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Showing results 5701 - 5725 of 6554 matches

July 20, 2006 Link to this post

2old2play Over 40 Invitational Promo Vid
Interesting - there's a tournament run the 3rd Tuesday of every month (yes, that means you missed the most recent one by two days) over at 2old2play - in order to enter, you must be at least 40 years old. jynxonline put together a really nice promo vid for it - swing by and watch it! (Man, a tourney where I'm the YOUNGEST player? I'm there.) From the date on the comments of this article, I'd guess this tourney's been going for 10 months now... thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 21:42:49 UTC)

July 19, 2006 Link to this post

HMV Hell
For the most part, movies we host run through the Movie Peer Review Rating System; it gives useful feedback to the movie maker, and it cuts down on the films the staff actually needs to weed through to find the gems. It works really well - though since it's totally volunteer-run, occasionally, movies are in the queue for longer than we'd like. Now is one of those times - my guess is a lot of it is that it's summer, and folks are less inclined to 'work' during their free time. Whatever the reason, occasionally a movie will come along that is good enough that I'd rather it didn't wait through the queue. One of those came in yesterday; imSuck, a moviemaker with a LOT of great movies under his belt, sent along 'HMV Hell', a Halo vid based on the concept of AMV Hell - it's a mashup of a lot of different songs, in different styles, all illustrated nicely in Halo, and wonderfully interspersed with humor. Film quality, as usual with imSuck's work, is top-notch; great visuals, great cinematography, great timing. It's long - just over 9 minutes - but well worth the download. Grab a WMP9 version (125 mb) or a QuickTime version (120 mb) - and enjoy it! (Louis Wu 12:03:55 UTC)

July 17, 2006 Link to this post

Sin City Halo - Redux
Northeast noticed a vid on YouTube that reproduces the Sin City trailer in the Halo engine. (It's different from the one we hosted here.) Go watch - pretty good work! (Louis Wu 11:19:09 UTC)

July 16, 2006 Link to this post

Klein Oak HS plays Halo (music)
megadude139 found another video of a high school group playing Halo music - this was Klein Oak High School, in Spring, Texas, with the orchestra ensemble playing Halo and Halo music for a variety show in 2005. Pretty nice work! (YouTube, the vid itself is about 13 mb.) (Louis Wu 15:41:19 UTC)

July 14, 2006 Link to this post

Montages Up
Couple of new films to watch over at Halo3Forum.com - thanks, Z. There's DaY & EXP10S1ON's DualTage - a mix of two players, a mix of Halo and Halo 2. And there's a trailer for HANXU's upcoming montage - some really long-range sticks. WMP9 format for both (135 and 17 mb, respectively). Go watch. (Louis Wu 19:58:33 UTC)

July 14, 2006 Link to this post

Prophecy - the official trailer
We usually put up just a couple of copies of movies that pass the MPRRS (a QuickTime version that's generally compatible with versions 5 and up, and a WMP9 version) - but yesterday, a vid passed that simply didn't want to re-encode. Lordstemplar1 submitted a trailer for Prophecy, an upcoming machinima project, in H.264-encoded QuickTime - but attempts to convert it were unsuccessful. I did, eventually, get it into our standard formats - but because I had so much trouble with it, I'm making the original available as well. You can read more about Prophecy on their official website - and you can grab the trailer from us in QuickTime 7 format (26.2 mb), QuickTime 5+ format (25.4 mb), or WMP9 format (19.8 mb). (Louis Wu 12:24:53 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

Can I hear you say it's only a game?
This Spartan Life has released the final module for Episode 3 - it's a music video/dance segment which revolves around a Halo 2 easter egg. It's awesome. (Watch the synchronization of the dance choreography... and then think about what's involved in getting that just right. I don't think I've ever seen it done this well on such a large scale.) Great special effects, and the song, by glomag with MC Aero, is pretty funny as well. Available in QuickTime format (25.2 mb), .m4v for your iPod (on their Podcast page, 22.3 mb), and soon in WMP9 format as well. (Louis Wu 18:48:38 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

Real Life Montage
Covinator and friends put together a 'Real-life Montage'; Halo in their backyard. (Or maybe a park. Whatever.) Pretty funny stuff; he's made it available at FileFront (WMP9 format, 20.4 mb). Grab a copy! (Louis Wu 16:58:19 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

