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February 13, 2002 Link to this post

Tweeter LANfest described
Lophan has posted a Halo @ Tweeter Day postmortem on our forum, detailing the goings-on this past weekend of the Philly Halo Anonymous chapter of the Seventh Column... if you weren't there, you missed up to 15 players fragging each other on huge bigscreen HDTVs for over 6 hours. (Freewill, another attendee, posted a couple of pics recently.) Wow... a 2 hour, 6x6 CTF game... ouch. Go read it! (Louis Wu 03:00:47 UTC)

January 28, 2002 Link to this post

Casualty of naming
Tom Murphy sends in the second installment of his 'Casualties of War' series - it's a little confusing, since it 1) has a small section that got left out of the introduction, and 2) is labeled Part 2, though the body says it's Part 1 (the real Part 1 was the introduction). My bad for labeling it this way - sorry. Anyway, go read it (by itself, or together with the first installment) in our Fan Fiction section! (Louis Wu 22:19:07 UTC)

January 10, 2002 Link to this post

Chris Butcher transcript up
Get Into The Game has put up the transcript of the chat with Chris Butcher... and it's a great read! Lot's o' good technical info... and some silliness:

i am tyler durden does the Master Chief wear boxers or briefs?
chris butcher [peeks]
let's just say he's the ultimate commando

Go read the rest; chock-full of AI info, advice for budding developers, literary inspiration, and much more. A very worthwhile visit. (Louis Wu 17:49:44 UTC)

December 19, 2001 Link to this post

Jason Jones Interview posted
The Big News of the night (hell, of the month!) is the Jason Jones Fan-Conducted Interview - finally posted at Bungie's Truth and Reconciliation site in all of its glory. This is one of the best developer interviews I've read in a long, long time - it's a glimpse into Jones' thinking, it's a bunch of Story hints (not that we'd use them for any upcoming projects, nope, not us), it's thoughtful and funny and a damn good read. And hey - they used my question. :) If you care at all about Bungie, the company, or the making of Halo... go read this now. (And then go looking for your own copy of Starhammer - I found one (and bought it) this evening.) Thanks to the multitude of fans who wrote to let us know about this (I was out all evening, and you know about the rest of the slackers here) - first dibs go to Mr. chimp. (Louis Wu 04:58:15 UTC)

November 28, 2001 Link to this post

PA gets tired of Halo
Heh - the boys of Penny Arcade seem to be over their infatuation with Halo; today's comic (and indeed the news) suggest that they never want to see it again:

I've heard people say it's too short. That's a hard case to argue - in fact, quite the opposite is true. This is a game that feels as though it was unduly lengthened by committee, affixed to some perverse device, warped and stretched to near infinity. I'd put forth that a game is only too short when you still want to play it by the end. [slight spoiler snipped - go read it at PA] I've never actually groaned before when a game's protagonist implies there will be a sequel. That's something I can't say anymore.

Thanks to R.net, for catching this one first. (Louis Wu 16:42:37 UTC)

November 22, 2001 Link to this post

AV reviews Halo
Charles D. Clifford told us that The Adrenaline Vault has put up their Halo Review (and 9 new screens) - they loved it. They obviously didn't read The Fall of Reach (it's becoming clear how much of the backstory was buried in that book), but it didn't stop them from seriously enjoying the game.

In the later sections, the single player experience actually feels less entertaining than pairing up with a buddy to fight back the hordes of enemies, and I have a seven hour, five AM finishing, side-by-side stretch of gaming to back me up in that assertion.

(That's, what... MTB = 300?) Go read it. (We've added it to our Reviews page, and the screens to our Screenshots database.) (Louis Wu 11:23:52 UTC)

November 9, 2001 Link to this post

Full Halo review at VE
VoodooExtreme's full Halo review has been posted. An overall score of 95% (lowest rating: 90% for Replay value and Stability). It is a nearly perfectly positive review:

After playing through Halo a couple times I can safely say with no repentance that it's one of the most engrossing games I've ever played in my entire life.


Not many games with multiyear development cycles live up to fans? expectations, but I think that Halo is one of those rare exceptions. If you love sci-fi themed first person shooters, Halo is a must buy even if you have to wait for the PC or Mac version. If you have an Xbox, you must own Halo. It's just that simple.

However, there were a couple of things listed in the 'Cons' summary: framerate stutters (yes, still) and 'a somewhat anti-climactic ending'. (That's actually not an uncommon complaint about Bungie games - Oni is the most recent example.) There are no major spoilers - Apache goes out of his way to keep the scope of the information limited to what's already out there on the net. There are also two brand-new screens to go with the 5 released a few days ago (hi-res, and gorgeous). Go read this! (Louis Wu 14:11:53 UTC)

November 8, 2001 Link to this post

CGO talks to Jason Jones
CG Online managed to corner Jason Jones for a brief question and answer session - after a definitive 'YES' to the obligatory 'Is Halo REALLY coming to the PC?' question, he got to the good stuff:

Is Halo a better game for having been made into a showcase title for the Xbox? What have you been able to do, technically and in terms of production value, that PC gamers will see when the game is released, but wouldn't have seen if the game had just remained a PC/Mac game forever?

