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Showing results 3076 - 3100 of 6554 matches September 8, 2010 Link to this post GT Firefight Vids Kibbles pointed out a pair of Firefight Walkthrough vids, narrated by Lars Bakken - color's off (it was filmed off-screen), but the commentary is great. Go watch at GameTrailers. (Louis Wu 16:59:52 UTC)
September 8, 2010 Link to this post We'd do better with the Flying Liebers. Comedy gold on Marketplace this morning: Day 6 of the Launch Festivities calendar is a Campaign Preview (Spotlight -> Countdown to Reach -> Day 6) that has to be seen to be believed. Marty O'Donnell and Jay Weinland (two members of the Reach audio team) run through the beginning of 'Tip of the Spear', a campaign level from Reach. Minimal story spoilers (they talk over most of the one cutscene shown), but really funny commentary about the gameplay, and REALLY funny gameplay. ("Usually I have a dude that shooting for me - I don't know anything about this shooting thing!") If you're not campaign-dark, this is a must-see. Thanks, rhubarb. Update: Gamersyde has made this available on the web (half a gig in 720p, also in smaller versions) - thanks, Silent Wolf. (Louis Wu 14:51:36 UTC)
September 8, 2010 Link to this post That's not something you see every day.
A huge contingent of the 405th showed up at DragonCon 2010 last weekend... and films were made. Looks like a blast! Thanks, Adam Grumbo. (Louis Wu 14:29:47 UTC)
September 8, 2010 Link to this post Birth and Death
John Stayne sent word of 'Birth and Death', a fan-made Reach trailer that takes a motion-sensitive view of the Halo-Covenant war.
(Louis Wu 14:11:11 UTC)
September 8, 2010 Link to this post My destiny looks hella tight
Zeouterlimits pointed out an epic video that will entertain or disturb you, depending on your viewpoint. (I was entertained.)
(Louis Wu 13:25:30 UTC)
September 7, 2010 Link to this post Just Dance - Bungie Edition (yes, again)
Okay, so we posted a link to a video of the Bungie guys and Kat dancing to Satisfaction in Just Dance 2 yesterday - it was cool. This morning, SketchFactor managed to get HIS video off his iPhone, and posted online - I mentioned it in our forum, but didn't front-page it. Now we've heard from Chris Neir, who ALSO recorded it - and his is the best so far. He had a great spot, and did a really nice job. Plus, there's quite a bit of before and after footage the other two don't have. If you've seen it, go watch it again, from a better angle and in greater detail. If you haven't seen it... you should. (Louis Wu 19:06:05 UTC)
September 7, 2010 Link to this post The Ultimate Halo Fragvid Collection
low strife is putting together a really, really big collection of 'Fragvids' - if you've got 231 GB free on a drive somewhere, grab the torrent from this page, or read about it on Halo 3 Forum first. This is one of those places where "wonga" works. (Louis Wu 18:41:58 UTC)
September 7, 2010 Link to this post Hands On Halo Reach
G4TV posted a Mutliplayer Hands-On on X-Play - it's an interview with Marcus Lehto, and lots of footage. Good stuff. Thanks, urk.
(Louis Wu 18:40:04 UTC)
September 7, 2010 Link to this post Reunion
Red vs Blue Revelation Chapter 19 went live yesterday, even though a huge chunk of the staff spent the weekend at PAX - those guys are seriously devoted! If you were at PAX yourself, and saw the Rooster Teeth panel, you saw this episode and the next one, on a big screen - but if not, no worries, the season ends next Monday. This one (and the next) are chock-full of Monty Oum's amazing CG - fantastic battle sequences. Go watch!
(Louis Wu 13:14:37 UTC)
September 7, 2010 Link to this post PAX Rooster Teeth Panel Coverage The Halo Waypoint team was pretty busy at PAX - we already mentioned their coverage of the Bungie Reach panel, and the cool dancing spartan at the Kinect booth - but they also posted the Q&A section of the Rooster Teeth panel (Part One | Part Two) that took place Friday. (The rest of the panel was taken up with videos that can either be found (their pure format) on the Rooster Teeth site - or that WILL be found there soon.) Thanks, GrimBrother IV. And... that officially wraps up the recap. Thanks to Avateur, Hedgemony, BlueNinja, and thesneak for helping to make this a much easier process than I was expecting.
