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Showing results 2276 - 2300 of 6554 matches September 10, 2011 Link to this post IGN's Halo 4 Concept Art Rewind Theater
IGN's latest Rewind Theater looks at the Halo 4 concept art trailer released at Halo Fest. Not a bad look! Thanks, ChrisTheeCrappy. (Louis Wu 15:24:35 UTC)
September 9, 2011 Link to this post Matchmaking Reached Ep 3: The Boy of Destiny
MatthewDratt pointed out a new episode of Darkspire's Matchmaking Reached - what happens when you pour Harry Potter themes into a Halo mold? YOU GET DARK LORD POPS! Wait, that's not right...
(Louis Wu 17:13:43 UTC)
September 8, 2011 Link to this post Getting 17,777 cR in Style
Nak3d Eli is back with another run to help you through the Weekly Challenge - an 18-minute dash through Pillar of Autumn on LASO (minus Blind). Some of his tricks might be tough to pull off - if you find yourself having trouble, swing by High Speed Halo, where a number of runs at different difficulties (including a 28 minute LASO run from RC Master) can show you alternatives. (And don't forget Tyrant's Mythic Guide - still MORE choices!) (Louis Wu 21:16:07 UTC)
September 8, 2011 Link to this post I've Heard This Tail Before Thanks to Edward James for letting us know about A neat new machinima piece by FireLight Studios called "Reason". It's an interesting twist on an old fable that looks at an Elite's interaction with the Chief. Pretty cool, check it out! Would I be lion to you? (GrimBrother One 04:12:17 UTC)
September 7, 2011 Link to this post Halotracker Halo: Reach Community Montage 5 Edge sent word that the 5th Halotracker Community Montage is online - lots of multikills. The ending clip... is hilarious. (Louis Wu 17:33:43 UTC)
September 7, 2011 Link to this post Human or Demon
Jefferson let us know about Human or Demon, a French machinima project (with english subtitles) about an Elite squad that meets its match in some humans who don't fit the mold. Nearly 14 minutes. (Louis Wu 14:30:16 UTC)
September 7, 2011 Link to this post What a Night!
Pierre Tartaix sent word that TGO GMBH has released What a Night! - a Halo 3-based machinima that goes for the 50's Film Noir vibe. Things get a little... odd near the end. Interesting piece of work! (Louis Wu 14:18:53 UTC)
September 6, 2011 Link to this post First - make a million dollars.
Physics Remastered is back with a tutorial showing how to get into the Ice Cave on The Package. (I'm amused by the fact that it STARTS with what might be the hardest glitch to activate in the game.) Pretty cool, if you can pull it off! Thanks, Carnage A51. (Louis Wu 17:55:04 UTC)
September 6, 2011 Link to this post Lifting the Veil
robofin117 pointed out that Red vs Blue Season 9 Episode 11 is now up for general consumption - the two storylines are beginning to come together! (And Lopez might be the brightest soldier in the Gulch. Which would be sad.) (Louis Wu 14:44:48 UTC)
September 5, 2011 Link to this post Halo Reach Fails 12
Stewie2552 has got another episode of Halo Reach Fails for you - Episode 12 contains four minutes of what NOT to do. (The Elite general who politely waited for attention before spearing his opponent made me laugh loudly.) (Louis Wu 18:32:00 UTC)
September 5, 2011 Link to this post Hang 'em High - Playable in Minecraft
Wow. HmVSTiffer is back with a new Halo map recreated in Minecraft - this time, it's Hang 'em High. He's not as happy with it as he is with his Hemorrhage remake... but I'd say it's great! (Louis Wu 16:37:28 UTC)
September 5, 2011 Link to this post Behind the Bloks: Guilty Spark
One of the many cool items on display at Halo Fest last week was a gigantic model of 343 Guilty Spark, made of Mega Bloks. (One lucky person will go home with this item after the Child's Play auction in December.) If you visit Halo Waypoint today, you'll find a behind-the-scenes video showing how this monstrosity was created - it's pretty fun to watch! (Louis Wu 16:25:42 UTC)
September 5, 2011 Link to this post Halo Custom Edition - A New Kind of Swamp
Dennis Powers sent word of a project from Slap Happy to enhance the Halo Custom Edition environment with new plants - some really intricate stuff! (There's an additional video showing some detailed work-in-progress that didn't get linked in the Halo Maps forum post.)
