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October 17, 2010 Link to this post

A Starry Night on Reach
MoonDawg Productions put together a remake of the Starry Night Halo 3 trailer... from within the Halo: Reach engine. Nice job! Thanks, GrimBrother One. (Louis Wu 14:55:16 UTC)

October 17, 2010 Link to this post

A Prelude to Capulin 3
SicktistiK sent word of 'A Prelude to Capulin 3', which is the first Reach-based montage in his and Emptyproductions' Capulin series. It's 9 minutes long, so I'm not sure what the FULL Capulin 3 will look like... but if you're up for a lot of Reach multiplay footage, swing by! (Louis Wu 14:54:39 UTC)

October 16, 2010 Link to this post

Halo Reach Mythbusters: Episode 3
Halo Reach Mythbusters: Episode 3 is now out - did you know you could pass through a one-way barrier the wrong way? Me either. (Louis Wu 16:01:24 UTC)

October 16, 2010 Link to this post

Battle Creek - in UT3
Bret_Hart has created a UT3 version of Battle Creek - you can see a video of gameplay here. Thanks, Dennis Powers (who pointed out the Halo Maps forum post announcing this.) (Louis Wu 15:55:09 UTC)

October 15, 2010 Link to this post

Friday Movie Mania
Bunch o' movies at Bungie's Comm Chatter today:

  • Top 10 Halo Reach Snipes is the latest from Anoj - some amazing clips.
  • Funny Halo Reach Fails and Laughs 2 is the second in the series from Stewie2552 - it is what its title suggests.
  • Zev created his first Halo Reach montage - nice timing, nice angles.
  • The Good Games League has posted Halo Reach Grifball Highlights, Week 1 - lots of new twists now! (I like the grass court.)
  • Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:33:08 UTC)

    October 15, 2010 Link to this post

    Die Trying
    neo56695 let us know about "Die Trying", a Halo Reach music video - some really clever clip choices (and some really odd ones). Check it - works pretty well, overall! (Plenty of campaign spoilers here.) (Louis Wu 16:34:43 UTC)

    October 15, 2010 Link to this post

    Lemmings Evolved
    RC Master found a Covenant playing for the wrong team. I laughed. (YouTubed, too, if you have an issue with Silverlight.) (Louis Wu 16:23:27 UTC)

    October 15, 2010 Link to this post

    Halo Reach Tribute - Bodhisvatta Cathedral
    Cortana4ever whipped up a tribute to Reach - contains lots of spoilers, but if you've finished the campaign, it's a nice emotional farewell to Bungie's involvement in the series. (Louis Wu 16:18:11 UTC)

    October 14, 2010 Link to this post

    SA's Top 10: Local Multiplayer Games A
    AfroRyan let us know that ScrewAttack has a list of the Top 10 Local Multiplayer Games (on consoles)... Halo (the original) comes in at #3. Nice! (Louis Wu 21:51:06 UTC)

    October 14, 2010 Link to this post

    The Making Of Deliver Hope
    GrimBrother One is on a roll today - he pointed out the link to the "Making of Deliver Hope" piece now up on Halo Waypoint. Fascinating look behind the scenes - check it out! (Louis Wu 14:27:54 UTC)

    October 13, 2010 Link to this post

    Snipers Are Wussies - in Reach
    Bryan Simon let us know about Snipers Are Wussies, a Halo Reach Montage. It differs from your average montage in that the music is written (and performed) by the montage maker. (The song has been around for a couple of years, and in fact has already been turned into a montage... but this is the first Reach version, and it's pretty funny. (Louis Wu 18:04:59 UTC)

    October 13, 2010 Link to this post

    Testing the limits of the Lock
    Wow. Armor Lock doesn't work like I thought it did. Check out The Armor Lock Files, courtesy of The WorkPLace and Squeaky Boot Productions. Thanks, Pete Rock. (Louis Wu 16:44:45 UTC)

    October 12, 2010 Link to this post

    Tuesday Video Pair
    Couple of fun vids for you today, courtesy of Bungie's Comm Chatter: The WorkPLace has 'Fustom Friday', with plenty of hilarious hijinx... and Just Mad and Cray have a dualtage called 'Coexistence' - nice gameplay, not overly edited. Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:45:05 UTC)

