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Showing results 926 - 950 of 6554 matches December 10, 2012 Link to this post Spartan Ops Episodes 6-10 Trailer An extended view of the Spartan Ops Season 1 (second half) trailer went live on Halo Waypoint (and YouTube) this morning - check it out for brand-new views of upcoming environments! (Louis Wu 17:20:05 UTC)
December 10, 2012 Link to this post Speeding up the AotCR first bridge descent Rockslider let us know about a brand-new bridge descent method for Assault on the Control Room - it's PAL-specific, but it shaves several seconds off the record speed for getting off that first bridge. Amazing - we first saw that descent 11 years ago, and there continue to be advances!
(Louis Wu 17:13:56 UTC)
December 9, 2012 Link to this post Teams don't kill people... guns do. If you use them. I've seen my share of tournament Halo matches... but I've NEVER seen a 0-0 tournament game before. (And we're not just talking no flag scores - it was a CTF match - we're talking ZERO KILLS.) Really entertaining commentary by Ninja_MLG and Ninja_Invictus. Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 17:22:15 UTC)
December 9, 2012 Link to this post Halo 4 Whiteboard Animation Tex found a really cool animation on YouTube - great artwork, great stop-motion animation. Five stars!
(Louis Wu 17:18:13 UTC)
December 8, 2012 Link to this post Out of Reclaimer and into the secret rooms t00lbox has gotten out of Reclaimer - and he can show you how to do it, too. Interesting to see how 343 built out this map to seem so much bigger than it actually is! (Louis Wu 20:38:33 UTC)
December 8, 2012 Link to this post Extracting Gameplay from Wreckage IGN posted a new gameplay commentary vid - this time, it's Extraction on Wreckage. (Both the gametype and the map will be available to the general public in Matchmaking tomorrow.) Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 20:08:53 UTC)
December 8, 2012 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 116 - The End of Reach The final Reach-based Fails of the Weak went live yesterday (thanks, Nikko B201) - you can watch it on AH.com or YouTube. From here on out, it's Halo 4, baby! Go watch the last few Reach derps. (Louis Wu 19:15:48 UTC)
December 7, 2012 Link to this post Crimson Map Pack Walkthrough: Wreckage IGN's posted their walkthrough of the third Crimson Map Pack map, Wreckage. It looks... well, wrecked. Lots of debris, lots of blue and brown. Lots of particles, sparking circuits, smoke - if you're used to using map motion to find your prey, this one's gonna bug you. (If you're sneaky and like to hide or flank, this map's gonna be a fave.) Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 18:06:56 UTC)
December 7, 2012 Link to this post The Big Dumb GUNNER Show, Dec 5, 2012 gunn3r11 sent word that The Spartan Force has kicked off a new YouTube series - it's called The Big Dumb GUNNER Show, and the first episode is online now. It's Halo news from behind a desk. (Hey - I heard about something I didn't know before... Blast Magazine posted a guide to their choices for the best Halo 4 Matchmaking Loadouts. Nice!)
(Louis Wu 16:54:27 UTC)
December 7, 2012 Link to this post IGN's Tough Love for Spartan Ops So while IGN is loving War Games, the team that's looking at Spartan Ops isn't quite so enthusiastic. Their latest commentary vid covers Episode 5 - they talk a lot about what doesn't work for them, and how it differs from Firefight. (I found it intriguing that even with all the access IGN gets, these guys, who filmed this on Monday, didn't realize that the second half of the Spartan Ops season would be coming out in January.) Thanks again, CyReN. (Louis Wu 16:25:42 UTC)
December 7, 2012 Link to this post IGN shows you Shatter's layout IGN's second Developer Walkthrough of Shatter, one of the three Crimson Map Pack maps coming out on Monday, went live yesterday. It differs from Wednesday's video by focusing on the map itself - there's no gameplay here. Thanks, CyReN.
(Louis Wu 16:04:14 UTC)
December 7, 2012 Link to this post Halo 4 - A Master Chief Tribute Dogiojoe sent word of her new video tribute to Master Chief - it contains Halo 4 campaign spoilers, but if you've played through already, it's a nice history of John's augmentation. Music comes from Halo Legends (well, the versions she used does - the song comes from Halo 2).
