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December 17, 2010 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
Four new pieces showed up this week in our Fan Fiction section - go read 'em! (Louis Wu 13:50:54 UTC)

December 11, 2010 Link to this post

Reach - Under the Hood
Eurogamer's Digital Foundry has done an in-depth interview with a number of Bungie employees (graphics engineer Chris Tchou, character designer Chris Opdahl, community/writer Eric Osborne, senior animation lead Richard Lico and character engineer Max Dyckhoff). It's very, very technical - if you're not interested in the details of how the magic happens, this might be boring to you. On the other hand, if you enjoy reading the GDC talks every year, this will be right up your alley. I have only a vague sense of what's being talked about - but it's FASCINATING to me. For folks who can wrap their head around the tech stuff, go read this. There are even tidbits for non-techies, though you have to dig; there's an interesting answer from urk about why missions get cut (and why they won't be resurrected later as DLC). This is stuff EVERY fan should know. (As a sort of bonus, there's also a full run-through of Reach, sped up to the point where the entire game fits into a bit less than 17 minutes... weird.) Thanks, Alex Goh. (Louis Wu 16:23:24 UTC)

December 10, 2010 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
Three new pieces are live in the Fan Fiction section this week - go read! (Louis Wu 13:55:12 UTC)

December 9, 2010 Link to this post

Map Spotlight Week 7 - Apex
a rascal cat continues his series of Map Spotlights with Week 7 covering Apex, from MADMAN Redux. Go read the interview, then download the map! (Louis Wu 18:15:18 UTC)

December 8, 2010 Link to this post

Reach, Rewritten
General Battuta has been a vocal critic of the Reach campaign story - and now he's given you an opportunity to see what he might have done differently. He's begun a rewrite of the script - and there are some substantial changes. Go read it - and see how you feel! (Louis Wu 13:39:41 UTC)

December 2, 2010 Link to this post

They do stats. Not shots.
This week's Halo Humpday Challenge was against the HaloCharts crew - and the fact that the writeup is not a Top Story on Bungie.net should tell you who won. (But it doesn't, actually.) Go read it - It's a decent writeup, and it sounds like there was a lot of fun being had. Better luck next time, HC crew! (Louis Wu 22:32:10 UTC)

December 2, 2010 Link to this post

Movies, Maps Chattered About
Bungie's Comm Chatter has a couple of community map-making stories:

It also has a couple of movies:

Go check it all out! (Louis Wu 20:36:27 UTC)

November 22, 2010 Link to this post

Forge Lesson 38: Dance Floor
GodlyPerfection is back with another Forge Lesson - the 38th installment makes an argument for wide-open spaces. Go read! (Louis Wu 20:12:40 UTC)

November 19, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Mythic Guide: Nightfall
Tyrant's latest chapter in the 'beat Reach senseless' campaign focuses on Nightfall - probably the easiest Reach campaign level to complete with all skulls on. Why? Because... well, because you don't really have to play it! Go read the short and sweet guide. (And if you're working your way through on Legendary difficulty, he's up to Tip of the Spear - a two-parter - on YouTube...) (Louis Wu 16:23:48 UTC)

November 18, 2010 Link to this post

Forging Forth
Forge-related goodies for you today, courtesy of Bungie's Comm Chatter: XForgery is hosting a testing session you can join to get some feedback on your Forgetacular map entry (and maybe win some goodies), and a rascal cat has another Map Spotlight - this time, it's A Ghuta's map, Nostalgia. Go read about it! (Louis Wu 19:04:34 UTC)

November 13, 2010 Link to this post

The future's so bright...
The Bungie Weekly Update is full of info about the upcoming playlist changes (set to go live on November 30, a bit later than expected for a 'November" update, but hey, it's timed to coincide with the Noble Map Pack DLC), as well as some interesting info about Challenges. And a Blame Stosh that made me laugh out loud. Go read! (It's in our Weekly Update Archive, too, of course.) (Louis Wu 01:47:10 UTC)

November 12, 2010 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
Just a couple of new entries in the Fan Fiction section this week - go read 'em! (Louis Wu 12:42:32 UTC)