    October 12, 2010 Link to this post

    Fails of the Weak, Volume 3
    ZZoMBiE13 sent word that Achievement Hunter's Fails of the Weak Volume 3 is now online - Jack and Geoff look at clips of bad luck (and bad playing). The Elite Slayer fail on Cage made me laugh out loud. (Louis Wu 14:54:09 UTC)

    October 12, 2010 Link to this post

    Ever wonder how Bungie put a Skirmisher on the roof of the first building in Winter Contingency... but never let you see it? (It shows up on your motion sensor, and you can HEAR it... but you can't see it.) Heh... they cheated. Thanks, Cuban Legend. (Louis Wu 14:53:25 UTC)

    October 11, 2010 Link to this post

    Monday Movie Madness
    urk's back from vacation, and Bungie's Comm Chatter has a batch of new videos for you!

    Go watch! (Louis Wu 19:11:12 UTC)

    October 11, 2010 Link to this post

    HMV Hell: Reach
    Bryan 'imSuck' Smith sent word that he's finished his HMV Hell: Reach video - it's more than 8 and a half minutes long, in HD format. You can watch it on YouTube, or download a gigantic copy from his HMV Hell site. (The site also contains information about the videos he's made in this genre, and links to previous versions, if you haven't seen them.) He did a fantastic job of filming these clips - great use of the Theater camera! (Remember, also, that all of the clips in this video were rendered with Bungie Pro - no capture card needed.) There's a comment thread going on our forum, if you'd like to discuss. (Louis Wu 17:23:03 UTC)

    October 11, 2010 Link to this post

    Still Waiting
    AssaultGodzilla is back with another vid - this one is set to Sum 41's "Still Waiting". Still amazes me he can use so many disparate Halo sources and create vids that feel 'right'. Timing is AMAZING. (Louis Wu 17:19:24 UTC)

    October 10, 2010 Link to this post

    Slushy's Halo 3 Montage Trailer
    Slushy put together a Halo 3 montage trailer (full version coming soon) - just takes a minute to watch. (Louis Wu 18:34:23 UTC)

    October 9, 2010 Link to this post

    Crashed: Coming Soon
    shiruken sent word that Treeskunk Productions has some news for you - there's a Side Note with Paul Shelley that announces a new series they're putting together in Reach: Crashed. The video describes (in general terms) the idea, and shows a teaser for the series itself. Check it! (Louis Wu 15:02:32 UTC)

    October 8, 2010 Link to this post

    FugitiveSoldier presented a short film of a Revenant's misfortune on Hemorrhage... I guess those 'seam' issues aren't just in fan-made maps! (FugitiveSoldier thinks it might be related to host migration.) (Louis Wu 14:35:00 UTC)

    October 8, 2010 Link to this post

    Halo Reach Fails, Episode 2
    chris10023 let us know that Halo Reach Fails, Episode 2, is online - it had me chuckling all the way through. I especially liked the Campaign fails! Go watch. (Louis Wu 14:32:19 UTC)

    October 7, 2010 Link to this post

    OLR S2 Ep 10
    We're a couple of weeks behind (as usual), but joncjg's One Life Remaining Season 2, Episode 10 has been out since September 24. Katyhryn gets kidnapped while being taken into custody... things get weird. (Louis Wu 13:20:38 UTC)

    October 6, 2010 Link to this post

    Halo: Reach Fan Trailer
    NeoGAF's Popeck put together a trailer for Reach that started with the premise, "what if you played the game as Master Chief?" Interesting piece of work! (Spoilers abound, of course.) (Louis Wu 17:49:30 UTC)

    October 6, 2010 Link to this post

    I was wondering if you knew what time it was...
    FoxmanFX pointed out a Halo Reach Stop Motion vid in Robot Chicken format on YouTube - KoBaCaaTT, the creator, has a ton of other ones (check the Suggestions box), as well. Halo Love! (Louis Wu 15:16:10 UTC)

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