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Search results for Movies
Showing results 326 - 350 of 6554 matches April 12, 2014 Link to this post Going... going... gone. Reach's Emile plays a larger-than-usual role in the latest Fails of the Weak (AH.com | YouTube). That guy should spend less time polishing his knife and more time avoiding out-of-the-park swings. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 20:49:48 UTC)
April 12, 2014 Link to this post Definitely prettier than a Mongoose. Awesome - Impact Props released a video of Master Chief - on a motorcycle.d It made me happy. Thanks, thebruce0. (Louis Wu 20:47:55 UTC)
April 10, 2014 Link to this post Building Halo 4's Distributed Cloud Services If you're into cloud computing and massive data processing, there's a pretty in-depth talk from Build 2014 in which the team from 343 discuss how they built the cloud services that power Halo 4. SERIOUSLY technical. Check it out! Thanks, Arithmomaniac.
(Louis Wu 20:22:55 UTC)
April 10, 2014 Link to this post SC in 3.75 minutes. Wow. slYnki has (re)broken the world record speed run for Silent Cartographer - it's now down to 3:44! Take a look!
(Louis Wu 20:20:30 UTC)
April 10, 2014 Link to this post 100 not out Rockslider continues his habit of pushing Halo glitches to their extremes; for his 100th video, he decided to mess with the Spirit dropship, in an attempt to keep it from its normal path. He's successful - to a point. (The end of the video shows some really nice flying.) Check it out!
(Louis Wu 20:18:27 UTC)
April 10, 2014 Link to this post I do some web design... Gugga Leunnam (we've mentioned his mashups before) let us know that he's put out his latest work: Halo/The Amazing Spider-Man 2 FINAL Trailer Mashup. Pretty slick! (He even made some wallpaper for this one!) (Louis Wu 20:07:39 UTC)
April 10, 2014 Link to this post Halo 3 ODST - Sword Slaughter Hey, it's Thursday, time for a little catch-up! We got a note a couple of days ago from Gamecheat - he modded Halo 3: ODST to allow the Rookie to wield an Energy Sword. Pretty satisfying! (Might have been moreso without infinite ammo and invulnerability... but hey. Sometimes you just gotta cut a Grunt.)
(Louis Wu 20:00:10 UTC)
April 4, 2014 Link to this post Travelogue Quagga released Travelogue - a snapshot, as he says, of his time in Halo 3 and Reach. It's not a montage, in the normal sense of the word; it's not a collection of incredible shots and plays... it's a collection of moments, some good, some bad, some both. It's a fifteen minute summary of his time in these games, and if you're like me, watching it will make you want to fire up your Xbox. Go enjoy it.
(Louis Wu 17:34:57 UTC)
April 4, 2014 Link to this post Noah: Halo Style Kyle 'Kehlek' Johnson sent us a link to his Halo/Noah mashup - pretty nice work! If you like what you see, he's got a whole collection of mashups on his channel - explore! (Louis Wu 17:21:28 UTC)
April 3, 2014 Link to this post Red vs. Blue Season 12: Teaser Trailer A couple of nights ago, Rooster Teeth posted a teaser trailer for Red vs Blue Season 12 - go check it out! Looks like CGI will play a big role this time around - and almost everybody's gotten a promotion! ("Captain Caboose"? That doesn't sound right...) The season begins April 28 - less than 4 weeks! (Louis Wu 19:55:40 UTC)
April 3, 2014 Link to this post Of all the questions, Frank... Yeah, so remember how we mentioned yesterday that Cortana, the new digital assistant for Windows Phone 8, had been officially announced? So then this happened. I'm shaking my head... thanks, rhubarb. (To be fair, it's part of this campaign - check out other snippets in the recommended vids.) (Louis Wu 18:58:04 UTC)
April 1, 2014 Link to this post Poursuit spartansniper619 stopped in with word of a new short film - it's called 'Poursuit', and though spartansniper619 is French, the movie deals in the language of lead, which is universal. (There are no spoken lines.) Go watch White Guy take on Grey Guys! Nicely done. (Louis Wu 22:43:40 UTC)
April 1, 2014 Link to this post Halo meets American Dad SEspider noticed that an episode of American Dad contains some Halo inspiration - fun! (Rockslider has helped out a bit with links, and timestamps to the relevant portions, so if you're in a hurry, read his post before you watch.)