November 12, 2010 Link to this post

Discussing Rocket Strategy in Klowntown
The Halo Humpday Challenge this week had Bungie facing off against Team Fire Fodder - members of Seattle's Fire Department. By the numbers, it was a rout - but the writeup makes it clear that it was a pretty fun evening, even for the team with fewer points. Go read! (Louis Wu 12:25:11 UTC)

November 11, 2010 Link to this post

Playin' The Mornin' Away
pete_the_duck tells fun stories. With pictures, and videos, and everything. Get yourself a glass of warm milk, and go read! (Louis Wu 21:06:57 UTC)

November 11, 2010 Link to this post

Map Spotlight, Week 4: Terra Firma
It's Thursday, so it's time for Bungie (well, A rascal cat) to highlight another fan-built map - this one is called 'Terra Firma', and was created by El Roboto. Go read why you should try it out. (Louis Wu 20:09:11 UTC)

November 5, 2010 Link to this post

TPP: How to Use Imaginary Friends
jake108 (or is it JSL?) let us know that the latest Teabag Prevention article is now live at Geekscape - they're letting you know how best to use the Hologram AA (and when NOT to use it). Go read it - and fool someone today! (Louis Wu 17:43:12 UTC)

November 4, 2010 Link to this post

Community Map Spotlight, Week 3: Halftime
There's a new user-created map spotlighted on Bungie.net today - JoeSki73's Halftime is designed to look like an American football stadium, and play out nicely in Slayer or Objective gametypes. Go read the interview, and check out the flythrough! (Louis Wu 19:32:47 UTC)

November 2, 2010 Link to this post

The Little AA That Could
Beckx has a great bedtime story for you. Go read. (Louis Wu 15:35:30 UTC)

October 30, 2010 Link to this post

A Fistful of Arrows 10-12
Leviathan is back with a continuation of his "A Fistful of Arrows" graphic tale - three more pages of scrumpdiddlyumptious artwork and epic storytelling. (And explosions.) Go read! (Louis Wu 19:14:16 UTC)

October 29, 2010 Link to this post

Talkin' 'bout videogames
Wow... so there's a company who monitors web discussion of video games, and reports their results. (That's odd.) And for the month of September, Halo: Reach was the most talked-about game online. (That's not quite so odd.) If you want more details about Overtone's GameVoice report, go read the press release. (Louis Wu 10:56:40 UTC)

October 29, 2010 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
Awesome - looks like our Fan Fiction submission page has finally been discovered by a pornsite spam bot. (Don't worry; the only person who suffers is me.) Might have to add a Captcha soon... but in the meantime, there are five new (real) pieces online this week - go read 'em! (Louis Wu 10:49:39 UTC)

October 29, 2010 Link to this post

Lumbering Dinos and Huge Cube Maps
As they mentioned last week, the Halo Humpday Challenge took place against the crew of Naughty Dog (the team behind Uncharted 2, among other games). In a friendly meeting of developers, Bungie pulls out three straight victories. (Very close victories, but victories nonetheless.) Go read urk's writeup. (Louis Wu 10:47:22 UTC)

October 26, 2010 Link to this post

Wait... what?
The Torontoist has a story about Halo: The Ballet - the actors call themselves 'Halorinas'. I... yeah, just go read about it, and watch the video of a rehearsal. (Louis Wu 18:51:24 UTC)

October 17, 2010 Link to this post

Halo: Reach - Final Thoughts
Over at Gamespot, Marcus Lehto talked at length about the making of Reach, and the decisions the Bungie team struggled with to bring us the game we're actually playing now. It's a fascinating read - some of this info has made it out before (usually in interviews), some is new (at least to me). Go read it, and see Reach through the eyes of its Creative Director. Thanks, darthbob. (Louis Wu 14:56:29 UTC)

October 16, 2010 Link to this post

Twistin' By The Pool
The Bungie Weekly Update went live half an hour ago (that timestamp at the top is full of LIEZ) - and it's absolutely worth your time to read. There's a recap of the hot news of the week, of course (Noble Map Pack, Forgetacular contest)... but also boatloads of new info about Playlist changes (both Multiplayer - new forged maps! - AND Firefight - go play some Glacier!), info about when the level cap will be lifted (it's up to us!), and a very cool news tidbit about a Make-a-Wish kid who's getting better. Go read! (It is, of course, available in our Weekly Update Archive, if you'd rather read it there.) (Louis Wu 00:09:26 UTC)

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