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Search results for Movies
Showing results 4801 - 4825 of 6554 matches April 24, 2008 Link to this post Chairleg offering a Halo 3 Cutscene in HD The Chairleg Productions crew is planning on releasing some new machinima in HD, and to test whether their server can handle the load, they're releasing a Halo 3 cutscene (the ending of Floodgate) in QuickTime H.264 HD format. Swing by Squarecoin's forum post for details and a download link.
(Louis Wu 19:22:51 UTC)
April 24, 2008 Link to this post Magic Overshield Grab
xenøs was messing around with some map building, and ran across a pretty bizarre glitch; apparently, you can pick up an overshield by traveling between a pair of teleporters that has that overshield near the path that connects them. Huh? Watch his movie for more details (downloadable saved films linked in the forum post, too), and see if you can figure out what's going on! (Louis Wu 19:21:14 UTC)
April 24, 2008 Link to this post Brothers in Arms
Phatcorns dropped in with a link to a little montage vid showing off some brotherly love. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy. (Louis Wu 19:20:29 UTC)
April 23, 2008 Link to this post ESPN Saturday Night
trigger119 let us know that MLG is hosting a rebroadcast of ESPN Saturday Night from the Meadowlands... in 11 parts. (Louis Wu 21:15:51 UTC)
April 23, 2008 Link to this post Phoenix Teaser AoD Deadite dropped in to point out a new teaser from Dispatch Films - Phoenix will be out this summer, the YouTube flick will only take 45 seconds of your time. (Louis Wu 21:13:43 UTC)
April 22, 2008 Link to this post Beware of Low-Flying Mongeese
Okay, the replay was probably a bit excessive (I don't think we needed to see the banshee and chopper kills again), but overall, this betrayal is pretty entertaining. When you're in a tank, beware of the debris you generate. The life you take might just belong to a teammate. (Louis Wu 18:05:51 UTC)
April 22, 2008 Link to this post Inside Halo 3: Episode 12
gunluva noticed that Inside Halo 3: Episode 12 is now live; Sodagod has some weird interview techniques, but all in all it's pretty entertaining! 5 and a half minutes, including an interview with Phreak, the top five plays of the week, a machinima roundup, and a decided lack of boobies. (Wait, what?) (Louis Wu 12:09:14 UTC)
April 21, 2008 Link to this post Grifball UK Week 1 Highlights
Over at Grifball.com, Gingerlink has posted Week 1 highlights of the UK league - more coming soon, apparently. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:01:46 UTC)
April 21, 2008 Link to this post Vendetta
Syrok created a Halo 3 machinima project for the Northwest High School Film Festival - It's called 'Vendetta', and it follows a pair of soldiers assigned to assassinate a target. When the job goes bad, the surviving soldier looks for revenge. You can watch it on YouTube, or download a higher-res version from FileFront (103 mb). (Louis Wu 14:41:09 UTC)
April 20, 2008 Link to this post Zombie Death Squad
ZDSvideos let us know that Zombie Death Squad is a new thriller/action machinima; they've already posted a teaser. Go watch! (They're always looking for help, so if you like what you see, join 'em.)
