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Search results for Movies

Showing results 3976 - 4000 of 6554 matches

June 17, 2009 Link to this post

Halo vids to eat lunch by
Couple of entertaining clips for you today over at Bungie.net: 'Halo 3 AA Gun Strikes Back' shows that even machines can get in on the action... and 'Mini-Mythisode 1: Killing the Elephant Driver' looks at a strange glitch in the vulnerability of Elephant drivers, from the MythBusters crew. Go watch - they're both short! (Louis Wu 16:58:27 UTC)

June 16, 2009 Link to this post

Afternoon Movies
A couple of vids from your friends at the BungLog™ today - 'Spartan Expose' is proof that if you give people the tools, they'll get sex into ANYTHING, including Halo... and 'The Lawltage' is a pretty funny montage made up of community clips showing zaniness. (Louis Wu 23:06:53 UTC)

June 16, 2009 Link to this post

...Transform to motorcycle mode? Whoa.
Red vs Blue Recreation Chapter 1 ("Don't Get Me Started") is live now for sponsors, and will be available for everyone in just a few minutes from the writing of this post. Sarge wants to beat the Blues... in an honorable way. Sort of. Grif, on the other hand, wants to go home. Go watch! (Looks like Dratt was first with the news - but that's just because I forgot that it's got a fixed release time these days.) (Louis Wu 00:49:00 UTC)

June 15, 2009 Link to this post

Those grenade jumps are AMAZING.
Static Hazard whipped up 'Jizz Before You Jump 2', a jumping video that could have (literally) starred me. It's probably a bit too long at 10 minutes... but if you've ever watched jumping vids, there are some laugh-out-loud moments in here. Check it out! (Louis Wu 22:35:53 UTC)

June 13, 2009 Link to this post

Why We Kill (1 and 2)
fragclone pointed out a new video entitled 'Why We Kill 2' (it's a sequel to 'Why We Kill'. He recommends it highly. I didn't have time to watch the 17 minute original, or the 27 minute sequel - so you'll have to either take his word for it, or judge it for yourself. Update: seems I DID watch the original, last year. I'll definitely find the time to watch the sequel. (Louis Wu 14:14:54 UTC)

June 13, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 Fails: Creators' Fails
chris10023 let us know that the latest Halo 3 Fails - Creators' Fails - is live. This one is made up of clips either performed by the creators of the series, or seen personally by them. (Louis Wu 14:13:46 UTC)

June 11, 2009 Link to this post

Afternoon Delight
More BungLog™ video offerings:

  • Power Plant is a new racetrack (see? Toldja!), and you can watch a video or download the map.
  • Pattythedog615 whipped up a video to Weird Al's 'eBay' - I don't think I'd ever expected to see the Master Chief in tube socks.
  • I told urk I wouldn't post this - but hell, I was here anyway...

That's what there is. Deal. (Louis Wu 21:32:49 UTC)

June 11, 2009 Link to this post

This is usually a Bungie.net specialty... but Tommy92L sent along a link to a video showing off some fun racing on Skybox-based Halo 3 racetracks - no links to the actual maps, but it's pretty fun to see how varied these are! (Louis Wu 16:33:56 UTC)

June 11, 2009 Link to this post

Lost Levels Episode 7
Slim30 stopped by with word of Lost Levels episode 7 - some pretty odd flashbacks! (This will make very little sense if you haven't watched previous episodes.) (Louis Wu 13:52:36 UTC)

June 11, 2009 Link to this post

LEGOs rock.
Hawty McBloggy found a stop-motion Halo 3: ODST trailer... made with LEGOs. Given the timeframe involved, I'd have to say this is great work! (Louis Wu 13:32:29 UTC)

June 11, 2009 Link to this post

ODST footage from MS E3 Press Briefing - in HD
If you missed the Microsoft E3 Press Briefing last week (or if you watched it unhappily on a crappy stream), they've made the Halo 3 ODST footage available in high-quality 720p - 345 mb for nearly 8 minutes of footage. You've seen it a few times, if you're a big Halo fan - but you haven't seen it in this quality. Head over to Bungie.net for the download! (Louis Wu 13:31:20 UTC)

June 11, 2009 Link to this post

Movies at Bungie - bring your own popcorn
A couple of new machinima pieces, courtesy of your friends at Bungie.net: 'Forever War', from Dispatch Films, is a short and pessimistic piece about the human race, while 'Budget Cuts', from Amateur Entertainment, shows what happens when governments run out of money. And while you're there, check out Obi Wan Stevobi's 'The Road to Recon', a tribute to the good times had during the challenge he issued last month. (Louis Wu 13:30:53 UTC)

