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July 8, 2010 Link to this post

Rise and Fall
TheDuoGroup put together 'Halo: Reach: Rise & Fall', an unofficial trailer for the game. As with all TDG content... it's really, really well done. Go watch. Thanks, Kibbles. (Louis Wu 21:32:27 UTC)

July 8, 2010 Link to this post

Unofficial Reach 2010 Trailer
Lightning0Struck put together a trailer for Halo: Reach - nice energy! Go watch. (Louis Wu 18:33:10 UTC)

July 7, 2010 Link to this post

Customs Clan Bungie Day Video
Okay, as much as I want to make sure everyone sees that truly awesome Bungie Day video from Bungie and RvB, we DO have a bunch of Halo news in the queue, and a lot of it is fan-created celebratory material, so let's get to it! First up: hyokin whipped up the Customs Clan Bungie Day Video, which actually made me chuckle. Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:08:11 UTC)

July 4, 2010 Link to this post

Chill and Sober Halo 3 Dualtage
Slushy told us about a new Dualtage from Chill and Sober, edited by Volcomsocom - solid gameplay, and tasteful editing. Go watch! (Louis Wu 14:52:31 UTC)

July 4, 2010 Link to this post

More Reach Space Combat from GT
jl pointed out a new bit of space combat from Reach, as put up by GameTrailers (and seen on Kotaku) - it's not that different from what we've seen before, but there IS a bit of dialogue at the end of the clip that might intrigue you... (Louis Wu 14:51:28 UTC)

July 4, 2010 Link to this post

The Bungie Day 2010 7th Circle Update
Tim let us know about Mike & Tim's 4-part series, 'The Bungie Day 2010 7th Circle Update', detailing the goodies players will receive on Bungie Day. Well, in some alternate universe. Thank goodness. Links: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (but each vid has links to all the rest in their descriptions on YouTube). (Louis Wu 14:49:45 UTC)

July 4, 2010 Link to this post

One Life Remaining S2: Episode 4
It's July 4th, and we SHOULD be celebrating... but there are a couple of hours before the picnic starts, so why not throw up some Halo news? First up: trappeddark1 pointed out that Season 2 Episode 4 of One Life Remaining is now online - sometimes, you shouldn't listen to your doctor. Or your dad. (Louis Wu 14:48:10 UTC)

July 3, 2010 Link to this post

CLOUD of Team Instinct
Last week, we mentioned a teaser for an upcoming montage from Cloud, an MLG Pro who plays for the #1 Team Instinct. This morning, the full montage was released at Halo3Forum.com. It's available on YouTube, or as a 330mb HD download. Editing might be a bit over-the-top... but gameplay is amazing. A great watch. Thanks, RVideo. (Louis Wu 01:01:42 UTC)

July 3, 2010 Link to this post

Hawty McBloggy is highlighting a Halo Machinima in which the main character looks back... on the Halo Reach Beta. Heh. (Don't worry - he'll get another chance in just a couple of months.) (Louis Wu 01:01:00 UTC)

July 2, 2010 Link to this post

Top 10 Halo 3 Multikills: Episode 55
The latest from Anoj is up - Episode 55 of his Top 10 Series is 'Halo 3 Multikills'. Lots and lots of multikills. (And some clutch Halo play.) Go watch! Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 23:35:43 UTC)

July 2, 2010 Link to this post

Out Of Time
Tommy92L sent word of Out Of Time, a new machinima created in Halo 3: ODST. Great cinematography, great energy. The mission might not be as simple as it looks... (Louis Wu 13:20:15 UTC)

July 2, 2010 Link to this post

What are YOUR tools?
Tepec Harkness stopped in with word of a video which makes music from Halo sounds. It's not the first time it's been done (earlier examples are here, here, here, here and others unlinked), but it's the first time I'm seeing it being used to advertise a fansite. The tagline is "To Play is Good - To Create is Better" and the site is Halo Creation, a French Halo forum. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:19:12 UTC)

July 1, 2010 Link to this post

A Quartet of Creations
Four new movies for you in Bungie's Comm Chatter today:

