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Showing results 2376 - 2400 of 6554 matches August 5, 2011 Link to this post Everything in Halo Town!
Laird stopped by yesterday with an interview with 343's Frank and Kevin Grace, recorded at SDCC recently. Info about Halo Fest, and why you want to be there. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:45:20 UTC)
August 5, 2011 Link to this post Burning In the Skies TheSparbiter put together a new Halo music video, setting Halo footage to Linkin Park's Burning In the Skies. Nice connections between visuals and lyrics! (Louis Wu 17:26:56 UTC)
August 5, 2011 Link to this post Playtime Dev Blog Part 1
CruelLEGACEY posted Part 1 of his Playtime Season 2 development blog - if you're curious about how he works, go watch.
(Louis Wu 17:24:46 UTC)
August 4, 2011 Link to this post Achievement HORSE #35 - Jack vs Kerry
Looks like there's a new HORSE -er, PIG up at Achievement Hunter (or on YouTube). Thanks, hezekiah. (Louis Wu 16:24:17 UTC)
August 4, 2011 Link to this post Battle of the Brick Update
CaneCutter noticed that there's a new update at Kooberz Studios - apparently, their 'Battle of the Brick' video is finished, but release is being coordinated 'behind the scenes'. When we know more, we'll let you know! (If you don't know anything about Battle of the Brick, search our news.) (Louis Wu 16:09:53 UTC)
August 4, 2011 Link to this post Previewing Anniversary
G4TV talked to Frank O'Connor about the Anniversary edition - worth listening to! Go watch. Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 15:44:23 UTC)
August 4, 2011 Link to this post IGN's Top 10 Reach Kills - 08.03.11
IGN's posted a new Top 10 Kills - nothing really special, but some fun stuff nonetheless. Thanks, ElzarTheBam.
(Louis Wu 15:43:06 UTC)
August 3, 2011 Link to this post Project Aftershock Update
We've mentioned Project Aftershock a few times - it's a Crysis Halo mod - today, =SW=warlord is back with a new video update showing off a bunch of cool changes - go watch! (Louis Wu 14:42:51 UTC)
August 3, 2011 Link to this post Projet Alpha: Winter Contingency Teaser Projet Alpha is a series of videos covering Halo glitches, organized by map. French gamer Cox and Team CRéA have been making these since 2008 - and are coming back now for Reach. The teaser for the series' return is live now; the first episode should be up in August. If you're interested in tutorials for these glitches, swing by Halo Creation! (Louis Wu 14:03:31 UTC)
August 3, 2011 Link to this post 10 Years of Halo in 10 Minutes
Stewie2552 and the Funny Halo 3 Productions crew put together 10 Years of Halo in 10 Minutes - a tribute to Bungie's games, shown in the order they were made and compiled from cutscene footage with a soundtrack that's made from various Halo pieces (some really nice combining here). Overall, a great look back at the series!
(Louis Wu 13:58:49 UTC)
August 2, 2011 Link to this post Iridescent
IESUproductions stopped by with a link to 'Iridescent' - a Halo retrospective, set to Linkin Park's Iridescent. Cutscene footage from all Halo games is matched to the song's lyrics in a tribute to the official passing of the Halo torch from Bungie to 343 today. Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:08:55 UTC)
August 2, 2011 Link to this post Tyrant's ODST Legendary Walkthrough - Coastal Highway
Daniel 'Tyrant' Morris sent word that the last chapter of his Legendary ODST saga, covering Coastal Highway, is now online - the most difficult mission on Halo 3 or ODST has now been beaten - with no deaths! (Can you find the easter egg?) (Louis Wu 18:09:22 UTC)
August 2, 2011 Link to this post I Less Than 343
Greenskull put together a song called 'I Less than 343' - it's an ode to the franchise overseers, and it's full of Halo love (and far too much tongue). Check it out!
(Louis Wu 17:56:46 UTC)
August 2, 2011 Link to this post Case File 01.045
Red vs Blue Season 9, Episode 7 is now online for everyone - nice mix of Freelancer drama and Caboose silliness. Go watch! Thanks, mattroe. (Louis Wu 17:03:29 UTC)
August 2, 2011 Link to this post See? ARs CAN be useful.
Minor Harry Potter spoilers... but CortanaVII showed us a video that shows off the ending of Harry Potter vs Halo. I giggled.
(Louis Wu 17:02:29 UTC)
August 2, 2011 Link to this post Horrible Origins: Creation Episode 1
Avcracy pointed out the first in a new series - Horrible Origins: Creation Episode 1. This is a series that will take old vids from Firelight Studios, and make fun of them, a la MST3K (no silhouettes, though).
(Louis Wu 17:00:26 UTC)
August 1, 2011 Link to this post Delta Facility Trailer: Halo Reach Map
Bilzo has a buddy who made what he thinks is a great BTB map - but there aren't that many ways left to promote these. So he made a video to show it off. It's pretty fun to watch! (Louis Wu 19:48:57 UTC)
August 1, 2011 Link to this post Playtime Ep 2 Redux
CruelLEGACEY continues his re-release of his Playtime Season One films with Episode 2 (again) - yes, yes, we know it's only been a month since these were released the first time, but now they've got commentary! I mean... what more could you want?
(Louis Wu 19:48:15 UTC)
August 1, 2011 Link to this post Funny Halo Reach Fails and Laughs 12
Over at NeoGAF, PNut pointed out the latest Funny Halo Reach Fails and Laughs - pretty varied collection of goodies this time around! (Louis Wu 14:41:37 UTC)
July 31, 2011 Link to this post Arby 'n' The Chief: Dough Eyes Naopao Vang let us know about Arby 'n' the Chief's latest Episode - Dough Eyes has Chief shooting fish in a barrel - except it is a river. Excuse me... I feel the need to eat a Toblerone. (Louis Wu 20:00:36 UTC)
July 31, 2011 Link to this post Halotracker Top 5 - July: Yoinks
Edge from Halotracker pointed out their latest Top 5 - it focuses on Yoinks. Fun clips! (Well, maybe not for the assassinators.)
(Louis Wu 19:33:16 UTC)
July 30, 2011 Link to this post Fails and Horses
Sl'askia also wanted to berate everyone for missing recent Fails of the Weak (both Episode 44 and Episode 45 have been released since we last mentioned this series) and Achievement HORSE (Volume 34 is now live). We get it, Sl'askia. We're Failing. (Good vids.) (Louis Wu 17:26:40 UTC)
July 30, 2011 Link to this post Halo Wars Mod - in Action
Remember that Halo Wars mod we mentioned a little while ago? kornman00 decided to film it, so you could see what gameplay was like. Seems almost unfair to the Covenant! (Louis Wu 17:25:04 UTC)
July 29, 2011 Link to this post A pair of vids
TheSparbiter stopped in to announce two videos - one is a music vid using Breaking Benjamin's Give Me a Sign and cutscene footage from various Halo games, while the other is a comparison between the E3 2003 demo vid and the final cutscene(s) that made it into Halo 2. This has some pretty interesting moments! (Louis Wu 14:08:55 UTC)
July 27, 2011 Link to this post Chicks really dig this stuff too.
Over at NeoGAF, Ramirez pointed out a recent episode of Pawn Stars, a show about a pawn shop (and what comes in) - starting at 3 minutes in to this video, a guy negotiates the sale of his homemade Halo armor. The girlfriend's input is priceless. (Louis Wu 14:57:41 UTC)