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Showing results 1726 - 1750 of 6554 matches April 7, 2012 Link to this post Josh Holmes talks to X360a
Xbox360Achievements.org interviewed Josh Holmes at the Spring Showcase a few weeks ago - for some reason, the interview was released yesterday. Go listen to hear what Josh had to say about what 343 is trying to do with Halo 4! Thanks, ElzarTheBam.
(Tom Van Sinden 13:45:46 UTC)
April 6, 2012 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 81
Fails of the Weak 81 is live (AH.com | YouTube) - along with a comment that they're no longer taking submissions for future episodes. (They have enough clips to keep releasing episodes until about the heat death of the universe - they just can't accept any MORE.) Thanks, hezekiah. (Tom Van Sinden 20:01:36 UTC)
April 6, 2012 Link to this post Legendary LNoS - now with Commentary
RC Master continues his re-release of older speedruns with brand-new commentary - today's video is an 18:24 run of Long Night of Solace (originally posted back in December). Go take a look!
(Tom Van Sinden 17:56:27 UTC)
April 5, 2012 Link to this post Master Chief in 3 minutes Stumbled on a pretty cool Halo 4 Master Chief speed painting by Jordan Conlin - six hours boiled down to 3 minutes. Go watch! Update: ooh, another one, this time from Sean McCoy! Same release date... odd. (Tom Van Sinden 22:10:57 UTC)
April 5, 2012 Link to this post Achievement PIG 69
hezekiah went all out with this week's Achievement HORSE (well, PIG) announcement - he wrote a parody of Bryan Adams' 'Summer of 69' to celebrate the episode number. You can watch the episode on AchievementHunter.com or YouTube. Gavin (4-0) squares off against Caleb (1-0) - who will emerge unbeaten? Who will lose their perfect record? Watch and find out! (Tom Van Sinden 17:34:59 UTC)
April 5, 2012 Link to this post The Tyrant Documentaries: Episode 16
The Tyrant has posted Episode 16 of his Tyrant Documentaries - this one looks at Halo Wars (and RTS games in general). Go watch! (Tom Van Sinden 17:25:41 UTC)
April 4, 2012 Link to this post Halo: Prometheus Trailer Mashup
Nice - MixMaker1 has mashed up the soundtrack from the Prometheus trailer with Halo footage... works really well! Go watch. (Tom Van Sinden 17:49:50 UTC)
April 4, 2012 Link to this post BOB Video Guide Part 6: Long Night of Solace
Lord Friendship continues his amazingly complete BOB Video Guide - he's up to Part 6, covering Long Night of Solace. This video will show you all the possible BOB spawns on the level, and what you need to do to capitalize on them. If you've missed any vids in this series, he's collected them in a handy-dandy playlist. Go watch! (Tom Van Sinden 13:16:08 UTC)
April 4, 2012 Link to this post Tyrant's Halo 3 Legendary Walkthrough - Floodgate
Tyrant has posted the next chapter of his Halo 3 Legendary Walkthrough - this one covers Floodgate. There's also a cameo appearance from Adam Grumbo, from the 405th - go watch! (Tom Van Sinden 13:06:12 UTC)
April 4, 2012 Link to this post Playtime S3E2: Imprisonment
CruelLEGACEY sent word that Playtime Season 3 Episode 2 is now online (both at the Playtime site and on Halo Waypoint) - what could be better than bloom jokes? (Tom Van Sinden 13:01:46 UTC)
April 3, 2012 Link to this post TandR, Segmented - 6:47
Okay, the difficulty is set to Easy, but don't let that discourage you from watching - the latest speedrun from SlYnki (a segmented run of Truth and Reconciliation, in under 7 minutes) is astounding. Generally amazing shooting and a couple of jaw-dropping tricks make this one you shouldn't miss. Thanks to NOKYARD for the heads-up.
