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Showing results 4451 - 4475 of 6554 matches December 6, 2008 Link to this post Stripping Sleeves and Showing Scars
ReleasetheMonk created a cutscene montage tied to the St. Crispin's Day speech from Shakespeare's Henry V. It works surprisingly well. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:46:11 UTC)
December 4, 2008 Link to this post Extermination, Baby
Zandax's Art of War (gameplay by Markoftheb3ast) combines nice gameplay with some snazzy editing - go watch in widescreen at YouTube. Thanks to urk for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:05:44 UTC)
December 4, 2008 Link to this post The Fun-Tage - don't try this at home
Bungie's blog highlights a 'Fun-tage' put together by the 'Halo 3 In The Work Place' group - betrayals, lag fun, and general overall shenanigans. Give it a look-see! (Louis Wu 14:50:31 UTC)
December 3, 2008 Link to this post Top 10 Series Episode 16: Betrayals
The newest Top 10 collection from Anoj is Top 10 Halo 3 Betrayals - some are fun, some are just frustrating. Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 17:59:41 UTC)
December 2, 2008 Link to this post Yep, that's happened to me.
Bungie.net has posted a link to 'Facility B5D Mishap Montage' - lots and lots of 'WTF' moments. Fun! (Louis Wu 19:34:18 UTC)
November 29, 2008 Link to this post Matchmaking Season 2: The Horn of Nanu
Master Ph0bia pointed out that Matchmaking Season 2, Episode 1 is now available on YouTube (and in HD via Darkspire's website). Revisit the world of Vince, John, and Travis as they navigate the treacherous shoals of the Realm of the Banned. Darkspire continues to impress!
(Louis Wu 12:20:27 UTC)
November 29, 2008 Link to this post Mythbusters Episode 7
RandomSauce let us know that Mythbusters Episode 7 is out - they look at everything from how many bodies can a sniper bullet go through to the mobility of the floating platform on Epitaph. Go watch! (Louis Wu 12:18:11 UTC)
November 29, 2008 Link to this post Halo Trek
BlueNinja let us know about Halo Trek, a trailer he made with Halo footage and audio from a trailer for the latest Star Trek movie. I thought the composition was quite well-done... go watch! (Louis Wu 12:17:18 UTC)
November 28, 2008 Link to this post Willey2Gr8's Halo 2/Halo 3 Montage
Z let us know about Willey2Gr8's Halo 2/Halo 3 Montage by Phurion - it's a monster, 276 mb and twelve and a half minutes long... but the gameplay is really good, and the editing's exciting. The fast-cut style wears after a while, but the Killtrocities and Killamanjaros will revive you.) Check it out at Halo3Forum.com! (Louis Wu 18:59:30 UTC)
November 28, 2008 Link to this post Sarge Scares Me
Rooster Teeth has posted a new Thanksgiving PSA for your enjoyment... though I must say it's more disturbing than most of their announcements. In a bunch of ways. Not really NSFW... but definitely disturbing. Looks like elpolloguapo was first with the news.
(Louis Wu 17:49:08 UTC)
November 22, 2008 Link to this post Arby 'n' the Chief S3E4 - Face Off DigitalPh33r has posted Season 3 Episode 4 of Arby 'n' the Chief - Arby challenges Craig, in the Chief's name. I guess you have to wait for Episode 5 to see how it turns out... Thanks, AvatarAang. (Louis Wu 22:47:36 UTC)
November 20, 2008 Link to this post New machinima around the web
AvatarAang mentioned a couple of machinima links you might be interested in - if you're a Rooster Teeth subscriber, you've got access to a pair of clips that were cut from the Reconstruction DVD, and the Running Gun crew has whipped up a project called 'Paint the Line', as part of a 48 Hour Machinima challenge. (More info on their website.)
(Louis Wu 14:21:57 UTC)
November 19, 2008 Link to this post BTS: What is the Bump?
Over at the Rooster Teeth website, Burnie's posted a video that shows off one of the weird glitches in Halo 3 that they (and really MOST) machinima creators need to work around - and some ways of doing exactly that. Education can be entertaining! (Louis Wu 14:44:22 UTC)
November 19, 2008 Link to this post Halo Zapping
zukan pointed out a video on YouTube - 'Le Zapatabadou' is a French machinima version of Adult Swim's 'Robot Chicken'. As he says, even though the dialogue is in French, it's not hard to figure out what's going on most of the time - and some of the sketches are quite funny. Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:24:27 UTC)
November 19, 2008 Link to this post Top 10 Halo 3 Moments of Season 2: Episode 14
Anoj108 has posted Episode 14 of his Top 10 Halo 3 Moments series - this one is just a highlights reel from 'Season 2 (Episodes 8-13). Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 13:30:16 UTC)
November 19, 2008 Link to this post Viral Marketing for Halo 3 Mythbusters
RandomSauce let us know about a video from CO0L Beans - the man risks life and limb to promote the cause of Halo 3 MythBusters on Xbox Live. Funny stuff - but I'm telling you now, if I met him in Matchmaking, I'd still shoot him.
(Louis Wu 13:26:59 UTC)
November 18, 2008 Link to this post Halo 3: I Am the Master Chief
LostRock11 pointed out a rather bizarre, but pretty funny, video put together by Balloon Shop last year just after Halo 3 was released. It made me laugh! (Louis Wu 17:13:01 UTC)
November 17, 2008 Link to this post Hard Justice: Episode 5
DigitalPh33r's story of Esoteria and its police force continues with Bernard's driving test, and the governor's unhappiness with a cop that asks questions. I'm liking the series more than I used to! Thanks to urk for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:29:23 UTC)
November 17, 2008 Link to this post Top 10 MLG Exterminations
B mc gann put together his Top 10 MLG Exterminations - some great play, some funny mistakes by the opposition. Go watch!
(Louis Wu 16:05:32 UTC)
November 17, 2008 Link to this post Marathon Man Ep7 Pt2 Sneak Peek
sniper2477 stopped in yesterday with word of a new Marathon Man episode teaser. It's a fun little street race romp - dialogue could use some work, but the camera angles are great.
(Louis Wu 16:05:06 UTC)
November 16, 2008 Link to this post CM-XWing Films: Halo 3 Montage 3
lostguru suggested we take a look at this montage from CM-XWing Films - lots of noscopes, lots of sticks, decent timing of gameplay to music. 4:22 long. (Louis Wu 17:58:30 UTC)
November 16, 2008 Link to this post Top 10 Halo 3 Lucky Kills: Episode 13
The latest Top10Series vid is 'Top 10 Halo 3 Lucky Kills' - synchronized sticks, amazing bounces, and a really amazing beatdown. Go watch! (Louis Wu 14:54:05 UTC)
November 15, 2008 Link to this post Pro Tips with TSquared - a backlog It's been a while since we've mentioned a Pro Tips with T-Squared on X-Play - but we'll give you a recap from June through now. There were tips for Blackout in May - but he came back to the map on June 24, with four new jumps. On August 5th, he put together some nice pointers for Narrows... and just last week he released a collection for Cold Storage. Go watch!
(Louis Wu 15:01:55 UTC)
November 14, 2008 Link to this post Psylence Trailer
Z let us know that you can find a new trailer from Robosteeze and CitriC AcID over at Halo3Forum.com - it's called 'Psylence', and the filmwork is quite nice! The full montage it advertises will be out sometime in 2009. Check it! (Louis Wu 13:51:35 UTC)
November 12, 2008 Link to this post Dude, I think we got company
Hawty McBloggy ran across a pretty cool little YouTube clip - you couldn't make that jump in a million years if you tried. (Louis Wu 21:36:44 UTC)