news post about it is... rather large, and rather rambling; it's hard to tell what's available, and where. So here's a summary. First off, there's a written story that goes with the video at Bungie.net. You should read this. Then, you can download your favorite flavor of the movie; all formats contain the same size films (small - 320x180; medium - 640x360; large - 1280x720). You have three format choices: Windows Media Player 9, H.264 QuickTime, and Sorenson 3 Pro QuickTime. Microsoft's hosting the WMV files, we're hosting the QuickTimes. All files are direct downloads, except the two large QuickTimes - those are BitTorrented. (Sorry, for those who can't handle that. We'll do our best to make them directly downloadable at some point in the future - but they're huge, and until demand dies down...) The H.264 QuickTimes are larger, and harder on older machines, than the S3Pro QuickTimes; we're offering them because that's what Bungie provided us with, but we'd recommend getting the reencoded versions. Okay - that all said, here are all the download links in one place: If you didn't grab this yesterday, grab it today! There are no spoilers, and MAN, it'll make you want to play with Forge and Saved Films. (Dropping tanks on people's heads never gets old.) (Louis Wu 16:42:51 UTC)
September 21, 2007 Link to this post Halo Armory
Over at Yahoo Launch Central, there's a new series of video clips - Halo Armory runs down the weapons and vehicles you had access to in Halo and Halo 2. Thanks to Sean Jackson for the reminder to revisit the portal. (Louis Wu 14:02:51 UTC)
September 21, 2007 Link to this post Believe Ad Satire karebearstare put together his own parody of the Believe ads - it's short, it's cute, it's available at MLG's Gameroom and YouTube. Go see what you think. (Louis Wu 10:26:58 UTC)
September 20, 2007 Link to this post These are not the boxes you're looking for.
This vid made me smile. Thanks, Mad Tom. (Louis Wu 21:57:05 UTC)
September 20, 2007 Link to this post Video Walkthrough of Construct (unauthorized) Hmm... this is the sort of thing I'm not sure if I should be mentioning. Someone has created a reasonably high-quality film of a walkthrough, in Forge, of the multiplayer level Bungie announced yesterday, Construct. There are no spoilers in the film - it's just a guy running around the map, no voiceover at all - and it shows off the gorgeous graphics of the level to nice effect... but it IS content that hasn't been released by Bungie yet (though they HAVE announced it, and released screenshots). It's up to you whether you visit or not; it's a really pretty level, but you'll get to run around it all by yourself in just 4 days. If you want to see it now, visit GameTrailers. I found this at Planet Halo. Update: Brodingo points out that there are runthroughs of The Pit and Isolation, as well. (While the multiplayer environments match locations in the Campaign, these cannot be said to contain spoilers, because there is no context for what you're seeing. No part of the STORY is spoiled by seeing the environment, in these cases. That said - these were created by people who got their hands on the game before they were supposed to, and have been uploaded without Bungie's approval; if you want Bungie to decide what you see, and don't see, before launch, don't visit these links.) (Louis Wu 10:43:23 UTC)
September 20, 2007 Link to this post Achingly Familiar
We got word from Haloplayer that Lost Cause Episode 15 is now online (in a bunch of downloadable and streaming flavors) at Injured Knee Productions - and this is probably the last Halo 2 episode they'll make. It's called 'Achingly Familiar', and the Elites have finally found our squad. Uh oh... (Louis Wu 09:57:49 UTC)
September 19, 2007 Link to this post MMontage trigger119 let us know that there's a new Halo 3 Beta montage up and ready for download at GamingTV - this one is from MMaster. Lots of snipes, lots of Spartan Laser kills. WMP9 or QT, 40-70 mb. Go watch for nostalgia! (Louis Wu 18:29:51 UTC)
September 19, 2007 Link to this post The Three Towers Revisited
Over at High Impact Halo (CHECK OUT THAT NEW FRONT PAGE! and be sure to read Ducain's explanation for how it works!), seven trickers got together and put together a half-hour video revisiting the Three Towers from the level Halo of the original game. This has got to be the definitive TT vid. It's 212 mb, but there are some amazing tricks in there. Visit this forum thread for all the details, and a download link. Thanks, WLT and Ducain.
(Louis Wu 10:42:47 UTC)
September 18, 2007 Link to this post Floaty Silence 3 - A Fart in the Wind
Hellhawk let us know that he's released Floaty Silence 3. It's basically 'A Whisper in the Storm', with an entirely new soundtrack. Pretty funny! You can grab it in WMP9 format (44.4 mb) or QuickTime format (Sorenson-encoded, 49.4 mb) from us... or you can grab a non-deinterlaced QuickTime version (H.264 encoding, 46.9 mb) from Mythica.org. Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:53:35 UTC)
September 18, 2007 Link to this post Halo Nights We got a press release from Deep Focus, an agency in New York - they're promoting what has to be one of the oddest music vids I've seen in a long time. From the release: Only days away from the Halo 3 release, Superdeluxe.com and Team Tiger Awesome drops this boy-band ode to Master Chief and the perils of spending all your time blasting the Covenant. I've never heard of Team Tiger Awesome before, but lemme tell you, I'm gonna be googling as soon as this is posted. Check out the video at SuperDeluxe.com... and take a lesson from it! Balance is important. Update: Since the SuperDeluxe link died, here's a link on Team Tiger's page. (Louis Wu 16:39:19 UTC)
September 17, 2007 Link to this post Evolution of Halo, Revisited
trigger119 points out that the GamingTV Spotlight of the week is Evolution of Halo - if you haven't seen this video (created years ago, to show where Halo came from), now's a good time! (Louis Wu 17:03:29 UTC)