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Showing results 3326 - 3350 of 6554 matches June 8, 2010 Link to this post Wait... are these Museets?
Not long ago, OboeCrazy kicked off a site she called 'Musiter' - it was inspired by Twitter... but it uses music, not text. She posts musical tidbits of 140 notes or less. Her most recent addition? The Halo theme, played on an English Horn. Kickass! (Louis Wu 15:00:04 UTC)
June 8, 2010 Link to this post Wait... Pluto is a STATE?
Red vs Blue Revelation Chapter 9 (Backup Plans) is online now - Wash continues to be antisocial, Red Team gets inside, and Caboose is surprisingly insightful. And surprises! Check out the surprises. Funny! (Louis Wu 14:59:08 UTC)
June 7, 2010 Link to this post Things You Wont Expect #3 Chris101b sent along a link to a new 'Things You Won't Expect' - he's right. (Louis Wu 20:23:21 UTC)
June 7, 2010 Link to this post Comm Chatter Video Goodness
A couple of new vids available at Bungie.net this fine Monday: Mike n Cheese put together a montage of submissions for the Kontrol Freek Contest (we mentioned it back in early May) - you can vote for your favorite... and Anoj posted his Top 10 Halo: Reach Beta Lucky Kills - some pretty lucky plays in there! Go watch. (Louis Wu 17:14:09 UTC)
June 6, 2010 Link to this post Halo is for Suckers
DarkReign2021 created a small side-project he calls 'Halo is for Suckers' - cute and funny, with nice timing. Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:18:53 UTC)
June 6, 2010 Link to this post Halo 3 Short: The Turret
2900d4u and his brother were messing around in Forge, and ended up with a pretty funny little video involving a turret. Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:17:57 UTC)
June 4, 2010 Link to this post IGN's Top Halo 3 Kills of the Week
I looked for this yesterday morning, but IGN updates late. IGN's posted their Top 10 Halo 3 Kills of the Week - nothing spectacular, but lots of clutch plays for the rest of us. Thanks, BuzzJuice, for waiting longer than I did. (Louis Wu 12:49:57 UTC)
June 3, 2010 Link to this post Thursday Movie Madness Videos available on Bungie's Comm Chatter today: Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:31:21 UTC)
June 2, 2010 Link to this post Things You Won't Expect
chris101b created a bunch of short video clips he calls 'Things You Won't Expect' during the Reach Beta - the first one went live on Monday. (It had been seen a number of times, in a number of montages, so I didn't bother to front-page it.) The second one is live now - it's received less exposure, so it may be new to you. He'll be releasing new ones every Monday and Wednesday, until he runs out. (Louis Wu 19:03:14 UTC)
June 2, 2010 Link to this post Wherefore Art Thou Video? Just a pair of new videos in Bungie's Comm Chatter today: The Spartan 1 Project team has put together a full-blown trailer for their Annual Achievement services (funny stuff!), and Mini Waz created the Halo: Reach Beta Bash - it's another Reach montage. Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:59:44 UTC)
June 2, 2010 Link to this post HMB's Mini Comm Chatter
Couple of fun vids at Hawty McBloggy's cozy digs today - Halo3Fails posted 'JK I Suck', a funny failtage showing footage that most of us have seen far too much of, firsthand... and Mini Waz created a 3D Halo: Reach trailer that has versions for most standard kinds of 3D glasses. (There's even a 2D version for folks without glasses, but it sort of misses the point...) Go watch! (Louis Wu 13:11:35 UTC)
June 1, 2010 Link to this post Vidimanjaro
urk's back from a long weekend with a whole bunch of new video in today's Comm Chatter: - Power of the Pummel is a montage of beatdowns (assassinations, lots of sword/hammer action) from Clantacular. They called it 'greatest hits'. Geddit?
- Anoj is back with another 'Bungie Explains' - recapping the Bungie Weekly Update for folks who have trouble with written words.
- 8-bit Halo Episode 7 is live - been a few months since the last one! Some mysteries solved. I'm not sure I like how ODSTs are treated. And I don't think I played enough Nintendo to really appreciate this one...
- Anoj released 'Top 10 Halo Reach Beta New Weapon Kills' (Episode 4) - lots of Pro Pipe/Microwave/Comedy Gun action. (Also some nice handling of the Deemer and the Nerfle.)
Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:41:44 UTC)
June 1, 2010 Link to this post Gumball McJones - Best Spark Name Ever
RvB Revelation Chapter 8: Perusing The Archive went online last night, and things are getting tenser for everyone. Church and Caboose get into secret places, the Red team practices being deceptive, and Washington and the Meta find... something. Suspense ramps up! Go watch.
(Louis Wu 15:12:16 UTC)
May 31, 2010 Link to this post Forecast Season 2 Trailer
Tyler, from Young Street Productions, let us know that Forecast the Series is debuting Season 2 sometime this summer (probably June), and that a new trailer for this upcoming work is now up. Go watch!
(Louis Wu 14:35:54 UTC)
May 31, 2010 Link to this post Paid in Blood teaser trailer
Laird sent word that a new trailer for 'Paid in Blood', an upcoming fan-made ODST 3D animated, is now online - go check it out! (Louis Wu 14:28:09 UTC)
May 30, 2010 Link to this post Console Wars Episode 2
Chairleg Productions started a series called 'Console Wars' back in mid-2008. The first episode was very good. (Higher-res download links are available in this post.) Then there was silence, for 2 years. Today, they're back, with Episode 2... and the result is fantastic. Funny story, great video effects, nice cultural references... definitely worth a watch.
(Louis Wu 15:19:38 UTC)
May 30, 2010 Link to this post White Room Demo
Over at Halo3Forum.com, MrTwiggy101 posted a greenscreening demo from Halo 3 that looks better than any attempt I've seen before. He says he's going to be posting a tutorial at some point. (Louis Wu 15:15:03 UTC)
May 28, 2010 Link to this post Spartans Never Die - I Will Not Bow
Back in December, AssaultGodzilla released an ODST tribute to Breaking Benjamin's 'I Will Not Bow'. He's back with another one - same song, except this one is aimed at Spartans. Great choice of clips! (Louis Wu 19:35:43 UTC)
May 28, 2010 Link to this post Montaging Reach
A new pair of montages for you, courtesy of Bungie's Comm Chatter: Dutchy whipped up a Halo Reach Beta montage... and so did Just Mad. Both have lots of sick kills, both are heavy on the effects. Enjoy.
(Louis Wu 18:23:51 UTC)
May 27, 2010 Link to this post Video Fun at B.net
Latest batch of video goodness, courtesy of Bungie's Comm Chatter: Go watch!
(Louis Wu 20:34:22 UTC)
May 27, 2010 Link to this post IGN's Top Halo 3 Kills of the Week
IGN's got a new Top Halo 3 Kills of the Week video up this morning - nothing really spectacular, but fun across the board. Thanks, BuzzJuice. (Louis Wu 12:06:54 UTC)
May 26, 2010 Link to this post How many kills is that? It's Montage Wednesday at Bungie.net: - New Top Ten Halo Reach Beta Kills from Anoj - this one is devoted to Armor Ability Kills. Gotta love the assassination from the invis guy that someone LANDED ON.
- Halo Reach Beta Montage from Mjolnir Battle Tactics - it's called 'Dominate', and it's certainly full of pwnage. (Very funky interlacing, though...)
- Abstract360.com put together their own Community Montage - lots of fun to be had.
- DevilDawg posted 'Lost' - a personal Reach Beta montage. Fast clips.
- Reach for Muggsy is Muggsy's entry in the HaloMontage Reach Beta Montage Contest - understated editing.
Nice lunch break footage! (Louis Wu 17:00:49 UTC)
May 25, 2010 Link to this post Tuesday Afternoon at the Movies
What would a Tuesday be without a bundle of videos in Bungie's Comm Chatter? Where's my popcorn? (Louis Wu 17:57:57 UTC)
May 25, 2010 Link to this post NOVA Trailer
TheSuperBleeder came by yesterday with word of a trailer for his machinima project, 'NOVA'. Short, sweet! Go watch. (If you like what you see, there's more (other series) on their website.) (Louis Wu 14:14:22 UTC)
May 25, 2010 Link to this post We don't walk... anywhere. Red vs Blue Revelation Chapter 7 - "And Don't Call Me Shirley" - is now available to the general public. Church and Caboose meet an old-sounding friend (wait... that's not right), while Tucker learns that you should always make sure you've got gas before you play the Prototype trick. (Louis Wu 02:01:56 UTC)