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October 9, 2012 Link to this post

Change of Plans
Red vs Blue Season 10 barrels on - Episode 18 was released last night... and it gives you a slightly different look at Church. (Slightly.) This one's pretty much devoid of humor... but what replaces it grounds the characters. Go watch. Thanks, Vincent. (Louis Wu 14:59:57 UTC)

October 8, 2012 Link to this post

The Glove and Boots Debate
This... is amazing. Watch it. Thanks, Pok3R Fac3D. (Louis Wu 16:42:12 UTC)

October 8, 2012 Link to this post

Arena Gaming Columbus 2012 - on YouTube
This weekend, Arena Gaming hosted a pro Reach tournament in Columbus, OH - CyReN went to the trouble of YouTube-ing a number of the matches (including the Finals, the Losers Final, the Losers Semi, and the Halo 2 Scrims. Go watch 'em - some awesome gameplay in there! (Louis Wu 16:41:45 UTC)

October 8, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Examined - Best Controller Setting?
Bravo has taken a close look at the controller settings available in Halo 4, with an eye to what gives you the best competitive advantage. Interesting! (Louis Wu 16:34:23 UTC)

October 8, 2012 Link to this post

Frank talks to the French
The folks from Halo Destiny sat down with Frank O'Connor - discussion ranged from how 343 works to what's coming in Halo 4 to Halo 2 Anniversary. Monster interview (25 minutes long) - go listen! Thanks, Hypertrooper. (Louis Wu 16:32:28 UTC)

October 7, 2012 Link to this post

More off-screen video (plus adrenaline-fueled commentary) from EBGames Expo in Sydney - thanks, Shadders. (Louis Wu 19:48:06 UTC)

October 7, 2012 Link to this post

Football and Video Games... great mix
The Ohio State University Marching Band paid tribute to video games during the halftime show of the Nebraska game on October 6. Halo makes an appearance (starts about 3:25, if you're in a hurry), but the whole thing is amazing. (The appearance of Epona on the field blew me away.) Thanks, Hypertrooper. (Louis Wu 17:06:54 UTC)

October 7, 2012 Link to this post

TV Funhouse Ep 1
ReiKo-TV stopped by to announce TV Funhouse Episode 1 - it's a combination of clips from Halo 3 and Reach (some funny, some obnoxious, some pretty cool), along with a few cool trick jumps in Matchmaking. (This was put together by the tricking group Terminal Velocity.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:02:52 UTC)

October 6, 2012 Link to this post

Oboe Plays: Halo Reach P.5 (Long Night Of Solace)
OboeCrazy and friends are playing through all the Halo games in chronological order, to prepare for Halo 4. Today, they released Reach Episode 5: Long Night of Solace (yeah, I've been lax about noticing these - you can find the rest in the Associated Videos off to the side). It's just under half an hour long (some judicious edits for the sake of flow), and shows off some nice teamwork. Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:04:10 UTC)

October 6, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4: NEW Spartan Ops Gameplay from Australia
Some new Spartan Ops gameplay was collected at EBGames Expo in Australia - awesome, wide-open vistas and Gauss Hog action. It's off-screen, and there's no sound, but if you're not trying to stay dark, this will pump you up for the start of the Spartan Ops season! Thanks, TheOddOne. (Louis Wu 19:59:46 UTC)

October 6, 2012 Link to this post

Off-screen Campaign Gameplay from Down Under
Josh Holmes is currently in Australia, at the EBGames Expo - he did a presentation showing off some campaign gameplay. (It's the same segment of Level 3 that Frankie showed off at Eurogamer Expo last week - the video quality is way worse, but the lag is better.) Same spoilers as before - the run-through stops at roughly the same spot (well, a LITTLE bit further). Thanks, TheOddOne. (Louis Wu 17:44:26 UTC)

