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Showing results 1451 - 1475 of 2169 matches

March 25, 2006 Link to this post

The Red Carpet Treatment
There's an article about the perks afforded to pro gamers in the upcoming season over at MLGPro.com - travel stipends, free registrations, and other perks are available to the top players. Go read about the 2006 season! Thanks, 3Suns (who suggested a summary of 'The Rich Get Richer' for this piece - ouch!). (Louis Wu 12:19:53 UTC)

March 25, 2006 Link to this post

Eddie Smith is AMAZING.
Short (but pretty sweet) update this week, over at Bungie.net - soon-to-be-updated playlists, detailed info about the Soundtrack Volume 2, some KILLER artwork, and some nice case mods. And a Mister Chief that makes me wonder what Frankie does on his off hours. Go read - either at Bungie.net, or right here, in the Weekly Update Archive. I haven't even had time to visit the forum, but I'd BET there's a 'First!' from Frankie there... of course there is. (Silly me for even talking about it.) (Louis Wu 01:01:54 UTC)

March 24, 2006 Link to this post

The Hushed Cradle.
Many of us miss the weekly updates of the Halo Babies comic; Stuntmutt's view is that maybe if he taints your memory with bad puns, you'll miss them less. Go read today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 16:54:20 UTC)

March 24, 2006 Link to this post

Friday Fiction
There are 18 pieces for you today in the Fan Fiction section - go read. I had to delete a surprising number of stories from the queue - either there is a large influx of new writers, or there are community members who simply don't want to read the rules. If you don't want your story deleted - read the rules. If you can't be bothered to format your story for readability, we can't be bothered to post it. And if you think that filling out the end of a story with meaningless text to get around the 750 word limit will work... you're sadly mistaken. Please... read the rules. Thanks. (Louis Wu 14:42:43 UTC)

March 21, 2006 Link to this post

You Do Not Talk About Tied The Leader.
Tied the Leader has been quiet for a while - busy with clanbuilding. Swing by today, though - there are a couple of new articles up. The first points out teams of cheaters, the second looks at the dangers of getting too involved in gaming. Go read! (Louis Wu 14:20:03 UTC)

March 21, 2006 Link to this post

Default Owns Boxer
While you're at MLG, swing by the Player of the Week section, and check out an interview with Itwasluck. A member of Xit Woundz, Itwasluck can be seen in action in a number of gameplay vids hosted by Halo2Forum.com (search our news for links). Go read the interview, to see how this 18-year-old got to where he is. Thanks again, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 13:51:40 UTC)

March 21, 2006 Link to this post

Keeping Your Cool
Overswarm seems to have taken a break from his Not So Common Sense guide to put some time into articles at MLGPro.com - there's a great one up right now. It's called 'Keeping Your Cool - Anger Management in Gaming', and it describes why anger is absolutely NOT an emotion that should be part of your gaming experience. Great advice, and nicely written. Go read. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 13:46:18 UTC)

March 20, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 2 Soundtrack Volume 2 - FINALLY!
Music4Games.net has some solid news on the Halo 2 Volume Two Original Soundtrack - it'll be available for purchase on April 25th! Fantastic news for everyone waiting for this almost mythical collection... go read the article for more info, including Marty's philosophy behind this volume. w00t! Update: A little late, but Bungie's finally posted the press release themselves. Thanks, KP. (Louis Wu 21:11:10 UTC)

March 19, 2006 Link to this post

Miniature Halo Update, and Halo Art
SEspider posted an update about his Miniature Halo series - along with some links to recent artwork he's done. Go read! (Louis Wu 17:26:17 UTC)

March 18, 2006 Link to this post

For those who love Halo art...
Wow. Bungie's Weekly Update is certainly worth reading this week... they've announced what looks to be a pretty darned spectacular product, coming this summer... a Halo Graphic Novel, put together by some amazing names. Go read it; I can't do it justice with a news post. (It's at B.net, of course, but it's also local, in the BWU Archive.) If you're wondering about that link name... check this forum post from earlier this afternoon. Moral of the story - Frankie can be petty, don't cross him. (Louis Wu 01:36:38 UTC)

March 14, 2006 Link to this post

Meet The Chief
Thomas Reynolds submitted a film called 'Meet The Chief' to the MPRRS - and they liked it, quite a lot. It's rather unique; I'm not sure how to describe it without stealing any of its thunder, so I'll simply post the description Thomas gave it when he submitted it:

A Halo 2 obsessed fan gets drawn into a strange world when his internet connection goes down...

