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Showing results 4376 - 4400 of 6554 matches

January 11, 2009 Link to this post

HMB Forum Night - Christmas Eve
ellpolloguapo let us know about a Christmas Eve gaming session of Hawty McBloggy forum regulars that's been immortalized by CrazedOne1988 in a montage - check it out! (Louis Wu 16:01:18 UTC)

January 10, 2009 Link to this post

cbwilliams17 announced that The Real Spartans Episode 3 is available on YouTube. The private at the start sings as badly as my son... (Louis Wu 22:01:47 UTC)

January 10, 2009 Link to this post

Master Chief and Marcus Ep. 1
chubark has kicked off a series of short videos - the first one is a Halo 3/Gears of War hybrid. Streamable or downloadable in HD. Links in his forum post. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:57:40 UTC)

January 10, 2009 Link to this post

The Core – Halo 3 Machinima Series
FireDragon04 told us about The Core, a new machinima series he's kicked off. The first episode (available at YouTube in HD) follows a pair of UNSC Spartans as they reactivate a deserted base. According to FireDragon04, "the rest of the series depends on what people think to this episode and what input I get from the community, as it is the pilot episode." Let him know if you like it! (Louis Wu 21:53:30 UTC)

January 10, 2009 Link to this post

Queso Man 4
Queso Man put together 'Queso Man 4', a fun montage that urk decided to front-page on Bungie.net - lots of entertaining kills. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:45:12 UTC)

January 10, 2009 Link to this post

Halo Wars CES vids - a summary
2900d4u did a nice job of summarizing the new Halo Wars CES vids available for your viewing pleasure - swing by for links to presentations, gameplay, and demos. (Louis Wu 15:47:28 UTC)

January 9, 2009 Link to this post

Could you have made it any easier for him?
Heh - urk points out a pretty funny splatter spree filmed by BvrBoy123; I think the best part is the front red guy teabagging the ground just before getting pasted. (Louis Wu 19:45:29 UTC)

January 9, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3: fun, even while dying
oo murph oo put together a great video of a fun moment in his first attempt at the Vidmaster Annual Achievement in Halo 3 - and accompanied it with a funny writeup. Swing by Bungie.net's blog for full details. (Louis Wu 14:00:48 UTC)

January 8, 2009 Link to this post

meowmixalot noticed a new video by Harabek, entitled 'Memoir' - you're accountable for what you do in your life. Interesting cutting. (Louis Wu 19:52:33 UTC)

January 8, 2009 Link to this post

Arby 'n' the Chief - top moments
Whoa - another 'Top 10 Halo 3' ep, hot on the heels of the last one. This one is 'Top 10 Moments of 'Arby 'n' the Chief'... if you don't pay attention to the series, consider this a highlight reel. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 19:33:46 UTC)

January 8, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie's Bountiful Blog Bazaar
Once again, a late posting spree on the Bungie Blog brings you a wealth of new videos that I should start letting you know about in the evenings... here we go:

Whoa... if you watch everything linked here, you'll need almost 1 hour and 17 minutes... (Louis Wu 11:18:07 UTC)

January 7, 2009 Link to this post

SicktistiK's Community Halo 3 Montage
Over at Halo3Forum, SicktistiK put together a set of random fileshare clips into a really nice montage of great gameplay footage. Thanks, Z. (Louis Wu 15:49:42 UTC)

January 6, 2009 Link to this post

He's got your back!
Heh - Mid7night found a cool video showing Johnson getting an Overkill on the last level of the campaign... unfortunately, all four deaths were players. (Louis Wu 14:53:19 UTC)

January 5, 2009 Link to this post

Free-wheeling at Weta
Schedonnardus let us know about a short clip on the Xbox LIVE Dashboard, viewable by visiting the 'Spotlight' section. For those without access to that particular fount of goodness, we've put up 720p versions for download - both QuickTime (90 mb) and WMP9 (106 mb) formats. It's under 3 minutes, and consists of stock footage interspersed with an interview by an OXM reporter of a Weta employee, discussing how the hog differs from the in-game model... along with some driving practice. Fun! (Louis Wu 20:56:47 UTC)

January 5, 2009 Link to this post

Equipment Emporium
Another fun highlight - Rast07's Equipment Emporium, where you can buy anything you need to augment your battle fun, at discounted prices! (Louis Wu 20:51:07 UTC)

January 5, 2009 Link to this post

I thought he was immune...
Over at HaloGAF, Kibbles pointed out a pretty interesting YouTube vid... I'd love to know how this happened. (Minor spoilers, I suppose, for those who haven't played Halo or Halo 2.) (Louis Wu 20:31:20 UTC)

January 5, 2009 Link to this post

Hawty McBloggy ran across a video which gives you a nice (hmm... maybe the wrong word) snapshot of Halo 3 voice chat on Xbox LIVE - people are pretty random, aren't they? (Louis Wu 13:23:45 UTC)

January 5, 2009 Link to this post

deadly alive stopped in with word of 'Friction', a machinima about a soldier who discovers that not all is as he thought. It's pretty long - almost 26 minutes, in two parts - but it's well-done, and has a few twists to keep you interested. Swing by the post for download or streaming links! (Louis Wu 13:19:14 UTC)

January 4, 2009 Link to this post

Spriggs Shorts:
Molten Slowa was the first to let us know about the return of Spriggs... sort of. (It's a Spriggs Short.) Good stuff! (Louis Wu 22:53:53 UTC)

January 4, 2009 Link to this post

Explosive Ordinance Disposal
Bungie.net's blog has word of a short machinima created by Dispatch Films - 'Explosive Ordinance Disposal' looks at the job of the EOD soldiers... in a slightly different light. Great cinematography. (Louis Wu 22:52:08 UTC)

January 3, 2009 Link to this post

Hayabusa Armor - and More
Over at the Bungie log yesterday, urk posted a link to a video of some fan-made Hayabusa armor. If you swing by the creator's YouTube channel, you can find lots and lots and LOTS of Halo stuff - including Halo Wars costumes. Good stuff! (The Halo Wars elite walking through a normal house/neighborhood is fun to watch.) (Louis Wu 17:52:50 UTC)

January 2, 2009 Link to this post

DigitalPh33r's Holiday Special: Part 2
DigitalPh33r has posted Part 2 of his Holiday Special - things get a little more violent than the first part. Thanks, AvatarAang. (Louis Wu 23:33:56 UTC)

January 2, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3: Make Love Not War (Episode 1)
The Bungie.net blog has a mention of an interesting video showing what happens when you try to be peaceful in Halo 3 matchmaking. (Hint: it doesn't always work.) (Louis Wu 23:33:15 UTC)

January 1, 2009 Link to this post

Master Chief Theater 3000: Season 2 Finale
mrsmiley let us know that the final episode of Pyrosmile's Master Chief Theater 3000 is now online , covering the final cutscenes of Halo 2. (Apparently, it was submitted a couple of weeks ago, but machinima.com has been backlogged.) Go watch - and enjoy their happy new year wishes! (Louis Wu 18:28:50 UTC)

January 1, 2009 Link to this post

A Video for Which There is No Title
Time Glitch let us know about A Video For Which There Is No Title, a zombie film like no other. And that's probably a good thing (though it IS pretty funny). Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:27:45 UTC)

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