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Showing results 4176 - 4200 of 6554 matches March 18, 2009 Link to this post Blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind
The folks at xDead at Dawnx Films wonder if signs have a purpose. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 16:45:40 UTC)
March 18, 2009 Link to this post The Road to Mythic General
oooh em geee edited a new 'Mythictage' (a montage made from Mythic map footage) - the extra effects are really, really slick. This one's totally worth watching in HD. Thanks to urk for highlighting this! (Louis Wu 12:48:33 UTC)
March 17, 2009 Link to this post Montage Mania
It's like it's Montage Day on Bungie.net: - Pogra celebrated a birthday in January by playing for 24 hours straight - folks dropped in when they could. Clearly, they tried some weird stuff.
- An older 'sticktage' from Bipolar Nick (originally posted in October) made the Blog today.
- "Ooh, Stick You" is a real song. That has nothing to do with Halo. (Well, before now.) Warning: overexposure can be dangerous.
That might be it, for a while... (Louis Wu 17:08:09 UTC)
March 16, 2009 Link to this post Halo 3 Bungie Employees' killtage 3
americanista123 has created a third 'Bungie Employees' Killtage' - this one consists of double-kills, though there are plenty of bigger multikills. (In case anyone hadn't figured out how these are made - he's been snagging clips from employees' fileshares and working with those.) Nice editing, and fun clips! Thanks, urk. (Don't worry about being watched - that's just the money you could have saved with Geico.) (Louis Wu 22:22:50 UTC)
March 16, 2009 Link to this post Halo Trek - Second Trailer BlueNinja took the latest trailer for the new Star Trek movie, and added Halo graphics to the trailer soundtrack. Watch them in sequence for maximum effect. Nice work! (Louis Wu 21:48:23 UTC)
March 16, 2009 Link to this post Halo 2 Done Segmented. Really, Really Fast. Cody Miller stopped in this morning to announce a truly impressive speed run - a segmented full game run of Halo 2 on Legendary, in just over an hour and a half. That's... pretty ridiculous, if you ask me. Check out his post for an explanation of what a 'segmented speedrun' is all about - and what sorts of tricks they employed to set this absurdly fast time. And then follow his links to either watch it online, or download it and watch it on your own computer. Don't forget the bib to catch the drool. Update: this is on Bungie.net now, too. (Louis Wu 13:36:52 UTC)
March 16, 2009 Link to this post Beautiful - A Screenshot Montage
I've never really been a fan of screenshot montages; it never seemed like the right medium for that sort of content. Maybe that's just because I never saw one done in a way that really caught my imagination. MLG Slush sent word that he'd finished a screenshot montage called 'Beautiful', and I must say... it's really, really nicely done. Great shots, great editing. Most of the screens were taken by his brother, Chilaxing, and the overall effect has changed my mind about screenshot montages. (Or maybe it just raised the bar some more.) You can find this at Eve-Films, but he's also put up a copy at WeGame.com, and for those in a hurry, it's available on YouTube. (Louis Wu 12:48:53 UTC)
March 15, 2009 Link to this post What the French, Ep 1
Kral, from Halo.fr, let us know about the first episode of WTF (What the French), a sort of Halo 3 Fails for French players. (Failure is universal, it seems; you might not understand the titles, but the gameplay is pretty straightforward.) (Louis Wu 16:39:08 UTC)
March 15, 2009 Link to this post Halo 3 Fails: Episode 13
The Halo 3 Fails series continues - I'm not sure if they specifically picked some bad luck examples for this thirteenth episode... but many of the 'Fails' are really just awful luck. (Some are totally legitimate failures - the Rat's Nest splatter attempt(s) made me laugh a lot.) Thanks once again to Chris10023 for the heads-up.
(Louis Wu 15:09:29 UTC)
March 15, 2009 Link to this post Marbles Rock.
urk highlighted a couple of 'marble mazes' yesterday - been more than a year since we saw one of these! (Louis Wu 15:06:28 UTC)
March 14, 2009 Link to this post Relic
FireDragon04 sent word of 'Relic' - a Halo 3 short about a mysterious device found buried in the sand. Well-filmed!