(Louis Wu 18:34:31 UTC)
April 1, 2014 Link to this post Tank - a Halo 2 Vista Montage Over at The Halo Forum, Kiko Mia has posted Tank - it's a 10-minute montage using Halo 2 footage from a variety of players, all collected in Halo 2 Vista. Oh, the memories... thanks, RVideo.
(Louis Wu 18:32:07 UTC)
March 31, 2014 Link to this post Is that a turret in your pocket...? Rockslider has been playing around some more with that detached dropship turret - he's getting pretty good with it! There are two new movies - one showing how to set up the detachment, the other looking at the technique from a variety of angles. Go watch!
(Louis Wu 00:28:14 UTC)
March 29, 2014 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 184 The latest Fails of the Weak has a fantastic line from Jack - made my day. You can watch these on AchievementHunter.com or YouTube, and you can thank Nikko B201, as usual, for the heads-up.
(Louis Wu 21:40:09 UTC)
March 22, 2014 Link to this post Halo 4 Pro Exhibition Match - 343 takes on the Community If you missed the livestream of the 343 Pro team vs the Community Pro Team, it's up in its entirety on the official Xbox Twitch channel - all 2 hours of it. A recap of the players can be found on Waypoint's website - and without spoiling anything, let me just say, I was impressed by the outcome. check it out! (Louis Wu 18:16:45 UTC)
March 22, 2014 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 183 Michael and Geoff look at people doing dumb things - we're back to really early fail types, so if you haven't watched for a while, it might feel familiar. (The guy who tried to save the hog on Settler was my favorite.) Watch it on AH.com or YouTube - thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 18:11:51 UTC)
March 22, 2014 Link to this post I'm loving the resurgence in speedrun interest Cody Miller pointed out a new Halo speedrun that beats his last remaining record - The Maw, on Legendary. A tip of the hat from an early runner to a new leader! (It's a killer run. Watch it.) (Louis Wu 18:02:17 UTC)
March 21, 2014 Link to this post Dance Wars: Halo vs COD What... I... this is hard to explain. The Master Chief faces off against a bunch of Call of Duty guys... in a dance off. (Pretty impressive dancing... but I don't really understand the premise.) Take a look. Thanks, Dust Storm. (Louis Wu 19:45:04 UTC)
March 21, 2014 Link to this post B.org March Madness: Suits vs Team Awesome and Cool footage One more round of B.org's March Madness tournament with CHa0s and friends - not only is this fun to watch from a gameplay standpoint, but anyone who hasn't played their third round matches yet can use this to get a feel for the maps! Check it out.
(Louis Wu 19:43:03 UTC)
March 19, 2014 Link to this post Master Chief vs Cap - BTS Bat in the Sun, the guys behind the recent Captain America vs Master Chief vid, have put out a Behind the Scenes vid - take a look to see how this live-action piece came together! (And for folks who were unhappy with the ending... there's an alternate ending advertised at the end!) Thanks, Kzy1m3. (Louis Wu 20:52:46 UTC)
March 19, 2014 Link to this post Suits vs Fufuca - on film CHa0s continues her filming of the B.org March Madness games she plays in - check out Week 2! (Fewer 'You killed Louis Wu's in there this time.) (Louis Wu 18:25:16 UTC)
March 16, 2014 Link to this post Hyena :: Lightning Snipes of Death 5 Morpheus noticed a pretty impressive minitage from Hyena - he says it's his final montage, and he says it's not as great as it could have been if he hadn't lost some clips to a hard drive failure, but geez. It's pretty insane as it stands. 5 minutes of Halo 3 death. Go watch! (Louis Wu 19:16:33 UTC)
March 15, 2014 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 182 Fails of the Weak 182 introduces a new feature - fails are now titled. As always, you can watch on AchievementHunter.com or on YouTube. And as usual, Nikko B201 is your go-to heads-up guy. (Louis Wu 17:27:33 UTC)