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Search results for Movies
Showing results 4926 - 4950 of 6554 matches February 9, 2008 Link to this post Arby 'n' Chief Episode 4
Spartan Jag was the first to notice that DigitalPh33r's Arby 'n' Chief Episode 4 was up at Machinima.com (you can also find it on YouTube - thanks, Vincent). Topical - it focuses on melee attacks, and how they work (or don't). Arby'll probably take less verbal abuse by the end of the month... (Louis Wu 13:38:07 UTC)
February 7, 2008 Link to this post Grifball - it's what's for breakfast. There are a couple of new videos available at grifball.com, for you Grifball enthusiasts - there's the first 5 minutes of a heavily anticipated match from last night (American Dream vs Cannonball - both undefeated going in), and there's a highlight reel from last week's gameplay around the league. If you're like me, watching these just makes you want to go play. (Louis Wu 17:01:37 UTC)
February 7, 2008 Link to this post Perfection on Double Team
evildoctorwill pointed out a Player Match Commentary from Tsquared over at MLGPro.com - he played a random Double Team matchmaking game to a Perfection, and walks you through his gameplay choices. I'll never be able to match the skill... but I bet my game improves if I pay attention to the strategy. Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:56:51 UTC)
February 6, 2008 Link to this post Clash of the Titans A couple of weeks ago, Bungie played a Halo Humpday Challenge against the SBG clan - and today, SBG released a tribute video to say thanks to Bungie. Five and a half minutes long, 102 mb, XviD format (NAMLOCO nicely provided a link to the codec if you need it) - grab a copy of the vid from FileFront. (For what it's worth: after reading about the 'Nades and Spades' gametype in Bungie's writeup, I downloaded it, and we've played it here a few times... it ROCKS.) (Louis Wu 20:21:46 UTC)
February 6, 2008 Link to this post We are warriors.
Dream053 has worked on machinima before, as a voice actor; he wanted to try his hand as a producer. Check out his first stab. (Louis Wu 18:19:08 UTC)
February 6, 2008 Link to this post Outpost Isil Ep 3: Scotland the Very Brave Treeskunk Productions has posted Episode 3 of their Outpost Isil series - the squad gets two new recruits. I'm not sure that's a good thing... thanks, Bzerker. (If you'd rather not download it, their front page news post has streaming links on every site on the internet, apparently.) (Louis Wu 14:22:24 UTC)
February 5, 2008 Link to this post Forge Hub Video Tutorial: Immovable Objects
TheShadyGnome, from Flem Productions, stopped by to announce the next Forge Hub Video Tutorial - this one covers Immovable Objects. (Louis Wu 14:18:05 UTC)
February 5, 2008 Link to this post In a world where people never die...
aklay47 and some friends put together a Master Chief costume... and filmed it in action. There are parts of this that are... really weird. Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:12:25 UTC)
February 5, 2008 Link to this post Neurons - Episode 2 Trailer
BlitzSnake let us know that Neurons 2, a sequel to a Halo 1 machinima he created last year, is still on the way - you can watch a trailer at HaloTube. (Louis Wu 13:32:17 UTC)
February 4, 2008 Link to this post Blank
Underdawg253 let us know that Etzun Films has released 'Blank', a new machinima with a somewhat disjointed timeline (a la 'Memento'). I have a little trouble with the motivations, but the cinematography is pretty good. Go watch it! (Louis Wu 16:37:09 UTC)
February 3, 2008 Link to this post Spriggs: Unloaded
Digikid let us know that Spriggs Episode 6 is up for grabs. I gotta say... it seems like it's getting pretty silly. Maybe I'm just having an off day, though. Watch it for yourself. (Louis Wu 17:09:46 UTC)
February 3, 2008 Link to this post Fathom: The Director's Cut
Mythica was hiccuping yesterday (a taste of things to come? Remember, you've only got until the end of this month to download what you want from there), so I wasn't able to announce a Director's Edition (basically, commentary by blackouTT) of Fathom, which had a trailer released last July. If you swing by the HaloGrid forum now, you can find mirrors (WMP9 and QuickTime) being hosted by GamingTV. You might find it interesting to see how these guys worked with each other and put this film together. (blackouTT also invites you to swing by the website of Eden Visuals, his recently-renamed media production vehicle.) (Louis Wu 15:34:32 UTC)
February 2, 2008 Link to this post G4's Speedrun Coverage
When Halo 3 launched, a couple of High Speed Halo regulars hooked up with G4TV and agreed to run Halo 1, live, on legendary, in LA, during the kickoff ceremonies. Cody Miller stopped by last night to post G4's coverage of the event. I wish they'd called them 'speedrunners' instead of 'speed gamers'... but that's just a nitpick, I guess. (Louis Wu 13:51:08 UTC)
February 2, 2008 Link to this post Deus Ex Machina 5: Execution When Deus Ex Machina Episode 4 was posted, it looked like the series was over. (It was even called 'The End'.) Swing by YouTube, though, and you can watch Episode 5, a 22 and a half minute piece from DigitalPh33r. (I assume this will be available soon on Machinima.com.) John recovers from his nearly fatal headwound, and returns to save his friend, and exact revenge. Thanks, Cortana4ever. (I've already asked if we could host higher-quality versions of these films - they're some of the best machinima out there - but apparently DigitalPh33r has an exclusive deal with Machinima.com, and can only release there.) Update: according to DigitalPh33r's blog, it is at Machinima.com already. My bad. (Louis Wu 00:51:44 UTC)
January 31, 2008 Link to this post Nine point five on the landing.
