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July 2, 2012 Link to this post

Feminist Analysis of TFoR
Dragonclaws is back with more feminist analysis - this time, she's covering Halo: The Fall of Reach, as well as the Covenant color scheme. Go watch, throw in your two cents! (Louis Wu 14:13:56 UTC)

July 2, 2012 Link to this post

Forger: The Game of Fate
DeathMcGunz sent word of a new machinima he released last week - have you ever wondered how Reach figures out who to credit for simultaneous beatdowns? This video will show you. (Louis Wu 14:11:10 UTC)

July 1, 2012 Link to this post

GR interviews Chris Haluke
343's Chris Haluke (Halo 4 Lead Designer) spoke to GameReactor a few weeks ago at E3 - the interview went online this week. There's not a lot that hasn't been talked about by other people in other interviews - but you should listen just for the recap. Thanks, TheOddOne. (Louis Wu 22:20:15 UTC)

July 1, 2012 Link to this post

MLG, Halo 4, and E3: Part 1
Halo Waypoint has posted a couple of videos from the after-hours event at E3 this year - these videos have been seen before, but not on Waypoint. Nice to have a permanent home for them! (Louis Wu 14:36:22 UTC)

July 1, 2012 Link to this post

Arby 'n' The Chief Bytes: Sold Out
The latest Arby 'n' the Chief Bytes episode has the pair trying to come up with ways of making their show popular again. I'd have to say... Chief's ideas need work. Thanks, Ogan Pavano. (Louis Wu 14:20:48 UTC)

July 1, 2012 Link to this post

The Silent Cartographer: Evolved
A. Benson let us know that the Halo CMT crew has released a video showing off their next big project - Silent Cartographer. Looks pretty amazing! If you'd like to discuss it on our forum, robofin117 has already kicked off a thread. (Louis Wu 14:11:16 UTC)

June 30, 2012 Link to this post

Cool FUD news from IGD
Yesterday's episode of Inside Gaming Daily has a summary of this week's Halo Bulletin... and about 6 minutes in, an exciting announcement: there'll be a live action teaser for Forward Unto Dawn (the live-action video expected from Waypoint this fall) released on Monday! Mmmmm... thanks to Buddermilk for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 16:21:23 UTC)

June 30, 2012 Link to this post

What is the UNSC?
If you're feeling like you'd like a nice overview of the UNSC, Halo Waypoint has the goods - go check out 'What is the UNSC?' Good stuff! (Louis Wu 16:20:50 UTC)

June 30, 2012 Link to this post

Outpost: Isil S2E04
Paul Shelley sent word that Outpost Isil Season 2 has finally gotten a fourth episode - it's been almost 7 months since the last one! Go see where the whole gang has gotten to - it's about 8 minutes. (Louis Wu 16:19:56 UTC)

June 30, 2012 Link to this post

Fails of the Weak 93
There's a new Fails of the Weak episode from the Achievement Hunter crew - you can watch it on AH.com or on YouTube. Some impressive AI fails... and even more ridiculous human fails. The not knowing what a Moa was called was pretty distracting. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 16:19:29 UTC)

June 30, 2012 Link to this post

A view on Promethean Vision, from a pair of pros
Elamite and Ace commentated a game in which Promethean Vision played a large role - worth listening to if you want more perspective from pros about this upcoming Armor Ability. Thanks to both CyReN at NeoGAF, and Nak3d Eli on our own forum. (Louis Wu 16:15:39 UTC)

June 30, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Community Questions w/ Bravo + BesT MaN - Ep 2
Bravo and BesT MaN released a second segment of community questions about Halo 4 - lots of good stuff. Go listen! Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 15:54:27 UTC)

June 29, 2012 Link to this post

Forge with Pete 4
The latest episode of Forge with Pete is live on Halo Waypoint now (thanks, pete) - he introduces one of his favorite gametypes, 1 vs All... and gives you a number of examples of ways it can be used. Very cool! (Louis Wu 14:42:46 UTC)

