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Search results for Movies

Showing results 3876 - 3900 of 6554 matches

August 9, 2009 Link to this post

BlueDingo5's Sydney Event Video
BlueDingo5 recorded a video at the Sydney ODST show - you can watch it on YouTube. That Warthog looks like a prehistoric beast in the dark! (Louis Wu 11:03:15 UTC)

August 8, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 Outtakes
Bloogyo stopped in with word of 'The Halo 3 Outtakes' - it's like a DVD's outtake reel... except that standard Halo 3 footage was used to build it. Some clips work really well... others are a little hard to understand. Check it out - it's only a minute and a half! (Louis Wu 15:11:09 UTC)

August 7, 2009 Link to this post

Spawn to Headshootn' in less than 3 seconds!
OboeCrazy sent us links to her newest offering - a sniper montage, cleverly disguised as an ad for Joe Jim Bob's Sniper Superstore. Fun footage, nicely packaged! You can stream it at YouTube or WeGame (WeGame also has a 300mb HD download available). (Louis Wu 18:47:52 UTC)

August 7, 2009 Link to this post

Shakeycam footage from Sydney
NeoGAF's Kibbles ran across a couple of videos recorded by fans at the Sydney event this week - this one has an intro by Curtis Creamer, and then the opening custscene of the game... and this one shows off the first level's gameplay. (All of this has been seen before - but whenever you watch existing content from a new vantage point, you stand a chance of seeing something you missed before.) (Louis Wu 18:11:37 UTC)

August 7, 2009 Link to this post

Fridays are for Popcorn
Friday afternoon's video roundup on the BungLog™

Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:33:49 UTC)

August 7, 2009 Link to this post

Another MLS Funtage
John_117 stopped in with word of a short 'fun' montage - just entertaining moments from the last month of Matchmaking for him. Don't go in looking for snipe-laden Killamanjaros... it's just a guy and has 'nades, blowin' stuff up. Fun! (Louis Wu 12:08:10 UTC)

August 6, 2009 Link to this post

Fan Videos on B.net
Three new movies for you at Bungie.net (what, surprised?):

  • ExterminatorV1 and GamemasterAT whipped up 'Daylight', a Halo 3 dualtage; this went live yesterday, but I missed it. Minimal editing, great gameplay - worth the 3 minutes.
  • Americanista123 is back with another Bungie Employee Bloopers vid - 6 minutes of Bungie mishaps, glitches, and wtf moments.
  • In case you haven't had enough racetrack videos... there's a new one, based on a map called 'Cape Canaveral'. (There's a modeled Space Shuttle in the middle of the map.) This one's built on the ground, instead of Sandbox's Sky Bubble - and has some nice action.

Go spend some time watching. (Louis Wu 17:40:07 UTC)

August 5, 2009 Link to this post

Movies, movies, and more movies
New videos courtesy of the BungLog™

Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:42:42 UTC)

August 5, 2009 Link to this post

Hard Justice S2: Episode 7
Jon CJG is back with Hard Justice Season 2: Episode 7 - Bernard and Eddie flee to Canada. They got some funny rules up there... but maybe the Canadian bacon has insulating properties, or something... Thanks to urk for the heads-up on the Bungie Blog. (Louis Wu 12:39:03 UTC)

August 4, 2009 Link to this post

I'm on a Boa-oops...
chris10023 let us know about Halo 3 Fails, Episode 24 - yeah, sure, there are a couple of ho-hum fails in there... but mostly, it's full of really funny stuff. (I loved the condom-on-a-rock... and the disappearing flag was a perfect wtf moment.) Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:18:17 UTC)

August 4, 2009 Link to this post

The Ring of Life: Part 2 of 6
Dennis Powers has posted The Halo CE Chronicles - The Ring of Life: Part 2 of 6 - this one jumps back a few days to the point where Taylor, Hunter, and Johnson head out to explore the Ring's valleys. You can stream or download this (Louis Wu 18:46:01 UTC)

August 4, 2009 Link to this post

Tuesday Afternoon Movie Mania
A whole bunch of movies are up for your enjoyment on the BungLog™

Is that enough for you? (Louis Wu 18:28:42 UTC)

August 3, 2009 Link to this post

Who wants Grif jerky?
Red vs Blue Recreation Chapter 7 - Bon Voyage - is now online for sponsors, and will be up for everyone else in a couple of hours. Sarge, Grif, and Caboose head out together... while Simmons, Donut, and Lopez try not to get in too much trouble. I think it's a wash. Of sorts. Go watch. Cause it's funny. UnSilentSlayer started a thread in our forum. (Louis Wu 23:46:49 UTC)

