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Showing results 1101 - 1125 of 6554 matches October 21, 2012 Link to this post Halo Meets Metal
YouTuber 331Erock has released a video in which he plays three separate Halo songs - Mjolnir Mix, Brothers at Arms and Never Forget. He's a metal dude, so expect that - pretty impressive work! Thanks, Delightful Oonsk. (Louis Wu 16:13:52 UTC)
October 21, 2012 Link to this post IGN Rewind: Halo 4 Launch Trailer Analysis
IGN's Rewind Theater has tackled 'Scanned', the new David Fincher-directed trailer for Halo 4 - go see if you missed anything! Thanks, BeekleMatter.
(Louis Wu 16:09:30 UTC)
October 21, 2012 Link to this post THF Machinima Short Film Fest
halofix stopped in to announce the HaloFix Machinima Short Film Fest - submit a short film, you might end up as their official HaloFix Director. Go watch the explanation vid for details.
(Louis Wu 16:07:04 UTC)
October 21, 2012 Link to this post #EVILAWAKENS
Hmm... what's all this about, then?
(Louis Wu 16:03:52 UTC)
October 20, 2012 Link to this post IGN Podcast Unlocked Ep 74 - with David Ellis
343's David Ellis sat down with IGN's Podcast Unlocked crew in San Francisco recently - great discussion! (Did you know Ellis has been stabbed in prison? True story.) Thanks, Vire.
(Louis Wu 20:12:36 UTC)
October 20, 2012 Link to this post Murtaw :: TSK cardo 8 atl stopped in with a link to his buddy's Anniversary Montage (clips from Anniversary playlists, mostly Classic). Loved the music synch (who knew that the beat in 'Paint It Black' perfectly matched the max firing rate of the Reach pistol?), loved the awareness (check out the Rocket-Rocket-Snipe trip beginning around 2:23), loved the overall gameplay. (Doesn't hurt that he's got a great connection.) Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:10:16 UTC)
October 20, 2012 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 109
Yesterday was Friday - so it was time for a new Fails of the Weak (AH.com | YouTube). The discussion is... bizarre (Ben Roethlisberger!), but the fails are fun. Thanks, as usual, to Nikko B201.
(Louis Wu 20:06:48 UTC)
October 20, 2012 Link to this post HT Pick of the Week: No-Scopes
Edge sent word that Halotracker has released its next Pick of the Week montage, featuring no-scopes - and you can vote for your favorite clip. Swing by and see what's on the table!
(Louis Wu 20:00:41 UTC)
October 20, 2012 Link to this post Anoj Top 10 Ep 57: Multikills
Only two more Anoj Top 10 roundups before he moves on to Halo 4 - that includes this week's, which focuses on Multikills. I actually liked #10 better than the few that came after it... but the top-rated ones are pretty impressive. Thanks, Jordan Bell. (Louis Wu 19:52:43 UTC)
October 19, 2012 Link to this post Strip Halo? Really?
We're all familiar with product placement in TV shows and movies - but sometimes, the end result makes you shake your head. Halo 4 made an appearance in Wednesday night's Hart of Dixie, a show on the CW. Horrible Night explained why it's so awkwardly done (thanks, TheOddOne). Because actually WATCHING the clip at the CW's website is a painful experience, I've snipped out the relevant 100-second bit - you can watch it for yourself, without jumping through hoops. Please don't ask me for those 100 seconds back, though; it's not my fault if you actually watch. (Louis Wu 17:24:59 UTC)
October 19, 2012 Link to this post A life-sized Warthog
343 is building a new Warthog. It's not like the Weta Warthog they already have - it's actually full-scale. (The Weta 'hog is smaller than the in-game dimensions would suggest, mostly to make it human-sized.) You can get a sneak peek at it in a G4TV segment... that thing is a MONSTER! Thanks, DEEP NNN. (Louis Wu 17:20:39 UTC)
October 19, 2012 Link to this post Tyrant's Halo 2 Walkthrough - Triple Play
The Tyrant has stepped up his rate of walkthrough chapter completions - to make up for the fact that his coverage of Gravemind isn't finished yet, he's released guides for Uprising, High Charity, and The Great Journey. (There's also a shout-out to Mike Miller in that last one.) We're getting close!
(Louis Wu 17:01:04 UTC)
October 19, 2012 Link to this post Green and Blue
Edge sent word that he's put together a multiplayer montage of Halo 4 footage, collected from various official releases. Go watch!
