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May 24, 2014 Link to this post

FotW 192
Achievement Hunter has published Fails of the Weak 192, on both AH.com and YouTube - they're called 'fails' for a reason. Go see why. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 20:37:15 UTC)

May 23, 2014 Link to this post

Tyrant's Halo Wars Legendary Walkthrough - First Five Levels
The Tyrant recently started his latest Legendary Walkthrough - this one covers Halo Wars. He's not thrilled about it - but he buckles down and does what's needed to show you how to beat this game on Legendary. The first 5 levels are already online - you can explore Alpha Base, Relic Approach, Relic Interior, Arcadia City, and Arcadia Outskirts. Check these out! (Louis Wu 19:34:44 UTC)

May 20, 2014 Link to this post

Teaming with Problems
Red vs Blue Episode 4 was released yesterday - what makes a good leader? And how do you pick them? And what happens when you swallow too much spit? Watch to find out. (Louis Wu 16:34:14 UTC)

May 18, 2014 Link to this post

Halo 3 AI Battle - Sword Elites vs Brute Chieftains
Gamecheat's back with another AI battle - this time, it's Halo 3 Sword Elites versus Brute Chieftans. I found it fascinating. I'm not sure how to discuss the parts I liked the best without actually giving away the overall winner, but I can tell you that even the Bonus Rounds were pretty fun. Go watch. (Louis Wu 14:51:05 UTC)

May 17, 2014 Link to this post

Red vs Blue - the Catch-up Edition
Another thing we've totally missed these past couple of weeks is the continuation of Red vs Blue Season 12. This series has evolved quite a bit; storytelling, music, and the combination of machinima and CGI are all quite sophisticated at this point. Caboose still makes me laugh, but some of the new characters are really interesting, and the plot is compelling. If you haven't been following, Episode 2 (Hit and Run) went live on May 5, and Episode 3 (Something Else Entirely) hit the web on May 12. Go catch up - the next installment launches on Monday! (Louis Wu 16:53:26 UTC)

May 17, 2014 Link to this post

Fails of the Weak 191
Yesterday was Friday, so it was time for another Fails of the Weak - Ray and Jack looked at a bunch of bad playing (mostly on Reach). I liked the last Bullfrogs clip. Watch it on AH.com or YouTube, and say thanks to Nikko B201 for pointing it out. (Louis Wu 16:42:36 UTC)

May 15, 2014 Link to this post

This Is Heavy
MixMaker1 stopped by to let us know that he's put together a tribute to Team Heavies (currently in rotation in Halo 4 Matchmaking, if you haven't played it yourself recently) - go watch! Lots and lots of big vehicles, lots and lots of explosions. (Louis Wu 20:02:39 UTC)

May 12, 2014 Link to this post

Prime999r dropped by with news of his last machinima film titled '2154'. The film is entirely in French, so you might need to turn subtitles on, unfortunately YouTube's subtitles aren't very good. Visually, the film is very impressive. Prime999r also linked to a Visual Effects reel that shows some of the techniques that were used to make 2154. Go watch! (colindosaj 21:21:14 UTC)

May 3, 2014 Link to this post

Oh, Emile... why you gotta be that way?
Fails of the Weak once again focuses on Reach, heavy on the Campaign. (7 of the 10 fails were Reach fails, and four of those were Campaign.) Mostly, Emile's a jerk. Watch it on AH.com or YouTube. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 18:31:21 UTC)

April 30, 2014 Link to this post

Getting out of ODST's Coastal Highway
TermaciousTrickosity is back with a new vid - this one gets you out of ODST's Coastal Highway. Pretty ingenious way of solving the 'there's no way out' problem! (I love seeing this stuff. I'd probably go crazy trying to do it myself - but I love seeing others do it.) Thanks, t00lbox. (Louis Wu 23:15:36 UTC)

April 30, 2014 Link to this post

Master Chief v. Captain America Alternate Ending
robofin117 stopped in with word of an alternate ending for Bat in the Sun's Captain America vs Master Chief battle (we mentioned the original back in March). It might make some of you happier. (Louis Wu 23:10:02 UTC)

April 30, 2014 Link to this post

How you get up dere?
Rockslider has gone back to a crazy glitch he brought to light years ago... and pushed it to an entirely new level. Go watch. (Louis Wu 23:07:14 UTC)

April 29, 2014 Link to this post

Oh Captains My Captains
Red vs Blue Season 12 has kicked off - Episode 1 is now available on the Rooster Teeth website. Your friends from the last 11 seasons are trying to step up their game a little... go see how they've done! (Louis Wu 01:22:31 UTC)