I found it hilarious. Snag it in WMP9 format (52.1 mb) or QuickTime format (55.6 mb). When you're done watching it, you can go read a blog entry Thomas wrote up about it; I'd suggest holding off until you've seen it, to avoid being spoiled. (Louis Wu 12:26:26 UTC)

March 13, 2006 Link to this post

The Big Pink Elephant
Over the past few months, Narcogen has been getting more and more vocal about his distaste for the Bungie policy of silence with respect to upcoming projects. (He's not complaining that they're not discussing upcoming projects in detail - he's unhappy that they're not even saying WHAT they're working on - that today, almost a year and a half after the release of Halo 2, they haven't announced whether or not they're even planning on a Halo 3.) Last night, he posted a pretty solidly-reasoned argument on our forum - and then decided it was worth saving for posterity in his blog at Rampancy.net. It's unlikely that Bungie is going to change its publicity policies based on fan demand... but you DO have to wonder what's holding up the announcement about whether or not they ever plan to release a third installment. (To be clear: I understand completely why a gaming company would want to remain close-mouthed about the DETAILS of the game(s) they're working on - but as Narc points out, a huge percentage of the Halo 2 purchasers out there are expecting a Halo 3, simply because of how the second game ended; the longer Bungie goes without making an announcement, the harder it's going to be to weather the storm if the announcement is 'we're bagging it'.) Go read. (Louis Wu 16:42:56 UTC)

March 11, 2006 Link to this post

Stupid pony.
Bungie's Weekly Update today covers some music stuff (no, not the Soundtrack release, sorry), the 77,777,777th clan-player game session, more taunting about the 'next game', staff changes, the making of ponies (or, more accurately, ponys), and a note about 'Bungie Cribs', coming soon. Go read! (Or read it in our Weekly Update Archive.) 'First' credit goes to Marty, even though it hadn't actually been posted at that point. (He IS pretty old, I guess; sometimes, it doesn't pay to wait too long.) (Louis Wu 03:22:42 UTC)

March 9, 2006 Link to this post

Clan Training
LegendaryMark wrote up a nice article on Clan Training over at halowiki - go read it for some great pointers. Thanks, PEZ. (Louis Wu 21:39:20 UTC)

March 9, 2006 Link to this post

Head Monstrosity
Frontline with Suzie continues - Broadcast 16 has Suzie talking to (and being hit upon) by an oversized Captain Keyes. Puts a whole new angle on the getting-taken-over schtick. Go read. Thanks, Rockslider. (Louis Wu 17:56:16 UTC)

March 9, 2006 Link to this post

Team 3D Postmortem - Part II
F13ND has written up Part II of Team 3D's MLG Nationals Wrap article - this one is an interview with OGRE 2. As always, it's great to see what the pros think about how they played - lots to learn. Go read! (Louis Wu 15:47:08 UTC)

March 9, 2006 Link to this post

Malibu's Most Wanted
Over at the Internet Zillionaire, The Centaur has put together a list of Xbox Live Personality Profiles - and for the post part, it's people you'll meet playing Halo. (There are also some pretty funny additions in the comments.) Go read! (Louis Wu 11:25:53 UTC)

March 8, 2006 Link to this post

Number One... for how much longer?
So, every week, there's a new 'top 10 games played on Xbox Live' list, and every week Halo 2 is at the top. Some folks are starting to wonder how long it'll be before something else is number one. Most recent speculator - XboxAddict. Go read. (Louis Wu 19:03:03 UTC)

March 3, 2006 Link to this post

Closing out a powerful season
More NYC Halo Nationals stuff - at MLGPro.com, there's an overview of the Finals (thanks, 3Suns), and at Team3D.net, there's Part 1 of a wrapup - an interview with Hotshy (thanks, F13ND). Go read! (Louis Wu 16:53:33 UTC)

March 3, 2006 Link to this post

Friday's Fiction Update
Twenty new pieces up in the Fan Fiction section this week - go read! (Louis Wu 16:26:50 UTC)

March 2, 2006 Link to this post

Grunts and Jackals... oh, my.
Rockslider continues the Frontline with Suzie series - today she's interviewing some swampdwellers. Well... not really dwelling. More being lost, actually. Go read. (Louis Wu 19:15:46 UTC)

February 25, 2006 Link to this post

Zima for Dummies
Weekly Update this week is pretty light - Frankie's confounded by the internet, and is taking it out on you. There are some nice tidbits (congrats to the preggers ones, and check out the Halo 2 Soundtrack news)... mostly it's a 'we're still here' kind of post. That said - go read it anyway (either on B.net, or in our Weekly Update Archive). And then give Frankie a hard time for hogging the First. (Louis Wu 00:56:01 UTC)

February 24, 2006 Link to this post

It's Friday, it must be Fan Fiction
22 stories built up in the Fan Fiction section since I left - go read. (I must say, I was FLABBERGASTED to receive an email this morning, at 6:50 am Eastern time, telling me that we OWE the community an update, since there hasn't been one for 9 days. As a group, Fan Fiction writers are the neediest, least patient, most annoying submitters of fan content I've ever worked with, in 11 years of running fan-based websites. Just wanted that on the record.) (Louis Wu 17:10:41 UTC)

February 24, 2006 Link to this post

More articles at MLG PwnCast
Yesterday, we mentioned the interview with xItwasluckx at MLG PwnCast - we got a message from QuaDxDaMag3, one of the site administrators, about a second interview, with Fonzi of TmG, and an article about team strategy. Go read! (Louis Wu 14:25:49 UTC)

February 16, 2006 Link to this post

Friday Fanfic - on Thursday
Fan Fiction update comes early this week (see above for why) - 10 pieces for you tonight. Go read. Next update will be on Friday, the 24th. (Louis Wu 05:34:17 UTC)

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