(Louis Wu 16:58:03 UTC)
October 19, 2012 Link to this post Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - Part 3
Forward Unto Dawn Part 3 debuted today - and as 343 promised a few times recently, it DEFINITELY ramped up the excitement. A really fantastic piece of work - something for everyone from the hardest-core extended universe wonk to the most casual "I just wanna see stuff blow up" guy. Go watch it. And again... join in the conversation. (Louis Wu 15:44:14 UTC)
October 19, 2012 Link to this post Scanned If you missed Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night, you can see the brand-new live-action/CG Halo 4 promo piece 'Scanned' on Xbox's YouTube channel... it's amazing. Go watch it. (And join the discussion on our forum.) Update: It's on the Xbox Press site already, if you want a high-res, downloadable version. Update 2: NeoGAF's Bornstellar combined 'Scanned' with a track from the Halo 4 OST - and it works really, really well. All the way through! Almost as though the action was designed around this piece in the first place... Update 3: crazedone1988 has combined the trailer with Revival in one video, so you can watch it at full resolution. (Louis Wu 11:35:04 UTC)
October 18, 2012 Link to this post IGN/343 Halo 4 Haven Walkthrough
One of the earliest Halo 4 multiplayer maps we got to see was Haven - interestingly, it's near the end of IGN's series of Map Walkthroughs. The Haven episode was released this morning - take a look to make sure you've found all the nooks and crannies before you start rampaging on November 6! Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 19:17:01 UTC)
October 18, 2012 Link to this post Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn Ep2 Review
COIN-OP TV continues their chapter-by-chapter review of Forward Unto Dawn, with another interview with Deadly Cyclone, discussing Part 2. Nice analysis! (Louis Wu 19:12:11 UTC)
October 18, 2012 Link to this post The Sound of Halo 4
A fan has mashed up the gun sounds of Halo 4 into a musical tribute - well done! Thanks, BeekleMatter.
(Louis Wu 19:07:01 UTC)
October 18, 2012 Link to this post 343 Invades Mexico
Mexican gaming site LevelUp spoke to Kiki Wolfkill and Frank O'Connor about Halo 4 and its development process - it's got Spanish subtitles if you're better with Spanish than English. There's also an interview with artist Gabriel Garza - better known to 343 fans as RoboGabo - though you'll need to understand Spanish to follow this one. (It's pretty interesting - Garza discusses what it takes to make it as a Triple-A developer, with a focus on coming from outside the US.) Solid work all around - go watch! (Did you know that Frank liked The English Patient? I didn't either.) Thanks, Deadly Claw. (Louis Wu 19:05:04 UTC)
October 18, 2012 Link to this post Achievement HORSE 97
Achievement HORSE is getting closer and closer to 100 episodes - Episode 97 (AchievementHunter.com | YouTube) has Jack and Geoff competing while ridiculing Gavin. (What else is new?) Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 18:43:54 UTC)
October 18, 2012 Link to this post Halo 4 shows up in the oddest places
IGN posted a video describing Hugo Weaving's contribution to the Transformers series - if you're wondering why this is getting reported on a Halo fansite, it's because the beginning and the end of the video are 'corrupted' with teasers from Halo 4. Hydranockz suggests it's more Halo 4 ARG-like material. Maybe it's just straightfoward marketing? (Louis Wu 18:38:13 UTC)
October 18, 2012 Link to this post The Top 10 Sgt. Johnson Lines
MixMaker1 compiled what he considers to be the top 10 lines from 4 games' worth of Sgt. Johnson. (Most aren't really lines, but mini-speeches... but it's a great collection nonetheless.) Bungie's JonnyOThan noticed a parallel between some Halo 3 lines which eluded a lot of us, before now. Amazing! (Louis Wu 18:29:34 UTC)
October 17, 2012 Link to this post Halo 4 Infinity Multiplayer - Downloadable
The Infinity Multiplayer Behind The Scenes video is now available for download from the Xbox.com Press Center - if you want a high-def downloadable version (it weighs in at just under half a gig), go grab it! (Louis Wu 21:22:29 UTC)
October 17, 2012 Link to this post H1 freakiness and fun
Rockslider released a new video today - it's just a collection of bizarre or funny things that have happened over hte past few years. Go see what he's got for you! (Louis Wu 20:20:52 UTC)
October 17, 2012 Link to this post BIT - A Halo 3 Montage with Nazgul and Crispy
Nazgul11 let NeoGAF know about a montage he's recently released - it's a Halo 3 dualtage with Crispy, and the gameplay's quite good! Go check it out.
(Louis Wu 16:25:58 UTC)