(Louis Wu 15:10:11 UTC)
April 19, 2008 Link to this post For Great Justice (and multiple kills)
bigroot posted a short clip of a fun triple-kill he had with a trip mine - if he hadn't thrown the grenade that put the fully-loaded hog on top of that mine, it would have just been a randomly lucky set of kills... but his own grenade made it justice. Swing by YouTube to watch. (Louis Wu 17:42:37 UTC)
April 19, 2008 Link to this post Legendary and More
DigitalPh33r has posted Arby 'n' the Chief Episode 8, over at Machinima.com - it's a look at the Legendary Map Pack, and it's got some funny moments. (Thanks, SPARTAN 294.) If you swing by his blog, you'll see other news - he's done with It's a Wonderful Live, and the series finale for Deus Ex Machina is getting delayed until it's as good as he can make it. (Currently, he's shooting for 'late May'.) There's other news, as well - check it out if you like his work! (Louis Wu 17:40:19 UTC)
April 19, 2008 Link to this post More Blackout Jumping
RVideo noticed another Blackout Jumping video over at Halo3Forum - put together by JalapenoZ and friends, it includes a few jumps not seen in Sain7's entry yesterday. Take a look! (Louis Wu 17:34:04 UTC)
April 19, 2008 Link to this post US Army/MLG Halo 3 film winners posted
MLGPro.com has posted the winners (and runners-up) for the US Army Halo 3 Film Festival - some great movies in there! Go watch. (Louis Wu 16:24:10 UTC)
April 18, 2008 Link to this post Blackout Jumping
Sain7 whipped up a little Blackout Jumps tutorial recently - it's available in his Fileshare. However, if you don't want to fire up Halo 3 just to watch this, there are 720p renders of the video in this post. Some nice jumps in there! (Louis Wu 16:17:27 UTC)
April 18, 2008 Link to this post abReacT Straight gameplay montages have been done so often, and for so long, that it's hard to get excited about new ones. Z sent word of a new one, over at Halo3Forum, from Kriptic - I actually enjoyed watching it. Lots of sticks and snipes - but the focus seemed to be on Exterminations, and a couple of them were really nice (no easy kills). Great situational awareness (using fusion cores to maximum advantage), great control. Give it a shot! 123 mb for 6 minutes of gameplay. (Louis Wu 14:05:16 UTC)
April 17, 2008 Link to this post Escape From Zanzibar - Reborn and Remastered
Crabbo pointed out a trailer for a remake of 'Escape from Zanzibar' - rebuilt in Halo 3. Looks action-filled! (Louis Wu 21:24:04 UTC)
April 17, 2008 Link to this post Lost Shorts 1 - New Armor
Haloplayer stopped by to point out Lost Shorts 1, "New Armor" - an extended gay joke set in their Lost Cause universe. (Louis Wu 12:50:10 UTC)
April 17, 2008 Link to this post Forces Trailer
Delta's making a Halo machinima as a physics project ("A study of Dynamic Physics in Action Movies") - the trailer's up now. Go watch, and give him some feedback! (Louis Wu 12:35:48 UTC)
April 17, 2008 Link to this post I dare you to jump in there. I dare you.
A fun little Forge experiment on Avalanche showed up in my Google Alerts box this morning - a few gravity lifts + Avalanche's mancannons + lots and lots of plasma grenades = pretty patterns! (Louis Wu 12:30:28 UTC)
April 17, 2008 Link to this post Par Avion
blackouTT let us know that he's posted his entry for GamingTV's Laughs for Cash competition - you can download it and decide what you think about it. Par Avion is a spoof of many other machinima projects, and follows the travels of a player in Matchmaking after he picks up a mysterious object. Very nicely put together, with some funny jabs at the genre. (Plenty of swearing, so turn down the volume a bit if you're watching this at work.) See if you can recognize all the original projects he's lampooning! (There's a Director's Cut, as well, with commentary.) (Louis Wu 12:27:09 UTC)
April 17, 2008 Link to this post Floaty Silence 4 - Climax of Boredom
Hellhawk announced Floaty Silence 4 - Climax of Boredom a couple of days ago, I decided to wait until I could watch it to announce it. I'm glad I did; it's a pretty funny reenactment of the Crow's Nest opening cutscene. Go watch it! (Louis Wu 12:24:41 UTC)
April 16, 2008 Link to this post I need a cigar.
SPARTAN-1138 found a pretty odd film on YouTube - someone performing Sergeant Johnson's speeches from Halo and Halo 2. (Louis Wu 12:10:25 UTC)
April 15, 2008 Link to this post Superheroes
AytonHunter stopped by to announce that Halopen has released 'Superheroes', a 30-minute machinima project. (There's no way I can watch a 30 minute film on this connection while out of town - so watch it yourself, and add your review to AytonHunter's thread!) (Louis Wu 20:17:22 UTC)
April 15, 2008 Link to this post Outside
RVideo stopped by with 'Outside', a pan-cam montage video showing a number of multiplayer maps from far, far outside the field of play. Very cool views! (Louis Wu 20:10:40 UTC)