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Showing results 4851 - 4875 of 6554 matches April 2, 2008 Link to this post Gravemind through the Control Room - in HD
Thanks to Infectionist Machinima and Wraith-Ops, we're comfortable adding a significant chunk of the remaining Halo 2 HD cutscenes to our Cutscene Library - all but the finale and credits are online. Swing by and watch the unfolding of the Halo 2 storyline in HD! (Louis Wu 20:10:42 UTC)
April 2, 2008 Link to this post Outpost: Isil Episode 4
Bzerker01 let us know that Outpost: Isil Episode 4 is up at Treeskunk Productions - the humans look for lost stuff, the Covenant looks for food. When they find each other, you learn which side shoots better. Sort of. (Louis Wu 15:42:43 UTC)
April 1, 2008 Link to this post Fatum Trailer
Nabsuh stopped by to point out a trailer for Fatum, an upcoming Halo 3 machinima he's doing CGI for. Go watch it on YouTube. (Louis Wu 22:21:36 UTC)
April 1, 2008 Link to this post Gray Team Transmission Two Trailer
Marc Swint let us know that Mindless Distortion has posted a trailer for Gray Team Transmission Two: Relegation. You can stream or download it from a variety of sources - they've taken the feedback they got from Transmission One (released last week), and are promising an improved machinima project. Take a look! (Louis Wu 20:40:44 UTC)
April 1, 2008 Link to this post The Detonation Tritage
Z pointed out a new Halo 3 montage from ipwnt, Sargoth, and Zanster - you can download it (all 180 mb of it) from Halo3Forum.com. I found the editing to be pretty distracting - but if you like funky cuts, this one's for you. (Louis Wu 17:11:23 UTC)
March 31, 2008 Link to this post Inside Job
The massive Inside Job, a four and a half minute cutscene weighing in at about 200 mb in HD, is now up for downloading in the Halo 2 Cutscene Library. From a story standpoint, this one can't be missed. From a gorgeousness standpoint, this one is up there with the best. Go watch! Thanks, as always, to Infectionist Machinima and Wraith-Ops. (Louis Wu 21:17:21 UTC)
March 29, 2008 Link to this post Halo 2 HD Cutscenes - two-thirds posted
The next three HD Halo 2 Cutscenes are up now in our Cutscene Library; you can now watch through the end of Quarantine Zone in 720p. Helping hosts are, as always, Infectionist Machinima and Wraith-Ops. (Are you guys enjoying these? We're seeing fewer downloads than we'd expected - but the little feedback we HAVE gotten has been positive. It's a rather interesting result, I think.) (Louis Wu 16:57:49 UTC)
March 29, 2008 Link to this post Deus Ex Machina 8: Doomsday, Part 1
Major Silva pointed out that the first part of the two-part finale of the Deus Ex Machina series is now up at Machinima.com. (It's also available at YouTube, if you'd rather watch it there.) John wants to hang it up... but he might not be allowed to. 20 minutes long. (Louis Wu 16:06:25 UTC)
March 28, 2008 Link to this post Consequences - Pilot
FireDragon04 stopped by to announce that Episode One - Pilot of his new machinima, 'Consequences: Hyperions Vengeance', is now available for download. Swing by his website for links. Characters are great, voice acting is (mostly) great, story is a little hard to follow. (Mostly because the hologram is completely unintelligible, I think.) Quality is a little shakey, but not so much that the film's unwatchable. Cinematography's quite nice. Go see! (Louis Wu 18:34:56 UTC)
March 28, 2008 Link to this post In Master Chief We Trust
trigger119 pointed out a moving entry in the MLG Film Festival - check out In Master Chief We Trust, by TheDuoGroup. (Louis Wu 13:37:08 UTC)
March 27, 2008 Link to this post Uncomfortable Silence, in HD
The opening cutscene of Sacred Icon, 'Uncomfortable Silence', is now available in HD for your downloading pleasure from our Cutscene Library. Thanks, as always, to Infectionist Machinima and Wraith7n. Man, I'd forgotten how gorgeous some of the settings in that scene were... (Louis Wu 22:35:13 UTC)
March 26, 2008 Link to this post M Squared.
