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Showing results 751 - 775 of 6554 matches March 7, 2013 Link to this post Halo 4: Old Friends, New Scenery Skywalker DSP dropped in with another commentated gameplay vid - he and slimjim tried out Skyline in SWAT, and came away satisfied. Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:46:58 UTC)
March 7, 2013 Link to this post pete the overachieving duck pete_the_duck decided to review the FPS Freek Infinity addons - but being pete_the_duck, he wasn't content with just a 'these made my scores go up' or 'I liked the way these felt'. No... he went a little farther than that. He built a map and a gametype specifically designed to measure his accuracy before and after application. Great stuff! (Louis Wu 16:41:39 UTC)
March 6, 2013 Link to this post Piloting Composer's MAC Cannons I stumbled across this video this morning... it's pretty amazing. Nowise10 and a friend show you how to actually get in to (and shoot!) the MAC cannons on Composer. (I don't think I even NOTICED them when I played - and these guys found a way to SHOOT them.) Awesome. (Louis Wu 16:20:47 UTC)
March 6, 2013 Link to this post Tyrant's Halo 4 Mythic Walkthrough - Forerunner The Tyrant's Halo 4 Mythic Walkthrough has gained another chapter - Forerunner falls in under 20 minutes! Go watch. Thanks, Lawnmower172. (Louis Wu 15:59:57 UTC)
March 5, 2013 Link to this post A Spiral Megabattle of your very own Rockslider stopped in with more Spiral Megabattle stuff - this time, he shows you how you can set it up for yourself! Watch - then give it a try! (Louis Wu 19:15:11 UTC)
March 4, 2013 Link to this post Halo 4 | Beyond Top 5 Plays Ep. 1 Beyond Entertainment has posted their first Top 5 Plays vid - some really nice gameplay. (I don't think I've ever seen a Killtrocity in a 2v2 list before.) Thanks, CyReN.
(Louis Wu 22:35:26 UTC)
March 4, 2013 Link to this post Noble Hates Randoms AddiCt3d 2CHa0s let us know about a machinima called 'Noble Hates Randoms - Beauty is as Beauty Does' - it's designed as an experiential look at some of the beautiful Halo 4 scenery. (The lack of sound in parts is rather jarring - but it's on purpose.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:39:43 UTC)
March 3, 2013 Link to this post A final farewell from a French tricking clan
Jefferson stopped in with one last montage video of Halo tricks recorded on Halo Anniversary. It was released a bit over a month ago, but this is the first we're seeing it - and it's a great watch. IT's a combination of fun tricks I've never seen, along with recreations of some classics from the original game. 6 minutes long, and I was captivated the whole time! (Louis Wu 14:35:06 UTC)
March 3, 2013 Link to this post HSH is back! Lawnmower172 sent word that High Speed Halo had posted 11 new runs on Halo CE and Halo 2. (It actually seems to be considerably more than that; if you look at their Uploaded Videos playlist, the first 18 have all been uploaded in the last 3 days.) However many we're talking about, there's a ton - and there are some great runs in there! Go explore.
(Louis Wu 14:21:41 UTC)
March 2, 2013 Link to this post On the Spiral Path to Death Rockslider spent a bunch of time on the Spiral Path megabattle in AotCR - 53 baddies, including a previously unincluded cloaked elite. Go watch the carnage! (Louis Wu 13:53:09 UTC)
March 1, 2013 Link to this post Fails of the Weak 128 AchievementHunter has posted Fails of the Weak 128 - you definitely have to enjoy the banter, because the fails themselves are secondary. (This time it's Fruit by the Foot.) Watch 'em on AH.com, or YouTube. (Louis Wu 23:34:21 UTC)
March 1, 2013 Link to this post Anoj's Halo 4 Top 10 Episode 17: Sticks The latest Halo 4 Top 10 video from Anoj looks at sticks - the early ones are just middlin', but from 5 down they're all pretty impressive. Thanks, Jordan Bell. (Louis Wu 23:28:51 UTC)
March 1, 2013 Link to this post Renegades Episode 5 Halo Waypoint has word of Renegades, Episode 5 - we lost track after Ep 2, back in February. Go catch up! (This is the last episode of Season 1.) (Louis Wu 21:12:49 UTC)
February 28, 2013 Link to this post Halo 4 | Beautiful Majestic Snipetality makes our front page a second time today - this time for an artistic look at the new maps released this week. Gotta hand it to those folks at Certain Affinity - these are definitely beautiful! Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 21:41:17 UTC)
February 28, 2013 Link to this post Tyrant's Halo 4 Mythic Walkthrough - Requiem
The Tyrant continues his Mythic assault on Halo 4 - his run-through of Requiem is live now. 35 minutes of tips, tricks, and bad jokes - go watch! Thanks, Lawnmower172. (Louis Wu 20:14:43 UTC)
February 28, 2013 Link to this post Snipetality's First and Final Halo 3 Montage
Snipetality has edited a lot of Halo montages in his time... but he's never made one using his own clips. Recently, he went through his saved Halo 3 footage, and in one day put together his first (and last) personal Halo 3 montage - check it out!
(Louis Wu 17:55:55 UTC)
February 27, 2013 Link to this post Best of the Community - a Halo 4 Montage Edge sent word of a new Halo 4 montage he put together, using clips from the HaloTracker community. Nice synching with the music, and some sweet gameplay! Go watch.
(Louis Wu 22:11:25 UTC)
February 27, 2013 Link to this post Introducing Australian Rules Soccer Over at AchievementHunter.com, Jack and Ray face off for another game of PIG - some pretty fun-looking maps this time around! Watch it on AH.com, or YouTube. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 22:11:02 UTC)
February 26, 2013 Link to this post Halo 4 Majestic Map Pack Achievement Guide MixMaker1 put together an Achievement Guide for the new Majestic maps - it contains loadout suggestions and individual techniques for each Achievement. Pretty helpful to knock this set out! (Louis Wu 18:29:42 UTC)
February 26, 2013 Link to this post Majestic Stair Dual of Destiny Skywalker DSP dropped in with a fun little commentated game on Landfall - if you haven't had a chance to check out the new Majestic maps, this will give you a nice overview. (If you have, it's fun gameplay in any case.) (Louis Wu 15:41:58 UTC)
February 26, 2013 Link to this post The 7 Deadly Sins of Online Gaming Cracked.com put together a video called 'The 7 Deadly Sins of Online Gaming' - and while these sins are not really game-specific, Halo makes an obvious appearance. How many have YOU been guilty of? Thanks, Revenant1988. (Louis Wu 15:38:54 UTC)
February 23, 2013 Link to this post Playtime Majestic Nevin Douglas sent word of a new machinima short featuring Majestic, due to drop on Tuesday. Nice backdrop! (Louis Wu 23:41:56 UTC)
February 23, 2013 Link to this post Twenty Two Minutes Past Midnight RC Master let us know about a new LASO speed run, this time on Midnight. He polished the level off in under 22 minutes... lots of tricks in this one. Go watch! (To save you some trouble, he also reminded us that all of his LASO speed runs can be watched in this playlist.)
(Louis Wu 23:34:38 UTC)
February 22, 2013 Link to this post Tyrant's Halo 4 Mythic Walkthrough - Dawn Tyrant's first segment in his Mythic Walkthrough of Halo 4, 'Dawn', is now online - go watch! (Thanks, Lawnmower172.) (Louis Wu 16:42:26 UTC)
February 22, 2013 Link to this post That's some snazzy plasma use. Wow, cool. Chappified has come up with yet ANOTHER way to get off the first AotCR bridge - it truly is amazing how many options there are!
(Louis Wu 16:38:04 UTC)