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May 6, 2010 Link to this post

Thursday Video Roundup
A couple of new vids on Bungie's Comm Chatter today:

  • IGN's got another Top 10 Halo Reach Kills vid up for the week of May 4 - good assassinations, some fun moments. (They seem to have snagged a number of the clips Bungie's already highlighted on Comm Chatter...)
  • Mr Sark and the Dead Pixel team up again for a new episode of Headshot, focusing on the Halo Reach Beta. These guys are always worth a look...

Go watch! (Louis Wu 19:19:21 UTC)

May 5, 2010 Link to this post

Videosity (and more)
Boatloads of Beatificality at Bungie.net today:

  • Shocktology 2 is a Halo 3 montage from Aftershock (gameplay) and TM22 (editing). Pretty stuff! (Even for an OLD game...)
  • Spectacle is a Halo 3 montage from Sandman (gameplay) and SillyGoose (editing). Still old graphics, and no armor abilities, but hey - the gameplay's pretty good.
  • Eamonn's Halo Reach Betatage has nice graphics and all - but the gameplay could use a bit more depth. What do you want for a game that's been out for 3 days?
  • urk's summarized some key stats about beta play so far - really, really close to our first trillion seconds of playtime. (Actually, probably past it now.)
  • File Under Awesome shows off a few more really cool rendered clips... did you know they're automatically uploaded to YouTube now? They are. Having trouble with Silverlight? Never fear, Bungie Pro now renders right to YouTube (effectively)! Good stuff! (And fun clips.)

Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:48:25 UTC)

May 5, 2010 Link to this post

Halo: Reach BetaBusters Episode 1
Minime637 stopped into our forum yesterday with word of a new release from the DefendTheHouse crew - Halo: Reach BetaBusters Episode 1 continues in the vein of their previous MythBusters series to look at some of the cool things you can do (or not do) in the Halo: Reach Beta. Worth a watch! (Louis Wu 09:49:58 UTC)

May 4, 2010 Link to this post

Off The Charts
I'm not sure why we forgot to post this this morning (or last night) - but There's a new PSA up at Red vs Blue. Are you a manly man? You might be their demographic! (Louis Wu 19:56:28 UTC)

May 4, 2010 Link to this post

It's like Dark Side of the Moon and Oz...
Whew - too much to do today. News catchup time... Let's start with 'The Silent Cartographer' featuring John Powell. Phi1LzA was playing the opening of The Silent Cartographer, and happened to be playing John Powell scores in the background. He was astounded by how smoothly everything lined up, so he decided to share. Pretty cool! (Louis Wu 18:23:56 UTC)

May 3, 2010 Link to this post

Master Chief Theater 3000 Episode 408
Eep - we got word from mr smiley that Master Chief Theater 3000 episode 408 has been put up on the web - go check it out! This one covers the cutscenes from Data Hive - getting close to the end of ODST! (Louis Wu 23:12:36 UTC)

May 3, 2010 Link to this post

We heard about a teaser for Project Lumoria - new campaign gameplay for Halo CE! Check it! (Louis Wu 15:35:36 UTC)

May 3, 2010 Link to this post

HollywoodHalo shows you the Reach Beta
finalcuthalo sent word that HollywoodHalo is back, with a new video showing off some of the new stuff in Reach. Lots of silliness, but also some interesting info... (Louis Wu 15:32:07 UTC)

May 2, 2010 Link to this post

IGN's Top 10 Reach Kills
cjelly noticed the latest IGN vid - Top 10 Reach Kills for April 30, 2010. Definitely some nice ones! (cjelly's right - #2 and #3 are the best of the bunch.) (Louis Wu 18:02:24 UTC)

April 29, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Vids at IGN
Minime noticed a bunch of Reach vids at IGN: IGN_Strategize: Halo Reach Armor Abilities is a video going over armor abilities. IGN Montage: Armor Abilities shows off these abilities in use. There are also a pair of gameplay vids: Long Range and Destroy. (Louis Wu 16:00:23 UTC)

April 29, 2010 Link to this post

The Rooster Teeth crew whipped up a special video to be shown before a screening of Iron Man 2 at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin; Burnie just made the link public, so the world can see it. What's better than the RvB players plus Iron Man? Not a whole lot... (Louis Wu 01:01:29 UTC)

April 28, 2010 Link to this post

Inside Gaming (now with more Waypoint)
XMixMasterX noticed a new copy of Inside Gaming, containing 'Halo Waypoint Exclusive' content. It's a look at the history of Halo up through Reach from Dead Pixel, joined by guests Hutch and Mr Sark. Take a look! (Louis Wu 21:55:46 UTC)

