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Showing results 1601 - 1625 of 6554 matches

May 20, 2012 Link to this post

The HaloGAF Montage (Reach Edition)
ncsuDuncan took on the task of putting together a montage video made up of clips from HaloGAF members - and last night, the 14 minute monstrosity was released. It is NOT your typical montage - while it certainly has its share of unbelievable gameplay and sniper insanity, it also has hilarious goofing around, fails that will have you in tears, and plenty of GAF in-jokes. Really well-done, even if you're not a GAF regular. Take a look! Update: Duncan re-rendered the film, fixed some blackscreen issues, smoothed out some transitions. New version is linked above. (Louis Wu 17:36:05 UTC)

May 20, 2012 Link to this post

Penance - the Minecraft Edition
Daedalos42 stopped in to let us know that he'd put together a Minecraft version of Penance/Damnation - it's great! Go look. (Louis Wu 17:33:06 UTC)

May 20, 2012 Link to this post

Celebrating Subs with Eggs
Greenskull and Nak3d Eli worked on a Reach easter egg video together - you can watch it from either viewpoint! Greenskull's version is here, while Nak3d Eli's is here. This is a rather long vid (more than 20 minutes in Greenskull's take, or 10 minutes in Eli's take), and if you don't already know what they're doing, you might be very confused... but it's pretty entertaining for the amount of fun they're having. Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:31:37 UTC)

May 20, 2012 Link to this post

Arby 'n' The Chief Bytes: Blockheads
Arby 'n' the Chief has another episode of Bytes up - this one is called 'Blockheads'. Can Chief be won over to a game for its fun factor? Watch and see! Thanks, Ogan Panavo. (Louis Wu 17:29:42 UTC)

May 20, 2012 Link to this post

Sunday Movie Fun - Motion Comics and MLG Action
Once again, Halo Waypoint has some movie goodies for you this weekend. You can pick up Headhunters Part 3 (the final episode of the motion comic), or watch Game 9 of the MLG 2012 Winter Championship Finals, Status Quo vs Instinct - there are still two games left in the series after this one, but this game has some awesome moments! (Louis Wu 17:13:22 UTC)

May 19, 2012 Link to this post

Crowny :: Minitage 1
Over at the Halo Forum, there's a new Halo 3 minitage from Crowny (editing by Buttery) - the cuts are really fast, but it's pretty nice gameplay if you pay close attention. Thanks, RVideo. (Louis Wu 20:42:45 UTC)

May 18, 2012 Link to this post

Fails of the Weak #87
The latest collection of Halo failure (AH.com | YouTube) contains all multiplayer clips - nothing from Firefight or Campaign. Some are funny, some are silly. The last one is AWESOME. (Louis Wu 19:14:18 UTC)

May 18, 2012 Link to this post

Why granularity gets broader the farther out you go
Game Informer continues to post Halo 4 content; the most recent is The next 10 years of Halo (also available on YouTube). This interview has Frankie looking forward past Halo 4 for what comes down the road. Go listen! (Louis Wu 17:41:08 UTC)

May 18, 2012 Link to this post

Halo HORSE #75
Halo HORSE #75 (AH.com or YouTube) has Adam dueling Joel in their match for the first round of the office HORSE tournament. Joel does his best to distract everyone. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 17:38:06 UTC)

May 18, 2012 Link to this post

GameCenter talks to Frank, shows off more Wraparound
As part of an interview with Frank O'Connor, Wal-Mart's GameCenter released new video footage from the same gaming session that produced the content we saw on Conan O'Brien a little while ago - if you want every tidbit of gameplay footage you can get your hands on, go watch! (Thanks, nillapuddin.) (Louis Wu 17:31:25 UTC)

May 18, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 3 Mythic Guide v3.0 - Cortana
The Tyrant has decided to reboot his Halo 3 Mythic Guide (we lost videos from several levels last year) - you can see the first level of this newly-commentated series, Cortana, on YouTube. (Louis Wu 17:25:37 UTC)

May 18, 2012 Link to this post

Greenskull's Halo 4 News
Greenskull has also released a new educational vid - this one discusses the Limited Edition, among other things. (Louis Wu 17:23:43 UTC)

May 18, 2012 Link to this post

Speeding through Reach
RC Master let us know about three more speedruns - Exodus on Heroic (12:08), Exodus on Legendary (13:06), and Long Night of Solace on Heroic (15:17). Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:22:04 UTC)

May 18, 2012 Link to this post

Anoj Explains Episode 5
There's a new Anoj Explains online - this one lets you know about Forward Unto Dawn, new campaign enemies, and more. Thanks, Ogan Panavo. (Louis Wu 17:19:59 UTC)

