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Search results for go read

Showing results 1326 - 1350 of 2169 matches

October 19, 2006 Link to this post

Ghosts of Onyx Excerpt
downrodeo found a short excerpt from Ghosts of Onyx at a Canadian Amazon website - if you're not afraid of spoilers, go read! (I'm not saying there ARE spoilers - I'm saying that there isn't a single unified idea of what 'spoiler' means in this community, and it's almost guaranteed that some of you will feel this material is spoiler-laden. So you've been warned.) (Louis Wu 16:08:42 UTC)

October 19, 2006 Link to this post

Bungie Community Spotlight: Chris547
KP interviewed another community member via IM yesterday - Chris547, a Bungie.net moderator, talked about what got him going in the Bungie community, and what constitutes a good day. Go read! (Louis Wu 15:58:54 UTC)

October 17, 2006 Link to this post

He's a sneaky one, that Finn
Spartan Jag noticed that Finn's been stealthily updating the Halo Story page over the past couple of weeks - you even gotta go back into September to see all the stuff we didn't comment on. Go read! (Louis Wu 13:44:55 UTC)

October 13, 2006 Link to this post

Odd. 13 new pieces available in the Fan Fiction section this Friday, October 13. Go read? (Louis Wu 15:50:46 UTC)

October 12, 2006 Link to this post

Needs more CoW bell.
Another Wednesday has passed, and another Halo Humpday. Who was up? Code of War. How'd they do? Oh, it wasn't even a contest. Loved the lego head bit, though. Go read. (Louis Wu 23:04:27 UTC)

October 12, 2006 Link to this post

News from Halo Orbit
Xerxes, from Halo Orbit (one of the Old Guard - a German Halo website that's celebrating its 6th birthday today) wrote to point out a few things. They're running a contest right now - submit artwork and win special ranks on their forums or a place on their team for a Bungie Humpday Challenge. There's also an extensive interview with their chief editor Legend. And finally, Xerxes is stepping down - it's been a good run, but it's time for him to move on; at this point, his last job is to find someone with good web skills to take over. If you read German - go read! (Louis Wu 16:42:53 UTC)

October 1, 2006 Link to this post

Old People's Favorite Weapons
3Suns noticed an article at 2Old2Play about their Top 10 FPS Weapons... the Halo 2 sword comes in at Number 6... but the original Halo pistol takes top honors. Go read the rest of the list! (Louis Wu 13:09:43 UTC)

September 30, 2006 Link to this post

Dolbex puts his thinking cap on
Some quick links your way, before this day gets out of hand here: Dolbex posted a long rant about how Bungie might be spread too thin at this point on his blog - and mentioned it on our forum. (The biggest assumption in his article that should be questioned is 'Bungie is the only one in charge of Halo IP at this point' - ask that, and a lot of his fears go away. Maybe replaced by new ones - but that's a DIFFERENT question...) He also pointed out a bizarre quote mentioned in an EvilAvatar post - but I'm thinking that the MS exec quoted was referring to the popularity of RTSs in Germany, more than anything else. Go read! (Louis Wu 11:47:13 UTC)

September 29, 2006 Link to this post

The Bungie Weekly Update has been posted - summary of the rather large news out of Barcelona this week, plus a local (well, local for Bungie) spin, a cool cake, and zune photos. (What?) Yeah, go read. If you are scared of Bungie.net, there's always our Weekly Update Archive. (Louis Wu 23:43:51 UTC)

September 29, 2006 Link to this post

Delivering Halo Through RTS
CanMag has written up a first look at Halo Wars, and what it might mean for the Halo franchise. (It echoes a lot of points made multiple times on our forum, but a forum post doesn't get the same viewing audience, generally, as an article in a big online mag.) Go read. (Louis Wu 12:15:42 UTC)

September 29, 2006 Link to this post

Beating Your Children, Bungie-Style
A REAL Halo Humpday Challenge happened this week after all - offspring of Bungie employees came in and gave Bungie employees a whuppin'. That is - until KP showed up. The first game was a rout - the kids ruled. Games 2 and 3 were a bit different... and the difference wears a red cape, blue tights, and reports to Frankie each morning. Yep... SuperKP! Go read the writeup. (Louis Wu 12:08:50 UTC)

September 27, 2006 Link to this post

I'm pushing for Flaming Gerbils.
Dolbex, in true Dolbex fashion, has put his own spin on the X06 news; things that make him happy, things that make him worried. My favorite kind of Halo/Bungie fan is one that loves Halo (and/or Bungie) without being blind to potential problems; Dolbex shows he fits this nicely. Go read! (Louis Wu 21:11:56 UTC)

September 27, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Wars and Wingnut - Details
Wow. Tons more info on Halo Wars and the new Peter Jackson project is now available at Bungie.net - go read! (There was an amazing trailer shown at the end of the X06 press conference, of Halo Wars - this should almost certainly be available for download soon, from Halowars.com.) Update: It's up now - in three resolutions. GO DOWNLOAD! (Louis Wu 18:19:02 UTC)