Heh - Maluu and MrOllie are back to their old Trick-Jumping ways, with a JumpTactics entry into the MLG Pro Film Festival Contest. It's short, and it makes extensive use of tweaked damage settings... but it's beautiful. Go watch. Thanks to RVideo for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 14:33:17 UTC)
March 26, 2008 Link to this post Gray Team Transmission One
Lordstemplar1 stopped by to let us know about Gray Team Transmission One, a new machinima project from Mindless Distortion Productions, has been released. You can find download links on the 508th Brigade forum. Twelve minutes long. The writing could use a little help... but the battle scenes are fun. (Louis Wu 12:46:44 UTC)
March 25, 2008 Link to this post HD Halo 2 - through Regret
The Halo 2 Cutscene Library grows by three more HD scenes - Testament, One Way Ticket, and Sorry, Were You in the Middle of Something? are available for download. Infectionist Machinima and Wraith-ops are, as usual, helping with the bandwidth. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:17:40 UTC)
March 25, 2008 Link to this post STA's Athanasia
Z asked us to take a look at STA's Athanasia - a Halo 3 montage with some nice editing. Five and a half minutes long, 126 mb in WMP9 format - give it a look! (Louis Wu 17:55:18 UTC)
March 25, 2008 Link to this post Recovery One, Part IV
The Rooster Teeth crew has released Recovery One, Part IV, with Director's Commentary (for sponsors) and without (for the masses). It's the finale of a great mini-series... go watch! (If you're a sponsor, there are some intriguing hints about what might be coming next...) (Louis Wu 05:05:36 UTC)
March 24, 2008 Link to this post Contamination Trailer - now downloadable
If you watched the Contamination trailer last week, and wished you could see it in higher resolution... swing by GamingTV. There are WMP9 and QT download links with 640x480 versions. Thanks, trigger119. (Louis Wu 17:10:07 UTC)
March 24, 2008 Link to this post Infiltration Teaser Trailer
QuickTactical released a trailer for Infiltration. At least one fan wasn't impressed - but watch it for yourself to decide! (Louis Wu 11:56:40 UTC)
March 24, 2008 Link to this post Dispatch Update: Episode 1
Lordstemplar1 stopped by with a 'Video Update' of what Dispatch films is doing - it seems to take inspiration from lots of existing work (Sodagod's Inside Machinima, DigitalPh33r's work, even the ForgeHub Video Tutorials). Tells you what the group is up to, and gives you another chance (whether you want it or not) to watch the Blackstone teaser. (Louis Wu 11:46:02 UTC)
March 24, 2008 Link to this post Pre-Game Lobby: O Hai
On our forum, Harabek announced a new machinima series: Pre-Game Lobby. Interesting bunch of characters, an ongoing Matchmaking-based storyline. This first episode is 19 minutes long, viewable on YouTube in two parts, or downloadable from Filefront in hi-res (almost 300 mb). This one shows potential! (Louis Wu 11:43:00 UTC)
March 24, 2008 Link to this post Special Delivery
While we slept last night, news on a whole lot of machinima crossed our desks. First up: Spriggs Episode 8 was posted. The storyline's getting more serious (though it's still pretty lighthearted in tone) - and my view of Spriggs is changing. 12 minutes long, downloadable in AVI format or streamable on YouTube. Go watch! (Louis Wu 11:40:10 UTC)
March 23, 2008 Link to this post Helljumpers in HD
Bandwidth usage due to the "Our Favorite Things" video released Friday has dropped below 75Mbit... so I guess it's time to release more HD Halo 2 cutscenes. Today we've got Helljumpers, the opening scene from Delta Halo, along with the 'delta' version (showing the variations in different difficulties). Go grab 'em! Thanks, as always, to HaLo2FrEeEk and Wraith7n for the bandwidth help. (Louis Wu 16:30:27 UTC)
March 22, 2008 Link to this post ForgeHub Video Tutorial 7: Gravity Lift Techniques
TheShadyGnome has another ForgeHub Video Tutorial for you - Episode 7 covers Gravity Lift techniques. Use them to constrain your players, or expand the range of their motion - it's up to you! (Louis Wu 14:53:55 UTC)
March 22, 2008 Link to this post Heroic Trailer Links - the Short Version Okay, this is just a quick post because there's some confusion about the Heroic trailer being linked to in tonight's Weekly Update, over at Bungie.net. We've put up three separate mirrors of the videos - grab the one that's the right size and filetype for you:
QuickTime 360p (17 mb): files1 | files2 | files3
QuickTime 720p (93 mb): files1 | files2 | files3
WMP9 360p (42 mb): files1 | files2 | files3
WMP9 720p (94 mb): files1 | files2 | files3 Don't hurt us too bad! (Louis Wu 01:55:40 UTC)
March 21, 2008 Link to this post It's a Wonderful LIVE, Ep 2
DigitalPh33r has released It's a Wonderful LIVE, Episode 2 - mostly, he makes fun of the PS3, but also mocks Canada-ignorant players. 11 minutes long, rather bitter in tone. Doesn't look like it's on YouTube yet - though there ARE some forgeries there right now. Thanks, SPARTAN 294. (Louis Wu 18:17:36 UTC)