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Showing results 2701 - 2725 of 6554 matches March 13, 2011 Link to this post RC Warthog - Retro TV Spot
padraig08 found an RC Warthog commercial that could have been aired in the 90s - I laughed in a few places. (Louis Wu 13:25:36 UTC)
March 13, 2011 Link to this post Arby 'n' the Chief - 'Da Bomb'
The latest Arby 'n' the Chief went live yesterday - the wedding gets closer. A little scary to wonder how badly the Chief's gonna screw things up... Thanks, Moorpheusl9.
(Louis Wu 13:24:58 UTC)
March 12, 2011 Link to this post Beast-Mode John Battle let us know about Beast-Mode, a pilot for a new machinima series. Take a look! (Louis Wu 20:11:05 UTC)
March 12, 2011 Link to this post Defiant Preview Event Footage
Mr.Sci-Fi grabbed some footage from the Defiant Map Pack Preview Event - if you couldn't be there, you can get a sense for what was shown! (Louis Wu 19:57:58 UTC)
March 11, 2011 Link to this post Fails of the week 25
sqorck found the latest Fails of the Weak on YouTube in the middle of the night... and with that, I bid you adieu. (See below for details.) (Louis Wu 11:02:36 UTC)
March 10, 2011 Link to this post Achievement HORSE 14
trappeddark1 pointed out that the latest Achievement HORSE is online - Geoff, once again, is out of town, so Jack has pulled in Michael, from Rage Quit, to play along. More like Resigned Quit this time around... (Louis Wu 13:21:09 UTC)
March 9, 2011 Link to this post Thriller
Another funky map/vid combo from NOKYARD - check this post on GAF for links that might elucidate. (Louis Wu 22:34:57 UTC)
March 9, 2011 Link to this post HBO Movie Madness I woke up this morning to a whole passel of videos announced on our forum - they were ALL good, so watch the lot!
It's a machinima morning! (Louis Wu 14:20:33 UTC)
March 8, 2011 Link to this post That's gonna leave a mark.
}SoC{BrownSound noticed a funny little (very little) stop-motion video highlighted at Kotaku - go check it out. (Louis Wu 20:03:09 UTC)
March 8, 2011 Link to this post The definition of shoehorning
This made me laugh. (Found it at NeoGAF.) (Louis Wu 15:01:49 UTC)
March 7, 2011 Link to this post Off-screen footage of Defiant MP
Mr.Sci-Fi was at the Emerald City Comicon this weekend, and grabbed some videos of the Defiant Map Pack with his phone... quality is what you'd expect, but hey, it's footage, right? (Louis Wu 18:10:27 UTC)
March 7, 2011 Link to this post Greenskull's Forgefest 2
Greenskull whipped up Forgefest 2 - it basically highlights a couple of interesting Forge maps, showing you what gameplay looks like. Nascar looks like an entertaining Infection game, while Indiana Jones might be a blast if your friends don't betray you on a regular basis. (Louis Wu 14:45:16 UTC)
March 6, 2011 Link to this post Crashed Ep 4: Revenge of the Elderly
Paul Shelley sent word that Episode 4 of Crashed, 'Revenge of the Elderly', is now live on Treeskunk's webpage. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 16:17:48 UTC)
March 5, 2011 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 24
Mid7night was the first to let us know about Fails of the Weak 24, from the Achievement Hunter crew - funny things happen to people playing Halo, things that might not be so funny if you didn't respawn a few seconds later. Go watch!
(Louis Wu 14:11:28 UTC)
March 4, 2011 Link to this post Precious Times
It wouldn't be Comm Chatter without a montage, now would it? Today's roundup includes Precious Times, a nicely timed piece from Just Mad. Go watch. (Louis Wu 19:01:13 UTC)
March 4, 2011 Link to this post Diamond Eyes
AssaultGodzilla is back with another Halo HMV - this one is set to Shinedown's Diamond Eyes. As always, timing and clip choices rock. (Louis Wu 15:59:29 UTC)
March 4, 2011 Link to this post Super Space Gordon and the Robot Ninjas
Pierre Tartaix sent word of Super Space Gordon and the Robot-Ninjas, a pretty awesome Halo 3-based machinima created by TGO GMBH. Fantastic combination of in-game footage and special effects... and an entertaining story, to boot. This was created for a contest on Virtualflicks.net... good luck to the crew! (Louis Wu 12:29:12 UTC)
March 4, 2011 Link to this post Only one of us is wearing bulletproof armor...
TCKaos pointed out Part 4 of Modern Warfare 2 meets Metal Gear Solid, a pretty well-done live-action film that's relevant here because of the presence of Master Chief. Nice coreography!
(Louis Wu 12:25:53 UTC)
March 4, 2011 Link to this post Having Faith In A Soundtrack Continuing where we left off from yesterday with news of a new Halo Fan Film: "Faith", we bring you the first original music for it, composed by Daniel Ciurlizza. Definitely worth the listen! (GrimBrother One 02:31:30 UTC)
March 3, 2011 Link to this post Chao - Halo: Reach Montage 1
Chao created his first Halo: Reach montage. We heard about it on Bungie's Comm Chatter. Lots of multikills, and some effort to time the action to the music. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:06:03 UTC)
March 3, 2011 Link to this post Achievement HORSE #13
lostguru pointed out that the latest episode of Achievement HORSE went live yesterday - the maps look pretty cool, but it's the commentary that makes this gold. Go watch. (Louis Wu 20:30:20 UTC)
March 3, 2011 Link to this post How to Pilot a Seraph - Now Easier than Ever
MelkorTheGreat stopped by with word of an updated tutorial on how to pilot a Seraph from the beginning of Long Night of Solace. Pretty cool stuff! (Louis Wu 16:13:43 UTC)
March 2, 2011 Link to this post I keep thinking 'Kamchatka' Lots of movies in today's Comm Chatter offerings at Bungie.net...
- The Bungie All Stars group has put together video slideshows of the Bungie All Stars entries for Week 5 (Elites) and Week 6 (Bungie.net Avatars)
- Raaascal highlights a new map for Week 14 of the Map Spotlight series - Hydra XXIII was put together by superduper66. The interview contains a flythrough video. (And a map download, of course...)
- Man on the Moon is a Reach montage with gameplay from Lunar and editing from Radic. Nice sniping.
Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:39:52 UTC)
March 1, 2011 Link to this post Orly - Drinking Halo
weedwacker13 pointed out a Halo version of Wiz Khalifa's Black and Yellow - a drinking game based on Halo 3 gameplay? That seems... dangerous. (Louis Wu 19:50:05 UTC)
March 1, 2011 Link to this post Filling the Gaps
Gametrailers has an interview with Frankie about the Defiant Map Pack - same content, for the most part, as other interviews... except for a mention of easter eggs, and a confirmation that there are more DLC offerings for Reach in the works. (Nice!) Thanks, NsU Soldier.
(Louis Wu 15:02:12 UTC)