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October 25, 2005 Link to this post

17 Days Through Hell Trailer
DOH! I forgot to post this yesterday; it passed the MPRRS on Sunday night. It's a trailer for 'From the Oder to the Elbe: 17 Days Through Hell', and it was created by Roland. Screen format is a very strange 1200x600 pixels, but if that doesn't fit on your screen, you can watch it at 50% resolution, and it will actually look better. It's a trailer for an upcoming World War II reenactment. The WMP9 version is 21.7 mb, the QuickTime version is 21.9 mb. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 11:06:10 UTC)

October 24, 2005 Link to this post

Outpost: Coagulation Episode 10
Episode 10, the season finale of the Outpost Coagulation machinima series, has been posted over at TreeSkunk Productions. (If you're having trouble finding them, trigger119 published direct links in this forum post (for the low-res) and this post (for the high-res). A cliffhanger... (Louis Wu 10:52:29 UTC)

October 23, 2005 Link to this post

Blow me away - the video
QuackJAG put together a great video for Elnea's 'Blow Boys Away' music parody (first mentioned here), and Elnea mentioned it in her Red vs Blue journal (RvB membership required). The thing is, it's hosted at YouTube, in small, Flash-only format, which seemed... belittling. So I offered to provide space for a larger version, and QuackJAG accepted. You can grab the vid (23.5 mb, 720x480, WMP9 format) from us, now. Great use of HaloCE! (Elnea also created a new sketch for him, in thanks - you can see it in our gallery here, or see what her son did to it in her journal there.) (Louis Wu 18:47:29 UTC)

October 23, 2005 Link to this post

A RATING TEN's montage
A RATING TEN sent us word that he'd finished his montage, and that he had enough bandwidth left this month to serve it himself. The high-res version is six and a half minutes long, 640x480, in MPEG2 format, and weighs in at 246 mb. (There's a lower-res version available on the downloads page - 32 mb - for folks who can't handle the big one.) He also started a thread in our forum, if you want to comment. (Louis Wu 16:48:38 UTC)

October 23, 2005 Link to this post

Those Godless Chiropractors...
Red vs Blue Episode 65, 'Looking for Group', was released last night for sponsors (which means it'll be available for the masses by tomorrow sometime). Clearly, Caboose is a closet RPG player. And Simmons is... well, pretty dumb. Props to sarge, for the best epithet of the week ("Great sodium chloride!"). If you're a sponsor, go watch. If you're not, wait a bit. (And please - don't feel you need to tell us when the public versions are live... we announce RvB episodes ONCE, and assume anyone who isn't a sponsor can count to 48, and figure out when to look for the version they can see.) (Louis Wu 16:06:44 UTC)

October 22, 2005 Link to this post

This Spartan Life - blog 04
This Spartan Life has updated with a new video blog entry - blog 04 continues to chronicle the Bodyguard Competition. Some nice camera angles (I'm impressed with how careful the competitors are to not kill the camera people); I'm guessing he's getting closer to picking a winner. QuickTime (13.8 mb) or WMP9 (10.5 mb) formats. Go check it out! (Louis Wu 13:17:55 UTC)

October 22, 2005 Link to this post

Cairo Station speedrun - now higher-res
The movie trifecta is completed with a high-res version of one of the high-speed runs we mentioned a couple of days ago. I wished for higher quality, Cody Miller answered me. You can grab a 640x480 QuickTime (82.5 mb) of Jeff's Cairo Station run from our server; the original source was VHS tape, so it's still not crystal-clear, but it's much better than the 320x240 version released Thursday. (We're not going to get in the habit of hosting speedruns; that's what highspeedhalo is for... I just wanted to see it better, and Cody obliged.) (Louis Wu 10:57:16 UTC)

October 22, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2: Mombasa Trailer
Another recent submission to the MPRRS that the reviewers gave their thumbs-up to was the HALO 2: Mombasa trailer. This is a trailer for the second installment of Clan Dyslexia's re-enactment of the Halo 2 story (the first installment was mentioned here, here, and here), and aside from being too dark in places, is a gorgeous filming of the Earth sections of Halo 2. You can grab the WMP9 version of the trailer (20.6 mb), or a slightly less dark (but still hard-to-see in places) QuickTime version (20.9 mb) - and then settle in to wait for the final product, because this one looks to be amazing. (Louis Wu 10:34:51 UTC)

October 22, 2005 Link to this post

Halzred's Montage 4
Halzred submitted his latest montage to the MPRRS; he didn't want hosting (it's already being hosted over at Halo2forum.com - WMP9, 64.9 mb), but it passed with a pretty high score, and we always try to make hosted movies available to as many people as possible... so I'm putting up a QuickTime version (65.9 mb) just for those who need it. Great editing, great gameplay, fantastic timing. Go watch! (Louis Wu 04:54:03 UTC)

October 21, 2005 Link to this post

Saucee Montage 3.0
Saucee's third montage passed the MPRRS this morning - so you can grab a copy of it either in WMP9 format (43.3 mb) or QuickTime format (44.1 mb). Nice audio-video synchronization, and some funky video effects. Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:22:21 UTC)

October 20, 2005 Link to this post

Rad Halo 2 Speedruns
Jeff Cousins pointed out that two of his speed runs (Outskirts and Cairo Station) have been posted up at highspeedhalo.org. The Cairo Station run, in particular, is pretty darned cool - the man is GOOD. (In fact, I'm wishing the footage was higher-quality, it's so impressive to watch.) QuickTime format, 17.4 and 32.9 mb respectively. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:16:07 UTC)

October 20, 2005 Link to this post

RoP 2005: Best Male Performance
The Rockets on Prisoners Awards announcements continue, with a vid showing nominees (and winner) for Best Male Performance. Thanks once again to Spartan 777 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:45:58 UTC)