April 26, 2014 Link to this post

Fails of the Weak 188
Fails of the Weak is heavy on the Reach fails this week - again, Emile is kind of a dick and there's a lot of stuff that can drop on your head when you're not paying attention. Watch it on AH.com or YouTube, and say thankya to Nikko B201 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 19:08:03 UTC)

April 25, 2014 Link to this post

Master Chief
Shane Blair sent word that he's released 'Master Chief', an original song relating the saga of Halo. Really well-done! Great choices of video, and pretty impressive storytelling-via-song! Go watch. (Louis Wu 22:02:30 UTC)

April 25, 2014 Link to this post

GSML - Invasion on Hushed Apprentice
The Great Smokey Mountain LANboree is over now - but at least one Invasion game lives on, thanks to YouTube. You can watch it on DBO, I guess (because Paddy was too lazy to post it here). I have an intense desire to fire up Reach right now... (Louis Wu 16:37:39 UTC)

April 22, 2014 Link to this post

AI Battle - Knight Battlewagons vs Hunters
Wow, this is actually pretty cool. Gamecheat set up some AI-on-AI battles to see which was more badass - Covenant Hunters or Forerunner Knight Battlewagons? From 1v1 up to 20v20 (which might be a little out of Halo 4's processing range, actually), check this film out to see how these guys choose to fight each other - and who's stronger! (I actually found myself impressed with how the AI handled the varying fights - not from a FIGHTING standpoint, but from a TACTICS one.) (Louis Wu 16:03:20 UTC)

April 20, 2014 Link to this post

A Crazy Halo 3 Easter Egg Surfaces... on Easter, 7 years later
In January, Lord Zedd posted a short video purporting to show off a newly-discovered Halo 3 Easter Egg - but refused to explain how to reproduce it. (He preferred that fans find it on their own.) There wasn't enough in the video he posted for me to be able to tell if this was staged or real - so I left it alone, figuring that sooner or later, we'd know, one way or the other. It's Easter today, so I guess Lord Zedd decided it was time - he's posted a video showing how to trigger the egg. (It's pretty ridiculous - I don't think this would EVER have been found if not for modders looking through the code.) Go watch - I'm guessing whoever put that into the game knew they were moving over to 343 after Halo 3! (Or maybe they were just commenting on the franchise; the decision to relinquish the Halo IP was finalized in the summer of 2007, just before Halo 3's release.) Pretty cool! Thanks, gamerguy2002. (Louis Wu 17:03:41 UTC)

April 20, 2014 Link to this post

The Chalk Stick is Mightier than the Sword
SEspider found a pretty fun video called 'Chalk Warfare 3.0' - well-done effects, and the Halo Energy Sword plays a pretty important role! Check it out. (Louis Wu 16:57:03 UTC)

April 19, 2014 Link to this post

Blue-hot and deadly
Rockslider has revisited his Megabattle setup yet again - this time he's sticking to plasma weapons. Go see how it turns out! (Louis Wu 20:39:20 UTC)

April 19, 2014 Link to this post

Fails of the Weak 187
I enjoyed the fails this week - there were some funny ones I'd never seen before. (The Kat murder clip was pretty amazing - I'm not sure what the programming behind the behavior might have been.) Watch it on AH.com or YouTube, your choice. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 18:14:16 UTC)

April 17, 2014 Link to this post

Rockslide megabattle pistol fiesta
Rockslider returns to Halo's rockslide megabattle, this time focusing on pistol action (with a liberal sprinkling of grenades). Sometimes it's amazing to think how much fun can be generated from this one small area of the original game's campaign! (Louis Wu 16:46:23 UTC)

April 17, 2014 Link to this post

Rogue's Cortana Suit - Behind the Scenes
Robowski shot us a note about Th3 Rogue, who put together a 'behind the scenes' vid showing how she created her Cortana costume - fun to watch. It's not particularly SFW - there's footage of what got on her body after the suit came off - but it's pretty cool to see how much time goes into this sort of thing. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:25:40 UTC)

April 17, 2014 Link to this post

Halo | Transformers: Age of Extinction Mashup
Gugga Leunnam sent word that he's got another mashup for you - this one capitalizes on the 'Transformers: Age of Extinction' trailer. I was actually surprised by how well some of the bits worked. Really nicely done! There's even a poster to celebrate. (Louis Wu 16:17:22 UTC)

April 14, 2014 Link to this post

It's Broken AGAIN?
Wow. Last week, slYnki beat the world speed record for Silent Cartographer... and yesterday, it happened again. Vetro shaved a full 5 seconds off the total - amazing! Check it out. Thanks, Reed Tiburon. (Louis Wu 19:26:57 UTC)

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