September 26, 2006 Link to this post

The Mythical 40-Hour Gamer
3Suns ran across an article at Wired about 'the Mythical 40-Hour Gamer', which points out one of the larger difficulties facing developers these days; with more and more older gamers out there, finding ways that make games playable and enjoyable for folks who fit their gaming in between 'real-life' activities while KEEPING it enjoyable for people who have much more time to devote to the activity is tricky. Halo is touted as a game that found the sweet spot - playable in short bursts, but engrossing for much longer periods. It certainly hit home here... go read. (Louis Wu 12:30:33 UTC)

September 19, 2006 Link to this post

Better than Sock Puppets
A couple of weeks ago, CVG interviewed Matt Hullum of Rooster Teeth about Red vs Blue - 3Suns just found it today. Go read! (Louis Wu 04:14:38 UTC)

September 18, 2006 Link to this post

Making it more funner
Words fail me. Slashdot points to an interview at Aeropause that... never mind, go read it. Words fail me. (Louis Wu 17:51:57 UTC)

September 18, 2006 Link to this post

The Director's Cut?
Last week, Peter Jackson talked to Ain't it Cool News about the Halo movie. Today, Stuntmutt gives his unique spin to the conversation; go read One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 13:31:15 UTC)

September 15, 2006 Link to this post

Friday's Fanfic
Sixteen new stories in the Fan Fiction section today - go read! (Louis Wu 14:40:33 UTC)

September 15, 2006 Link to this post

The Depth of the Details
Jordan117 half-jokingly asked Bungie to acknowledge this... they might, or they might not, but it's a pretty interesting read, so I'm putting it here, because I think more people should see it. He's got some interesting theories about Earth-related backstory - stuff that hasn't actually been discussed, but which (if you check out his meticulously gathered evidence) shows up in a LOT of places, suggesting a lot of Bungie artists and modelers have been involved in fleshing this out. Go read 'em - then leave your own commentary. (I'd love to see some screenshots of Earth from Cairo Station, for comparison...) (Louis Wu 02:23:59 UTC)

September 14, 2006 Link to this post

That's just the way it is.
Over at Bungie.net, there's a new article discussing breaking into the industry at large, and Bungie Studios in specific. ('Breaking in' as in 'getting a job', not as in 'stealing all their cool HD monitors'.) There was a lot of stuff about education and experience and such, but what I got out of this was that if you wear a dress, you're in like Flynn. Er, Frankie. There are some good specific "how I got my job" tips from Rob McLees, Joe Staten, and Frankie (though I'm not sure Frankie was telling the truth). The Halo content is really, really sparse... but hey, if you go to work for Bungie right now, the chances are REALLY good you'll be involved, in some way, with Halo. So... yeah. Go read. darthbob was the forumgoer who pointed it out. (Louis Wu 01:25:55 UTC)

September 12, 2006 Link to this post

Bananas... and screaming.
Over on Bungie.net, there's a new Community Spotlight - KP sat down with Recon #54, known to most Bungie.net forumgoers (because he's a moderator there) and to some HBO forumgoers (because he delurks here sometimes). Go read the story of someone who's been part of the Bungie community since there's BEEN a Bungie community (and no, that doesn't mean 6 months before the release of Halo) - and you'll come to understand WHY he's stayed. (Louis Wu 21:19:38 UTC)

September 9, 2006 Link to this post

Putting on Skis for that Slippery Slope
It's not particularly Halo-related - but we mentioned the workshop a couple of weeks ago, so a followup seems in order. Gamasutra has a writeup of the Comedy in Games panel at the Game Writers Conference held recently. Matt Soell had quite a lot to say in it. Go read! Thanks to Narcogen, over at Rampancy.net, for picking this up. (Louis Wu 14:12:58 UTC)

September 9, 2006 Link to this post

Secret Ninja Stuff, and More
The Bungie Weekly Update is out - and it's pretty darned meaty this time around. There's a great interview with Eric Nylund, mostly about what got him into this whole Halo novel-writing gig in the first place... and there's spectacular Lorraine McLees cover art from the upcoming Ghosts of Onyx novel (including some armor that has more than likely ALREADY gotten our forum in a tizzy - though I don't have time to check right now). What are you reading this for? Go read the update! (You can, as usual, read it in our Weekly Update Archive if that's more convenient.) (Louis Wu 00:56:59 UTC)

September 2, 2006 Link to this post

I know what you did last... week.
The Bungie weekly Update has been posted - and it's full of quite a bit of varied stuff. There's some interesting discussion (without details, of course) about Halo 3 progress, including some of the thinking behind objective-based multiplayer. (Yeah, if you're one of those people who think Slayer is all there should ever BE to multiplayer, this isn't for you.) There's a preview of a gorgeous new piece of art that will be available soon at the Bungie Store. There's an interesting tidbit about a new scale chart created by Robt McLees, for eventual use by WETA in their model-making endeavors for the Halo movie (I wonder if he could have saved any time by using the charts created by Stephen Loftus?). There's a nice summary of the recent playlist changes, and how they're affecting usage on Xbox Live. There's some pre-podcast interviews to be heard with multiplayer guys... and there's Pinkuh's bizarre and scary Mister Chief - with tribbles in his armpits. What are you waiting for? Go read! (It's at Bungie.net, of course, or in our Weekly Update Archive. Check out that animated icon...) (Louis Wu 01:11:17 UTC)

September 1, 2006 Link to this post

oTourneys kicks off
More online tournaments advertised over at Bungie.net - go read for all the details! (Louis Wu 18:53:56 UTC)

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