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Showing results 1751 - 1775 of 2169 matches

February 11, 2005 Link to this post

Halo in your Hometown
ICDedPpl is hosting a new contest - Photoshop Halo into a real-life picture, win cool schwag. (Okay, you don't need to use Photoshop - any image editor will do, including MS Paint. But the Halo part has to be there.) Go read all the details - including the $250+ in prizes - over at his website. Get cracking - submissions are due by March 4! (Louis Wu 10:28:21 UTC)

February 7, 2005 Link to this post

117 Degrees.
Sorry - I actually had to change the title, because using odd characters messes up the RSS feeds of this site, and then I get mail from the most rabid among you. Go read today's One One Se7en to see what really bugs Stuntmutt. (Louis Wu 15:02:38 UTC)

February 5, 2005 Link to this post

mrsmiley, Thai food, and Cat-Bats
I didn't think I'd be here for this... but I am, so I'm posting it. The Weekly What's Update has been posted over at B.net - and as you'd expect today, the top question has to do with a Halo movie. Bungie's answer? "We don't know nuthin'." Other goodies involve what they had to do to keep your game stats, some shilling for the Matt Soell interview we mentioned recently, a 'no plans' answer for Halo 2 PC, a cheap shot at my home state (watch it, Frankie), a bunch of other stuff, and a Gorey-esque Mister Chief. Go read! (Louis Wu 00:42:42 UTC)

February 4, 2005 Link to this post

Stubbin' it
Looks like the coverage of Stubbs the Zombie, the first title from Wideload Games (expected next summer and based on the Halo engine, justifying its presence here) is heating up again. Alex Seropian talked to 1Up.com via AIM - nice tidbits about the enhancements they've added to the engine, things like stealth and multicharacter animation, plus general background on the company - thanks, wideloadgames.org. And our very own Miguel Chavez scored some choice content himself, and then shot it over to mnemesis for posting on Bungie Sightings. Lots and lots of good info, including 3 new screenshots. Go read! (Louis Wu 22:12:04 UTC)

February 4, 2005 Link to this post

Obscuring your view
Halo Story Page got another update this morning; three theories see the light of day. What don't we know about Miranda Keyes? What's going on on High Charity? and who were the Forerunners, really? Go read. (Louis Wu 15:47:21 UTC)

February 4, 2005 Link to this post

Fear of Matt Soell
Two bits over at Halo Babies this morning... there's your standard Friday strip, 'Fear of Change' - which takes a light-hearted shot at fans and their need for instant gratification - and a great interview with Matt Soell, former Community Guy at Bungie and now working at Wideload Games. Matt's always had a way with words; I'm glad to see it hasn't left him. ("In the meantime, our own web plan percolates slowly to the surface, like a dinosaur fart in a tar pit.") If you weren't part of the community when Matt was around, go read this; the community is as dedicated as it is because people like Matt were there to feed it. (Louis Wu 13:47:26 UTC)

February 3, 2005 Link to this post

(More) MLG News
Dolbex, in an attempt to coopt our front page, sends along the THIRD piece of MLG news for the day; The MLG Houston tournament dates have changed (it will now take place on March 11-13, with registration opening soon), and the MLG San Francisco event (February 26th and 27th) has opened its doors for registration. Go read! (Louis Wu 19:33:51 UTC)

February 3, 2005 Link to this post

My Little pwny.
GRAH! I'm an idiot. Yesterday's One One Se7en followed Tuesday's Outskirts on Legendary Walkthrough release SO beautifully... but I forgot to post it on time. Wow - it's been a while since i screwed THAT up. Go read it now, though. It's funny. (Louis Wu 14:38:32 UTC)

February 3, 2005 Link to this post

News Roundup
There's a bunch of Halo 2 news that popped up last night, too... again, I doubt this is a comprehensive list, but it should lighten the mailbox just a little.

  • MLG posted a writeup of the DC event that took place last weekend; thanks to Dyslexia for the text, and Dolbex for the heads-up. This contains a very nice counter-argument to the folks who yell that Halo 2 is for noobs... and lots and lots of great pics. Full bracket standings are also there.
  • G4TechTV has posted a 'Halo 2 Tips, Tricks, and Strategies' article, a somewhat random collection of stuff. Fun read.
  • TalkXbox has posted Week Twelve of their Strategy series - Burial Grounds Team Slayer. (Thanks, TricKy.)
  • Another bit over at MLGPro.com - Grudge Matches Begin. This is sort of like Bungie's Halo Humpday Challenges... except it's 1v1, and the COMMUNITY decides who fights, not the players. Go read about it.
  • Arizona State University's school paper has a story about how it's not a contradiction for a church group to organize a gathering around Halo 2. (This one turned up on Google, but ICDedPpl found the same thing at a different link.)

