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July 12, 2005 Link to this post

Road to Glory - Direct
[HC] D-Man posted a direct download linkto the WMP9 version of Halo 2: Road to Glory; it's still available via BitTorrent (see the original news post for details), but if you can't (or won't) use BT, check this out. It's hosted on FileFront, which means you have a pretty good chance of getting the entire 421 mb file without the server dying. The QuickTime version should be posted soon. (Louis Wu 05:02:09 UTC)

July 11, 2005 Link to this post

Final Supremacy's Black and White
Final Supremacy has released the first two episodes of a machinima project called 'Black and White' - this is the story of a team of SpecOps Spartans who need to hold back a rebel uprising. Vids are in DIvX or MPEG format, and run about 40-60 mb each. Grab them from their media page! (Louis Wu 19:02:24 UTC)

July 11, 2005 Link to this post

Getting High.
There was a montage mentioned over at High Impact Halo, as well - Dark Helmet put together a single player Hog Launching montage from Halo footage. Halo, Silent Cartographer, AotCR - some classic jumps, some stuff you may never have seen before, he makes it ALL look easy. (I watched him pull out a controller and demonstrate some of this stuff to Randy Pitchford, of Gearbox, a couple of years ago - watch this vid and you might feel the same enthusiasm to go and hog-jump yourself that Randy felt.) The forum thread has both high-res (50 mb) and low-res (20 mb) WMP versions, hosted on DH's mythica space - if there's a demand for QuickTime (send email), I'll add them. (Louis Wu 14:11:14 UTC)

July 11, 2005 Link to this post

Heavy Sniping
Another montage, this time from the original Halo. MPRRS reviewers loved the audio/video synching, which is very impressive. Check out YourDogM1H1, from RHSSE89 - 15.3 mb in QuickTime, 14.9 mb in WMP9. (Louis Wu 14:02:37 UTC)

July 10, 2005 Link to this post

Road to Glory - the Release
Last week, we released a trailer for a full-length (80 minute) documentary, created by a pretty obsessed Halo fan. I posed a question on our forum - would folks be interested in downloading the entire thing (400+ mb)? The response was pretty positive - so here you go. We're providing two BitTorrent links - one for a WMP9 version, one for a QuickTime version - both are 421 mb. We're providing a pretty serious amount of seed bandwidth for these, as well (12000 KBit/sec each), so even early downloaders should be fine. In the next couple of days, we should have a dedicated page up for this movie, with information about how to order a DVD version direct from Noah, the creator. (He's not looking to make money on this - the cost will cover the blank DVD media and the shipping, nothing more.) Again - this is the story of a group of Halo fanatics (and their families) as the excitement builds towards the release of Halo 2. It's quite well-made, ultra-geeky (but how could it not be?), and pretty fun to watch - but there's nothing blowing up, and no sex, so if you were weaned on MTV, you might find it slow. This is why you have high-speed bandwidth. Grab a copy! (Louis Wu 23:14:30 UTC)

July 10, 2005 Link to this post

Oh So Beautiful II
A couple of days ago, we posted Jamie98s' 'Oh So Beautiful', an ode to the gorgeous scenery in Halo 2 multiplayer maps. He's done it again - 'Oh So Beautiful II' looks at the pretty stuff in the newest maps, again with Jack Johnson providing the soundtrack. WMP9 (9 mb) or QuickTime (10.3 mb) - thanks to the reviewers with the MPRRS for getting this through so fast! (The entire queue is cleared, in fact; we've got a few movies to release in the next couple of days.) (Louis Wu 22:41:43 UTC)

July 10, 2005 Link to this post

Definitely Luck
trigger119 posted a montage he made on our forum - it's hosted on his halomachinima.com website. 35 mb, WMP9 format, called 'Definitely Luck'. retsamolah gets killed a lot. (Louis Wu 17:20:34 UTC)

July 10, 2005 Link to this post

Biohazard - for your PSP
Phan7om has created a PSP-friendly version of Biohazard, an extremely popular machinima project. (If you've never seen it, and don't have a PSP, you can find download links in this news post, from March.) Now, if you want to see this vid, but need it on the go... you've got it! (Louis Wu 14:40:22 UTC)

