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Showing results 4476 - 4500 of 6554 matches November 12, 2008 Link to this post Feed Me Chief
VelocityTino put together a video that shows what happens if you mix Halo and Little Shop of Horrors. (Yes, it's what you'd expect - but he did a pretty good job with the composition.) (Louis Wu 17:46:11 UTC)
November 9, 2008 Link to this post Halo 3 Mythbusters: Episode 6
RandomSauce let us know that the sixth installment of Halo 3 Mythbusters is now available at YouTube. Some of these are REALLY cool. A few are just novelties, or demonstrations of oversights in Halo 3 programming... but others have serious potential in competitive gameplay. I've got to try out the magnetic equipment trick! (Louis Wu 16:44:10 UTC)
November 9, 2008 Link to this post Hard Justice: Episode 4
The fourth episode of DigitalPh33r's Hard Justice series is now online - it's hard to be a cop in a town that has different priorities than you do. THanks, AvatarAang. (Louis Wu 16:30:24 UTC)
November 8, 2008 Link to this post Bounce it, baby.
I saw new content on Bungie.net - and thought it might be the weekly update. Nope - just a really convoluted suicide. Go watch! (Louis Wu 00:35:46 UTC)
November 6, 2008 Link to this post Shadoobie (I've Been Splattered) Over at the Bungie Blog, urk pointed out 'Top 10 Series Episode 12: Splatters'. I wasn't impressed for the first few... but they get WAY better. Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:33:23 UTC)
November 6, 2008 Link to this post PreGame Lobby Ep 8
PreGame Lobby Episode 8 is now online - 17 minutes long? Wow. Bunch of live-action stuff in this one. (I could have skipped most of the early stuff...) Thanks, Lord Osiris. (Louis Wu 17:49:11 UTC)
November 6, 2008 Link to this post Late Night Halo
mirel noticed that last night's Late Night with Conan O'Brien contained a bit of Halo footage - it was a short segment making fun of the whole 'hologram' thing news channels have been abusing recently. NBC.com has put the entire episode up - but the one-minute clip in question is not available separately, so we've put up downloadable versions (QuickTime, 8.8 mb, WMP9, 8.6 mb). (Louis Wu 17:44:40 UTC)
November 5, 2008 Link to this post Halo 4 : Master Chief looks for Love
Yesterday, we mentioned a video tutorial showing you how to build Halo armor - what we missed was a test film the Indy Mogul crew made using the end product. Funny stuff! Thanks to Jeaux Janovsky, of Channel Frederator, for the heads-up.
(Louis Wu 21:40:56 UTC)
November 5, 2008 Link to this post Hey, I know that guy!
Over at the Bungie blog, Urk dug up a funny video called 'Real Teammates of Genius - Mr. Take Off By Yourself In the Warthog Guy', and it pays tribute to that guy who puts the I in TEAM.
(Louis Wu 21:30:38 UTC)
November 4, 2008 Link to this post Circatage
The Handmade Hero pointed out a trick jumping vid made by a group called Jump Theory, called 'Circatage'. It shows off some amazing jumps. Clearly many of them were done with non-standard settings ('standard' meaning 'base matchmaking')... but all of the tricks are pretty incredible. (The cone-jumpers were definitely some of the most impressive.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:53:13 UTC)
November 4, 2008 Link to this post Halo Wars Campaign Gameplay Footage - Cleaner
During the Tokyo Game Show, some Halo Wars footage was released showing the buildup of Alpha Base, and the kickoff of the game. It was watchable live, and later archived on GameTrailers - but it was recorded in the room, off the screen, so audio is a bit hollow, and video is darker than it probably should be. Yesterday, a cleaner version of this footage was released - Littlebigman found it at Kotaku (though you can watch (and download) larger versions directly at GameVideos, as well). This definitely gives you a sense of how Halo Wars works. (Louis Wu 14:43:21 UTC)
November 3, 2008 Link to this post The Mondo Brothers
Mondo J. Gecko stopped in with word of a montage of gameplay from him and his brother - mostly vehicle stuff, but also some clutch multikills. It's not very long - check it out! (Louis Wu 19:04:22 UTC)
November 3, 2008 Link to this post Table Saw Trailer
ReleasetheMonk is creating a machinima project that parodies both the Saw franchise and the obsession with Recon armor - go watch the trailer! He's looking for feedback. (Louis Wu 15:36:27 UTC)
November 2, 2008 Link to this post DigitalPh33r's Guide to Halo3 Machinima Pt.6 Digitalph33r has wrapped up his Guide to Making Halo 3 Machinima - Part 6 covers putting all the pieces together. Thanks, UnSiLeNtSlAyEr. (Louis Wu 17:20:25 UTC)
November 1, 2008 Link to this post Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 208
Master Chief Theater 3000 Episode 208 is out now - this one looks at The Quarantine Zone cutscene. Thanks, AvatarAang. (Louis Wu 11:34:31 UTC)
October 31, 2008 Link to this post Darkspire's back.