HoBo's Second Montage
A few days ago, a montage submitted by uK x HoBo was passed by the MPRRS - nice timing, nice quality. Advance warning - the first song is pretty rude. R-rated, even. That said - the reviewers said go ahead and release, so we're releasing. WMP9 version is 69.7 mb, QuickTime version is 74.8 mb. (It's six and a half minutes long.) (Louis Wu 14:13:30 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

MPs Episode 1: 26th Century Boy
Chairleg Productions has created a number of Halo-based machinima projects - most (all?) have met with critical success. They're funny, they're well-filmed, they've got high production qualities. They've got a new series just beginning: MPs. They submitted Episode 1 to the MPRRS last week - and were given a high passing score. They asked us to hold off on release of this film, though, to allow for more time in making other episodes; we're nothing if not accomodating. It's Thursday, so it's release day for 'MPs Episode 1: 26th Century Boy'. It's funny, it's big and beautiful, and it makes us want more episodes. it revolves around the lives of a team of Military Police who are decidedly unmilitary. We're hosting the WMP9 version (28.5 mb, also available at Chairleg's website) and a QuickTime version (26.7 mb) - grab the one that works best for you! (Louis Wu 13:01:53 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

Legendary Library - less than 900 seconds.
When we hosted our 'Going Nowhere Fast' contest a few years ago, the winning time for the Library speedrun was 20:57 - and that was 5 minutes faster than the second-place finisher. Since then, time has been chipped off that record... but yesterday, a new vid was uploaded to High Speed Halo (WMP9 format, 29.2 mb) that blew away the competition. Riptor turned in a 14:25 run - on Legendary. (Well, of COURSE it was Legendary. Duh.) It's pretty amazing; partly for the ways he finds to decrease enemy spawns, partly for how easy he makes some of it look. Make no mistake; the Library, in under 15 minutes on Legendary, is not by ANY measure an easy task. You wouldn't know it from watching this, though... thanks, Ducain. (Louis Wu 12:14:50 UTC)

July 11, 2006 Link to this post

The Pedestrian
Matt Barham sent along a link to 'The Pedestrian', a 20-minute-long vid that served as an english project; he and some classmates attempt to bring Ray Bradbury's story 'The Pedestrian' to life. They crammed 14 hours of filming and editing into a single weekend, and the end result is both funny and entertaining. (Not all of it is actually relevant to the book - but then, what can you expect when you put a bunch of guys together in Halo 2?) Who said education can't be fun? Swing by LiveDigital to watch the film (Flash format, about 90 mb). (Louis Wu 20:55:57 UTC)

July 11, 2006 Link to this post

Conquest, Part 2 - Trailer now available
AnubisUK stopped by our forum to point out that the trailer for Broken Console's Conquest Part 2 is now available - swing by their website to grab a copy (10 or 15 mb, depending on size, in both WMP9 and QT). Part 1 was a pretty impressive piece of work, and the trailer for Part 2 is nicely done; check it out, and get ready for the real deal! (Louis Wu 18:21:29 UTC)

July 11, 2006 Link to this post

Whammy Kablammy
RidgyMrPeepers, of 33 Degrees Films (the website's not resolving for me yet) submitted 'Whammy Kablammy: Explosive Barrel Montage' to the MPRRS, and they said 'release it'. Fusion cores, painstakingly nudged into lines, are used to blow up hogs, people, whatever. Nice patterns! Should appeal to the 'I love to blow stuff up' bit in most of us. Grab this in WMP9 format (26.6 mb) or QuickTime format (26.2 mb). (Louis Wu 10:39:30 UTC)

July 10, 2006 Link to this post

The Virus of Life
SpartanHunter69 put together 'The Virus of Life', a 9 minute story about zombies taking over the world. There is no dialogue - the movie is pretty creepy without it. The MPRRS reviewers loved the darkness, and the lack of speech. The atmosphere rocks. Grab it in WMP9 format (60.6 mb) or QuickTime format (60.1 mb). (Louis Wu 02:06:22 UTC)

July 8, 2006 Link to this post

c0ld vengeance grabbed a really nice 3D shot of the atmospheric processing station hologram visible at the start of the 'The Perfect Plan in the Perfect Storm' chapter of the Oracle level - check it out in regular QT or QTVR formats in this forum post. Beautiful timing! (Louis Wu 13:08:43 UTC)