July 9, 2005 Link to this post

VGL coverage at GT
GameTrailers.com has coverage from Video Games Live, the concert tour that kicked off in LA a few days ago. 31 mb, in either WMP9 or QuickTime formats. Thanks, Mr.Cynical. (Louis Wu 18:49:05 UTC)

July 8, 2005 Link to this post

Tag Team Roboto
Another MPRRS-passed film for you today - this one is a montage called Tag Team Roboto, amde by MikeMan27 and his buddy, Dan. This went through several iterations, getting feedback at each step from the system; the final product is light-years beyond the original submission. You can grab a WMP9 version (47.2 mb, mythica.org | bungie.org) or a QuickTime version (39.8 mb, bungie.org | mythica.org) - enjoy! (Louis Wu 20:33:50 UTC)

July 8, 2005 Link to this post

HCEC 10: Descent
The Halo CE Chronicles have kicked off Season 2 with Episode 10, now available from the HCEC video page. Many new characters, but the focus remains on the Spartan and the station AI - very nice use of repurposed footage. Go check it out! (Louis Wu 19:11:31 UTC)

July 8, 2005 Link to this post

Oh So Beautiful
Jamie98s whipped up a nice little video (WMP9, 10.6 mb | QuickTime, 9 mb) showing some of the pretty stuff in Halo 2's multiplayer maps. No plot - just pretty. The Jack Johnson soundtrack is a perfect fit, too. There haven't been a lot of films passing the MPRRS recently - this is one. Go watch. (Louis Wu 14:43:41 UTC)

July 8, 2005 Link to this post

Homebrewed MC Goodness
We mentioned Doug Godfrey a couple of weeks ago - he's been working on some MC models based off action figures, instead of in-game stuff. He dropped by our forum last night to point out a short rendered animation (4 mb, DivX format) - he's not sure where he's going with it, but so far, it's looking pretty cool! (Louis Wu 13:03:48 UTC)

July 8, 2005 Link to this post

New gameplay vids at GS
Gamespot has posted seven new movies, showing gameplay on the new maps. 'HD Quality' downloads (yeah, right - they're 480x360 MPEG1s) for Gamespot Complete members, streaming WMP9s for the masses. Check for the '07/07' posted date. (Louis Wu 12:32:06 UTC)

July 8, 2005 Link to this post

Watch the Pros
MLGPro.com has put up a huge new batch of Video on Demand content for subscribers - Finals and semi-finals from MGL St. Louis. There's more on the way today - keep your eyes peeled! Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 12:14:31 UTC)

July 7, 2005 Link to this post

Nirvana has re-encoded low-res versions of the Hollywood Halo Update 4 vid released a few days ago - if 87 mb was too much for you, grab the ~30 mb versions he's made. (Louis Wu 14:37:45 UTC)

July 4, 2005 Link to this post

Hollywood Halo Update 4
Our final news post of this Fourth of July holiday is community-related. A few days ago, we mentioned some money problems being experienced by Hollywood Halo, a team of Halo movie makers who were socked with some unreasonable overage fees for one of their popular movies. To show people what happened to them, they put together a vid that explains the problem (in a humorous fashion), and then summarizes their work to date. chubark posted a note on our forum last night, explaining the vid and listing several download links (including a BitTorrent link - the video is 87.1 mb, so the BT link might be your fastest option). We've put up a QuickTime version, as well - you can grab it via BitTorrent (we're seeding it with a very nice chunk of bandwidth), or grab the direct download - if this starts to kill us, we'll pull it, but leave the BT link. (The QuickTime is 85.7 mb.) For folks who've written us with a warning that this whole thing is a scam - I think you're being overly paranoid. The hosting company is acting pretty unprofessionally - but a typo in their bill does NOT mean that the bill was made up. And with that - I'm off to start cooking! Enjoy the day, see you all tomorrow! (Louis Wu 12:29:44 UTC)

