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Search results for go read

Showing results 851 - 875 of 2169 matches

November 14, 2008 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
Six new pieces await you this week in the Fan Fiction section - go read! (Louis Wu 13:54:03 UTC)

November 13, 2008 Link to this post

Recon Clarification
There's been a LOT of confusion about Recon armor, and the Mythic Map Pack, and how it all works together, ever since it was made clear yesterday that you'd be able to earn Recon armor through Achievements once Halo 3: Recon is released. We went to SketchFactor for some answers - you should go read 'em. (Louis Wu 19:38:33 UTC)

November 11, 2008 Link to this post

TTL: Gunnin' for Tail
XerxdeeJ stopped in with word of new content at Tied the Leader (Tuesday is Tuesday, after all, holiday or not). Check out an interesting article on the different types of warthog gunners you might encounter if you fancy yourself a wheelman. (There's also a new article on Gears of War 2 - but that might be for another fansite.) Go read! (Louis Wu 19:32:38 UTC)

November 11, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Mythic Walkthrough: The Covenant
On this quieter-than-usual Veterans Day, we'd like to offer you another chapter in the ongoing Solo Legendary All Skulls On walkthrough from Daniel 'Tyrant' Morris - this one is huge. It covers the level 'The Covenant', and the nearly 20 videos add up to almost 400 mb worth of visual aid. (Once again, these are split between two pages.) Go read... and go watch! (Louis Wu 16:02:27 UTC)

November 8, 2008 Link to this post

Nuggets of New Map Info - Missing, Please Find
The Bungie Weekly Update is now live - and along with a TINY bit of information about Halo 3: Recon, there are also a bunch of user-asked questions, answered. Well, sort of answered. Go read! (As usual, you're welcome to use our Weekly Update Archive.) (Louis Wu 01:13:57 UTC)

November 7, 2008 Link to this post

Friday's Fanfic - and the close of a challenge
Seventeen new pieces were added to the Fan Fiction section this week (though only 10 were submitted as part of Phædrus' "You're Doing It Write" challenge - and this was the final chance to get an entry in for that). Go read! (Louis Wu 13:58:05 UTC)

November 5, 2008 Link to this post

Stats are Hot
The Community Spotlight series continues at Bungie.net - this time out, it's a look at Halo3.Junk.ws, the comprehensive stats website. Go read how they got started... and check out what they offer if you don't already use 'em! (Louis Wu 21:31:23 UTC)

November 5, 2008 Link to this post

The Not-Friends List
Over at Hawty McBloggy's, there's a guest article looking at the political correctness of simply not liking someone. Do you have people on your Friends list that aren't really friends? Go read the article, and see what category they fall under! (Louis Wu 13:40:57 UTC)

November 4, 2008 Link to this post

Pete the Duck: Sharing is Caring
urk has continued the 'Average Joe' interviews over at Bungie.net - first we had Bryan the Singer, today, we have Pete the Duck. That name might be more familiar to HBO readers than B.net readers... but not after this! Go read the Q&A - he talks about what keeps him involved in the Halo community, and more. There's even some media (provided by Pete himself!) that shows off what a good sport he is. Go read! (Louis Wu 19:15:54 UTC)

November 4, 2008 Link to this post

Waxing Eloquent about Multiplayer
Narcogen took exception to the points made in yesterday's editorial, over at Cinema Blend, that Halo is 'killing console gaming'. When Narc takes exception to something, he often offers a rebuttal - and this time he doesn't disappoint. Swing by Rampancy.net for a well-written, 2200 word treatise on where multiplayer stands in the heirarchy of factors that determine a game's popularity. He occasionally gets off-topic (at least with respect to the original editorial), but he keeps coming back to why the problem isn't really a problem, and solutions to solve the problem if it IS a problem for you. Go read it. Comments can go straight on the blog post, or back to our forum. (Louis Wu 14:40:19 UTC)

November 1, 2008 Link to this post

A Film Called Halo
Vociferous, over at the Ascendant Justice blog, wrote up a piece looking at the Halo film saga to this point... and offering suggestions on how to make this project come back to life. Not only suggestions... but a script of his own! Amazing. Go read. Thanks, Cocopjojo. (Louis Wu 11:36:42 UTC)

October 31, 2008 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction (and a challenge update)
Six new pieces are up in the Fan Fiction section. Surprisingly, only one of them has been submitted for the "You're Doing It Write" challenge... go read. (There's just over a week to submit entries to that challenge - go spend Phædrus' money!) (Louis Wu 13:03:54 UTC)

October 25, 2008 Link to this post

A quick look at the work of Tobias Buckell
When it was announced, back in June, that Tobias Buckell was going to be writing the next Halo novel, I visited Amazon and picked up his existing work; I wanted to know what we were getting into. What with new novels from Richard Morgan, Alastair Reynolds, Jim Butcher, and others, I didn't finish the last of Buckell's novels until this month - but I've put up a short look at his work, as it might pertain to a Halo fan. Mini-version: I'm looking forward to November 25th! Go read the slightly longer version. (Louis Wu 19:21:51 UTC)