July 8, 2006 Link to this post

Move Along - One More Time
I didn't want to front-page this without permission from MMaster - but a few days ago, when we posted his remake of the All-American Rejects music vid, I took a few minutes and composited MMaster's version with the original, just to give folks a sense for how closely he tried to match his source material. As my forum post says, some of the synch issues are my fault (there aren't a lot, in any case; it's a pretty nice fit!), and you have to put up with QuickTime format if you want to watch it... but I thought it did a nice job of showing the lengths MMaster went to to match the original vid. I finally heard back from him that it was okay to post this - so I'm posting this. (Louis Wu 12:21:01 UTC)

July 8, 2006 Link to this post

I miss Jim Henson.
It's not the first time this song has been used in a Halo video (I think our own Cybrfrk gets that credit), but it's a pretty funny movie in its own right - swing by Halo3Forum.com and grab a copy of Muhna Muhna (77 mb, WMP9 format) - it should make you smile. (Louis Wu 12:00:11 UTC)

July 7, 2006 Link to this post

7 Rings to rule them all
c0ld vengeance has ANOTHER 3d screenshot for you today; this one shows the 7 Halos from the hologram at the end of Great Journey. The standard QT movie lets you spin around them, while the QTVR version gives you a great view from any angle. QuickTime required, and be patient - this one's a bit larger than most (5-6 mb, depending on the version you pick). If you choose to see the QTVR version in-browser, the controls will remain greyed-out until the whole file is downloaded, so just hang on. (Louis Wu 11:50:40 UTC)

July 6, 2006 Link to this post

Move Along - from MediaGamers
Early this week, MMaster stopped by our forum to post a link to a new video he'd created; it's an exact remake of 'Move Along', a video from the All-American Rejects. (This is different from Clan 0kinawa's remake of that same video.) He submitted the video to the MPRRS, too - and it's good he did, because MediaGamers is out of bandwidth right now, but the MPRRS reviewers loved it. You can therefore grab a WMP9 version (47.4 mb) or QuickTime version (46.6 mb) from our servers - enjoy! (Louis Wu 16:57:09 UTC)

July 6, 2006 Link to this post

Right this way!
c0ld vengeance continues with his 3D Screenshots series - this time, it's Cortana, looking on as the Master Chief sticks a Brute. Sweet! Available both as a QuickTime rotating vid, or a QTVR file. Take a look! (Louis Wu 15:38:42 UTC)

July 6, 2006 Link to this post

I am your shield - I am your sword.
I'm not thrilled with YouTube - but this one's pretty darned funny. Swing by to see the original Halo 3 trailer... the special effects on Cortana must be seen to be believed. Thanks to Konrad, via IRC, for this one. (Louis Wu 02:31:35 UTC)

July 6, 2006 Link to this post

Lost: Halostyle Episode 5
The MPRRS queue has been getting pretty long recently - Cybrfrk just brought in some new blood to try and clear out some of the movies that have been languishing. The first pass out of the gate is 'Lost: Halostyle Episode 5' - a continuation of a pretty funny series. (This episode is quite good, as well.) Audio and video quality are topnotch, the storyline is solid, the humor is on, most of the time (an elite singing along to Kelis made me worry a little about nightmares) - this one's a winner. Grab it in WMP9 format (48.5 mb) or QuickTime format (45.8 mb). (Louis Wu 02:26:27 UTC)

July 2, 2006 Link to this post

Sea. Turtle. Kill.
Turtle Mann submitted his fourth montage to the MPRRS - and they passed it, though a few reviewers thought it went a bit overboard on effects. (I'd agree with that, though for the most part it's not too hard to figure out what's going on.) We're hosting a WMP9 version (67.7 mb) and a QuickTime version (63.7 mb) - grab the one that is easiest to watch for you! (Louis Wu 16:39:18 UTC)

July 2, 2006 Link to this post

Oppression Trailer
A few days ago, a trailer for an upcoming machinima called 'Oppression' passed through the MPRRS; it came really, really close to passing. There was a single typo in some of the text, and this typo was mentioned by a large number of reviewers - we got uppity squirrel, the creator, to fix that typo, and we're hosting the vid after all. Looks to be a dramatic film! The trailer is 14.6 mb in WMP9 format, or 14.1 mb in QuickTime format (it's only 2 minutes long). Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:00:34 UTC)

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