Rooster Teeth has posted Week Three highlights of the Grifball Winter League 08 - swing by to see stuff like Team Kaboom (Gus's team) get scored on 4 times in 60 seconds. Available in streaming Flash and downloadable QuickTime. (Louis Wu 13:43:34 UTC)
January 29, 2008 Link to this post Rocket Race Montage
Z sent us a link to a Rocket Race montage at Halo3Forum; if you haven't played a lot of this gametype, swing by and watch! (Louis Wu 15:47:15 UTC)
January 28, 2008 Link to this post Halo 3: Knocking on Heaven's Door
Flud stopped by to point out 'Halo 3: Knocking on Heaven's Door', from The DuoGroup. Available in high-quality streaming DivX from their site, or on YouTube. It's actually a pretty nice piece of work! Go watch. (Louis Wu 19:24:09 UTC)
January 26, 2008 Link to this post Inside Halo: Episode 6 Sodagod's Inside Halo series continues with Episode 6 - it's on YouTube right now (thanks, Major Silva), and will eventually be downloadable from machinima.com, though it doesn't seem to be posted there yet. Ten minutes long, it highlights some of the better machinima releases in the past couple of months, discusses general Halo news and shows off 5 top plays from around the net. (I liked #4 quite a lot, myself.) Go watch! Update: Smurfa found the Machinima.com link here. (Louis Wu 18:53:43 UTC)
January 26, 2008 Link to this post Attitude Xorian noticed yesterday that Arby 'n' the Chief Episode 3 has been posted at machinima.com; see what Recon armor can do? Funny stuff. (Louis Wu 14:02:32 UTC)
January 25, 2008 Link to this post The Philosophy of Control
Zaam pointed out a school philosophy project he created using the Halo 3 engine - it's called 'The Philosophy of Control', and it looks at various forms of government, and some problems each might face. It's in two parts, on YouTube (One | Two). I don't know what grade it earned. (Louis Wu 17:15:41 UTC)
January 25, 2008 Link to this post Infected Teaser
Deekor let us know that he's released a trailer for his upcoming film 'Infected'. It's short, nicely filmed. (No real content.) Take a look. (Louis Wu 15:12:42 UTC)
January 24, 2008 Link to this post FB vs BkS, Pit KOTH (LBJ took the IRT)
Z sent us word of a fun game he's spotlighting over at Halo3Forum.com - Final Boss vs Best Kept Secret, King of the Hill, on The Pit, from the point of view of a PuRe GaNgSt3r (a member of BkS). You can stream it, you can download it (a 280 mb WMP9, just a straight rip of the film from APG's viewpoint), or you can grab a copy of the film from APG's fileshare, and view it the way you want to. Great game, and really nice to see some pro techniques in a 15 minute battle. Check it out.
(Louis Wu 14:51:28 UTC)
January 23, 2008 Link to this post Grifball Week Two Highlights
Week Two highlights are posted over at Grifball.com - go watch some great play in Flash or QuickTime formats. Rooster Teeth has added commentary this time around. (Louis Wu 14:02:31 UTC)
January 23, 2008 Link to this post More Halo 3 Machinima
I guess it's the morning to announce movies - we heard from a couple of other people, as well. Lordstemplar1 stopped in to put up a teaser for Blackstone, an upcoming project, and AnTi PRO pointed out a thread on Arm the Flag which provides download links for Oregon Trail: Pioneering Evolved Ep 1. Go watch! (Louis Wu 13:46:28 UTC)
January 23, 2008 Link to this post Hail... Mendicant?
Hawty McBloggy found a video of some pretty amazingly lucky sticks in Halo 3 - a couple actually look like the thrower wanted to hit something, but most were just 'toss this and pray' examples. Even so, it's pretty funny to see folks turn glowy blue (or orange) with zero warning. (Louis Wu 13:40:27 UTC)