Well obviously we have been able to focus on two major areas for the Xbox version.
1. Single player story
2. Graphical/Audio fidelity

The Xbox really frees Bungie up to turn on all the bells and whistles. Bungie no longer had to worry about making it optimized for hundreds of different computer configurations or a low the minimum spec. We only had one minimum spec and one configuration which allowed the team to max out all the settings. Things like Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound, bump mapping, pixel reflection or volumetric lighting will just blow players away. These processes are expensive and require tremendous horse-power that is standard on the Xbox.

Go read the rest - and bookmark the page for future reference! Thanks to Freewill for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 21:22:02 UTC)

November 4, 2001 Link to this post

How to be a Legend
Woohoo! Folks have asked how long Halo will take to finish, and how the different difficulty levels change this... Chris Butcher, who developed much of the AI, has posted a detailed commentary on just this subject on our forum.

for an epic battle (or if we're playing co-op) I pick Legendary. it took me about 60 hours of continuous play to finish the game on this difficulty, and that's after months of developing and playtesting the game.

There are details about how Legendary compares to Myth's Legendary difficulty, or Marathon's Total Carnage - bottom line, in Chris's words; Don't Stop to Breathe. Go read this! (Louis Wu 21:41:42 UTC)

November 3, 2001 Link to this post

Score Central interviews Marty O
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned that Score Central was putting together an interview of Marty O'Donnell, the sound guy behind Halo, and was asking for fan questions. Tonight, they've posted the result - and overall, it's a lot of information. A snippet:

SC: How has sound and music changed in the gaming world from say 5-10 years ago.

MO: I think it keeps getting better, both sound quality and aesthetically. We?re moving away from the concept of music that plays constantly throughout a ?level? and towards the more movie scoring approach that music should underscore the feeling of a scene or event. That means figuring out how to respond dynamically to what the player is doing without calling attention to the fact the player can control the musical events. It?s not easy but it?s starting to work. Having the ability to record players from the Chicago Symphony for example and have that kind of music played in Dolby Surround while you play the game helps a bit too.

Go read the whole thing, and learn a little more about Marty as you do! (Louis Wu 04:21:48 UTC)

October 31, 2001 Link to this post

Excerpt of Fall of Reach posted
A couple of days ago, Hamish Sinclair wondered about the eBook version of Eric Nylund's novel, Halo: The Fall of Reach. Well, today, Random House put up an excerpt from it - for those who were unsure of buying it, go read this; you can make up your own mind, instead of relying on the reviews of others. (Louis Wu 03:17:20 UTC)

October 31, 2001 Link to this post

Halo at CNN
The Sci-Tech section of CNN.com looked at consoles yesterday in the article, 'Which new game console should you buy?' Nine editors from Gamepro.com looked at the available options... recommendations for a Dreamcast came, disturbingly, from MORE THAN ONE OF THEM. Despite this, it was fun to read their views of the Xbox - most thought Halo was a solid plus for the platform, though one was skeptical:

Are you willing to take a risk on a brand-new, unproven game system (Xbox) with a large variety of unproven game titles (Amped, Fuzion Frenzy, Halo, etc.) or do you choose the granddaddy of video gaming and buy Nintendo's GameCube [...]?

Guh. Star Dingo has it right:

I have spent more time with the Xbox, and realize that I find myself willing to commit unspeakable acts in order to play more Halo.

Go read the whole thing - laugh at some of it, and realize that in the outside world (the world of CNN readers, as opposed to hardcore gamers), the Xbox has a tough road ahead. Thanks to Lophan for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 02:32:25 UTC)

October 28, 2001 Link to this post

IGN editor reviews Halo
Thanks to Zypper, who pointed out a Halo review from the IGN Xbox boards written by the IGN DVD editor, ManaByte. I'll refrain from quoting from it, since my favorite snippets would inflame some regulars here... go read it for yourself. (Louis Wu 21:51:15 UTC)

October 27, 2001 Link to this post

Thanks to Mavruss, for the heads-up: Matt Soell has posted a note over on the Bungie Sightings forums, giving details about the RSVP situation for the Halo Launch Party. He needs the standard stuff - who, when, why... okay, maybe not why. Go read it at BS, or wait a bit for it to show up on Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 01:37:55 UTC)

October 25, 2001 Link to this post

Halo preview at VoodooExtreme
VoodooExtreme has posted a hands-on Halo preview - they took issue with the controller, and mentioned the framerate concerns, but mostly, they just liked the game:

The writing is great, the story is solid, and to be honest, Halo is hands-down the best action game I've ever played in my life.

