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Search results for Movies
Showing results 5501 - 5525 of 6554 matches December 3, 2006 Link to this post Feenix talks to Bungie about stuff XBWFeenix stopped by with word of a video interview he conducted with SketchFactor and Frankie at X06 this year (he couldn't make it public until the issue of Xbox World that it was filmed for was actually on the shelves) - the link is in his forum post. Not a LOT of new info, but it's a good interview! (Louis Wu 18:06:19 UTC)
December 3, 2006 Link to this post TalenT's montage Z, from Halo3Forums, wrote to point out TalenT's montage, edited by Halzred. Heavy on the effects. Will almost certainly place in the top 10 in the upcoming montage contest there. 151 mb in WMP9 format. Grab a copy. (Louis Wu 00:59:06 UTC)
December 3, 2006 Link to this post Space Dementia, and Movies in General Okay, first off - we've got a new movie for you. It's from Jamie98s, and it's called Space Dementia, and it's really quite good. Jack Walters thinks he's ready for active duty again - but all may not be as it seems. Great effects, astoundingly high compression (so that a 15 minute 640x480 movie weighs in at only 70 mb, and STILL looks pretty good), great story. Download it in WMP9 format (70.6 mb) or QuickTime format (71.5 mb) - I have to say, I'm pretty happy with the overall quality of new machinima these days. Which brings me to my second point - the MPRRS is NOT dead, it's still under reconstruction. Cybrfrk got called up for jury duty, so he's got less time for coding than we'd originally thought - but we'll get there, and the final product will be better (and more useful) than the original was. Thanks to all who've offered to help (we don't need coding help, but we WILL need reviewing help, once we reopen), and if you've written to us, worried that it's gone - don't worry, it really is coming back. Meanwhile, go watch Space Dementia. It's really well-done. (Louis Wu 00:51:29 UTC)
December 2, 2006 Link to this post BNL's Bank Job Over at the Red vs Blue website, OboeCrazy posted a new vid (you won't be able to read that without an RvB account) - It's a realization of the Barenaked Ladies song 'Bank Job', in the Halo engine. She took a great song, and made it live - it's a beautiful job. I have one request, though - download it from us, not from her. (Her QuickTime version, for example, is uncompressed - almost 300 mb for a 4 minute vid... if you grab it from her, you'll eventually kill her host. Our version is a seventh as big, and looks as good.) This one's available in QuickTime (43.1 mb), WMP9 (39.2 mb), and DivX (41.4 mb), as well as on YouTube - so watch it the way you want. (Louis Wu 21:32:16 UTC)
November 30, 2006 Link to this post Static - Episode 6: Enough Over at the Halo CE Chronicles website, the final episode of Static has been posted - Alex gets clear of the Hunter, finally, and a surprise twist makes lots of things clear. It's double-size - 60 mb in downloadable WMP9 or QT, 36 mb in streaming Flash format. Nice end to the story! (Louis Wu 17:01:36 UTC)
November 29, 2006 Link to this post Pestilence Not long ago, we released Pie Chapters 1 and 2, from Machine Enema - both were fantastic examples of Halo machinima. Recently sodaGoD completed Pestilence, set in the same universe as the Pie stories, but on a different tack. As before, cinematography is excellent, storyline is strong, voice acting is top-notch. I loved this film. We've got it available in both WMP9 (125 mb) and QuickTime (129 mb) formats - grab a copy and follow Jurnigan's swath of destruction! Over at GamingTV.org, you can also grab a much higher-bitrate version (320 mb, WMP9 format), and small QT version (mp4, 320x240, 52mb) - thanks, trigger119. (Louis Wu 21:48:57 UTC)
November 29, 2006 Link to this post Species - Episode 2 (Renewed) Koethe, from the MjR37 Team, wrote to say that Episode 2 of their series, Species, is now available for download from Mythica.org. QuickTime format, 14 minutes, 37 mb. Funny stuff, nice use of mods (though I'd have to say, if HaloNinja was anywhere near me, I'd stuff a rocket launcher in his mouth). If you haven't seen Episode 1, watch that first. Episode 3 is on its way, apparently! (Louis Wu 17:16:52 UTC)
November 27, 2006 Link to this post MLG Pro Circuit Ep 3 online If you missed the MLG Pro Circuit Episode 3 on USA this weekend, go visit MLGPro.com - they're streaming the entire episode from their front page. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 21:03:00 UTC)
November 27, 2006 Link to this post Creo nullus terga dare Laird stopped by our forum last night to announce the release of the trailer for Halo: Unyielding Part 2. It's 47 mb in WMP9 format, 20 mb in QuickTime format - certainly made ME want to see the final product! Update: This movie is mirrored at GamingTV.org, as well. (Louis Wu 17:17:21 UTC)
November 26, 2006 Link to this post Halo on a Marimba Nice - ibshimo2 found a YouTube video showing PinoyFiesta playing the Halo theme... on a marimba. Great job! (Louis Wu 23:57:48 UTC)
November 26, 2006 Link to this post A Gamer Grows Up I told you it was montage day... Z wrote with word of 'A Gamer Grows Up', a montage put together by Midpoint... with player-provided rap along as part of the soundtrack. 92 mb, WMP9 format. (Louis Wu 23:56:46 UTC)
