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Showing results 2826 - 2850 of 6554 matches January 9, 2011 Link to this post Waypoint - it's what's for dinner So I don't know how many of you have Halo Waypoint's website on your regular visit list... but if you're a Halo fan, you really should. As usual, there's a Weekly Wrap-Up post that lists all the goodies they've posted this week (highlights from there, for me, included the Cryptum Glossary Update (really useful for this content-rich novel), the Master Chief Pyrography (Kassie's got way more skillz than me!), and the MC Sneakers (gawjuss). There's plenty of other stuff there, though, that doesn't make the roundups - Chris Burke covered the World Cyber Games Holiday Heroes tournament, and (as This Spartan Life's Damian Lacedamian) interviewed Frank O'Connor and bs angel. Mr. Vociferous returned to his Vintage Fisticuffs series, with a piece called Grand Canyon, looking back at Halo's Two Betrayals level and a critical battle therein. (Glorious.) And Chairleg Productions (search our news for some of their past work) focused on the question "Should Games be Considered Art?" - the resulting video is a really fun 8 minutes. This is really just a small sample of what they've offered in the past week or so - so go explore! (Louis Wu 23:14:33 UTC)
January 9, 2011 Link to this post Flicker Taco Power stopped by with word of 'Flicker', his Reach montage. Definitely some nice gameplay in there! (Louis Wu 17:44:17 UTC)
January 8, 2011 Link to this post Halo: Reach Fails of the Weak Volume 16 Achievement Hunter's Fails of the Weak Volume 16 is live - lots of funny clips (and lots of ridicule). Go watch! Thanks, Taco Power. (Louis Wu 17:34:13 UTC)
January 7, 2011 Link to this post A Cold-Blooded Christmas Vengeance417 released a Christmas-themed Halo: Reach music video on Christmas Eve... but only got around to telling our forum about it last night. The humor's a bit black - but I found it to be pretty well-done! Go see. (Louis Wu 13:28:18 UTC)
January 6, 2011 Link to this post Achievement HORSE #5 (and more) Achievement HORSE #5 is now live over at the Achievement Hunter website. Fan-created evil challenges, tried over and over and over again by Jack and Geoff, with entertaining commentary. I love this series! (While you're over there, you should check out Immersion, if you haven't; it's not Halo-related, but it's really, really fun to watch. It's a series of videos where the RT crew sees how well video game tropes translate over into the real world. I believe this should be on television. The latest episode, released last night, investigates zombie headshots, and how regular people would fare during the apocalypse.) (Louis Wu 16:05:39 UTC)
January 5, 2011 Link to this post Zero Punctuation: Top 5 of 2010 Yahtzee's posted Zero Punctuation's Top 5 of 2010 - his top (and bottom) five games of the year. The very bottom spot was taken, fleetingly (as a joke) by Halo: Reach. Ouch! (Luckily, he moved on to the REAL last-place finisher soon after.) Thanks, scarab. (Louis Wu 19:06:09 UTC)
January 5, 2011 Link to this post Zev - Halo: Reach Montage 2 Zev made a second Halo Reach montage - man's good with a Sniper Rifle. (And a DMR. And a Needle Rifle. And a shotgun...) Thanks to Bungie's Comm Chatter for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:56:31 UTC)
January 4, 2011 Link to this post I get up, and nothing gets me down. It's Trick Jumping Day at Bungie.net - Comm Chatter's full of gnarly stunts. New ones include: - Invisible is a Halo 3 Dualtage from Alex Bounces and Angels of Chaos that uses a lot of invincibility to get some nice explosive-assisted jumps.
- Renegade is a Halo 3 'tage from Nate that contains some seriously well-timed jumps.
Go watch both! (Louis Wu 18:55:31 UTC)
January 3, 2011 Link to this post ODSTs in a Carpark SPU7N1K ran across a video of some folks in armor screwing around in a parking garage... and surprising some unsuspecting drivers! (Louis Wu 17:33:48 UTC)
January 2, 2011 Link to this post HRBTM Communitage 3 Trailer Morpheus stopped in with word of a Halo 3 communitage that's been years in the making - production values on the trailer are quite high, but as he mentions in his forum post, if you're not a screamo fan, you're gonna hate the music. (Louis Wu 19:41:20 UTC)
January 2, 2011 Link to this post Hollow
Davis Beutler created an experimental film inspired by Halo - it uses audio from the Halo 2 and 3 Official Soundtracks, and leans heavily on T.S. Eliot's 'The Hollow Men' (which has been used several times over the course of the Halo series). Interesting!