October 6, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Strategy - Dominion: 1st (2nd?) Look
Bravo took a closer look at Dominion, a new Halo 4 gametype - it's the second time he's tried this (the first one was pulled for content he used). Give it a look if you're curious how this gametype works! Thanks, TheOddOne. (Louis Wu 17:39:39 UTC)

October 6, 2012 Link to this post

Fails of the Weak 107
Friday is Fails of the Weak Day - and the AH crew has released episide 107 (AH.com | YouTube). I saw a bunch of new fails in this one! (Really! It was pretty enjoyable.) Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 17:36:57 UTC)

October 6, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Gameplay, Greenskull interview
Greenskull got interviewed by TrulyIndirectMedia about his YouTube career and Halo 4 - go hear about how he got to where he is! (Louis Wu 17:28:13 UTC)

October 6, 2012 Link to this post

Give us the Chief!
Bryan Simon is back with a new Halo song - this one uses Eminem's 'Without Me' as the inspiration for a plea for the return of Master Chief. Guest rapper u4iX adds his own battle rhymes. Go watch! Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 17:25:33 UTC)

October 5, 2012 Link to this post

Achievement HORSE 95
The most recent Achievement HORSE ( AH.com | YouTube) is a little different than previous episodes - it's less about the Halo, and more about Gavin Free's indiscretions. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 14:52:53 UTC)

October 5, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 lands in Sydney
Halo 4 makes an appearance at EBGames Expo in Sydney, Australia this weekend - ninemsn has an interview with Josh Holmes about what you might expect. Go watch! (Louis Wu 13:28:40 UTC)

October 5, 2012 Link to this post

HTR Pick of the week #3 - Exterminations Montage
HT Edge sent word that the latest Halotracker Pick of the Week Montage, focused on Exterminations, is now live - you can vote for your favorites! (Louis Wu 13:28:00 UTC)

October 5, 2012 Link to this post

Forward Unto Dawn, Chapter 1
The first chapter of Forward Unto Dawn went live this morning - swing by Machinima Prime's YouTube channel (or Halo Waypoint) to watch! Get a close look at Corbulo Academy's Hastati squad, and future Infinity commander Thomas Lasky - it's 20 minutes long, and it's a great look into the FUD characters! Check it out. Update: Here's a review from SenadorKooch (spoiler-free), if you want to know what you're getting into. (Louis Wu 11:29:54 UTC)

October 4, 2012 Link to this post

The Pelican Rises at Midnight
Mid7night decided to beat tomorrow's flood of FUD information with a video showing off his Halo 3 Pelican in X-Plane... nice! (Louis Wu 22:31:19 UTC)

October 4, 2012 Link to this post

An early look at Meltdown
2900d4u (and his brother, 2good4u2) pointed out an IGN walkthrough on the Dutch-branded version of the site that might have gone up a bit early. It shows off Meltdown, one of the last two Multiplayer maps (this one's a big one, made for Big-Team vehicle combat). Go check it out while you can! (There are also walkthroughs of Complex and Adrift that haven't been publicized yet.) Update: these are all offline now. Hope you got to see 'em first! (Louis Wu 20:45:22 UTC)

October 4, 2012 Link to this post

Requiem Episode 13
HAL0 M4N let us know about Requiem Episode 13 - recordings, a possibility of a cure, and lots of zombie killing. Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:39:49 UTC)

October 4, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Ragnarok Walkthrough With 343i/IGN
IGN has a walkthrough of Ragnarok (the Valhalla remake in Halo 4), with commentary by 343's Kynan Pearson. Go watch! Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 16:16:18 UTC)

October 4, 2012 Link to this post

Flight of Fancy
robofin117 noticed a Doctor Who Halo machinima - if you like the concept of a Halo in your Tardis, check this out! (Louis Wu 16:12:48 UTC)

October 4, 2012 Link to this post

Seal the blast doors!
Bravo made another of his literal breakdowns of a Halo trailer - this one looks at the Prometheans video. Awesome. (Louis Wu 15:44:19 UTC)

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