June 29, 2012 Link to this post

RuL's Halo Bulletin Recap
Greenskull summarized yesterday's Halo Bulletin, then mixed in information about other upcoming Halo tidbits - go watch. (Louis Wu 14:39:39 UTC)

June 29, 2012 Link to this post

Seekers, Episode 2
Chromium told us about Seekers, Episode 2 - it's been a few months since we saw these guys, but they're back with a new 8-minute chapter, and it's pretty nice work! Go see. (Louis Wu 14:37:53 UTC)

June 28, 2012 Link to this post

Burn It Down
AssaultGodzilla is celebrating a birthday today (Happy Birthday, AG!), and YOU get a present! Nice. Go watch Burn It Down, his latest Halo music video. As always, great clip choices, great timing. (Louis Wu 17:35:10 UTC)

June 28, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 3: ODST - The Movie (plus a bonus)
The Tyrant has released two new videos - we're a day late (at least) telling you about them. Halo 3: ODST has been released as a full run-through, cutscenes and all, in a theatrical presentation - difficulty is set to Heroic. This is a nearly-4-hour extravaganza. He's also posted Sadie's Story as a single-segment linear video. If you haven't seen it, or would rather watch it without having to navigate through the individual segments, take a look at this! (Louis Wu 17:08:03 UTC)

June 28, 2012 Link to this post

Halo HORSE 81
It's summertime, but the living ain't easy at all. Sorry for the delay in newsposting! First up - the Achievement Hunter office Halo HORSE tournament continues, with the final first-round match taking place between Michael and last-minute-fill-in Ryan. Watch it on AH.com or on YouTube. Thanks, Nikko B201. (Louis Wu 17:00:11 UTC)

June 27, 2012 Link to this post

BesT MaN and u4iX - Halo 4 E3 Impressions
If you haven't gotten your fill of MLG Pros talking about E3's 2012 Halo 4 showing, there's a new video of impressions (and all around use of the word/word fragment 'press') from BesT MaN as he talks to u4iX - go watch. Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 21:58:26 UTC)

June 26, 2012 Link to this post

RvB PSA: Online Survival
It's been a while since we've seen a new PSA from the Rooster Teeth crew... but there's one today, and it's pretty funny. Go watch 'Online Survivor', and begin the process of protecting yourself from the dangers of the internet! (Louis Wu 12:13:40 UTC)

June 26, 2012 Link to this post

Space Wars Pilot Episode
AytonHunter let us know about Space Wars, a new skit-based machinima - the Pilot Episode is now live on YouTube. Funny bits abound! (Louis Wu 11:48:10 UTC)

June 26, 2012 Link to this post

What I Would Do With Halo 4, by Cursed Lemon
Cursed Lemon ranted for nearly an hour about how Halo is going down the toilet - if you listen to him, he knows EXACTLY what's wrong with the franchise, and even better, how to fix it. You might find him a bit too arrogant to listen to, unfortunately. Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 11:47:19 UTC)

June 25, 2012 Link to this post

Project Phase - Winter Contingency
Tenacious Tricking is back with Episode 1 of their Project Phase series - they show off some fun glitches on Winter Contingency. It's just 3 minutes long - nice camera work, and fun situations! Thanks, The SuperWaffle. (Louis Wu 15:19:13 UTC)

June 25, 2012 Link to this post

Halo 4 Community Questions w/ Bravo and BesT MaN Ep 1
Bravo and BesT MaN sat down with questions from Halo Council fans about Halo 4 - go watch for more impressions! Thanks, CyReN. (Louis Wu 15:18:20 UTC)

June 25, 2012 Link to this post

Arby 'n' the Chief Bytes: Divided We Stand
Arby 'n' the Chief posted a new Bytes yesterday - Chief's views on splitscreen are rather... neanderthal. Thanks, Ogan Pavano. (Louis Wu 15:14:21 UTC)

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