(Tom Van Sinden 19:40:37 UTC)
April 3, 2012 Link to this post Practical Jumping on Reach Ep 2: MLG Zealot v7
Tashi's released the second in his series of practical jumps videos - this one focuses on useful ledges and such on Zealot (the MLG v7 version). Worth a watch! (Tom Van Sinden 13:41:45 UTC)
April 2, 2012 Link to this post Thassalottacodes
Greenskull has 75 avatar helmet codes to give away - if you want one, watch this video to learn how to get one. (Tom Van Sinden 17:41:40 UTC)
April 2, 2012 Link to this post Sorry For Armor Locking
It's been a while since we've heard from Bryan Simon, but Halo 4 has re-excited him, and he's got a new musical parody for you. Sorry For Armor Locking is some pretty funny stuff! Thanks, CyReN. (Tom Van Sinden 14:21:23 UTC)
April 2, 2012 Link to this post Halo Anniversary Campaign Series CMNeir and Tacoriffic decided to run through Halo Anniversary, in sort of a mash-up of nostalgia-tinged gameplay and MST3K-style commentary. You can find the first segment here. (Tom Van Sinden 14:11:38 UTC)
April 1, 2012 Link to this post Keep it alive! uberfoop played some Halo 3 yesterday. He made a 4-minute clip from a Social Big Team CTF game on Standoff. For nearly 3 minutes, the flag (and the action) remains in a 20-foot radius... and yet the entire clip is eminently watchable. Makes me want to jump back into Halo 3! (Tom Van Sinden 16:14:30 UTC)
April 1, 2012 Link to this post Making ODST Armor robofin117 let us know about a new update from DaFrontlineTrooper - lots of tutorials for making ODST from EVA foam coming soon! (Tom Van Sinden 16:11:07 UTC)
April 1, 2012 Link to this post MLG Anaheim 2011 - WB Finals If you enjoy watching pro Halo events, but don't have the money for MLG VoD, swing by Halo Waypoint this morning - the Winners Bracket Finals from MLG Anaheim last year are now available (all three games). Watch Status Quo take on Instinct! (This championship matchup was revisited in Columbus last week, with somewhat different results.) (Tom Van Sinden 15:58:25 UTC)
March 31, 2012 Link to this post Arby 'n' the Chief - Bytes S01E01: Well Hung
joncgj has started a new series of random adventure shorts for Arby 'n' the Chief - the first one is up now. Bathroom shenanigans... thanks, Ogan Panavo.
(Louis Wu 19:31:09 UTC)
March 31, 2012 Link to this post March 343 SparkastNotes
If the 45 minute Sparkast was too long for you, Greenskull has put up a 3 minute summary - time's important! (Louis Wu 19:29:42 UTC)
March 31, 2012 Link to this post The Anatomy of Halo 5 - the Containment Facility
The latest in Halo Waypoint's The Anatomy of Halo series looks at the Containment Facility - a great informational piece! Go watch.
(Louis Wu 17:16:24 UTC)
March 31, 2012 Link to this post Fails of the Weak Volume 80
Fails of the Weak 80 is up (AH.com | YouTube) - a collection of badness. Thanks, Nikko B201 (and hezekiah for the YT link).
(Louis Wu 17:14:50 UTC)
March 31, 2012 Link to this post Immortal Part II
RVideo pointed us to Immortal Part II, a new Halo 2 montage from Sk0ls. Heavy editing, but pretty great gameplay - oh, the nostalgia! (Louis Wu 17:07:26 UTC)
March 31, 2012 Link to this post ToTS Legendary - now with commentary
RC Master is going through old speed runs and adding commentary - if you enjoyed his Tip of the Spear run (we mentioned it in September), you can watch it again with his thoughts! (Louis Wu 16:58:02 UTC)
March 31, 2012 Link to this post Noble Team Unlimited
crazedone1988 was listening to the Justice League Unlimited intro theme... and got an idea. Works really well - check it out!
(Louis Wu 16:54:00 UTC)