That should be enough to keep you busy for a bit. (Louis Wu 18:06:13 UTC)

July 1, 2010 Link to this post

Capture and Fly
Vandya stopped in with word of 'Capture and Fly', a machimina depicting an epic battle on Valhalla between teams of Spartans vs Elites. Really nice choreography, and an ending you won't expect. Take a look! (Louis Wu 15:23:06 UTC)

July 1, 2010 Link to this post

IGN Top Kills - Laser Focused
Gilver noticed the latest IGN Top Kills of the Week - no, not just because he's in it. This one's all lasers. Lost of random, unanticipated deaths with lasers, I guess... (Louis Wu 15:22:34 UTC)

June 30, 2010 Link to this post

Popcorn Fodder
Videos at Bungie.net today include:

  • Intensity, a Halo Reach screenshot montage from Commander GX
  • CuelLEGACEY's Halo 3 Montage in HD - with 3 years of clips - is nicely annotated
  • Rush is a Halo 3 montage from KBlocker that's heavy on the sniping.

Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:07:04 UTC)

June 30, 2010 Link to this post

He's a talker, not an arm-wrestler
HipHopGamer talked to Brian Jarrard about a bunch of stuff - Halo Reach, non-Xbox platforms, what's coming next, Kinect/Move, Activision, and more. It's a monster interview (nearly 25 minutes long) - bet you wish you got this sort of face time with Bungie's Community Director! (Louis Wu 12:49:39 UTC)

June 30, 2010 Link to this post

Waypoint Firefight vid up
According to the Halo Waypoint Twitter feed, there's a new video on Waypoint with some interviews collected at the E3 Reach party. Some people you've seen before, some you haven't - a nice three-minute piece! Thanks, GrimBrother One. (Louis Wu 12:45:48 UTC)

June 29, 2010 Link to this post

Tuesday Video Fun
New vids at Bungie's Comm Chatter today:

  • Frenetic Array is a Halo 3 montage from Australia's #1 Halo team (Frenetic Array) - very pretty editing, lots of multikills, my only real complaint would be that the first two minutes are all intro.
  • The second installment of the Halography screenshot montage series contains shots from ODST - pretty.
  • HaloReachForum put together a community montage of clips from the Reach Beta - just a couple of minutes of footage, but nice quality.

Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:39:53 UTC)

June 29, 2010 Link to this post

Lord Hackensack, of the Roundalots... nice.
Red vs Blue Revelation Chapter 11 (Restraining Orders) went live last night - we learn some interesting stuff about Caboose, and Wash and Doc are finding... something. Go watch! (Louis Wu 10:57:14 UTC)

June 29, 2010 Link to this post

South Philly Vikings - Got Talent?
The last time we saw the South Philly Vikings, it was during the 2010 Mummers Parade. Last week, Draganos noticed they were on America's Got Talent... and yesterday, Merc found a promo clip showing them off. Check it out! (Louis Wu 10:56:43 UTC)

June 29, 2010 Link to this post

Naughty Bear Believes
Naughty Bear is a game that comes out today - its creators have created a parody of the Halo 3 Believe ad using their engine. Pretty cute! (Wait, is that the right word?) Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 10:55:40 UTC)

June 29, 2010 Link to this post

I Don't Care
AssaultGodzilla is back with yet another Halo Music Vid - this one is set to Apocalyptica's "I Don't Care", and features his now-familiar timing sync and appropriate clips. Take a look! (Louis Wu 10:55:22 UTC)

June 29, 2010 Link to this post

Things You Won't Expect 10
Chris101b released the last of his Things You Won't Expect vids - don't miss the start. (Louis Wu 10:54:42 UTC)

June 28, 2010 Link to this post

Light Movie Day
Just a pair of new vids today on Bungie's Comm Chatter: DJ Special K has remixed Mike n Cheese's "I'm a General in Halo 3", and Roadblock has released his final Halo 3 montage. Go watch! (Louis Wu 19:24:48 UTC)

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