Wonga. Darkspire Films is back - with two new products (and the promise of another pair). Aynder Seal is six and a half minutes long, weighs in at 180 mb, and is confusing as hell. Luna Habladora is six minutes long, 250 mb, and a lot less serious. It involves, as the title might suggest... a talking moon. They're both part of the same storyline. Both are in HD QuickTime format (1280x720), and recorded at 60fps. Thanks, SaberUmbra. (Louis Wu 21:48:42 UTC)
October 31, 2008 Link to this post Halo 3 Funtage
John_117 put together a new montage - he calls it a 'funtage', and it is. Some nice display of skills, but also lots of funny stuff; grenades not doing what was expected of them, vehicles falling out of the sky, etc. There's a moment, about a minute and a half in, where I was flabbergasted. (Still am.) Go watch. (Louis Wu 13:09:21 UTC)
October 31, 2008 Link to this post RvB Reconstruction: Chapter 19 The finale for Rooster Teeth's Red vs Blue: Reconstruction is now available for all to watch - and it's a doozy. Nearly ten minutes long, it wraps up almost all loose ends in the series... almost. Effects are really well-done... if you're not paying close attention, you won't even realize some of them are effects. (That's a good thing.) All in all, a really satisfying conclusion to the tale they've been spinning for almost seven months. Go watch! (Louis Wu 01:12:56 UTC)
October 29, 2008 Link to this post MLG/ESPN Top Ten #12
MLGPro.com's released another MLG/ESPN Top Ten video - #12 has 3 minutes of some pretty amazing gameplay. Check 'em out. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 21:23:48 UTC)
October 29, 2008 Link to this post Embedded
Treeskunk Productions has released Outpost: Isil Episode 10 - it's all about the evil clowns. And stuff. Available in about a million formats, from a million different places. Thanks, shiruken. (Louis Wu 16:33:53 UTC)
October 29, 2008 Link to this post Real7alk Community Montage #1
RandomSauce let us know that the first Real7alk.com community montage has been posted - it's 6 minutes of fun clips, nicely put together. Go watch! (If you're interested in submitting to future montages, swing by the Real7alk forums and get involved! (Louis Wu 14:13:46 UTC)
October 28, 2008 Link to this post Splazed.
Wow. urk, over at Bungie, found a 'Splasertage' from a guy who's got more than 18,000 spartan laser kills under his belt. According to Halo3.junk.ws, I've only got a few thousand kills more than that... with EVERY weapon, combined. (This one really benefits from the higher-quality YouTube version... and the writeup there says 21,000 kills, not 18,000.) (Louis Wu 15:03:23 UTC)
October 27, 2008 Link to this post Indestructible
We got word of 'Indestructible', a Halo music vid set to music from Disturbed done by Luck0, of HaloGrid. You can watch it on YouTube, or discuss it on the HaloGrid forum. Really nice camerawork, and great attention to detail - this one really works! Thanks, Jordan Pimentel. (Louis Wu 23:51:46 UTC)
October 26, 2008 Link to this post Hard Justice: Episode 3 DigitalPh33r's Hard Justice: Episode 3 is now online. I'm thinking this is one society that SHOULD collapse on itself. Thanks, UnSiLeNtSlAyEr.
(Louis Wu 18:49:32 UTC)
October 26, 2008 Link to this post Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 207
The latest version of Master Chief Theater 3000 - Episode 207, covering Sacred Icon - is now up on YouTube. Go watch! Thanks to Pyrosmile Updates for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:58:27 UTC)