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Showing results 4326 - 4350 of 6554 matches January 29, 2009 Link to this post Montage Trailer... Defined
Okay, so Epic Movie sort of killed the word ('epic') for me... but it's back, now, because urk has pointed out Armeddragon77's trailer for his 3rd vehicular montage - and it's epic. (Except for that tank Killtrocity. I mean, hell.. guy 4 wasn't even moving!) Go watch. It's fun when people take themselves less seriously. (Or maybe more seriously. I can't tell.) (Louis Wu 20:55:21 UTC)
January 29, 2009 Link to this post KillPie Halo 3 Ninjatage
Bungie.net has word of a new 'ninjatage' from KillPie - it's amazing what you can do with an eye on your radar! Death by assassination... lots of it. 2:37 long - enough to really get a sense for his style, not so much you get bored. Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:50:51 UTC)
January 29, 2009 Link to this post Pro-tip - don't try to escape in a Banshee Wow... ANOTHER Plasma Pistol montage? I'm amazed there's enough footage for ONE, let alone two. (This one, unlike the last one, actually has people fighting back... which makes the deaths all the more funny to watch.) Go check out conor2020's HD ode to the blobshooter. And hope you're not in the next one. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 14:53:58 UTC)
January 28, 2009 Link to this post Stealth Grifball
Some guys decided to screw around in a Grifball match... and were amused when the other team joined in. Check out the results in this video - highlighted today on the Bungie Blog. (Louis Wu 18:45:48 UTC)
January 28, 2009 Link to this post Project Sonic - A Halo 3 Trick Jumping Machinima
Hawty McBloggy pointed out a really cool Halo 3 machinima called 'Project Sonic' - it's a Halo 3 trick jumping vid, with some very slick editing. (Watch this one in HD, if you can.) A couple of the jumps dropped my jaw - I gotta wonder if there was some funky Forge stuff going on. Either way, though, that's not really the point of the vid - it's hugely entertaining, as is. Go watch! (Louis Wu 15:09:59 UTC)
January 27, 2009 Link to this post You're Doing It Wrong.
Mr Fiddle has enjoyed the 'Fail' videos that have made the rounds recently - and he's new to Halo 3, so he decided to provide a couple of instances of his own for you. Check 'em out in this post. They're quite short. (Louis Wu 12:14:59 UTC)
January 27, 2009 Link to this post Spriggs Episode 13: All Hail The Murphy
Spriggs is back... after a pretty long break (if you don't count a short a few weeks ago). I think this one makes more sense if you eat those mushrooms the guy with the ponytail sold you. (And someone needs to tell me if those Pinks are German, or Indian, or French - the accents seem to morph a bit.) Thanks, Molten Slowa.
(Louis Wu 11:46:11 UTC)
January 27, 2009 Link to this post Another Betrayal Montage
urk noted an older Betrayal Montage, put together by the Daisy Squad almost a year ago. Some of these are definitely accidents... but others are definitely not. Good thing they're all friends! (Louis Wu 11:38:58 UTC)
January 27, 2009 Link to this post MLG/ESPN Top Ten 14
MLGPro.com has posted the 14th 'MLG/ESPN Top Ten' - this time taking all of its clips from the Dallas and Las Vegas tournament dates. Some really sick sniping! Heads-up kudos to the Bungie Blog. (Louis Wu 11:38:00 UTC)
January 26, 2009 Link to this post What's for dinner, mommy? Spartan, dear.