August 3, 2009 Link to this post

Halcylon: Sticktage II
Halcylon put together a sticktage for your entertainment - just under 4 minutes of sticky fun, streaming or downloadable (in HD) at WeGame. Go watch! (Louis Wu 13:26:54 UTC)

August 2, 2009 Link to this post

Majority's Halo 3 Minitage
Z let us know about a new Minitage from Majority, over at Halo3Forum.com - it really does have some very nice editing. Swing by to grab a copy (nearly 200 mb for a 4.5 minute vid). (Louis Wu 17:22:35 UTC)

July 30, 2009 Link to this post

The Chronicles of Lyle: Chapter 1 - Team Players
Yesterday, Chapter 1 of The Chronicles of Lyle ('Team Players') went live on YouTube - and you should watch it, because it's pretty funny. I heard about it on the Bungie Blog, so don't forget to thank urk. (Louis Wu 13:38:17 UTC)

July 29, 2009 Link to this post

Top 10 Halo 3 Amazing Kills: Episode 36
Anoj is back with Episode 36 of his Top 10 Halo 3 Series - this one is 'Amazing Kills'. Some really fun kills in there... go watch. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 21:27:43 UTC)

July 28, 2009 Link to this post

Halo CE Chronicles: Ring of Life, Part 1
Dennis Powers let us know that the first episode of a 6-part series, The Ring of Life, is now available - it tells the story of Commander Harrington, Andrea the AI, and the company of marines stationed on the ring that has played a primary role in previous seasons of the Halo CE Chronicles. You can read about the series, or either stream or download this first episode. Releases will come once per week for the next six weeks. (Louis Wu 20:02:59 UTC)

July 28, 2009 Link to this post

Story of my Life - rereleased
The Sec0nd E remade an old montage with HD clips, and re-released it - thanks to a mention on the Bungie Blog, you can go watch it today! (Louis Wu 16:35:00 UTC)

July 28, 2009 Link to this post

Blue Skies
Koko98s (aka kokobear aka Jamie98s) is back with a new music video - it's set to Blue October's Blue Skies, and it's... very sad. But with some very cool cinematography. You can watch it on YouTube, or you can download a higher-res version from his website. (It's a Rapidshare link, so in the interest of keeping you from having to deal with the evil that is Rapidshare, we're hosting a copy, as well - WMP9 format, 30.5 mb.) Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 16:32:02 UTC)

July 27, 2009 Link to this post

RvB Recreation Chapter 6 - One New Message
Red vs Blue Recreation Chapter 6 is up for Sponsors right now - it'll be up for everyone else in about two and a half hours. If you haven't been paying attention to the various Red vs Blue series up until now, this episode will be really, really confusing. (Usually, that's not a problem, it's funny for everyone anyway - but in this case, story trumps comedy.) If you HAVE been following though... this one'll whet your appetite for the next one! (Louis Wu 23:27:48 UTC)

July 27, 2009 Link to this post

Reach (Emerald Part 2)
Nabsuh has released Reach, Episode 2 of 4 of his Emerald machinima miniseries - lots of CGI space fighting. More info is on the AVCOM website - powerful stuff! Definitely worth watching. (Louis Wu 21:20:09 UTC)

July 27, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 ODST, through the eyes of a Frenchman
Futur Life visited the Bungie ODST preview in Paris last week, with staff from Halo.fr and Halo Destiny, and created a montage of the day. The music is a little hard to handle... but the video's fun. (Louis Wu 16:01:01 UTC)

July 27, 2009 Link to this post

Happy... Shishka Day?
Bryan Simon has declared today, July 27 (or maybe July 26, when the video was posted - I'm not sure) National Shishka Day, and made a video to celebrate. There are a few Halo-related things about the vid (there's a Legendary helmet, a Halo 3 screenshot, and a picture of my couch from a Halo LAN party), so I suppose this can be justified as 'Halo news'... Happy Day, Shishka! Update: oops - looks like this is unwanted. Sorry, Shishka. (Louis Wu 15:51:36 UTC)

July 26, 2009 Link to this post

Retrograde Episode One
Silvac pointed us towards Retrograde Episode One - it's a Halo CE-based machinima about a solitary man suffering in lonliness. Interesting start! (Louis Wu 17:23:20 UTC)

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