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Search results for Movies
Showing results 4076 - 4100 of 6554 matches April 27, 2009 Link to this post H3M Nomi Lando Griff1n let us know that Halo3montage.com has posted a new video montage as a farewell for a soldier in the United States Air Force. H3M Nomi had a series of clips left on his fileshare that he wanted to share before he shipped out; the resulting montage, as edited by HAZMAT v2, is heavy on the effects, but contains some nice gameplay, and is very, very high-res. Go grab a copy of H3M Nomi (300 mb in downloadable 1080i HD WMP9 format, or streaming from the H3M website). (Louis Wu 17:36:10 UTC)
April 25, 2009 Link to this post Halo 3 Fails: Episode 17
Halo 3 Fails: Episode 17 is now up - there are some great clips. (I loved the 'Clear the Base' fail.) Go watch... and laugh! Thanks, as almost always, goes to chris10023 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 23:07:02 UTC)
April 24, 2009 Link to this post Infection
Hawty McBloggy was skeptical when she ran across a new zombie-based machinima... but upon watching it, was won over. I'd agree - it's pretty nicely done! Check out 'Infection', by XxFreakFighterxX. (Louis Wu 20:06:03 UTC)
April 24, 2009 Link to this post ...because what's Friday without montages? Today's roundup of Bungie Blog-touted montages: I'm sure there'll be more later on. (Louis Wu 16:44:08 UTC)
April 24, 2009 Link to this post The Goose Trailer Ollie1515 dropped by with word of a trailer for 'The Goose' for the "Cpt. Jackhammer Movie". (I didn't understand that description, either... and the trailer left me scratching my head, too.) (Louis Wu 14:17:22 UTC)
April 24, 2009 Link to this post My Halo Life: Episode 5 There's another episode of My Halo Life online - the fifth iteration contains a bit over four minutes' worth of clips from submitters, compiled by the My Halo Life crew. Thanks, urk.
(Louis Wu 14:15:29 UTC)
April 23, 2009 Link to this post Montagomania A pair of montages appeared on the Bungie Blog today: ClearlyMe has done some funky jumping (edited by KingHaloCinemas) in 'Sky scraper', and some impressive (and nicely-filmed) gameplay from MaStalee in his third montage for Halo3Forums. Go watch! Update: Gah, managed to miss one. Six Below and vShocKz put together 'Vindication', a dualtage. Sorry! (Louis Wu 17:09:45 UTC)
April 23, 2009 Link to this post Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 304
Pyrosmile Productions posted the next episode of Master Chief Theater 3000 - this one covers the cutscene from Assault on the Control Room. (There's a post on their website that explains what happened to Silent Cartographer.) (Louis Wu 13:05:22 UTC)
April 23, 2009 Link to this post Goodies from the BBlog Couple of late-posted movies at BUngie.net yesterday - another screenshot montage, this time from A Deaf Boy, containing shots grabbed in April... and a pretty crazy-looking puzzle map with lots of death traps (and a video showing you how to get through them). It looks pretty danged hard even WITH the tutorial...
