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Showing results 876 - 900 of 6554 matches December 23, 2012 Link to this post Campaign and Spartan Ops, Legendarily RC Master's been busy - he stopped by our forum with links to six new videos, showing off speed runs on Campaign and Legendary Solo runs on Spartan Ops. Immerse yourself!
(Louis Wu 17:06:33 UTC)
December 23, 2012 Link to this post More Murder Miner Mimics We've mentioned Murder Miners before (back in September, and again in October) - Overdoziz pointed out a video showing off lots and lots of Halo remakes. Take a look!
(Louis Wu 17:03:11 UTC)
December 22, 2012 Link to this post That William Tell play... I can do that. Fails of the Weak 118 (AH.com | YouTube) has fails... but also some very cool glitches. (Well, lots of fails, a couple of glitches.) I laughed, more than once. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 18:46:43 UTC)
December 22, 2012 Link to this post Grab yourself an Invisible Banshee Zylon 0217 stopped by with a video showing how to hijack an invisible Banshee on Composer - you can be Iron Man! (Very, very cool.)
(Louis Wu 18:39:18 UTC)
December 22, 2012 Link to this post Halo 4 Reclaimer No-shot and Pacifist HaloHistory100 has run through Reclaimer (the Mammoth level) on Legendary... with no kills, no deaths, no shots. I hadn't realized that was possible! (He DOES help destroy the cannons with the Target Locator - but those aren't really shots.) Amazing - the whole run. Thanks, Hypertrooper.
(Louis Wu 18:35:32 UTC)
December 22, 2012 Link to this post Destiny - Art in Motion INSANEdrive pointed out this really awesome video showing off Destiny concept art pictures (the leaks) in motion combined with some mysterious ambient music - mesmerizing. A lot of care and effort went into making this and it shows. Check it out!
(colindosaj 13:15:16 UTC)
December 22, 2012 Link to this post Anoj's Top 10 Sticks: Episode 7 Anoj released episode 7 of his Top 10 series - this time things get really blue and sticky. Some of the clips include that unsavory grenade glitch (now patched), but they are still neat to watch! Thanks, Jordan Bell. (colindosaj 13:13:36 UTC)
December 21, 2012 Link to this post Forge Tutorial: 'Progressive' Extraction Trick Breakdown Remember that pretty cool 'Extraction as a potential Invasion replacement' video pete_the_duck posted last week? Well, Certain Affinity has posted a new Forge Tutorial showing you more details on exactly this concept. Nice! Thanks, TheOddOne. (Louis Wu 20:02:25 UTC)
December 21, 2012 Link to this post Odd One Out Abridged: HL Christmas Special CbWilliams is back with a new Halo Legends parody - this one focuses on Odd One Out. IT's a Christmas special! I was amused. (Louis Wu 18:33:01 UTC)
December 21, 2012 Link to this post Laughing in the face of Mayan gods RUL's Greenskull is getting together with friends for a 'Post-Apocalyptic Playdate' - assuming we're all still around tomorrow, they'll be playing Halo 4 tomorrow from 12pm Pacific until they feel like stopping. If you want to join, watch the video to learn how! (Louis Wu 17:27:58 UTC)
December 21, 2012 Link to this post Bouncing from Boxes, Higher than Ever haloHISTORY100 has showed amazing creativity both in Halo 3 and Halo 4 - he's back with a new Halo 4 video that drops my jaw. It's got a bunch of grenade/box jumps - some are great for speedrunners, others get you to places you were never supposed to be. Fantastic! Thanks, Hypertrooper. (Louis Wu 15:22:26 UTC)
December 21, 2012 Link to this post Behind the scenes on a live-action fan project Back in October, we saw some still shots from what looked to be a new Halo fan film project - DevinSupertramp has now posted a Behind the Scenes peek at the filming. Looking forward to seeing the final product! Thanks, Tawpgun. (Louis Wu 15:06:32 UTC)
December 21, 2012 Link to this post Go home, Spartan - you're drunk. Gandemo plays Halo 4 better drunk than I play it sober. This makes me sad. (Louis Wu 14:59:27 UTC)
December 21, 2012 Link to this post Oboes... in... SPAAAACE OboeCrazy dropped in yesterday with some campaign coop footage (a 4-player playthrough of Dawn)... with a twist. There was a load failure near the beginning... in which the game managed to lose the majority of the Forward Unto Dawn. The funny part is, the glitch didn't result in graphical weirdness (missing textures, etc) - instead, there was just... space. You could jump into it, even! A very bizarre glitch - nicely caught on film! Go see.