(Louis Wu 13:23:49 UTC)
March 13, 2009 Link to this post Master Chief Picks up Halo Wars
Biff let us know that a video showing off the Master Chief buying Halo Wars at the Midnight sales event in College Station, Texas is now online. Fun night! (Louis Wu 16:53:06 UTC)
March 13, 2009 Link to this post chips, oh delicious chips
This is totally random - but nice and short, and pretty funny. (An extra cookie for those who get the title reference.) (Louis Wu 16:37:21 UTC)
March 13, 2009 Link to this post Moonlit
Zy1on submitted a three and a half minute montage to the Bungie Blog - it's heavy on the editing, but has some nice gameplay. (I kept looking for synching between the music and the gameplay... but you're gonna have to be happy with the play itself.) (Louis Wu 16:33:53 UTC)
March 12, 2009 Link to this post Stab, Stab, Boom The GrifballHub.com crew put up 'Pup and Friends - March 2009 Double XP', a video showing Grifball enthusiasts being enthusiastic. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 17:08:46 UTC)
March 12, 2009 Link to this post How many light bulbs does it take to kill a Spartan? Wanna see how silly you can be and still earn achievements? Check out Rooster Teeth's Geoff and Gav as they work on the Tank Dropper achievement. I think there must have been alcohol involved. (Louis Wu 17:04:55 UTC)
March 12, 2009 Link to this post Alpha Zombie
The Bungie Blog got word of 'Alpha Zombie', a machinima from Ze Royal Viking Productions. It's a bit long (12 minutes, spread out over 2 segments - Part 1 | Part 2 - with about three minutes of credits between them), but it's a coherent story. Give it a shot. (Louis Wu 16:50:31 UTC)
March 12, 2009 Link to this post This Spartan Life - Coming (Back) Soon!
It's been a while since we've heard from This Spartan Life - but they're coming back! There's a new trailer up on their website, showing off their unique combination of interesting interviews and... well, bullets to the head. Thanks to finalcutmin for noticing! (Louis Wu 12:17:19 UTC)
March 12, 2009 Link to this post Mongoose Commercial
The Bungie Blog posted a fan-made video showcasing the Mongoose - it's a lot of fun. Go watch it in HD! (Louis Wu 12:17:00 UTC)
March 11, 2009 Link to this post Pals
Bungie.net moderator Achilles1108 put together a montage called 'Pals' - it's what Halo's all about. Lots of betrayals, lots of cool kills and clutch saves, lots of wtf moments to laugh about with your friends. (The Rat's Nest hog-on-a-bridge clip was way cool.) Streaming and download links can be found in the Bungie Blog. (Louis Wu 16:28:02 UTC)
March 11, 2009 Link to this post If all these guys joined the Peace Corps... If all these guys joined the Peace Corps...
Okay... this is just silly. Very cool... but silly. Update: this is the same kind of film - a long setup for a well-planned payoff. In this case, it's a suicide instead of a hole in one... but the concept is the same.) (Louis Wu 16:22:33 UTC)
March 11, 2009 Link to this post Top 10 Halo 3 Exterminations: Episode 26
The Top 10 Halo 3 Series continues with Episode 26 - Exterminations. It's a lot of deaths... thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 14:51:47 UTC)
March 11, 2009 Link to this post Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 302 Pyrosmile has uploaded Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 302 - the rest of the Pillar of Autumn cutscenes are covered in this one. If you're a Pyrosmile member, you can watch outtakes on their website. (Louis Wu 14:41:55 UTC)
March 10, 2009 Link to this post Applied to Life: Capture the Flag
One of my favorite new series is 'Applied to Life' - and they've got a new short up. This one is called 'Capture the Flag', and it proves you can find excitement in the most mundane of activities. I found it on Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 16:06:13 UTC)
March 10, 2009 Link to this post What's your handicap?
Greenskull and SMG90 spent who knows how long setting up a golf course on Sandbox - just so they could score a ridiculous hole-in-one from the Sky Bubble to the Crypt... with a LOT of stuff in the middle. Stick with the Bungie Blog - it'll post these for you so you don't have to build them yourself. (Louis Wu 16:04:57 UTC)