(Louis Wu 13:04:15 UTC)
April 22, 2009 Link to this post Halo Less Than 3
Cybrfrk sent us this link to 'Halo Less Than 3', a new song from YouTube phenom zendulo. (Never heard of her? Check out this profile piece at G4's Attack of the Show.) A beautiful girl singing about Halo and boobs? What's not to love? (Louis Wu 18:18:32 UTC)
April 22, 2009 Link to this post Behold The Power of Cheese
TheDuoGroup has put out some of the most professional-looking Halo machinima... and they're back with an ad for the Halo Warthog. The challenge? How good could they make it... in one day? Go see. (I give 'em 3 thumbs-up.) Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 18:03:48 UTC)
April 22, 2009 Link to this post Spectac Flair
urk highlighted a cool racetrack on Avalanche - swing by for a video and a downloadable map for Halo 3! (Louis Wu 17:24:02 UTC)
April 22, 2009 Link to this post Earth (a la Halo 3)
CMNeir created a video that celebrates Earth Day 2009 with some great footage from the Halo 3 Earth-based maps. Reminiscent of the 'Oh So Beautiful' series from Jamie98s - except it's Earth-only. Great stuff! Thanks to the Bungie Blog for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:23:43 UTC)
April 22, 2009 Link to this post Erwins Great Adventure
thebest233 stopped in with word of Erwins Great Adventure... a very strange machinima. (Nice cinematography, though.) (Louis Wu 17:12:18 UTC)
April 21, 2009 Link to this post Built for Combat
Kooberz (the guy who built a huge model of Zanzibar out of LEGO pieces) stopped in to our forum today to tease us with a link to a trailer for an upcoming 30-minute stop-motion film made with that model. It looks to be amazing! Check out his website for more details. (Louis Wu 18:07:02 UTC)
April 20, 2009 Link to this post Mooooovies Couple of new vids for you today, courtesy of the Bungie Blog - another Rube Goldberg contraption on Sandtrap, and a slo-mo montage. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 22:43:21 UTC)
April 20, 2009 Link to this post The Story
Dusty Boy T (the subject of the last Aesthetic Artist Interview we posted) stopped in with word of a screenshot montage made up of his screens, and edited by RogueDarkJedi - and it tells a story. Check it out.
(Louis Wu 13:27:31 UTC)
April 19, 2009 Link to this post COTW: Best Clips
2900d4u stopped in to announce that he's posted COTW: Best Clips, a collection of (whoa, whoda thunk?) the best clips submitted during The Final Fight's Clip of the Weekl contests over the last while. If you want to submit clips for the next COTW collection, he encourages you to do so - visit this forum post, and submit away! (Louis Wu 14:29:32 UTC)
April 18, 2009 Link to this post Arby 'n' the Chief S3E10: Party
The latest Arby 'n' the Chief ("Party") uses the new-ish 'annotations make movies interactive' technique to present multiple flashbacks in a way that becomes a little tiresome before it's all over... but it's intriguing nonetheless. Thanks, sharpsniper99. (Louis Wu 16:36:31 UTC)
April 17, 2009 Link to this post Slayer Chapter 1
hyokin stopped in with word of a new Halo 1-based machinima - Slayer. The first chapter is up now. The characters are from his Operation Respawn series, but this seems to be a self-enclosed story. (Louis Wu 18:45:10 UTC)
April 17, 2009 Link to this post MovieMania New movies, courtesy of the Bungie Blog: - CARmakazie put up another GooseTage - splatter central.
- Scarecrew has a montage that's just bloopers. I think he's been piggybacking on my Xbox LIVE matchmaking. (I gotta say, though, it's pretty impressive to stick yourself without bouncing the grenade off something, or throwing it straight up...)
- ALPHA PHEONIX put together a fun-to-watch vid showing the building of a pyramid on Sandbox, block by block. MAN, I wish Forging happened this fast.
Is that popcorn I smell? (Louis Wu 17:29:26 UTC)
April 17, 2009 Link to this post Kimo and Krunchy DualTage
Z pointed out a new DualTage at Halo3Forum.com - gameplay by Kimo and Krunchy, editing by Domino. About 10 minutes long. Nice gameplay and editing (though I had to turn it down a bit...). Take a look! (Louis Wu 17:20:22 UTC)
April 17, 2009 Link to this post MLG/ESPN Top Ten #16
During the MLG Tournament coverage from the Meadowlands early this month, the latest iteration of the MLG/ESPN Top 10 was previewed - but if you weren't watching the streaming feed, you missed it. Not to worry - it's entered the archive, and contains another 10 amazing clips collected from MLG gameplay. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:15:38 UTC)
April 17, 2009 Link to this post Blackstone [Log 2] Trailer
Nabsuh stopped in to announce the Blackstone [Log 2] Trailer - it's pretty vague, but if you remember back to July of last year, when Blackstone [Log 1] was released, you might be happy to know they're working on continuing it!
(Louis Wu 15:50:13 UTC)
April 16, 2009 Link to this post Close Quarters Battle Armor
AoD deadite stopped in with word of a new machinima - 'Close Quarters Battle Armor'. Nice cinematography, and nice effects... go watch! (Louis Wu 21:46:30 UTC)