October 20, 2005 Link to this post

Pushbak created a fun HaloPC-based montage; it didn't QUITE pass the MPRRS, but it was close, and it brought back memories, so we're hosting it. The original is MPEG-4 encoded (QuickTime only, 51.5 mb), but you can also grab a WMP9 version if you like (49.3 mb). As Pushbak says, "Halo = Fun". (Louis Wu 16:12:11 UTC)

October 19, 2005 Link to this post

Gladiator Evolved - for your iPod
Eep - this passed the MPRRS yesterday, but I forgot to post it. I just want to say that this is probably the last of its kind that we'll entertain here; I do NOT want to become the defacto host of iPod-formatted films. That said, the reviewers approved it, so I'm passing it along. It's Gladiator Evolved (originally released a month ago, in regular web formats, to rave reviews), and it's been formatted to play on the new Video iPod. It's 54.5 mb, H.264-encoded, with a screen resolution of 320x144 pixels. (The original had 4 times as many pixels.) If you've got a Video iPod, and want to see how a great Halo vid looks on it, this is one to grab. For everyone who suddenly gets the idea to reformat every great Halo vid for the iPod (or the PSP, or any other non-web-standard viewing option)... please, find your own host. Thanks! (Louis Wu 04:51:37 UTC)

October 18, 2005 Link to this post

A swift defeat full of idiots
Broken Console Productions have posted Episode 7 of their 'Squadron' Machinima - it's available in both WMP9 (16.6 mb) and QuickTime (16.9 mb) formats. The squadron is... running into trouble. As usual, high-quality workmanship all around... go watch! (Louis Wu 20:43:04 UTC)

October 18, 2005 Link to this post

Wedow's Montage Preview
Z points out a nice montage trailer over at Halo2Forum.com - 58 mb, WMP9 format, really clear footage. Give it a look! (Louis Wu 14:44:50 UTC)

October 18, 2005 Link to this post

RoP 2005 - Best Villain
The Best Villain nominees (and winner) have been posted over at the Rockets on Prisoner Awards site - thanks to Spartan 777 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:36:54 UTC)

October 16, 2005 Link to this post

SvF Ep 9 Teaser Posted
Sponsors vs Freeloaders has put up a short (36 second) teaser for Episode 9, 'Faith, Hope, and Duality', of their machinima series 'Flamewar'. Their site is currently being crushed (Laird, the host, is today's Featured User on the RvB site, and has used that position to publicize the teaser), so we're hosting copies for them - you can grab the WMP9 version (4.4 mb) or the QuickTime version (4.6 mb). (Louis Wu 19:07:44 UTC)

October 15, 2005 Link to this post

Previous Commitments
Dang. All this water's gone to my brain. Burnie posted last night that Red vs Blue Ep 64 would be up for sponsors about 12 hours ago (and for everyone else tomorrow night) - but I spaced. So if you're a sponsor, go grab a copy. Because Andy is simply the best machinima character ever. And because Tucker is a hero. Sort of. And because Sarge does the Burt Ward thing. (Louis Wu 19:56:01 UTC)

October 15, 2005 Link to this post

BSiK's montage
Z writes to point out BSiK's montage over at Halo2Forum.com. 70 mb. Snipey Snipey Sticky Sticky. (Halo and Halo 2 footage, combined.) Go watch. (Louis Wu 14:08:28 UTC)

October 13, 2005 Link to this post

RoP - Best Female Performance
That Weasel continues to release individual awards for the 2005 Rockets on Prisoner ceremony - today's release is Best Female Performance. Swing by and pick up a copy of the vid - check out the nominees, and see who won! Thanks to both That Weasel and Funkmon for the heads-up. Update: Best Halo 2 Movie (nominees and winner) have now also been released (Thursday, 23:30 UTC). This is the last update this week, and it came as a surprise to me. (It comes with an acceptance speech from the winner.) Thanks, That Weasel. (Louis Wu 17:12:27 UTC)

October 13, 2005 Link to this post

This Spartan Life - Body Count
This Spartan Life was updated yesterday, but we forgot to put up a news post... the newest segment, Episode 2 Module 3, is called 'Body Count', and the topic is gun control. Chest Harlton, the president of the National Plasma Rifle Association, debates a small child about the correlation, or lack thereof, between handgun ownership and household accidents. Go watch! (Louis Wu 13:44:45 UTC)

October 12, 2005 Link to this post

PraetoriaGuard Video 4
PraetoriaGuard has put up their fourth video - you'll find it on their Downloads page. I'd recommend the hi-res version, even though it's huge - the lower-res version is pretty highly compressed, and at a screwy aspect ratio to boot. As has been true of their previous vids, it's a collection of small skits - a couple are great. At the moment, It's just WMP9 versions, but it's possible that they'll add QuickTimes soon, too. Thanks to LordGideon and Bumbadawg for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 14:11:35 UTC)

October 12, 2005 Link to this post

Still more vids at H2F
Z pointed out 4 new movies to download over at Halo2Forum.com - there's clan Exit Woundz 4v4 CTF on Warlock (92.4 mb), clan Exit Woundz 4v4 TS on Ivory Tower (94.6 mb), Chronic's Halo 2 mods (90.6 mb), and a parody of MTV Cribs based on Lockout (41.6 mb). The two gameplay vids are worth watching. (Louis Wu 14:00:21 UTC)

October 12, 2005 Link to this post

RoP - Best Action Sequence
That Weasel wrote to point out the Best Action Sequence pre-release segment for the Rockets on Prisoner awards - swing by to grab the file, in one of 6 formats, to see who was nominated... and who took the win! (Louis Wu 12:27:03 UTC)

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