A full review will be coming on November 15 (heh - VE and 80 million other sites) - go read the preview now! (Louis Wu 09:15:09 UTC)

October 19, 2001 Link to this post

Joe is NOT Stanley Kubrick
The Ancient One Speaketh: Marty O'Donnell stopped in this evening to discover the Gamespot movies for the first time... and his words to Halo fans: RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK. Don't watch these movies, sez Marty... and Marty has a decent argument. Go read it. (Louis Wu 00:22:44 UTC)

October 17, 2001 Link to this post

Look out, Bob!
Bob's in trouble... go read Chapter 13 of the Hermes Trismegistus saga in our Fan Fiction section. Don't forget to let Tursas know what you think! (Louis Wu 02:25:12 UTC)

October 16, 2001 Link to this post

Marty's gonna scalp someone...
A boatload of updates coming... bear with me as I write 'em up, one by one. First up: the TGS movie. Many people have been complaining about a couple of features of this movie - first, that there are three separate cov kills at the start that use the same bit of soundtrack (same covenant grunt, same background chatter), and second, that the Covenant commander who's taken down with a pair of sniper rounds (and a miss between them, to boot) doesn't show a lot of smarts in terms of saving his own hide. Matt Soell was kind enough to jump into our forum with a pair of responses - here's what he had to say about the repetitive soundtrack, and here was his AI reply. Hope this clarifies a bit! (And for those who were wondering about the much-vaunted Covenant commander, taken down with a measly pair of sniper rounds:

Which brings up another point: whoever was playing in this footage was playing at something less than the normal difficulty level. It's not that easy, folks.

Heh - makes me wish even more for a film mode. :) Go read 'em for yourself! (Louis Wu 01:16:07 UTC)

October 13, 2001 Link to this post

No Update... for good reason
Okay... once you've caught your breath and stopped drooling over all that new Halo goodness to come out of Tokyo... Matt dropped by our forum to let us know that there wouldn't be a Halo Update tonight. The good news, though... is that Halo might go Gold Master next week. (That would leave them almost four weeks to burn several hundred thousand DVDs, package 'em up, and distribute them througout the US - I don't envy the crew doing that.) A few other goodies in the post... go read it. (Louis Wu 01:25:59 UTC)

October 12, 2001 Link to this post

Summary of Halo at TGS
Thanks to Zypper, who posted a description of the Halo presentation at the Tokyo Game Show last night. Lo-res, but full of promise... nice summation. :) Go read his description for yourself! (Louis Wu 14:43:50 UTC)

October 11, 2001 Link to this post

XboxAddict talks to Mike Salmon
Mike "my aim is to be interviewed by every Xbox site" Salmon, Editor in Chief of the Official Xbox Magazine, has talked to XboxAddict... and true to form, has played up Halo:

XBA: What is the most anticipated game by OXM staff? Which game do you guys think will be THE console seller?

OXM: Halo and DoA3 are two of the best reasons to buy an Xbox. After playing final reviewable versions, I can say with confidence that Halo and DoA3 simply couldn't be done on any other system. And I'm not just talking about graphics. The whole package is so stunning and the immersion is so incredible that you really get a different feeling than any other console. You have to play'em to believe it.

It's unclear from the context... but I think he means consoles when he says "any other system" - Mike used to run PC Accelerator mag, and probably still plays a PC game or two. Go read the rest! (Louis Wu 12:42:56 UTC)

October 10, 2001 Link to this post

Departing Twilight... worth the read
Wow. Go read Gordi's latest story, 'Departing Twilight', the second chapter of his as-yet-untitled series. This one's good. (Be sure to comment on it, and other Fan Fiction, so that authors can get a feel for how their work is percieved.) (Louis Wu 18:17:41 UTC)

October 6, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Update... mmmm
MASSIVE Halo update, finally, at Haloplayers - GO NOW. Two gorgeous screenshots (in two resolutions each, to be nice to the bandwidth impaired and the broadband-enabled both), an entertaining tale giving you a bit of the backstory behind the halo updates, and, finally, a few tidbits that might be recognizable as a Halo Update (but mostly not). They've gone out with a bang, folks - go read and enjoy it. Thanks, Matt! (Update: Louis doesn't seem to be around, so I fixed the links myself. --CZ) (Louis Wu 14:25:52 UTC)

September 25, 2001 Link to this post

Timeline discrepancies to be cleaned up
Hmm... another quarter heard from. Over on the Marathon's Story page forum, there's been quite a bit of discussion about the leaked Halo backstory information (more, disappointingly, than in our own forum, actually), and a new name has surfaced - Eric Trautmann. Eric seems to be responsible for - at the very least - cleaning up and tying together the details behind the Halo storyline. He also passes on some info about the Halo novel we mentioned last month. It's a little surprising that the name has never surfaced before... but more importantly, Eric makes it clear that the XML file discovered last week had some date discrepancies which were scheduled to be fixed - so the reconciliation between the Halo and Marathon timelines shouldn't be considered to be a closed subject. Hmm... Go read his post for the details. (Louis Wu 08:55:35 UTC)

September 15, 2001 Link to this post

Marty's done
This week's Halo Update is over at Rampancy.net... looks like we may be in luck, in the near future, with new screens/movies! (Personally, I'd LOVE the 50 meg TIFFs... but I understand Matt's point.) On other fronts, it's mostly tweaks... but what, exactly, is 'attract mode'? And oh, yeah... Matt and Mordia blew most of yesterday playing Halo. The bums. Go read the details for yourself! (Louis Wu 02:15:29 UTC)

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