(Louis Wu 14:36:53 UTC)
January 1, 2011 Link to this post Instant Legends Thanks to swooshdave for letting us know that Halo Legends is now up for Instant Streaming on Netflix. A great option for both those who haven't seen it yet, or for those who don't want to actually get up to put the disc in! (GrimBrother One 20:16:11 UTC)
January 1, 2011 Link to this post Halo: Reach - Fails of the Weak Volume 15 ZZoMBiE13 pointed out that Halo: Reach - Fails of the Weak Volume 15 went live yesterday; it's the last show of last year! Some very funny fails (and a couple of wins, even) - go watch 'em! (Louis Wu 19:29:38 UTC)
December 31, 2010 Link to this post E.O.A. Episode 7
MelkorTheGreat stopped in with word of DWT Productions' E.O.A. Episode 7 - the finale of the series. (There IS a set of tutorials for these tricks coming soon, but this is the last video in the 'show 'em off' series.) Funky Reach tricks - go watch! (Louis Wu 19:26:25 UTC)
December 30, 2010 Link to this post Winter Contingency Speedrun, with Commentary
Speedruns of various campaign levels have appeared in our news feed - heck, there's even a website devoted to collecting them - but most of these are bare runs. That is - if you don't understand what you're seeing, you're out of luck. DEEP NNN stopped by with a link to a speedrun of Winter Contingency that has commentary by i6 Hitman, from 2old2play - he points out what's important and what isn't. Tyrant has proven, over and over again, that commentary is tremendously useful when looking at walkthroughs - here's another example. (Louis Wu 14:42:39 UTC)
December 30, 2010 Link to this post Achievement Horse #4
jarsp was the first to let us know that the Achievement Hunter boys have posted Achievement Horse #4 - new maps, new challenges, new insults. You can, as always, download the maps yourself and give these challenges a try - great stuff! (Congrats, Geoff - 4 and 0 is a pretty impressive record!)
(Louis Wu 14:40:56 UTC)
December 28, 2010 Link to this post Halo: Battle of Miridem trailer
MastaSin333 stopped by with word of a new animation trailer for his upcoming webcomic, "Halo: Battle of Miridem". Go watch!
(Louis Wu 13:02:37 UTC)
December 28, 2010 Link to this post Arby 'n' the Chief: Christmas 2010 Special
joncjg put together a Christmas Special starring Arby 'n' the Chief - it might just be the first time I've ever seen a spider play Scrabble.
(Louis Wu 13:02:10 UTC)
December 27, 2010 Link to this post Battle of Zanzibar - Update
Kooberz has been working on a stop-action LEGO drama based around his Zanzibar recreation for a couple of years (this was our first post about the movie, and this was the most recent). He's back, with a progress video - and word that it should be finished soon! Go watch... amazing stuff! (Louis Wu 11:31:47 UTC)
December 27, 2010 Link to this post Halo: Reach - Fails of the Year 2010
The Achievement Hunter crew has put together their Fails of the Year 2010 (you can watch it on YouTube if you'd like a higher res) - it's a two and a half minute quick view of some of the funniest weirdnesses of their series. Go watch!
(Louis Wu 11:29:58 UTC)
December 26, 2010 Link to this post Reach Randomness 2
2900d4u and his brother just released Reach Randomness 2 - and it's full of good clips (and a GREAT opening). Go watch it! (Louis Wu 15:49:54 UTC)
December 26, 2010 Link to this post Team HBO Invades Christmas Eve pete_the_duck and friends played a bunch of Invasion on Christmas Eve - and he had stories to tell, stories with pictures. (Well, video.) Man, I hope Bungie fixes their Silverlight player to allow turning off of auto-start... because pages like this can be PAINFUL. (Louis Wu 03:41:08 UTC)
December 26, 2010 Link to this post HBO Friday Failtage: Christmas Edition
padraig08 compiled a bunch of HBO-supplied clips into the HBO Friday Failtage: Christmas Edition - HBO regulars, doing what they do best! Go watch. (Louis Wu 03:40:10 UTC)
December 26, 2010 Link to this post Fails of the Weak, Volume 14
We took Christmas Eve off - but the Achievement Hunter crew didn't. Fails of the Weak, Volume 14 went up Friday evening, on schedule - go watch Jack and Geoff cackle about boneheaded plays! (Louis Wu 03:39:06 UTC)
December 24, 2010 Link to this post Ode to the Elites - Unleash The Animal
AssaultGodilla has a pre-Christmas music video for you - it pays tribute to the Elites, and is set (tightly, as always) to Disturbed's "The Animal". Go watch - great stuff. (Even though I'm not a huge fan of the song, I have to admit it fits really well.) (Louis Wu 18:14:14 UTC)