(Louis Wu 13:11:43 UTC)
September 7, 2010 Link to this post Out With a Whimper New Demo Trailer
newguy2445 stopped in with word of a new demo trailer for Out With A Whimper, the Halo-based 2D sidescroller - looking pretty amazing! Go see. (I worry a little bit that they're never going to release it, because they keep updating to match the latest Halo release... but since Reach is it for a while, maybe we'll see it at some point.)
(Louis Wu 13:07:23 UTC)
September 7, 2010 Link to this post Recut Mania
Let's see if we can summarize the recut trailers that have been posted recently: - Linken91 got into the Deliver Hope recutting game
- Walterrific put together an Arby 'n' the Chief-type take on the Deliver Hope trailer
- JFKES mashed up Birth of a Spartan, Deliver Hope, We are ODST and Halo: Landfall
Cut to black... (Louis Wu 13:02:59 UTC)
September 6, 2010 Link to this post A Spartan with Style
Kat was doing quite a bit of dancing at PAX yesterday - in addition to the Just Dance 2 event already mentioned, she also got her groove on at the Kinect booth. I gotta say - that girl's got rhythm... and it's even more impressive that she was fully armored at the time! Thanks, Exanubisleader. (Louis Wu 13:55:51 UTC)
September 3, 2010 Link to this post Reach Forge is Peanut Butter and Jelly
Jon Gibson created a remix of the Forge World ViDoc a month or so ago; he realizes it's a bit late, but figures you should still see it. (Louis Wu 08:48:46 UTC)
September 1, 2010 Link to this post oonsk oonsk oonsk
Testo mentioned a new Reach PAX trailer. Might be a little long... but it amused me. (Louis Wu 17:36:38 UTC)
September 1, 2010 Link to this post Is it in you, Spartan?
CYBRFRK doesn't think there are enough remakes out there - so he's soliciting more. (Well... sort of. He's got rules. You should go read 'em.) No prizes, just fun. (Louis Wu 17:34:42 UTC)
September 1, 2010 Link to this post One Last Time
Minime637 hails from the DefendTheHouse community - they make great machinima. Apparently, they're also pretty good at Halo; check out their community montage, entitled 'One Last Time'. Great lengths were gone to in order to synch the action to the soundtrack - works pretty well! (Louis Wu 17:32:45 UTC)
September 1, 2010 Link to this post Halo Reach Trailer
FriskyCarrot decided to try something a little different when he made his Halo Reach fan trailer - go watch, and see what you think! (Decent discussion about the strengths and weaknesses in the forum thread.) (Louis Wu 17:29:07 UTC)
September 1, 2010 Link to this post Team Slayer
CrazedOne1988 got a bunch of friends together and staged an epic multiplayer match, solely for the drama - pretty nice job! Good cinematography. Go watch 'Team Slayer'. (Louis Wu 17:27:08 UTC)
September 1, 2010 Link to this post Hello, boys... I'm BAAACK!
Sev265 set the Deliver Hope video to audio from Independence Day - the fit is amazingly good. Thanks to Joshua Stone for telling us. (Louis Wu 02:11:18 UTC)
September 1, 2010 Link to this post Halo 3 ODST: The Hero of Canton
Firefly fans who play Halo will love this new tribute from FSMGproductions - The Hero of Canton has been illustrated beautifully in Halo 3: ODST. Feedback can be added to the thread they started on our forum. (Louis Wu 02:10:45 UTC)
September 1, 2010 Link to this post Map Montage from IGN
IGN posted a montage of new Reach map footage on YouTube - Boardwalk, Countdown, and Forge World creations Paradiso, The Cage, and Asylum. Great stuff! Thanks, P_40E. (Louis Wu 02:07:37 UTC)
August 31, 2010 Link to this post I'm not going and you can't make me
Red vs Blue Revelation Chapter 18 (Rally Cap) is now live - Sarge can actually be inspiring, if you let him! The end is coming soon... (This isn't it for the news, but it's time for a short break.) (Louis Wu 18:12:51 UTC)
August 31, 2010 Link to this post The Ultimate Epic Halo Movie Trailer
Laird sent along a link to The Ultimate Epic Halo Movie Trailer, a creation of Bungie.net's TheDarkSilence77 - pretty nice use of predominantly live-action footage! (Louis Wu 18:12:13 UTC)
August 31, 2010 Link to this post What I'm Made Of
CrazedOne1988 put together a really fun montage - he's not trying to show off his MLG skillz, but he HAS collected a bunch of clips showing off quick thinking (or sometimes just plain luck) that will pump you up for some last-minute Halo 3 multiplayer before Reach gets here in a couple of weeks. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:10:49 UTC)