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Showing results 2951 - 2975 of 6554 matches November 1, 2010 Link to this post Into the Great Wide Open
Sean, Phil, and Zeus grabbed four secret campaign Banshees, and went exploring. Watch their exploits on YouTube, then follow their lead and look around yourself! (Clearly, there are spoilers here. If you don't want to know what level this is on, or how to find the Banshees, don't watch the video.) (Louis Wu 18:08:46 UTC)
November 1, 2010 Link to this post I think the Lance skull has to be on.
FyreWulff found a pretty funny death yell that you might hear if you use the Cortana Firefight voice - I wish I'd been there for the recording session of this one!
(Louis Wu 15:28:03 UTC)
October 31, 2010 Link to this post OLR, AntC Updates
jon cjg has released new vids for both his One Life Remaining and Arby 'n' the Chief series - OLR S2 Episode 12 has nasty goings-on at the University of Esoteria's graduation ceremony, and Arby 'n' the Chief S4 Episode 10 ("Night of the Evading Dead") has our heroes teaming up against a griefer. (Loved the 'Blue Thunder' moment.) Go watch. (Louis Wu 18:00:59 UTC)
October 31, 2010 Link to this post This is Halloween 2.0
AssaultGodzilla has remade his 'This is Halloween' Halo music video (the first version came out last year, but doesn't seem to be available any more). Fantastic timing, great clips. Go watch it - and get in the mood! (Louis Wu 16:36:27 UTC)
October 31, 2010 Link to this post Quad Package
Tyrant (who's well on his way to a releasable Mythic Guide for Halo: Reach - stay tuned for details) has a Haloween treat for you - a video of four-player Mythic gameplay on The Package, rendered for your viewing pleasure on Bungie.net. It's nearly 50 minutes long - but MAN, it's fun. (Louis Wu 16:33:09 UTC)
October 30, 2010 Link to this post BierWiser's Variety Pack
BierWiser put together one final Halo 3 montage - favorite kills and funny clips. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:51:15 UTC)
October 29, 2010 Link to this post Your world is not real!
JIMBOTHY is back, with a new trailer remake - this time, he's tackled Inception. Check his post for the video link - and once you've watched it, check out his comparison video. Amazing. (Push the button - thanks, nof.)
(Louis Wu 10:52:20 UTC)
October 28, 2010 Link to this post Snipers Game Commentary
Mantis_7 let us know that he recorded a game of Snipers Pro on Atom, and added some commentary; if you're an expert, you won't really get anything from this, but if you find yourself more dead than alive, there are tips here that can shift that balance. (Louis Wu 21:17:33 UTC)
October 27, 2010 Link to this post More Halo Yumminess Halo Waypoint has a couple of goodies for your entertainment, too - Post-It Note Artwork: Master Chief is a video showing you one pretty cool thing you can do with a LOT of Post-It Notes, and When your character dies in Halo: Reach is a rather odd machinima that I'm happy to say does NOT reflect any reality I know about. (There's more than that, of course - those were just two recent pieces that caught my eye.) Go explore! (Louis Wu 20:34:38 UTC)
October 27, 2010 Link to this post Movie Madness Nice grab bag of stuff at Bungie.net today: - Serious Cakes' Lady Cake Ninja celebrated her solo completion of Reach's campaign on Legendary by creating a super-cool Ghost cake - go check it out.
- Axilo put together his first Reach minitage - two and a half minutes of boom-boom. (I'm amused that the teaser pic is of an assault rifle.)
- Project Clan released a Halo 3 trick jumping montage - music makes my head hurt, but the jumps are pretty cool.