June 11, 2009 Link to this post

Pup and Friends, June Edition
puptastrophe at GrifballHUB.com let us know that a new version of Pup and Friends Double XP Highlights is now live at their website - go watch beatdowns and explosions in profusion. (Some of the moves are unbelievable...) (Louis Wu 13:23:12 UTC)

June 9, 2009 Link to this post

Red vs Blue 2009: Trailer
The Rooster Teeth team is kicking off their next big series, Red vs Blue Recreation - the trailer is live now. All your old favorites (well, most, at least) are back - and there are definitely shenanigans afoot. Nearly five minutes long. Thanks to DHalo for the first heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:14:36 UTC)

June 9, 2009 Link to this post

1UP's Halo 3: ODST Demo
If you haven't gotten your fill of the Halo 3: ODST demo given by Brian Jarrard and Curtis Creamer, 1UP has a 15-minute video showing off THEIR version. This one has much more Q&A (between the 1UP interviewer and Brian) than some previous ones, so you'll probably pick up tidbits you didn't know before... I know I did. This one's definitely worth the watch. (Louis Wu 13:12:39 UTC)

June 8, 2009 Link to this post

Flying Monkeys - or something
Couple of videos to enjoy, courtesy of B.net: Lagout is the start of a series in which several players get trapped in a game they can't quit, and Shenanigans 3 is the latest montage from ChrisOfTheDead, containing some truly bizarre events taken from matchmaking games. Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:59:19 UTC)

June 7, 2009 Link to this post

E3 Halo 3 demo uploaded by Jason Sussman
Zeouterlimits pointed out that Jason Sussman (Bungie Finishing Artist) mentioned in his twitter feed that he'd recorded the Bungie public* demo of ODST - it's 20 minutes long, and is presented by Brian Jarrard and Curtis Creamer. If you've been watching every movie that comes out, you've seen most of this before - but it's nice to see the entire demo, start to finish!
* 'public' means 'public to E3-goers', as opposed to 'behind closed doors' (Louis Wu 20:54:41 UTC)

June 7, 2009 Link to this post

Master Chief Theater 3000: Episode 305
mrsmiley let us know that Pyrosmile's Master Chief Theater 3000 Episode 305 (covering 343 Guilty Spark) is now live. That poor Jenkins... (Louis Wu 14:57:49 UTC)

June 5, 2009 Link to this post

Phatcorns whipped up another HD gameplay montage - this one's called 'BEASTLY!' I wish there were more montages like this - less first-person focus, more fantastic camera work, the emphasis is on cool moments rather than medals. Check it out! (Louis Wu 19:10:26 UTC)

June 5, 2009 Link to this post

The Real Spartans Episode 4
Another episode of The Real Spartans is now up - thanks, cbwilliams17. Great use of action figures! (Louis Wu 18:45:41 UTC)

June 4, 2009 Link to this post

Bungie Blog Movie Offerings
urk posted a bunch of movies for your watching pleasure (if, you know, you're not burned out on X hours of ODST footage):

A fine way to spend a chunk of time... (Louis Wu 18:22:01 UTC)

June 2, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 Bungie employees' killtage 4
B5DAmericanista continues creating montages from Bungie employees' fileshare clips - his fourth Bungie Killtage is nicely composited and entertaining to watch. Thanks to urk for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 03:49:16 UTC)

June 1, 2009 Link to this post

Watch her strut.
Hawty McBloggy watched the Top 10 Halo Exerminations vid from 360Cinema... and was inspired to write poetry. Of a sort. (Louis Wu 13:29:09 UTC)

June 1, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 Fails: Top 10 Of Season 2
chris10023 sent word that Halo 3 Fails: Top 10 Of Season 2 is online at YouTube - they're not new clips, but they're the best of the last 10 episodes. Fun to watch! (Louis Wu 13:27:20 UTC)

May 31, 2009 Link to this post

The Legend of Halo: Quest for Recon
CrazedOne1988 posted three links showing off his nearly half-hour-long mashup of Nintendo's Legend of Zelda and Bungie's Halo 3 - if you played a lot of Zelda when you were younger, this will bring back memories! (Louis Wu 00:41:51 UTC)

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