October 25, 2008 Link to this post

Teabag Prevention #25 - Standoff
jake108 is back with anther Teabag Prevention article at Geekscape - this one looks at Standoff, and helps you find ways not to suck. Go read! (Louis Wu 16:19:30 UTC)

October 24, 2008 Link to this post

It goes up to G.
The Bungie Weekly Update is live over at Bungie.net (and, of course, in our Weekly Update Archive) - some cool screenshots, info about November's matchmaking updates, a short tidbit about a game you should be playing, if you're not, and some teasers about Halo 3: Recon. Go read! (Louis Wu 23:57:32 UTC)

October 24, 2008 Link to this post

Are Critics Gamers?
There's a pretty interesting read over at Gamasutra - Keith Boesky, a game agent and attorney, former president of Eidos, talks about the disconnect between reviewers and consumers. The interesting thing to me was his point that in most fields of entertainment, stuff with mass appeal is simplistic, while the critics love the quirky, the obscure, the deep... whereas in games it's the opposite. Halo gets a couple of mentions, though it's nowhere near the center of his article. Go read - and then stop by our forum to discuss! (Louis Wu 15:50:49 UTC)

October 24, 2008 Link to this post

Beattie on Halo: 'Almost a responsibility to write it'
FriendlyFire noticed a new interview with Stuart Beattie over at Tom's Games - Beattie is the screenwriter who's trying to drum up interest for his Halo spec script. He talks about why he jumped on this project, and why he thinks someone should take him up on his offer. Go read! (Louis Wu 15:17:43 UTC)

October 24, 2008 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
Ten new submissions for the Fan Fiction section this week - and a number of them are flagged for the 'You're Doing It Write' contest, as well. Go read! (Louis Wu 13:55:18 UTC)

October 23, 2008 Link to this post

Been frustrated by the Alas, Poor Yorick achievement, and the scarcity of oddball games on appropriate maps? Be frustrated no more - the latest Double Experience weekend has just kicked off... and it's 3 Ball. An entire playlist devoted to gametypes involving 4 teams and 3 balls... yummy. Go read about it at B.net, or play it (until Monday morning at 2 am PST) on LIVE. (Louis Wu 18:04:18 UTC)

October 22, 2008 Link to this post

Community Spotlight: NeoGAF
Community-generated Bungie Favorites are fresh again - this week, the offerings come from the Halo contingent of the NeoGAF forums. Go read about these degener- er, fine upstanding citizens, and then play their silly games. Thanks, urk. (lolollolololololo) (Louis Wu 18:09:18 UTC)

October 18, 2008 Link to this post

Congrats, Urk. (And Thanks, Marty!)
Today's iteration of the Bungie Weekly Update is actually quite full of content - there's a File Share FAQ (one that should have been posted a week ago) - with even more info from Stosh, a cool trick for viewing screenshots (seems to be broken on Macs), more info about Bungie Cards, tips for maximizing your Bungie.net enjoyment, info about the Art of Halo book, the welcoming of a new Bungie employee, recruited directly from the community, and a bunch of fan questions (and Bungie answers). And the track from the Halo 3: Recon trailer, courtesy of Marty. (You rock, Marty.) And a scary, scary picture that should probably never have seen the light of day. Go read! (And listen.) You can, as always, read this in our Weekly Update Archive. (Louis Wu 02:19:39 UTC)

October 17, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Story Page: Little Steps
Jillybean let us know that she's updated the Halo Story Page with some canonical discussion. What's canon? Go read, then decide for yourself. (Louis Wu 16:27:22 UTC)

October 17, 2008 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
Thirteen new entries for the Fan Fiction section this week - none of them are entries in the You're Doing It Write contest, but there's still plenty of time for that. Go read! (Louis Wu 16:24:41 UTC)

October 16, 2008 Link to this post

Why do games have to kick each other's butts?
GameDaily has an article entitled 'Why Gears of War 2 Kicks Halo 3's Butt' - but anyone who calls Marty's Halo music 'wimpy piano nonsense' can't really be taken seriously. Go read the other 7 reasons; they're equally silly. (Marcus Fenix is deeper than Master Chief? C'mon...) (Louis Wu 15:55:27 UTC)

October 15, 2008 Link to this post

Flag Planted.
Hawty McBloggy couldn't let a story with a focus on sex and Halo simply fade... Last week, we mentioned a Dutch study which suggested that men who were quick on the trigger in video games might be... quick on the trigger in other areas. Hawty has taken it upon herself to help those guys out. Go read. (Louis Wu 11:36:42 UTC)

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