(Louis Wu 14:50:09 UTC)
December 21, 2012 Link to this post Home in Valhalla Skywalker DSP is back with another commentary vid - this time, it's a CTF game on Ragnarok. It's a fun watch! (Louis Wu 14:35:25 UTC)
December 21, 2012 Link to this post Artem - the company behind the Halo 4 Suit Artem is a company that makes special effects stuff - they were hired to create a Halo 4 of armor that could be worn for launch events (including the Lichtenstein weekend). They'd documented the process last month (both in text and with a behind-the-scenes video) - but we didn't hear about it until Ross Mills stopped by with links (apparently, he's got a mate who works for Artem). Great stuff! (Louis Wu 14:28:04 UTC)
December 20, 2012 Link to this post Halo 4 Boltshot Revolution - JOIN THE FIGHT Heh - this guy has a problem with the Boltshot. Do you? Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 23:52:58 UTC)
December 20, 2012 Link to this post Five Facts - Halo 3 Another one from AchievementHunter - Halo 3 Five Facts. These are tidbits you might not know about this now-5-year-old title. Awesome! Thanks, Enfinit. (Louis Wu 23:51:11 UTC)
December 20, 2012 Link to this post Halo HORSE 106 AchievementHunter has the latest Halo HORSE (PIG, until the Halo 4 Fileshare actually works) online - watch it at AH.com or YouTube. Cool maps! I love the creativity. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Yes, this is a duplicate newspost. Gonna leave it alone this time.) (Louis Wu 23:49:19 UTC)
December 19, 2012 Link to this post Jump to your doom - or not Rockslider approached the recent AotCR PAL-only bridge descent method with his usual methodical completeness - his latest video shows you how to make it a bit more consistent, and how to use it to shave multiple seconds off a speedrun. Nice! (Louis Wu 23:35:00 UTC)
December 18, 2012 Link to this post Rewind Youtube Style 2012 Der Flatulator, at NeoGAF (and Bry, on our own forum) both noticed some Halo content in the year-end YouTube retrospective vid, Rewind YouTube Style 2012. Nice touch - Halo content appears for the first time... at 1:17.
(Louis Wu 16:49:13 UTC)
December 18, 2012 Link to this post The Glitch CorridorDigital released The Glitch - fantastic effects! And some awesome Halo content, to boot. Go watch! Thanks, robofin117. (Louis Wu 16:28:31 UTC)
December 17, 2012 Link to this post Happy Birthday Grifball! Grifball is now five years old - and the folks at GrifballHub are celebrating with a birthday vid! They did some awesome planning to bring this off. Also, they'll be running four one-night tournaments this week, in honor of its old-age status! (Five is, like, 93 in Internet minigame years.) Go play! (Louis Wu 12:17:23 UTC)
December 17, 2012 Link to this post Halo Theme on eight floppy drives Sometimes, cool stuff makes it to us way late. MrSolidSnake745 creates music by feeding MIDI tracks to an Arduino controller that manages the stepper motors of 8 floppy drives. (Are you old enough to remember what a floppy drive is?) If this concept makes no sense to you... go watch the video. (It was released in August, but we didn't hear about it until Tashi mentioned it at NeoGAF.) The beginning is pretty wild, but the true wonder kicks in around 40 seconds in.
(Louis Wu 12:11:58 UTC)
December 16, 2012 Link to this post Frozen Sleep - A Halo 4/Cortana Tribute Song Malukah is a composer and singer from Mexico - she's covered a number of video game songs, but her most recent one is her first Halo-related release. It is simply spectacular. 'Frozen Sleep' is a tribute to Cortana - it combines existing Halo themes, some incredible instrument playing, and a vocal track that needs to be heard to be believed. Go listen. More than once. Thanks to The Lionheart for pointing this amazing piece of work out. (Louis Wu 18:41:01 UTC)