Again, there's probably plenty more out there today... but this makes a dent. (Louis Wu 14:27:33 UTC)

February 1, 2005 Link to this post

On the Outskirts of New Mombasa
For those waiting breathlessly... it's Tuesday, so it's time for another chapter of Mike Miller's Legendary Walkthrough. This one looks at Outskirts... and the bane of Legendary in general - jackal snipers. Go read, go watch. (8 new movies.) (Louis Wu 17:58:53 UTC)

February 1, 2005 Link to this post

Of Arks and Sevens
Jillybean let us know that there are a couple of small updates on the Halo Story page (one that mnemesis put up a few days ago, but we missed, another she posted last night)... go read the latest! (Louis Wu 13:37:46 UTC)

January 29, 2005 Link to this post

Who's SuperHansumRob, anyway?
Yesterday evening, Bungie posted its Weekly What's Update - a recap of what's considered cheating, some vague info about downloadable content, an explanation of why the Zombie gametype can't be added to the Matchmaking playlists, a bunch of basic stuff... and proof that better graphic tools will NOT make you a better artist. Go read. First heads-up goes to DiscipleN2k on our forum. (Louis Wu 12:52:32 UTC)

January 28, 2005 Link to this post

A Wagnerian sense of pomp and bombast
Wonga. Another 'Work at Bungie' article is up - this one covering Marty O'Donnell, Audio Artiste Extraordinaire (yeah, I've used something like that before... Hi, Matt!). Frankie asks Marty lots of questions, gets a few answers. Go read! (Louis Wu 02:38:11 UTC)

January 27, 2005 Link to this post

A Crack Team of Monkeys
Hehe - looks like the Bungie Boyz managed to find a team they could beat. This week's Halo Humpday Challenge was against Tips & Tricks Magazine... and the final score was 3-0, Bungie. (The first two games were relatively close, however.) You gotta wonder a little about the fable... go read. (Louis Wu 22:44:26 UTC)

January 26, 2005 Link to this post

It's Wednesday, there must be Fiction
12 new pieces for you in the Fan Fiction section today... go read! (Louis Wu 12:54:14 UTC)

January 26, 2005 Link to this post

Cheating - in black and white
Yesterday, Bungie posted a new Cheating FAQ, a collection of information about what constitutes cheating, what doesn't, and what happens to cheaters. If you're at all curious about whether that trick you're exploiting will get you into trouble in the long run, or whether the team that just beat you by stealing the flag from under your nose 3 times in 2 minutes will ever be punished... you should read this. Amusingly, just a day before, some moron chose to cheat in a Team Skirmish game that contained... bentllama. (How dumb do you have to be to cheat against a well-known Bungie employee?) Go read llama's description of the event... and maybe start a pool with some buddies on how fast this guy's gonna end up banned. (Certainly faster than if he cheated against, say, you...) (Louis Wu 09:13:34 UTC)

January 25, 2005 Link to this post

Of Prophets, and Hunters, and Numbers, and Stuff
OMG Finn's not dead OMG! Big ol' update over at the Halo Story page today. Some of this is old stuff to forum regulars, some is not. There's definitely some grist for the speculation mill! Go read. (Don't forget to check out Jillybean's addition from last week; it was just a single tidbit, so I forgot to post news about it... but it's definitely thought-provoking!) (Louis Wu 16:36:36 UTC)

January 25, 2005 Link to this post

Rise of the Machines
The Red vs Blue crew is at the Sundance Film Festival this week... and the Salt Lake Tribune has found them interesting enough to warrant a feature. A nice general overview... go read! (They see a million downloads a week? That's... um, like 25 or 30 terabytes or so. Gah.) Thanks, ICDedPpl. (Louis Wu 16:33:03 UTC)

January 25, 2005 Link to this post

Critical Thinking
Narcogen, over at Rampancy.net, felt disgusted enough by the reaction of the school board decision in Puyallup to block a Halo 2 tournament that would benefit tsunami victims that he's written a retort. It's interesting to see WHY he's annoyed... it's not the action, it's the reasons BEHIND the action, and what those reasons might lead to. Go read. Update: Looks like there's some funkiness in Rampancy's code at the moment; if you try to read it without being logged in, you'll get a php error. The solution is simple: visit Rampancy's front page, and log in first. (Louis Wu 14:56:47 UTC)

January 23, 2005 Link to this post

Racing pigs ridden by monkey jockeys
The Weekly What's Update has finally been posted over at Bungie.net... Frankie sounds a little harried. It's got some fun info - lots on cheating (and how they chose who to ban), info on why it's as short as it is (something to do with the Bungie Pentathlon... sounds like Frankie's team might be losing), a few other tidbits. Go read! (Louis Wu 23:30:57 UTC)

January 20, 2005 Link to this post

Them Geezers - they write a lot
3Suns noticed a whole bunch of content over at the Geezer Gamers' site, related to the recent Halo Humpday Challenge they participated in. They're all linked from the current front page, but in case things change, here's what we've got:

Go read, go watch - good stuff all around! Update Whoops! almost before I got the thing posted, the video's been pulled. :( Sorry, folks. Go read the rest of the stuff. (Louis Wu 00:04:39 UTC)

January 19, 2005 Link to this post

Online Halo 2 Tourneys
Xtournaments has opened neXtournaments, a site devoted to online Halo 2 tournaments held over XBConnect. There are two types of tourneys - one is free, the other has an entrance fee (but also cash prizes). Go read more details on either website! Thanks, Sick Vic. (Louis Wu 13:22:29 UTC)

January 19, 2005 Link to this post

Wednesday's Word Collection
22 new stories in the Fan Fiction section today. Old faces, new faces... they're all writing. Go read. (Louis Wu 10:20:04 UTC)

January 17, 2005 Link to this post

Talking to the Tricksters
Ducain has interviewed Ms. Man, a trickster of some repute. It's a fun chat - a look at what makes him tick, what keeps him going (kept him going, I guess - sounds like his Halo days are nearly over), why tricking is so addictive. Go read! (Louis Wu 22:30:49 UTC)

January 15, 2005 Link to this post

Stop! Hammertime.
The Weekly What's Update has been posted to Bungie.net. The top story? Cheaters are, in fact, being dealt with. What more can I say? Go read it. (Count Zero 01:42:44 UTC)

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