(Louis Wu 16:22:27 UTC)
September 4, 2011 Link to this post Real Men of Halo (and a bonus) One thing that's really cool about live performances from favorite artists is that fans sometimes jump right on the new content. Daemon Productions (the folks behind the recent Legends: Cielo Negro machinima series) grabbed the Pete Stacker/Tim Dadabo "Real Men of Halo" performance from the Halo Universe panel (if you haven't seen it, jump to 48:30 in this video), and added Reach footage - the result is pretty enjoyable! (And while you're checking out fan/voice-actor blends, Podtacular's Dust Storm pointed out conpett's Halo Corpseman, which was created a couple of years ago, but which used one of the outtakes Marty played at that same panel and added funny footage to it.)
(Louis Wu 15:52:29 UTC)
September 4, 2011 Link to this post Challenge Tutorial: Winning Games Fast
Nak3d Eli continues in his Challenge Tutorial Series - he's put up a video with several examples of really, really fast games (4 games in under 4 minutes), which should help you pick gametypes for challenges that require a specific number of wins (or even just games). Check it out!
(Louis Wu 15:47:40 UTC)
September 3, 2011 Link to this post Arby 'n' The Chief: Hypermail - Silly Billies
There's a new Arby 'n' the Chief: Hypermail episode - Silly Billies has Chief trying hard not to make mom jokes, while the Arbiter dances. Thanks, robofin117. (Louis Wu 21:12:24 UTC)
September 3, 2011 Link to this post Halo Fest Day 1 - the Shakeycam Version
Chris101b spent most of Halo Fest with a camera (well, his phone) welded to his hand. Go see the 26-minute boiliing-down of Day 1. (Louis Wu 20:32:16 UTC)
September 3, 2011 Link to this post DaFrontlineTrooper Halo Collection
DaFrontlineTrooper (a prolific propmaker) put up a film showing off all of his Halo weapons (along with Mass Effect props and Star Wars props). Amazing! Thanks, robofin117. (Louis Wu 20:31:17 UTC)
September 3, 2011 Link to this post Ha ha, You Can't Get Me, I'm Behind a Shield-BLAM! You should definitely check out Episode 13 of Stewie2552's Halo Reach Fails & Laughs series. I laughed out loud more than once, which Mrs. One was not particularly happy about at 2am. However, you should watch it anyway! Thanks for letting us know, Stewie. (GrimBrother One 06:00:33 UTC)
September 3, 2011 Link to this post Revving It Up on the Dino Rizla found a pretty cool Elite-focused montage that's a really fun watch. It's a decent time sink for a gameplay montage, clocking in at over 6 minutes, but moves along rather well thanks to a combination of stellar multikills and funny moments. Go and give it a watch! Preferably a Rolex. (GrimBrother One 05:30:10 UTC)
September 2, 2011 Link to this post Giant Bomb gets the lowdown from Ellis
Giant Bomb has an interview with David Ellis from Halo Fest last week - not a huge amount of new content, but it does a good job of presenting most of the salient points concisely, and the Ruby costumes that serve as a backdrop for the interview are pretty funny. A nice summary, and Ellis doesn't do this very often - fun! Thanks, Ken.
(Louis Wu 14:01:31 UTC)
September 2, 2011 Link to this post VYE Halo Reach Montage
RVideo sent word of a new Reach montage from VYE, a european MLG team - huge numbers of well-choreographed sniper shots, punctuated by some pretty fun effects. Production values are quite high. Editing provided by whaTime. Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:00:39 UTC)
September 1, 2011 Link to this post Halo 3 Footage, clips and games
Urban Reflex put up a huge collection of short clips from Halo 3 multiplay, and posted the playlists on our forum. Go watch for varied pleasure! (Louis Wu 21:55:23 UTC)
September 1, 2011 Link to this post Spartan Cosplay
nam found a cool video from Otakuthon 2011 in Montreal - starting at about 1:45 is a fun little enactment by a pair of Spartans. Check it! (If people around you have sensitive ears, turn the volume down; the song's lyrics are not very SFW.)
(Louis Wu 21:54:24 UTC)
September 1, 2011 Link to this post Achievement Horse - Halo Fest Edition
7he grunt w/a plasma pistol pointed out the Halo Fest edition of Achievement HORSE - it shows how the office staff handled the track they brought with them to Halo Fest (to raise money for Child's Play). I played it, and I fell off - a lot. Kudos to those who finished it! (It's on YouTube, too - thanks, hezekiah.) (Louis Wu 21:50:25 UTC)