urk has highlighted a really fun-to-watch mongoose dualtage, entitled 'Roadkill' - H3WM WakkaWakka and iCantHaveFun show off their splatter skillz in this fast-moving romp. One thing I learned by watching it - folks really, really, REALLY underestimate single riders on a mongoose. (The Rats Nest tidbit about a minute in is amazing. Just amazing.) (Louis Wu 21:20:51 UTC)
January 26, 2009 Link to this post Halo 3 Fails: Episode Seven
The Halo 3 Fails series released Episode 7 over the weekend... I think my favorite is the 'Gravity Fails' clip on Guardian. Funny stuff! Thanks, DeathhawK7 (via Bungie.net). (Louis Wu 17:33:19 UTC)
January 26, 2009 Link to this post Hard Justice: Episode 9
DigitalPh33r's Hard Justice series continues with Episode 9 - Bernard is starting to come off as unbelievably naive. Smart... but naive. Also some other weird stuff. Go watch! Thanks to urk, and the Bungie Blog, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:26:47 UTC)
January 26, 2009 Link to this post Hang 'Em High in Left 4 Dead
rapture, over at the Hushed Casket, sent word that a friend had found a modded Left 4 Dead map based on Hang 'em High (okay, as far as I can tell, a near-perfect replica, not just 'based on'), and rap recorded some video. It's much, much longer than it needs to be - but it's pretty dang cool. You can watch a streaming version on THC, or you can download an enormous 480p version (nearly 8 minutes long, 172 mb) from blip.tv. Check it out! (Louis Wu 14:07:10 UTC)
January 26, 2009 Link to this post Halo 3 ODST premiere in concert
Relativiox was also at Saturday's VGL performance in Seattle - and managed to capture the entire ODST segment (a world premiere, remember) on video. Great seats, great recording! (Louis Wu 04:42:26 UTC)
January 26, 2009 Link to this post Halo - Helljumpers
2900d4u and his brother, 2900d4u2, recreated Neil Blomkamp's 'Landfall' series... as a Halo 3 machinima. There's something surreal watching a Halo 3 machinima-based remake of a live-action movie based on the Halo 3 video game... but man, they pulled it off well. Awesome piece - all the more so because it's just two of them!
(Louis Wu 02:46:10 UTC)
January 26, 2009 Link to this post Mindless Intentions Ep 1: Hotline
RogDarkJedi stopped in to announce a new series of shorts called 'Mindless Intentions'. The first one, 'Hotline', is online now. Personal opinion: the series has potential... but hasn't grown into it yet. Give 'em time!
(Louis Wu 02:43:59 UTC)
January 25, 2009 Link to this post Cortana Singing Still Alive
Cortana4ever has put together a Portal/Halo mashup, with Cortana singing 'Still Alive'. Check it out! (Louis Wu 18:18:31 UTC)
January 25, 2009 Link to this post Betrayal Montage
SonofMacPhisto and CrazedOne1988 put together a montage dedicated to betrayals. Some are accidents, some are not. Some are sad, some are hilarious. The ending is spectacular.
(Louis Wu 18:16:26 UTC)
January 25, 2009 Link to this post Annihilation
Spartacus280 created a short video of a Covenant/Human meetup - great effects! Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 18:10:29 UTC)
January 24, 2009 Link to this post David Juesoni stopped in with a link to David, a new machinima series he's starting. A bit strange, but it works. Apparently, the next one will be shown live, today. In fact, it's set to go down in about 2 hours. Read the post for more details. (Louis Wu 17:43:04 UTC)
January 23, 2009 Link to this post Reflection - a Halo 3 Montage
The Bungie Blog highlighted a montage dominated by MLG play - it's in HD, but bring the dramamine, the camera cuts are really jumpy. (Louis Wu 20:31:36 UTC)
January 23, 2009 Link to this post Halo Times Ten: Halo Wars Vidoc on XBLM S1kkZ, over at NeoGAF, noticed a new Halo Wars vidoc on the Marketplace - it's 204 mb, HD, four and a half minutes long, and loaded with new gameplay and cutscene footage. If it doesn't find its way to the web in the near future, we'll put up a copy of our own. Update: you can queue it up for download right on the web - no hunting when you get home! Thanks, mendicantbias00. Update 2: if you're not interested in watching this on your TV, you can stream it from YouTube (thanks, onebitrocket), stream it from Halo.fr (thanks, Johnny Be Good), or download it in 720p in either QuickTime or WMP9 formats (170 mb, either type) from us. (Louis Wu 14:38:26 UTC)
January 23, 2009 Link to this post Unyielding 3 Trailer (unfinished)
Laird stopped by to show off an unfinished trailer for Unyielding 3 - effects aren't done yet, but you can get a sense for how this puppy will be laid out. Swing by his post for direct download and YouTube links. (Louis Wu 00:33:55 UTC)
January 22, 2009 Link to this post Recon Armor - it makes people swear Bryan Simon put together a video highlighting some of the messages he gets on Xbox LIVE, due to his wearing of Recon armor in Matchmaking. Listen to these... and then think pretty hard about whether you actually want this armor yourself. (Definitely PG-rated language - don't play this at work... or in front of your mom.) Update: a few people have corrected my woefully undereducated movie-rating knowledge; you can't swear in PG movies. This stuff is R-rated - or at the very least PG-13. (Louis Wu 17:46:37 UTC)
January 22, 2009 Link to this post Gonna get me a flashlight and a broom...
Weird Al + Halo 3 = WIN. (Especially when the actual movie is so well-thought-out.) Thanks muchly to urk for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:33:27 UTC)