(Louis Wu 15:59:09 UTC)
December 6, 2012 Link to this post Achievement HORSE 104 Jack and Geoff are back with a new Halo PIG (the lack of Fileshare functionality makes them not want to do the whole HORSE) - go see some cool new maps (AH.com | YouTube)! Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 18:51:01 UTC)
December 6, 2012 Link to this post It's better than fried eggs. WhoLikesChicken pointed out a TED talk called 'Your Brain on Video Games' - cognitive researcher Daphne Bavelier talks about how video games affect the human brain. It's not specifically Halo-related... but she talks a lot about shooters. Great watch! (Louis Wu 15:55:52 UTC)
December 6, 2012 Link to this post I AM Video Games. Spike has released a commercial for its Video Game Awards, coming up tomorrow night - it's pretty fun. And both Halo gameplay and the Master Chief make an appearance. Go watch! Thanks, IHaveIce. (Louis Wu 15:51:37 UTC)
December 6, 2012 Link to this post Custom Flood games introduce fun variations The Halo Forge Epidemic has a couple of videos up on their YouTube stream that offer intriguing custom options to Halo 4 players - take a look and download the maps! Jurassic Park is a take on the Flood gametype - the map actually has self-driving vehicles on it! (Thanks, Tawpgun.) How they managed this isn't explained, but they DID say a tutorial would be coming. There's also a gametype that brings up memories of Slender Man - it's another Flood-based game, and apparently it's really, really scary. Check these out, and give 'em a try with your friends! (Louis Wu 15:32:49 UTC)
December 5, 2012 Link to this post Awakening... plus lights I love synchronized Christmas lights (except on my street) - and this particular batch is pretty amazing. Not clear where it is... but it's absolutely worth a watch. Awakening never looked so good! Thanks, TheOddOne. (Louis Wu 22:33:55 UTC)
December 5, 2012 Link to this post The Fails of Requiem - Episode 1 CruelLEGACEY has kicked off The Fails of Requiem - it's a montage series that looks at (wait for it...) FAILS IN HALO 4! (Also, wins and laughs.) Nicely filmed - go watch!
(Louis Wu 20:07:57 UTC)
December 5, 2012 Link to this post I was expecting Game of Thrones stuff. Okay... so I'm not really sure what to make of this... but it's intriguing. Go ask paddy to explain. (Louis Wu 20:01:25 UTC)
December 5, 2012 Link to this post Look for specially marked needlers on Exile G4TV has another ad for Doritos/Mountain Dew - erm, I mean another Multiplayer Pro Tips vid (thanks, CyReN). In this one, 343's Kevin Franklin suggests ways to maximize your in-game score. 'Scuse me... something's making me go drink bright green high-caffeine substances... (Louis Wu 19:52:35 UTC)
December 5, 2012 Link to this post Whoopin' Spartan Style TEAMHEADKICK put together a Halo version of Gangnam Style - some really nice work here. Original lyrics, plus some fantastic in-game dancing (and some CGI dancing when the in-game stuff isn't enough). Go watch! Thanks to Halo Waypoint for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 19:48:08 UTC)
December 4, 2012 Link to this post Harvest CTF Gameplay with Commentary IGN has released more CTF gameplay on Harvest, one of the new maps coming with the Crimson Map Pack next Monday. This time, 343's Mike Ellis (Design Director) provides the commentary. Thanks, Silly.Mikey. (Louis Wu 19:55:30 UTC)
December 4, 2012 Link to this post Halo 4's Best Automatic Weapon Wanna know what automatic weapon is best? Go watch this video by VanguardsOfRequiem. Pretty interesting results! (WubWubWarning) Thanks, Zylon 0217. (Louis Wu 19:48:48 UTC)
December 4, 2012 Link to this post Leave Out All the Rest AssaultGodzilla's back, with a remake of a vid he did in 2010. Same song, new footage. As always, great attention to detail. Interesting juxtaposition of Spartans/Elites. Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:09:30 UTC)
December 4, 2012 Link to this post Earning the Ep 5 SpOps Cheevos The fifth Spartan Ops episode gives you options for 3 separate Achievements - and two of them have caused people a little bit of trouble. MixMaker1 put together a video showing you what you REALLY need to do to earn each one - worth a look! (Louis Wu 16:07:34 UTC)