July 3, 2005 Link to this post

Happy Fourth of July!
Wow. A fitting place to take a break from Halo updates for the July 4 weekend... Dark Helmet released a Halo vid showing some truly amazing hog launching on the level Halo. If there's demand, I'll put up a QuickTime version - but for now, it's 37 mb, WMP9 format. And very, very nicely done. (Louis Wu 18:16:20 UTC)

July 2, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2: The Road to Glory (Trailer)
Noah Gallop and his friends are Halo fans. So much so, in fact, that Noah created a film documenting their wait for Halo 2 last year. It's a full-length film - 80 minutes long. (The Hi-res WMP9 version is over 400 MB.) As such, it probably has a limited audience... but I think he did a wonderful job capturing the devotion some of us felt towards Halo (and where that devotion came from), and what this did to us in the ramp-up to Halo 2. It's part documentary, part tribute film, part parody of the silliest parts of fandom. We're not quite prepared to handle the full release yet - but Noah's put together a short teaser (2 minutes, about 25 mb) to whet your appetite. (WMP9 format, 24.8 mb | QuickTime format, 25.3 mb). There's a forum post here - feel free to let us (and Noah) know what you think of the film, and whether you'd be interested in DVD copies. (Noah's considering this.) (Louis Wu 11:56:06 UTC)

July 2, 2005 Link to this post

RvB's Terminal Walkthrough Posted
Red vs Blue posted their Terminal walkthrough last night - this is the first one that contains a second character. (Basically, Burnie needed someone to show what happens when you get hit by a train.) As usual, a great display of all the key points of the map - weapon placement, strategy options, layout. You can grab the WMP9 version off their site (Hi-res is 40.1 mb, Lo-Res is 11.9 mb), or you can grab our QuickTime versions (Hi-Res, 41.8 mb | Lo-Res 14.8 mb). For some strange reason, this is the first walkthrough they've released with interlacing problems - the QuickTime is deinterlaced. Minor detail, though - the vid's great, no matter how you see it! Thanks to MANY - first mention seems to be darthbob. (Louis Wu 10:46:59 UTC)

July 2, 2005 Link to this post

Cry Havoc!
The Codex Series has posted not one, but TWO new movies in the last few hours - Episode 15 has finally been released (long wait, but worth it!), and a Behind The Scenes vid is up, as well. Check their news page for both links. Episode 15 is action, action, action - really nice work! Currently only in QuickTime format (88.6 mb), but their standard release stuff is coming later this morning. The behind-the-scenes stuff mixes blooper footage with live-action stuff showing the crew behind the vids. Thanks to The An7i Flag for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 10:00:36 UTC)

July 2, 2005 Link to this post

Yet more copies of the flythroughs
TeamXbox has put up more copies of the last three Bungie-sponsored flythroughs - again, these are the same vids we released a couple of days ago, but we're always happy to see more copies online - spreading the bandwidth load. These are WMP9 only. (Louis Wu 09:47:07 UTC)

July 1, 2005 Link to this post

RvB Relic Walkthrough - in QuickTime
Again, apologies for the delay - we've been dealing with some annoying DoS attacks on certain forums. You can now grab QuickTime versions of Red vs Blue's Relic Walkthrough on our server - Hi-Res (45 mb) | Lo-Res (20.6 mb). Enjoy! (The WMP9 versions are now available for everyone at RvB - go get those if you'd rather.) (Louis Wu 18:11:51 UTC)

July 1, 2005 Link to this post

Last 3 flythroughs posted at GameTrailers
Christian Andersen points out that GameTrailers has released their own versions of the flythroughs for Backwash, Gemini, and Terminal. (These are the same films we posted yesterday - but now there are more hosts for them.) (Louis Wu 15:32:06 UTC)

July 1, 2005 Link to this post

Relic Walkthrough from RvB (for sponsors)
Red vs Blue's Relic walkthrough is now available for download for sponsors - coming soon for the masses. (That link will work for everyone - but if the download is starred, only sponsors will be able to get it.) QuickTime versions in the works - we'll post 'em when they're finished. Thanks to ZD for the quick heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:13:20 UTC)

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