November 26, 2006 Link to this post Halo 3 Theme from VGL XBWFeenix went to the Video Games Live show in London this weekend, and shakey-cammed the Halo 3 theme performance. (He had a press pass, but the attendant didn't understand - hence the subterfuge.) Link is in his forum post. (Louis Wu 19:31:55 UTC)
November 26, 2006 Link to this post SiNGH's Second Montage Also on the montage front, we heard from Millsy about SiNGH, a top UK player who just released his second montage - 313 mb zipfile with several movies showing the building of the main, 10 and a half minute montage. Visit Halo4Life for more details. (Louis Wu 19:27:16 UTC)
November 26, 2006 Link to this post Nvincible's 1v1 Montage I guess it's the weekend for montages - we heard from CiphA, of Halomega.com, about a montage from I Nvincible I - 74 mb of 1v1 action. They also run a 4v4 League, with cash tourneys coming soon. Go watch the vid, sign up for the tourney. (Louis Wu 19:24:59 UTC)
November 25, 2006 Link to this post New Montage Stuff from H3F Z, from Halo3Forum.com, wrote to point out two new montages - Fr0zen's 4th 1v1 Montage (127 mb) and a trailer for an upcoming Team CyP Montage (28.4 mb), both in WMP9 format. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 17:05:44 UTC)
November 25, 2006 Link to this post Blind with Imaginary Power Last night, over at the Red vs Blue website, Episode 84, 'Strong Male Figure', was posted for sponsors. Tucker learns about being a dad, and the Red Team gets used to their new commander. I don't like Simmons any more. (Louis Wu 17:02:43 UTC)
November 25, 2006 Link to this post Matchmaking Bug - Maybe not Useful, but Funny Legend, from Halo Base, sent us a note about a bizarre glitch experienced by some folks in matchmaking - you need to watch the vid (44 seconds, 2.8 mb, WMP9 format) for yourself. Freaky... (Louis Wu 16:13:58 UTC)
November 24, 2006 Link to this post Frag Dolls on This Spartan Life First off, apologies for scaring anyone yesterday - I'm fine. On to the news... let's start with Chromium's post about an interview with the Frag Dolls, done by This Spartan Life's Damian Lacedamian, created for Spike TV's 2006 Video Game Awards. (You'll need to click on the 'This Spartan Life' link on the left to see the vid.) As usual, the interview takes place within Halo - but this one will give you a little bit of insight about the Dolls - where they come from, how they got involved in this stuff. Go listen! (Louis Wu 16:37:16 UTC)
November 22, 2006 Link to this post Static Episode 5 Dennis Powers writes to point out Static, Episode 5 - 'What Would my Daughter Think?' is available at the HCEC website. Alex comes pretty close to death, and figures out his next step. As usual, it's available in WMP9, QuickTime, and streaming Flash formats. (Louis Wu 19:13:05 UTC)
November 22, 2006 Link to this post MLG Pro Circuit Ep 2 Now Online 3Suns points out that the second TV episode of MLG Pro Circuit is now available for free (in full) at the MLGPro.com website. If you missed it last week on TV, go watch on the web! (Louis Wu 17:12:55 UTC)
November 21, 2006 Link to this post Halo 2 Lego Trailer - in Hi-res Several days ago, jester_343 pointed out a video at Google; someone had gone to great lengths to reproduce the original Halo 2 announce trailer (the one released back in August 2002) using Lego bricks. It's an amazing piece - but I was unhappy with the quality, so I contacted the creator - Marshall Brekka of InfalliBull Productions. He was kind enough to give us a higher-res version of the film - one that does his work better justice. You can grab a copy in WMP9 format (28.5 mb) or QuickTime format (29 mb). Compare it to the original - it's beautiful! (In the discussion thread that was spawned by jester's post, RVideo pointed out a vid he'd made - as he calls it, the 'thematic reverse' of this video; it's a flythrough of Turf, modded with Lego textures. Definitely interesting stuff - worth a look, as well!) (Louis Wu 01:31:24 UTC)
November 18, 2006 Link to this post Lost: Halostyle Ep 10 - The Ultimatum We got word from Haloplayer that Lost: Halostyle Episode 10, "The Ultimatum", was available at the Injured Knee website. Teh funni continues in this episode, and they're not 100% certain their bandwidth will hold out, so we're making local versions available - WMP9 format (52.8 mb) or QuickTime format (49.2 mb). I really like this series - great voice acting, great quality, classy camerawork, and it's funny. Go watch! (Louis Wu 22:12:51 UTC)
November 18, 2006 Link to this post You'll Regret The Day! IceWeasel put together another stop-motion vid, ODST vs Heretic Elite... different story, better effects. Pretty funny! (Louis Wu 20:00:29 UTC)
November 18, 2006 Link to this post MLG Vidcast 6 3Suns stopped by to point out that MLG Vidcast 6 is now online; Jason and Trunkers look at the chances of the up-and-coming teams, in terms of which ones have a shot of breaking into the top 3 at Nationals, which start today in Las Vegas. It's a 10 minute piece - lots of detail. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:39:06 UTC)
November 18, 2006 Link to this post Knowing Old People is Sad Red vs Blue Episode 83, 'In Memoriam', is now available for sponsors. Sarge is forced to sit through the lamest funeral service EVAR. Most of us at least have the benefit of being dead when our own services come around... Thanks to halofreak1991 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 01:05:55 UTC)