April 28, 2010 Link to this post

IGN Top Kills of the Week - April 22
Time for another Top Kills of the Week from IGN (actually, it's past time - this has been on their site since April 22) - Week 25 (mislabeled) has some fun plays. Check 'em! (Louis Wu 21:39:42 UTC)

April 28, 2010 Link to this post

Bungie Explains - April 23 Edition
Anoj continues his 'Bungie Explains' video series - with a look at Invasion, Fireteams, and Game Editions (basically, stuff covered in the April 23 Weekly Update). Thanks to urk and Bungie's Comm Chatter for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:37:23 UTC)

April 28, 2010 Link to this post

Birth of a Spartan - Downloadable
The downloadable, hi-res version of Birth of a Spartan (the one-minute version) is now available on both Bungie.net and Halo Waypoint. Go grab a copy! If you want to watch the extended (2.5 minute) version, you're going to have to log into Xbox LIVE. (And you're going to have to have a Gold account, at least for now.) (Louis Wu 12:10:16 UTC)

April 28, 2010 Link to this post

IGN Montage: Assassinations
IGN has put together a montage of Halo: Reach assassinations - nice to see a couple of 'em interrupted! Thanks, Avateur. (Louis Wu 12:08:23 UTC)

April 28, 2010 Link to this post

Halo: Reach Headhunter
Halo Waypoint has posted another full game vid - this one showing off Headhunter on Swordbase. MAN, this game looks fun! (Louis Wu 00:59:56 UTC)

April 28, 2010 Link to this post

Birth of a Spartan - on YouTube
You'll be able to download it tomorrow - but if you missed the 'Birth of a Spartan' ad on TV tonight, and simply can't wait another day, NeoGAF's Killer pointed out a very nice quality version on YouTube. (Louis Wu 00:59:37 UTC)

April 27, 2010 Link to this post

Virtual Tours and Gameplay, from 1UP
1UP's got a bunch of gameplay vids up, as well - seven of 'em, to be precise. Go watch! (You're looking for the ones dated 04/26.) (Louis Wu 11:30:00 UTC)

April 27, 2010 Link to this post

Just sayin' that is makin' me miss Donut.
Red vs Blue Revelation Chapter 4: Recovering One is now live at Rooster Teeth's site - more CGI coolness from Monty Oum, more RvB funni from the rest of the crew. Loved the dialogue in this one! Swing by and watch it. (And if you're one of those people who managed to see the opening of the season at PAX East or the Alamo (or online from either of those places) - realize this is the last episode you've seen; from here on in, it's brand-new!) (Louis Wu 11:13:28 UTC)

April 27, 2010 Link to this post

More Reach Beta Vids - this time, Gamespot
Gamespot put up a bunch of Reach videos of their own - swing by their video page to see 'em. (No easy way to pin down just the new ones, so that link gives you their videos sorted by date, most recent first.) (Louis Wu 11:13:11 UTC)

April 26, 2010 Link to this post

And... more.
sqorck pointed out a bunch of new Reach footage at Joystiq, and 2900d4u pointed out a bunch of new movies at GameTrailers. I'd expect this to continue all day. (You might want to keep an eye on our forum, since I may or may not be able to stay on top of stuff all day long.) Update: IGN has video too - thanks, GrimBrother One. (Louis Wu 14:06:35 UTC)

April 26, 2010 Link to this post

The Video Onslaught Commences... Now
GiantBomb has posted a bunch of footage (35 minutes!) they grabbed during the press event they attended last week - this is the first real (full-game-by-randoms) gameplay we've seen. They start off playing Network Defense, but move into other gametypes, and there's commentary from a couple of attendees and some people asking him questions. This is FULL of interesting information! Thanks, DEEP NNN. (The embargo on video footage ends today, so it's likely we're going to see quite a bit.) (Louis Wu 14:00:23 UTC)

April 25, 2010 Link to this post

Halomon - Spartan Version
CrazedOne1988 whipped up the next chapter in his Halo Nintendo/Halo mashup videos (we mentioned the last batch here). Amazing work! (Louis Wu 23:02:53 UTC)

April 25, 2010 Link to this post

Last Night of Halo 2
Xmoosev3 posted 17 minutes of Halo 2 action collected during his last night online... sounds like he had fun! (Louis Wu 23:02:36 UTC)

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