May 14, 2012 Link to this post

Believe - a Minecraft Remake
The Halo 3 Believe commercial has been remade... in Minecraft. How cool is that? Thanks, Tha Robbertster. (Tom Van Sinden 20:43:09 UTC)

May 14, 2012 Link to this post

BigTeamBattle.net vs MLG Pros
Last night, a bunch of MLG pros (mostly used to playing 4v4 games with MLG rules) joined up and played against the number one-rated BigTeamBattles.net team 'Wake Up' - watching the carnage is fascinating. Carbon's Assault streamed it last night, and you can watch his archived footage starting around 4 hours into this video. The first game (Slayer on Utopie) will show you how the best Banshee flyer in the game, coupled with a team that knows the map inside and out, can DESTROY a team of some of the best shooters in Reach. (It illustrated how important knowledge of the maps can be - and how hard it is to switch between Bloom/No-Bloom settings on the fly.) Thanks to CyReN, who posted relevant links at HaloCouncil, along with an interview with the pros after the fact. (Tom Van Sinden 20:27:54 UTC)

May 14, 2012 Link to this post

The Tyrant Documentaries 23: Halo Achievement Hunter
The latest Tyrant Documentaries has tips for grabbing 5 campaign-based Reach achievements - if you're missing any of these, take a look! (They're all done on Legendary.) (Tom Van Sinden 15:25:09 UTC)

May 14, 2012 Link to this post

I Sense Danger!
AyonHunter stopped in to announce that he and a friend had remade a machinima they originally released almost two years ago. If you missed it then, or just want to see it with good video quality and voiceovers, go watch I Sense Danger! (Tom Van Sinden 14:29:45 UTC)

May 14, 2012 Link to this post

Speed and Power Runs
RC Master's been busy - he sent us email about a pair of Reach speed runs posted on High Speed Halo (Winter Contingency on Heroic, in 8:29, and The Package on Heroic, in 13:13), and then posted in our forum about a 'Legendary Classic Skulls' run on Halo Anniversary's Pillar of Autumn (only the skulls from Halo 3/Reach turned on). Check 'em all out! (Tom Van Sinden 14:20:33 UTC)

May 13, 2012 Link to this post

Expand your creativity, explore new realms
Geek and Sundry interviewed Rod Roddenberry - son of Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek. He loves Halo so much that he named his DOG Halo. Go watch and see what grips him about the title! (Halo content starts around 1:40.) Thanks, Elnea. (Tom Van Sinden 14:06:01 UTC)

May 13, 2012 Link to this post

Kampy - 2 Game Montage
Kampy, known for some great montages, posted a small one made from just two games. Usually, this means playing against low-ranking players and racking up huge multikills... but one of the games was against a team that included Tashi, who's got his own gameplay on display here regularly. Pretty impressive show! Thanks, juices. (Tom Van Sinden 13:52:31 UTC)

May 13, 2012 Link to this post

Arby 'n' The Chief Bytes: Steaks, Taters and Hairy Ticks
There's a new mini-ep of Arby 'n' the Chief up - though 'mini', in the context of Arby 'n' the Chief, is over 5 minutes. Arby tries to teach Chief about the importance of older games... while Chief explains the error of his ways, and his blasphemy against the Church of Halo. Thanks, Ogan Panavo. (Tom Van Sinden 13:48:08 UTC)

May 13, 2012 Link to this post

Halo Fiction and MLG Blaining
If you're looking for videos to watch, Halo Waypoint has a couple of nice ones - yesterday they re-released the second episode of Headhunters, the motion comic based on an Evolutions story, and your MLG content for the week is a game from the 2012 Winter Championship Finals - Status Quo vs Instinct. Go watch! (Tom Van Sinden 13:41:38 UTC)

May 12, 2012 Link to this post

The Tyrant Documentaries 22: Tyrant vs Invasion
The Tyrant continues his experimentation in Multiplayer Matchmaking - the latest Tyrant Documentaries has him immersed in the Invasion list. Can the master of Covanent destruction hold his own in a Spartans vs Elites gametype? Watch and see! (Tom Van Sinden 19:31:48 UTC)

May 12, 2012 Link to this post

Fails of the Weak Volume 86
Urban Reflex let us know that Fails of the Weak 86 is online at YouTube - and you can, as usual, watch it on AchievementHunter.com, too. A cornucopia of bad luck and bad playing! (Tom Van Sinden 19:21:10 UTC)

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