Go watch. (Louis Wu 19:44:18 UTC)
October 27, 2010 Link to this post Upgrading
Almost missed this - but the Rooster Teeth crew has posted Red vs Blue PSA #4 - should you upgrade your armor? They'll help you decide. (Louis Wu 16:21:05 UTC)
October 26, 2010 Link to this post Halo Reach: Top 10 Epic Fails: Episode 6
Anoj is back with his latest Reach Top 10 vid - this one is Top 10 Epic Fails. It's well-named. This one is one of my favorites, I think. Thanks, Moorpheusl9. (Louis Wu 18:59:33 UTC)
October 26, 2010 Link to this post Bungie's Jetpack Inspiration? Yeah, so, if you shoot someone with a rocket, and they armor-lock, you generally find that you've wasted your rocket. (Sometimes, you've even killed yourself inadvertently with it.) But not always... thanks, MrBig. (Louis Wu 13:22:30 UTC)
October 25, 2010 Link to this post Reach Bloopers, Glitches, and Stunts
Pyroman stopped by with word of Halo Reach: Reach Bloopers, Glitches and Stunts - a video filled with (surprise, surprise) bloopers, glitches, and stunts. Some are pretty funny! Check it out. (Louis Wu 21:29:26 UTC)
October 24, 2010 Link to this post Crashed party Paul from Treeskunk Productions wanted to let us know that their newest Machinima project, Crashed: Episode 0, is out now and ready for viewing. Go and check it out!
(GrimBrother One 05:35:54 UTC)
October 23, 2010 Link to this post Laughtacular ZZoMBiE13 let us know that Achievement Hunter's Fails of the Weak: Episode 5 is up on the Rooster Teeth site. Hilarity ensues... go and see!
(GrimBrother One 09:49:33 UTC)
October 21, 2010 Link to this post Halo: Reach - Top Ten Kill
IGN's got their Top Ten Kills for the week of October 20 online - some nice moements! Go watch. Thanks, urk.
(Louis Wu 18:18:06 UTC)
October 20, 2010 Link to this post Good Luck is a running theme in Halo Halo Waypoint sends along Episode 3 of the Top Ten Luckiest Kills in Reach. Why do I always seem to be on the receiving end of moments like these?
(GrimBrother One 19:17:14 UTC)
October 20, 2010 Link to this post Comm Chatter Cornucopia A few new vids at Bungie.net today: Nice way to spend a few free minutes! Update: GrimBrother One pointed out that the Anoj vid was mentioned here yesterday... oops. (Louis Wu 17:34:27 UTC)
October 19, 2010 Link to this post A Fistful of Videos
The video collection on Bungie.net's Comm Chatter today is both large and varied. A short summary: Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:27:28 UTC)
October 19, 2010 Link to this post Halo: Reach - Fails of the Weak Volume #4
AchievementHunter's Reach Fails of the Weak #4 has a bunch of clips of folks dying in Reach - some are pretty common, others are not so much. Loved the grunt assassination on the If They Came to See Me Beg Achievement attempt... thanks, padraig08. (Louis Wu 14:16:22 UTC)
October 19, 2010 Link to this post Get out, boom, get in, done.
So what do you do when you're a gunner on a Falcon, and you know you can't kill that Banshee quickly enough to stop it from destroying your ride? Well, Sai-kun's friend showed him one pretty awesome alternative... go watch 'Conquer the Sky'. And smile. (Louis Wu 12:54:17 UTC)
October 18, 2010 Link to this post Missing In Action Trailer
The DuoGroup has always been known for top-notch machinima - and their latest offering, a trailer for 'Missing In Action', doesn't disappoint. It's only a minute long... but it uses Reach's assets to fantastic effect. Go watch. (Thanks again, urk.) (Louis Wu 17:31:42 UTC)
October 18, 2010 Link to this post Bust a move! Cortana4ever was sad at the thought that Halo fans might not see her take on this rather bizarre set of moments from a customs game last week... you should watch. And laugh. (Louis Wu 16:51:58 UTC)
October 17, 2010 Link to this post JonCJG Machinima Update
I need to start looking for these more often; I keep missing updates. Here's what's new: OLR is a little confusing, Arby 'n' the Chief is not. Go watch! (Louis Wu 15:06:18 UTC)